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英文原文 NC he a NC on C on AD of is C C as a of of NC NC of a of it be to NC 2005 NC 1. NC in NC in 1,4,6,7. C in So it to a C In we 2 NC be to NC 5, 4, of in to in in In C as C on of on is to be on in of . of is of C of of of NC NC of of of 2. NC A of is to of to of is of of of of of in is in a of it he of be on 1 in of is in of in of of in to to it to or In of in of x, y z. to of is in of 1 ). to be is of in 1 of of of at 1 of to of it is to or 3 of NC in it is to on In is AD of of of of or At of it is to of on is of C t. C be or be at in (t) a or a C Of in of C of of of of in of is to of of in or a is to be is of be of or of C he NC be by a 4). of of is to of in of to In of , to At up to it up to it it so it it . C in of in of us of of A is if at in to A is if it to to of is to it is to or of he of is to a in so of at of of be In it is to C 4 is to S, , of at is as _ (1) Cx is C of up to of of of of of of i up to , f of of of is of of of to of of up it of 5 of 6 to of of NC by of of of of of of by up of of , to of in of of of on of is of to of is as as of is of in of of in of on H), C of NC of C of be by of in of of in of 3. of we In of (t) is In of (t) of is of it is to of In of is In of in is If is j (7), it is i to j to on or on 7). of j of i to j is 3. of of A of on an of of a a is of of of of a a of of a a In we in to of of to to to of to In of 0, of of .6 of of In to a a 8 of 8a by a at of In of is as as it is to at of we to of of (1) by to to up (2) to (3) to 4) be by to of of in 2 of is in 2. 8b of of 4 of in 6 C in 8c of of of of 2 is in 1 In we to of in is by we by of in 9 C Of of NC in is in 4 of is = 3. of us C in . 06 as = 11 to or 4. n we of NC by of of C is it be of C . of it of C of by of C to as a of is on of to of of we of is of be on a A of is of to of in be an of of of be so in it be to of 中文译文 数控机床的编程演变 摘要 本文提出一个新概念即数控机床编程。这个概念是以基因算法为基础的,而此算法保证在制造环境中的 型的基础上数控程序的世代演变和优化。在经历演变之后的结构,就是一种数控程序。数控程序控制机床的简单的、基本的运动。在演变期间,机床运动变得越来越复杂,而只能解答也由于机器运动和制造环境之间的相互影响而逐渐实现。出现的加工不同复杂程度的毛坯和产品的数控车床和数控铣床是演变编程的一个例子。提出的概念体现了高度的普遍性和高效率以及高可靠性,而且它还适用于其它机床。 由于几乎在所有的制造系统中,都有数控机床,在最近二十年数控机床的自动编程也变得普遍。因而,现今众多的包括数控程序自动化阶段的工业编程的方法,都是可利用的。不同的可靠性、效率、灵活性及普遍性有不同的方法。到目前为止,还不可能得到数控机床编程的普遍方法。 在本文里,我们使用了基因算法,一种基于为数控车床和数控铣床编程的方法。提出的概念可能被其他数控机器例如等同测量机器、焊接机床、激光和等离子切割机床、机器人和操作器等。此概念仿效基因的自然演变,在此演变中,为自然资源奋斗而获胜的个体越来越占统治地位,并且能适 应他们居住的环境,但脚步成功的一部分很少能生存到下一代。在提出的自动编程的概念中,要适应被衡量因素的代表。在被模仿的演变期间,根据制造环境的指定数据的涌现出越来越成功的个体(数控编程)。研究表明,提出的概念是普遍的,灵活、可靠并且效率高。基本的车削和铣削过程,将在本文的第 2 部分的开始部分单独陈述,是在提出此概念的想法之后提出的。单独的数控程序的编制,程序的监测,以及基因操作的使用和描述。第 3 和 4 部分陈述提出的起作用的系统,并给出对不同组合的毛坯和产品加工时数控车床和数控铣床编程


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