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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour task教案 牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_教学目标1. To know the relationship between different colours and different moods.3. To write about the advertisements.重点难点分析To learn to write their own articles with their own words.教学流程安排集体智慧(以知识体系为主)个性设计(二次备课)教学后记Step 1 Lead-inAsk them to say something about colours and moods.Read through the table on page 32. the information in the table. Check the answers and read it.Step 2 Presentation1. Ask the students how to write the article. The article must include: What colour does she wear?What does the colour represent?Why does she wear the colour?Do you think they match well?2. Show the advertisements on page 33 and look at them carefully. Tell me which one do they like best and choose one picture to write about.Let them discuss with their partners answering the above questions.3. Write their own articles. Use the table and report on page 32 to help. 4. Ask them to correct for their partners and if time permits, choose some articles to present in class.Encourage them speak freely.问题设置较好设问有层次,有广度。可以训练学生的英语思维。We can help them ,if them need help.作业布置应有梯度,考虑班级大部分学生情况。教师带领学生继续复习阅读部分,并引出本课重点,学生反映很好描述一个人着装,学生对此很感兴趣,并能用颜色说明,很好教师给出另一幅图,要求学生模仿本课,完成这篇作文,学生完成很好,正确率很高。课后要求学生背诵。学生对一般现在时掌握不是很好,作文中有许多语法错误。练习安排1.Recite the passage on page 32. 2. Write their articles on the exercise books.3. Finish Unit 2 period 7 on Assessment Book.4. Review the whole unit.板书设计Unit 2 task1.feel weak2.a good match.备课组长审核签名: 年级主任复核签名: 5 / 5

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