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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world Reading 1教案 (新版)牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_学目标Know about Tan duns experience and his worksKnow about the biograthical stylesKnow about Tan duns experience and his works教学重难点Develop students right attitude to life教学法指导集体智慧个人设计(二次备课)教学反思Step1 revisionReview some words RStep2 Presentation:1. Listen and learn Ask the students to listen to the song of the 20xx Olympic Games. Let students know the writer of the song. Show some pictures about Tandun and ask (Do you know who he is?) (Learn the new words about reading)3. Finish Part B-Look at ParB1 on Page 68. Write the correct letters in the blanks.4. Listen to the reading part and answer some questions. (1) When and where was Tan born? (2) Do you know what he loves the sounds of ? Have they influenced his works?(3) When did Tan go on to study in the USA?(4) What is his best work?(5) How does he make music about Water?(6) Is his music for the Beijing Olympics very special?Why?.5. Detailed information Read each paragraph after the tape. Try to understand the meaning of each paragraph.Step 3 Practise 1Listen to the tape and read after it .then tell us more about Tandun.(同学之间可以讨论,尽可能说出更多关于谭盾的信息。) 2 Finish Part B-Look at ParB2 B3on Page68 help Sandy fill in the card with the information . 3做反馈练习4. Useful expressions Ask the students to read the passage again and try to find some useful expressionsStep4 当堂检测Exercise music win centre interesting 选词填空The little boy shows an _ in football.The girl wants to be a _ when she grows up.All the _ at the sports meeting will get a medal.There is a park in the _ part of the city.1对某物表示出感兴趣 2淙淙的流水 3飒飒的风 4逐渐了解某人/某事 5因而著名(两种) 6用普通的东西来创作音乐 7多次将他们运用于他的音乐中 8在东西方之间搭建一座桥 9中国古钟的钟声 10梦想无边 1The little boy is interested in (流行音乐).2. I like taking photos outside , so p is my favourite job.3. There are a lot of art (形式)in the world.4. There is a good (戏剧) in the theatre. Would you like go with me?5. The little girl can sing a lot of songs. Her m talent was amazingstep 5 Homework1. Recite the passage. 2. Finish the exercise in your book.要求学生默写这些单词多听几遍,尽量用完整句子回答Encourage them speak loudly.此部分有点难度,需要指导练习放到课上让学生更集中注意力。选词填空脱离考试环境,可以更换其它题型They are poor in master the new words,so I will give them more time to remember thr words.4 / 4

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