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教学资料参考范本八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online travel单元教案 牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_Period 1Teaching aims:复习remote control, turn on和channel,要求学生读卡通漫画;引出本单元主题激活现有词汇并掌握与主题有关的生词;谈论电脑的用途Teaching procedures:Step 1 1. Review remote control, turn on and channel. T2. Ask some questions WCan you give some examples? Why do you like it? Do you think these games are good or bad for you?Step 2 ATell students to label the pictures using the words from the box. Check answers as a class.Ask students to list as many other uses as they can. For example: playing CDs, VCDs or DVDs; chatting with or get to know friends; learning on the Internet; mathematical calculation,etc.Step 3 TPlay the tape for the students to find the answer to the question:In pairs, students tThey can use Daniel and Simons conversation as a model and replace the underlined words with their own information. They can alAsk a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.Period 2Reading(1)Teaching aims:理解教育类游戏光盘的目的以及游戏中的主人公能做什么;根据上下文语境和现有知识猜测大意;掌握文章中的具体细节;完成Part B中的练习Teaching procedures:Step 1 Arouse students interest by telling them that they are going to read about a new educational CD-ROM. Explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world.Step 2Tell students that the first paragraph of the reading passage explains the background to the game. Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.,Whats the name of the new educational CD-ROM?What can it help you to do?Who is the designer?Tell students that the second paragraph of the reading passage introduces the main character of the game. Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.,Who is the main character of the game?How old is he?What does he like doing?What was he doing when he felt asleep?Tell students that the third and fourth paragraphs of the reading passage explain how the game is played. Ask them to read the rest of the reading passage and answer the following questions:How can you earn a point?What will happen if you have earned enough points?How long does it take you to finish the game?What do the questions test?What will you see on the screen when you reach a new place?What can you learn about when you reach London?What will you see when you pass a level?What happened to the places you have visited?Step 3 Part B Ask students to do this task on their own. Encourage students to find the words in the reading passage and match with the correct definitions. Step 4 巩固练习 Period 3Reading(2)Teaching aims:完成课后的练习,复习回忆课文内容;学习文章中出现的重要短语并学会运用;熟读课文Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revise the reading passage by asking some questions: Whats the name of the game? Who is the main character? How do you play the game? Step 2 Part C1 Divide the class into pairs and set a time limit of five minutes. Ask the students to correct the false statements. Check answers as a class. Part C2 Explain the context and ask the students to read the conversation on their own. H Invite some pairs to read the conversation to the class. Ask the rest of the class to check their answers.Step 3Play the tape for the students to read. Step 4 ExercisesPeriod 4VocabularyTeaching aims:掌握有关计算机各部件的词汇;理解计算机不同部件的功能;用恰当的名词谈论计算机的功能和用途;描述不同计算机附件的用途;Teaching procedures:We can show some pictures to students. a. What are they? b. What do you usually us c. How often do you use it?Whats a mouse used for?Whats a printer used for?Where can we see words and pictures?Where do people store information?WStep 3 Add some new words. monitor (主机) window(窗口) mouse (鼠标) mouse pad (鼠标垫) modem (调制解调器) flash stick(优盘)Step 4 ExerciseDo Part A1 and A2Period 5Grammar(1)Teaching aims:理解被动语态的概念;了解被动语态的基本结构;学会正确使用被动语态。 Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in1. Explain that we use the passive voice when we are interested in the thing which was done rather than the person who did it. 2. Ask the students to read the three examples of the passive voice and to circle the verb in each one. Translate the sentences and explain the concept of the passive voice.(当主语和谓语动词构成被动关系,即谓语动词是人的动作,但主语却不是动作的执行者,而是动作的承受者时,即需要用被动语态) Step 2 PresentationAsk the students to find all the passive voice sentences in the reading passage on pages 40 and 41.Go through the tables on page 45 and get them to know what the passive voice is like.Explain the context of the exercise on page 46. Before they start to do it, review the use of past participles in Unit 1. Ask the students to read through the conversation for general meaning first. Tell the students that they should use both the simple present tense and the simple past tense of the verb to beIf they cant work it out correctly, they can work in pairs. Ask students to read their answers one by one to see if most students have understood the structure. Step 3 PracticeExercise:Period 6Grammar(2)Teaching aims:熟悉并理解使用被动语态的语境;熟悉用来引出动作执行者的单词by;补充一些其他时态的被动结构;说明被动语态使用过程中的一些特殊例子Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionGet the students to review the structure of the passive voice, including the simple present tense and the simple past tense.Ask the students to make up their own sentences using the passive voice.Step 2 PresentationExplain that we can also use the passive voice when we want to mention the doer or agent who does something. Introduce the concept of by which enables us to say the name of the doer. We can use by to say who or what does the action.Read through the sample sentences on page 47 and make them understand how to use by.Work out the rule! on their own. Ask a volunteer to read out the rule.Step 3 Practice1. Part B1 is a fun activity as students get involved in writing a story for an educational CD-ROM. Explain the context and ask the students to study the pictures carefully and the words below each one. 2. Ask the students to write out the sentences on their own. Then ask seven students to read out one sentence each. 4. Check the answers.Step 4 Additional language points1. In our book, we only learn the use of the past and present form of the passive voice, but there are some other forms of the passive voice we should know.常见被动语态的动词形式(以give为例) 一般现在时 am(isare)given 一般过去时 was(were)given 一般将来时 shall(will)be given 现在进行时am(isare)being given 过去进行时was(were)being given 现在完成时has(have)been given 2. 感官动词和使役动词在主动结构中,后面接不带to的不定式,但如果改为被动句,则需要把省略的to加上,这类动词有hear, watch, make, help, let, see, have等等。如: a. The boss made us work twelve hours a day. 改为 We were made to work twelve hours a day. b. They often hear the girl sing in the room. 改为 The girl is often heard to sing in the room. Step 5 Exercise Period 7Integrated Skills Teaching aims:熟悉有关计算机程序的关键词;掌握一段谈论教育类计算机程序的对话中有关主题和次主题的关键词;运用一段描述中所提供的主要信息并通过听掌握相关的补充信息;通过完成一段描述并掌握图标来培养精听技能;在使用计算机程序过程中求得帮助;交流信息;通过问细节问题并做出恰当的回答来培养获取信息的技能。Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inWhat CD-ROM programs do you have at home?How often do you use them?Who else in your family uses them?Why do you like them?When do you use them? Step 2 Presentation1.Do you know any educational programs?(games; sports; treasure; hunts; detective games; educational etc.)2. Today we are going to talk about an educational program which teaches English through traveling around in Australia and New Zealand.3. What do you want to know about this educational program?(Ask the students to answer freely) e.g. Who is the program designed for? Who is the main character in the program? What is it about? How do you progress through the program? 4. Play the tape for the students to listen, try to find the answer to the questions. 5. Play the tape again, and finish the exercise in Part A1. 6. Check the answer together.Step 3 ListeningPart A21. Look at the pictures and answer these questionsHow many icons are there? Do you know?What do they use for? 2. Play the tape and try to find out which answer is right, and which one is right. 3. Part A3 Finish the exercise according to the information of Part A1 and A2 4. Check the answer and read the short passage. Step 4 SpeakingExplain the content of the conversation.Work in pairs and read the conversation.Ask the students to make up their own conversations using the one on the book as a model. Choose some pairs to present their dialogues in the class.Step 5 ExercisePeriod 8Main TaskTeaching aims:选择,组织和陈述信息;培养对文章或有创意故事的重要组成部分的理解能力;采用恰当的写作风格写作;展示一篇关于自己最喜欢的教育类游戏光盘的文章Teaching proceduresTell Ss to read the questions in Part B and answer them using the information in the profile in part A.Read the questions in Part B one at a time and ask Ss to volunteer answers. Ask three volunteers to read out one paragraph each .Tell Ss to check their own answers.Explain the context of part D .Ss are going to join the writing competition too. Ask them to choose their favourite one and write some information about it using the profile in Part A as a model.Ask Ss to write about their games using Daniels article in Part C as a model.Tell Ss to read their articles to their partners .Ask a few more able Ss to present their articles to the class. Period 9Study Skills CheckoutTeaching aims:培养整理和分类的技能;根据不同类型的信息将词汇和观点进行分类;评估学生运用被动语态的能力;允许学生检查自己是否学有进步,并提出尚未解决的问题Teaching procedures:Ask Ss to look at the words in the word box in Part A .Explain that the words can be divided into three categories. Ask Ss to put the words from the box under the correct headings in Part A.Ask more able Ss to add extra words each category.Ask Ss to look at the headings in part B .Tell them to re-order the words from Part A .Ask more able Ss to put the extra words they added in Part A under the correct headings in Part B.Checkout:Ask four Ss to read out one sentence each. Tell Ss to check their answers and write their scores in the Paw.Ask a volunteer to write the answers to Part B on the board.8 / 8

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