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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 module9教案 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_Teaching style: Listening and speakingTeaching objectives:1. To understand conversations about cartoon stories2. To talk about the characters of the cartoon stories such as Superman, Batman, etc.3. To grasp the key words and the key structures.Teaching points:1. Main points1) Key vocabulary: Cartoon character ending flash funny hero joke laugh news drawing save serious smart have a word with be in the deep trouble give it to me 2) Key structures:This isnt one of those cartoons/ which make you laugh.The characters I like/ are heroes like Superman /or Batman.2. Difficult points:The attributive clauses which were words which or who or that and distinguish its differences. Teaching method: Interactive approachTeaching aids: Tape recorder, video OHP, handouts, etcTeaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionCheck the homework revise module 8.Step 2. Presentation1. Show the students some photos of cartoon characters: Superman, Batman, Nemo and Shriek2. Ask them to talk about the cartoon characters.Step 3. Listening and reading1. Listen to the tape. Ask the students to listen carefully and check the words they hear.2. Play the tape once more and let the students to answer the questions in activity then check their answers.3. Play the tape again. Make students read and follow.4. Read the summary of the conversation and underline the wrong information. Listen again and correct the summary.Step 4. Answer the questions 1. Askand then check with a partner.2. Call back the answers from the whole class, having one student ask and another answer it.Step 5. Read through the words with the whole class. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. They can check in groups. At last, teacher has a check.Step 6. Pronunciation and speaking1. Listen and repeat. Play the tape and have the students read the sentences.2. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the expressionsStep 7. Learn the grammar points1. Have a revision of the grammar points about objective clauses.2. Explain the attributive clauses used in this unit.Step 8. Work in pairsTalk about the cartoon characters such as Superman or Batman and cartoon stories.Step 9. Practice一、Answer the questions.1. What does Betty think the ending will be?2. Why is the situation no laughing matter?3. How do you think Superman can save Tony?4. Who does Mr Jackson give the camera to?5. When will Tony possibly find out that his friends have got the camera?6. Why does Betty say shell be Superman?Keys:1. She thinks it will be happy.2. Because its serious. 3. I think he can give the camera to Tony. 4. He gives it to Daming. 5. When he sees the flash. 6. Because she can save Tony like Superman.1. Daming likes cartoons that and characters that .2. Mr Jackson wants to have a word with Tony because .3. Tony will be in deep trouble if .4. The flash will show Tony that .5. The cartoon will have a happy ending because .Keys:1. have lots of jokes, are heroes like Superman or Batman2. he has got c camera which has got his name on it3. he tells his father that hes lost the camera4. his friends have got the camera5. their friends will save Tony1. A is a person who plays a part in a story, and the is the person who plays the main part.2. A cartoon is one which doesnt make you , such as a of a news story.3. A cartoon in which the hero saves someone is a story with a happy .4. A is a story you tell to make people laugh.Keys:1. character, hero 2. serious, laugh, cartoon 3.ending 4. joke四、根据句意写出句中画线单词的反义词1. A good beginning is a half .2. My Chinese teacher is a serious man while my English teacher is a f one.3. The two brother arent the similar to each other. The elder is stupid and the young is .4. Its no laughing matter. It is .5. The man upstairs is not pleased with the man .Keys: 1. ending 2. funny 3. smart 4. serious 5. downstairs五、单项填空1. He is a man of humor sense who often makes people .A. laugh B. laughs C. laughing D. to laugh2. This isnt one of those cartoons which often us happiness.A. brings B. bring C. to bring D. brought3. We need someone Lucy.A. who like B. like C. is like D. likes4. Lets to speak to the man over there. to go 5. I like cartoon stories which have .A. a happy ending B. happy endings C. no ending D. any endingKeys:ABBBDUnit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.Teaching style: Reading and writingTeaching objectives:1. To get the general idea of the reading passage;2. To use the key words of this unit to answer the questions;3. To write about cartoon heroes: Nemo, Monkey King and Tintin.Teaching points:1. Main points1) Key vocabulary: cute emperor fan club heaven lovable mess monster private 2) Key structures: But there are some cartoon favorites which are older.Another favorite who has celebrated an important birthday in China is a reporter with red hair and a small white dog.2. Difficult points: How to use the attributive clauses which were words which and who and that.Teaching method: Top-down approachTeaching aids: Video OHP, handouts, etcTeaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionRevise the words and the structures in unit 1.Make students do some exercises to revise the grammar.Step 2. PresentationShow flashcards to learn the words. Make the students read the words .have them repeat them chorally and individually. Ask the students to do the matching individually. Then have a check.Step 3. Reading 1. Ask the students to read the passage and answer the questions individually. First the teacher checks with a partner. Then teacher has a check. Then make students ask and answer in pairs.2. Read it again, ask the students to read the passage and answer the questions individually, and then check with a partner. Call back the answers from the whole class, having one student read a question and another answer it. 3. Explain the text. Make students pay attention to the important sentences and key words. If necessary, make students recite some part of the text.Step 4. Writing1. Write about the students favorite cartoon heroes who belong to what kind of cartoon.2. Teaching students how to increase their vocabulary by adding new words to their vocabulary book every day.Step 5. Practice一、Choose the sentence which best summarizes the passage.A. Not all popular cartoons are recent; some have been popular for many years.B. The most popular cartoons are published as books and not as films.C. Many people who read cartoons today are adults.Keys: A二、Answer the questions.1. “have won the hearts of young people in China and all over the world.”Does this mean that they love them or they dont like them?2. “the emperor in heaven.”Is heaven likely to be a pleasant or unpleasant place in this cartoon?3. “and see a mess.”If parents leave children on their own, do you think the home is tidy or untidy when they return?4. “There are several fan clubs in China”Do you think Tintins fans hold parties on their own or in groups?5. “who lives in his own private dream world”Is this likely to be a dream world which everyone knows about, or only Snoopy?6. “Nemo, a cute orange-and white fishCharlie Browns lovable dog”Are they attractive and sweet or ugly and unpleasant?Keys:1. This means that they love them.2. Its a unpleasant place.3. I think the home is untidy.4. I think they hold parties in groups.5. Only Snoopy.6. They are attractive and sweet.三、根据句意和词首字母写单词1. It is said that there was a terrible m that lives in the lake.2. The 75% of the earths s is covered with sea water.3. The cartoon film is my f .4. The b often makes his workers work over eight hours every day.5. Everyone has his own p Keys: monster surface favorite boss private四、单项填空1. The golden fish looks than the orange-and-white one.A. cute B. smart C. clever D. cute2. He is a teacher with .A. much experience B. much experiences C. many experience D. many experiences3. The TV cost my grandparents only 200yuan.A. old black and white B. old black-and whiteC. black, white and old D. black-and-white and old4. In December 1984, the whole series of Tintin in China.A. began publishing B. began to publish C. was began to publish D. began to be published5. We moved here 20 years ago and have lived here .A. ever since B. since that C. from then on D. by then6. There are several in China which support the organization.A. fan clubs B. fan club C. fans clubs D. clubs of fan7. To many people, heaven to be a pleasant place.A. is like B. likes C. is likely D. likeUnit 3 Language in useTeaching style: Revision and applicationTeaching objectives:1. To practice using attributive clauses.2. To use the key words and expressions in new situations.3. To finish the module task: Discussing how to Teaching points:Main points: sketch1) Key vocabulary: Series princess single exactly able be able to Spiderman 2) Key structures:The cartoons (which/that) I like have lots of jokes.Ive got a camera which has got his name on it.Teaching method:Formal and interactive practiceTeaching aids: Tape recorder, video OHP, handouts, etcTeaching procedure:Step 1. Revision1. Revise the vocabulary in Unit1 and 2.2. Revise the structures.Step 2. PresentationAsk the students to read the six example sentences. Ask them to explain what they illustrate. Step 3. 1. Read the example with the whole class so they understand what to do.2.3.Step 4. Work in pairs1. Read the example with the whole class so they understand what to do.2. Ask them to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.3. Circulate and monitor their production.4. Call back some examples from the pairs.Step 1. Read through the words in the box with the class, having them repeat chorally and individually.2.3.Step 6. Listening1. Work in pairs, listen and say where the speaker is.2. Listen again and answer the questions.Step 7. Module task1. Work in groups. Choose an invention to discuss how 2. Discuss in groups and make notes about the discussions3. Present findings to the class.Step 8. Practice一、Join the sentences with that, which or who, if necessary.1. Tintin is a boy reporter. He has lots of adventures all around the world.2. The writer is George.He has written many unforgettable characters.3. The cartoon is called Havoc in Heaven. It tells the story of a monkey.4. Mr Black did a lot of study. The study can be found in his drawings.Keys:1. Tintin is a boy reporter who/that has lots of adventures all around the world.2. The writer is George who/that has written many unforgettable characters.3. The cartoon that/which ells the story of a monkey is called Havoc in Heaven.4. The study that/which Mr Black did can be found in his drawings.二、Choose the correct answer.1. The Monkey King is a cartoon character which .a) causes problems in heavenb) has traveled to the moon2. Shrek is a monster who .a) falls in love with a princessb) was born from stone3. Nemo is the name of a .a) fish which is caught by a diverb) big, fat cat which is very lazy4. Snoopy is a lovable dog which was created by .a) Tintinb) Charles SchultzKeys: a) a) a) b)The , Mao Xiaole, is very in China. He gets the ideas for his stories or characters by looking at websites for daily news and events in China which will make people . Sometimes he draws as many as five in a single morning. He has a camera with him all the time which he uses to photograph things he finds interesting. Then, when he starts a of something, he can make sure the details are exactly right.Keys:Cartoonist, popular, cartoon, laugh, pictures, creation.ever since 从开始have a word with 和说句话over there 在那边Mike: Excuse me, can I (1) you? Ive been a fan of your work (2) I was a child. Id like to show you some of my cartoons. Theyre (3) on the wall. Wthem?Jill: Thank you. Id like to see them. If you want to be a cartoonist, its very important to be able to draw, and your drawings are very good.Keys:(1) have a word with (2) ever since (3) over there14 / 14

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