高中英语 Unit2 The United Kingdom Speaking and Writing课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

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高中英语 Unit2 The United Kingdom Speaking and Writing课件 新人教版必修5.ppt_第3页
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Background information:,The Tower of London,The tower of London is a series of building constructed around the White Tower built by King William the Conqueror in 1078 to control London. It is called the White Tower because (it was said) it was first made from white stone from Caen (Williams hometown) in Normandy. Later Kings of England built additional towers to hold both prisoners and royal visitors. The infamous Bloody Tower (Where the two princes are supposed to have been killed) wad begun in 1597(during the reigns of Edward III and Richard II),Can a royal palace also be a prison?,Listening,King Edward IV,Duke of York,King Richard III,King Edward V,(brothers),Richard,At Bosworth Field Henry led his men against the forces of Richard III. The Lancastrians, followers of Henry Tudor, defeated Richard, who died in the battle: Henry Tudor now became King Henry VII of England and Wales,King Henry VII,King Henry VIII,Edward VI,Mary,Elizabeth I,King Edward IV,Brother 1,Brother 2,Richard III,brother,Uncle,Richard sent his men to kill them.,The Princes in the Tower,Edward V,Background,King Henry VIII,Catherine ( Princess of Spain),Anne Boleyn,Mary,Elizabeth,Wife one,Wife two,New words and phrases,crown n. 皇冠 v. 冠冕 prince n. 王子 princess n. 公主 wicked adj.邪恶的;坏的 traitor n. 叛逆者;叛徒 Traitors Gate 叛逆者之门,Answer key for Exercise 1:,Elizabeth later Queen Elizabeth 1. King Henry VIII. Richard III. Edward V and Richard.,Answer key for Exercise 2:,Ticks for brothers Edward V and Richard (sons of King Edward IV); King Edward IV; Richard (later King Richard III); Queen Mary; Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth 1);,1. Prince Edward (later Edward V) was one of the princes murdered in the Tower. We know because: both were princes both were young boys their uncle was Richard who later became king Richard iii.,2. King Richard III killed the princes because he wanted to become king.,Answer key for Exercise 3:,Answer key for Exercise 4:,came future Mary princess Tower Strange thought through Traitors happened,Listen to tape again and then fill in the following blanks.,The tower - a home for the King but also a _. He sent his men to _ _ _. (3) It is said that on a dark night you can sometimes hear _ _ _. She tried not to be as _ to others when she was Queen.,prison,do the killing,those princes crying,unfair,CAN A ROYAL PALACE ALSO BE A PRISON?,Zhang Pingyu (ZP) is trying to find out more about the history of the Tower of London from a guide (g),PART1 G: The Tower was the home of the King but also a prison. Many important people were kept there. ZP: I beg your pardon? Can you speak more slowly, please? G: Of course. Have you heard of “The princes in the Tower”? ZP: No, Im afraid not.,Script,G: There two princes were brothers, called Edward and Richard and they lived six hundred years ago. They came to London, for the older boy to become Edward V, after his father, King Edward IV, died.,ZP: I see. How old was he? G: He was only thirteen years old. His cruel uncle, also called Richard, was supposed to look after them both, but instead he had them killed while they were asleep.,ZP: What do you mean? He killed them himself? G: No. He sent his men to kill them because he wanted to become King Richard III. There is a story that on a dark night you can sometimes hear those princes crying. ZP: You can hear them crying? Really? I thought you said they were killed many years ago. G: Yes, but its only a story!,PART2 ZP: Who else came to the Tower as a prisoner? G: A future queen. In the 1550s Queen Mary sent her sister, Princess Elizabeth, to the Tower as a prisoner. ZP: Strange! Why did she do that? G: She thought Elizabeth was a traitor. So she sent Elizabeth through a special gate called “TraitorsGate”. That only happened to very bad people.,ZP: Im sorry I dont understand. How did Elizabeth become Queen if she was a prisoner? G: Easy. Her brother and sister both died without children so Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth 1. She tried not to be unfair to others when she was queen. ZP: Im glad to hear that.,Answer key fro exercise 1 on page 48,Three People with British parents or born in Britain. With their music and food.,on page 41,Listening,Born in the old British Empire Choose to become British,Having one British parent Being born in Britain,Asking to become British after living in Britain for five years.,Answer key fro exercise 2 on page 48,Rod Jones is British because his parents are British citizens. Mary Smith could not be a British citizen because both her parents are Canadian citizen and she was born in Canada (so there is no claim to be British and she has only lived in the UK for four years (so not long enough). Claude Lebon could be a British citizen because he was born in England. John Nkosi could be British because (although neither of his parents are British) he has lived in the UK for ten years.,Answer key for Exercise 3:,WHO ARE BRITISH CITIZENS? Liu Lei (LL) is talking with Sarah (S) about British people. PART 1,LL: Sarah, did you say that Britain is a multicultural country? S: Yes, I did. We have people from different countries and cultures. LL: I dont quite understand. If they come from different countries and cultures, how do you know that theyre British?,Script,S: Well, there are three different groups of British citizens. Let me tell you about the first group. A long time ago Britain ruled many countries. When these countries became independent, their people were given a choice. They could either become British citizens or remain in their own country. LL: Now let me see if Ive got it right. Did you say that they had to choose which country to belong to? S: Yes, and many chose to remain in their own country, but some wanted to be British and came to Britain. LL: I see. So thats the first group.,PART2 LL: So what about the second and third groups? S: Well, the second groups easy. Theyre people with British parents or who were born in Britain. This is the largest number of British Citizens. LL: And the third group? S: They come form other countries. But if a person lives and works in Britain for five years they can become a British Citizen.,LL: I see. What if you have black skin? S: It doesnt matter what colour your skin is! Many black people come from the Caribbean, India or Pakistan to set up small businesses. Theyre all British now LL: Have they contributed to British culture? S: Oh yes, with their music and food, of course! Weve a new national dish from India called chicken tikka masla. It is now more popular than our traditional national dish of fish and chips. So you can see how truly multicultural we are!,Answer key for exercise 2 on page 52,The interviewer thinks King James caused the problem because he changed his mind. First he let the Catholics worship as they liked. Then when he saw how many of them there were he decided not to let them worship as they liked. This made the Catholics very upset.,LISTENING TASK (P52),. Decide which sentences are true and which are false.,F,T,F,King James was a Catholic. King James supported Protestants. He never allowed the Catholics to practise their religion.,The king thought there were few Catholics at first. The king was consistent in his attitude towards the Catholics. The interviewer supported the king.,T,F,F,Answer key for exercise 4 on page 53,King James changed his attitude to the Catholics because he was frightened when he saw how many of them there were. All the countries that were friendly to England were Protestant and all the countries that were not friendly were Catholic. Then he would lose the friendship of all the Protestant countries. No, he didnt. The king changed his mind and upset the Catholics. He did not discuss things with them. They felt their only action was to kill him.,Answer key for exercise 5 on page 53,at first not worried then stopped catholic services,friendly to protestant countries unfriendly to Catholic ones,Pro/support protestant,PART 1 CS: Good morning sir. Thank you for coming to talk to me about the attack that was planned for November 6th. It was so lucky you escaped. KJ: Yes. I was very upset, of course. I couldnt believe that anyone would want to kill me . What did I ever do to Guy Fawkes and his friends?,WAS KING JAMES FAIR? A Catholic supporter (CS) is interviewing King James (KJ) to find out why he changed his mind about letting the Catholics practise their religion as they wished.,Script,CS: But, sir, youre the person who caused this problem by changing your mind. First of all you let the Catholics practise their religion safely. Then you said it was no longer allowed. You must have known they would get upset. KJ: Please try to understand my difficulty. I thought there were only a few Catholics in the country. CS: Why did you think so? KJ: Well, because only a few people were put in prison every year for not going to the Protestant Church. CS: I see. So you thought these were the only Catholics. KJ: Yes.,PAER 2 KJ: When I relaxed the law there seemed to be so many Catholics that I felt I had done the wrong thing. I got frightened. I worried that they might want England to be a Catholic country. CS: Does that matter? KJ: Oh yes. All our friend are Protestant countries and all our enemies are Catholic ones. CS: Mm! Did you ask Fawkes and Catesby if that was what they wanted? KJ: No.,CS: So the attack was planned. Actually you brought about what you wanted to avoid. What did you learn from it? KJ: I should have talked to the Catholics. If Id done that there wouldnt have been an attack because they would have been able to explain their point of view peacefully. CS: Thank you, Sir. Goodbye. KJ: Goodbye.,Do you think Guy Fawkes or King James were right to behave the way they did? The purpose of this exercise is to help you understand the story and then decide who you feel most sympathy for. There is no right or wrong answer. Discuss this problem in fours and make notes of your ideas. Then decide who gets your sympathy and give your reasons.,Fear at the number of Catholics,All friends on the Continent were Protestant,Worried Catholics might want to change the religion of England,King James kept changing his mind,Loyalty to the Catholic cause,Believed what he was doing was right,When you have problems understanding the guide, use these phrases: Excuse me Im afraid I cant follow you. Please can you speak more slowly? I beg your pardon? Pardon? What did you mean by ? I didnt understand Im sorry but could you repeat that?,Speaking and writing,Sample dialogue: A: Excuse me. Are you a guide? B: Yes, I am. Can I help you? A: Can I ask you a questions about the Temple of Heaven? B: Of course. What do you want to know? A: What is this Temple for? B: The Emperor came to pray for good crops and a good harvest for the country. He made offerings to the God and asked him for help. A: Please can you speak more slowly? Im afraid I cant follow you. B: Im sorry. Ill speak more slowly . This is the Hall where the Emperor made his sacrifices to the Gods. You may not go in but just look through the door. A: What do you mean by making sacrifice? B: He killed many animals after making prayers. He also dressed in special clothes. A: I beg your pardon? Special clothes! I thought his clothes were always special! What were they? B: They were clothes kept just for this occasion. He changed in a special yellow room and came out to go to pray to the Gods. A: I see. When did this stop? B: When the Emperors stopped ruling China. A: Thank you. You have been most helpful.,Alternatives words that can be used instead of “ nice” and “ is”,nice,is,smart, clean, excellent, exciting, famous, beautiful, grand, great, huge, special , unusual, amazing, wonderful, splendid,appear, be built, stand, lie, remain, stay, look, sound, become, keep, grow,The temple was built long ago. The old temple was built long ago. The old temple was built two hundred years ago. The old temple was constructed two hundred years ago. The temple was burned down early last century. The temple was built in 1980s.,Vary the adjectives and verbs to make the writing more interesting and lively.,This great stone castle was constructed five hundred years ago when King Henry was king. He loved his food and you can tell that by visiting his extremely large and well-provided kitchens. See where he fed six hundred people at on e time. Admire the beautifully decorated rooms where he met the kings from other countries. Examine the care with which he provided toilets for all his followers. Walk through his wonderful gardens.,Writing Task,Too small bicycle shed.,Homework.,Untidy dining area in school,Too many bikes; not enough room to store them.,Too much,People drop litter and dont pick it up,Collect names to persuade the school to take the situation seriously.,Request more moderate amounts from teachers.,Posters and monitors to make sure litter is collected by those who drop it.,Sample writing:,Dear Sir or Madam, I hate untidy dining halls and ours is particularly dirty. People seem to treat it as if it were a rubbish area. They leave the leftover food about, on the table or on the floor. This makes the hall look particularly unpleasant for other people who come to eat there.,But I have several solutions. First, make people pick up their own litter. We can do this by asking some of the older students to walk around the hall and watch out for those that drop litter. Second, we can put posters around the hall asking people to be more thoughtful for others. They should leave the hall as they would wish to find it. Third, we can make those who are found dropping glitter stay behind. They can tidy up the hall after all the students have finished their meal.,I hope you find ideas useful. Thank you for any help you can give. Yours sincerely. (your signature),So paying some attention to the use of words can make you writing to be an exciting one. Now write a passage to introduce a scenic site in your city for a local guide book. Make the site to be an attractive one with your words.,Assignment:,

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