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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Unit 6 Detective storiesGrammar 1教学案(无答案) 牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_Unit 6 Detective stories总课时10第 5 课时课 题Period 5 Grammar (1)课 型新授教学目标教学重难点集 体 备 课二次备课Step One: Leadin1. T: Do you still remember the detective story Murder in Valley Town? S: Yes. T: Who was killed? T: Where was he found? S: In the doorway of a clothes shop in Valley Town. T: Was he killed there? S: We dont know. T: Yes. People are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to Valley Town. Step Two: Grammar. take and bring1. Write down the sentence on the blackboard. Check the understanding of the sentence by students. Then ask them if I can change the sentence into People are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then taken to Valley Town. May some students will say yes and some will say no. 2. Ask students to say the base form of the two words brought and taken. Write them on the blackboard. They are bring and take.见幻灯片) Then give them two sentences to see if they can understand the differences. After class, I will hand out your listening exercise books so dont forget to _ them home and show your results to your parents. Tomorrow, you should _ them here and hand in.Check the answers and tell them that we cant replace the two words in the two sentences becausethough many words in English have similar meanings, and are often confused, they are not synonyms and we should use them in different ways. take and bring are just one group. Nowlook at the sentences People are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to Valley Town. again and tell them we cant use taken here.4 Ask students to turn to page 101 and read the explanations of the two words and the example sentences together.(必要时用中文解释两词区别)5. Ask students to make sentences by using the two words and if someone makes mistakes, try to point them out.6. Do some exercises Fill in the blanks with bring and take2.Look at the cloud. Its going to rain. Youd better_ an umbrella with you when you go to work.3._ the empty box away and _ me a full one.4._ this present to your uncles house.5. Dont forget to _.hear and listen1. Play a short period of music and say, Please listen to it carefully and tell me what you can hear? (When we are listening to it carefully, we can hear some birds singing.) (用幻灯打出答句)2. Ask students to try to say the differences between the two words according to the sentence. (有必要可以用中文)3. Read the explanations and the example sentences on p.101 together.(必要时用中文解释并提出注意点,listen 一般与to 连用)4. Ask students to make sentences by using the two words and if someone makes mistakes, try to point them out.5. 补充复习其他与hear有关词组: hear from sb=receive a letter from sb, hear of (听说)6. Do some exercisesFill in the blanks with hear and listen to教后记:4 / 4

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