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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 MODULE12 Summer in LA 教学设计 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_Content:Module 12 summer in LA.一、 题材内容本模块以暑期培训课程为话题,通过对英语培训课程信息,比如课时,上课方式,培训重点等的介绍使学生能够读懂简单的招生信息,并根据招生要求填写相关个人信息。在英语学习热潮愈演愈烈的今天,通过本模块的学习可以使学生根据自身需要合理选择英语培训课程,进而增强学习英语的兴趣,并提高英语听、说、读和写水平。二、 教学目标1) 语言知识:词汇词组make progress with, fill in, check in.语法冠词a, an, the 的使用。功能根据课程信息展开讨论。话题通过课程培训广告获得相关信息,并根据自身需要填写报名单;描述自己曾经的报班经历;考虑暑期报班计划。2) 语言技能:听能够听懂英语培训广告方面的简单对话,获得有用和关键信息;提高学生的实际应用能力。说流利的说出含有本模块生词、短语;熟练掌握数字的发音规则;能够用英语说出常用的课程招生广告用语以及自己暑期报班的计划安排。读能读懂常用的课程招生广告的相关文章,提炼关键信息。写1. 能够运用本模块的生词和短语写出语言培训广告方面的句子。2. 能够根据上下文正确运用动词的时态完成句子。3. 比较熟练地书写一篇有关英语学习的文章。演示与表达描述自己曾经的报班经历;考虑暑期报班计划。3)学习策略学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。认知联系,归纳,推测等技能。调控从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改。交际学习运用恰当词语展开暑期英语培训班的相关信息讨论。资源通过其他资源获取更多介绍英语学习的信息。自学策略培养话题和词汇的语言域意识,形成话题联想的习惯。合作学习策略掌握询问和澄清策略。掌握搭配策略。4)文化意识:中外对比中国人学习英语与外国人学习中文的出发点比较。5)情感态度:目标通过了解英语培训的招生信息帮助学生树立合理的英语学习态度;形成准确的语言学习观。6)任务: 使用地道的英语拟定一份简单的课程招生广告。三、 教学重点和难点重点:1. 能够从英文招生广告中提炼关键信息;2根据上下文正确使用动词时态;3. 使用地道的英语拟定一份简单的课程招生广告。 难点:使用地道的英语拟定一份简单的课程招生广告。四、 教学方法基于课程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”,培养实现人的可持续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必需的能力和素质,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动,强调兴趣第一的原则,初步设计“PTP”自主学习立体模式:pre-tasktask-cyclepost-task。五、 教材处理核心任务:能够运用所学句型结构向不同的朋友介绍城市进程面临的问题。三个环节如下:pre-task:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识,。task cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化“问题意识。”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫post-task):达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况六、 教材安排根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我们把本模块划分为5课时:Unit 1: Listening and Vocabulary ;pronunciation and SpeakingUnit 2 Reading and Vocabulary;WritingUnit.3: Language in use;Around the world &Module Task 注:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。教学设计Title: Module12 Summer in LA.Unit 1: Your host family is meeting you at the airport.Teaching Content : Listening and Vocabulary; ;pronunciation and SpeakingTeaching Aims and Demands:1. Language Knowledge Key vocabulary: .2, Listening skill: To process information of population in listening. Improve the students listening ability. (难点)3.Affection and attitudes: We should make proper plans in advance before travel.Learning strategies:Bottom up , Interactive approach and listening the tape and do some exercises.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder , video, OHP, handout)Teaching Procedures:Part I: warm-upTask: Help students to warm-up by revising and learning new vocabularies.Teaching procedures:教师活动学生活动Step one Revise what have been learnt in last Module.Raise topic about traveling by asking students what they usually do to prepare for traveling, and what kind of things they often take along while on vacation.Learn new words and phrases in this Module.Do some choral and individual repetition of the new words; correct possible errors in pronunciation.Listen and do revision.Look at the pictures and discuss.Read after teacher to learn new vocabularies.Find possible errors in other students pronunciation.Step twoThen show pictures to revise words about traveling and pick certain students to discuss vacation with the help of the given words. Correct possible mistakes in their sentences.Look at the pictures and describe them, using the words given in the box.Part II: listen and read Task: listen and improve students speaking ability.Teaching procedures教师活动学生活动Step onePlay the tape and do exercise 2 on page 96; check answers in a whole-class setting.Listen and choose best answers to the questions.Step twoPlay the tape again and ask the Ss. to read after it; correct mistakes in pronunciation; and point out the key words and sentences in the passage.Listen and read loudly.Step threeGive the Ss. some minutes to practice the passage individually and walk around the class to offer help if necessary.Read the passage individually.Step fourDivide the class into four groups to do the conversation several times, changing roles each time.Work in groups to read out the conversation.Step fivePractice “everyday English” by making sentences from them.Listen and read after teacher.Part III: do exercisesTask : To understand conversations. Finish the exercises demanded.Teaching procedures:教师活动学生活动Step one Give the Ss. several minutes to plete exercises 4 on page 97.Pick the one who is volunteer to give his or her answers, then check them with the class.Ask the other students to give the volunteer a clap for his or her courage and braveness to encourage more students to get involved next time.6on page 97 one by one.Learn to be brave to act out answers in front of the class.Step two Ask the Ss. to read through the dialogue again to find sentences required by exercise 5 on page 97.Arrange several pairs to Q&A of exercise 6 on page 97. Lets the other students to evaluate their behaviors. Each pair will get a score and write them down on the top of the blackboard.Listen and read.Get involved in practice actively.Give marks to each pair for evaluation.Pat attention to other students mistakes while speaking and correct them.Step three Play the tape to guide students how to pause while reading out the passage of exercise 7 on page 97.Then give them several minutes to practice and walk around the class to help those in need. Finally, let 45 students to act out the passage alone in front of the class. Correct possible mistakes in pronunciation.Listen and follow.Act out the passage alone.Step four Revise what have been done in exercise 4 and ask the students to work in pairs to summarize what the four gays going to do in LA and try to make plan notes, supposing the students are going to the LA. Then pick some pairs to share their thoughts with others.A Summarize their questions and answers in a blank on the blackboard. Work in pairs.Part IV: language pointTask: make clear of the use of the correct form of words, mainly including the use of “be, do, have” in different situation.Part V: Homework 1. Do exercises 1,2,3&4 on page 156。2. Recite the dialogue.3. Remember the new words and phrases.Unit 2: Vocabulary and ReadingTeaching Content: it was a quiet country village.Teaching Aims and Demands:1.Language knowledge:New words: well-trained, experienced, weekly, progress, friendship, arrange, various, organize, application.New phrases: make progress with, fill in.2.Reading skill:( 1). To understand texts concerning introduction of the language courses. To get information of them in reading.(2). Improve the students reading ability. 3.Affection and attitudes: We should take a close look at the introduction of the language courses before make choices to attend. Whats more, learn to be careful while filling in the forms required. Learning strategies: Bottom-up; Interactive approach.Teaching Aids : Multi-Media (Tape recorder , video, OHP, handout)Teaching Procedures:Part I: Revision1. Help students to revise what has been learnt in Unit 1 of this module.1) Practice “everyday English”. Pick student to speak out the sentences alone. Correct possible errors in pronunciation.2) Give examples concerning the use of the correct form of words.Part II : PreparationTask: Catch new wordsTeaching procedures:教师活动学生活动Step oneTeach new words.Listen and read after teacher to learn new vocabularies.Step two Show photos to practice the words given in the box.Pick several students to describe the photos. Offer help if students dont know how to use the words given in the box.Check possible grammar errors in sentences made by the students.Work alone to describe the pictures.Part III: read and do exercises.Teaching procedures:教师活动学生活动Step one Give the Ss. several minutes to read the passage and walk around the class to offer help to get understood.Point out the key words and sentences.Finish exercise 2 on page 98 and check answer in a whole-class setting.Read and catch the main idea of the passage.Do exercise 2 on page 98.Step two Give time to finish exercise 3 on page 99, and firstly check answer with partners, then in a whole-class setting to explain why.Ask the Ss. to translate the sentences into Chinese and pick volunteers to speak them out in front of the class.Do exercise.Do translation and speak them out voluntarily.Step three Put the Ss. into pairs to practice key sentences, changing roles each time.Evaluate behavior of each group by giving marks.Write down them on the top of the blackboard.Practice and act.Give grades to other pairs.Step fourReread the passage and arrange pairs to Q&A according to the questions of exercise 4 on page 99. Point out the use of key phrases.GWalk around the class to help those in trouble.Work alone.Step fiveGive rules on how to write information about a course.Write down sentences on the blackboard.Then ask the students to imitate similar sentences, lets them firstly check with deskmate and then share with the others.Learn to write information about a course and share with others.Part VI: Homework: 1. Do exercise 5,6&7 on page 157.2. Remember the new words and phrases.3. WUnit 3: language in useTeaching Content: Language in use Key vocabulary: rest, book, baggage, straight. Teaching Aims and Demands:1.To summarize and practice the language covered in this module.2. To review and check vocabulary. Affection and attitudes: We should learn to grasp the key information about a course and make decision on which course to attend based on our personal need.Learning strategies: Formal instruction and task-based approachTeaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)Teaching Procedures:Part I RevisionHelp students to revise what have been learnt in the 2 previous periods of this module, focusing on the use of “be, do, have” and the rules to choose the correct forms of words according to the passages.Part II Language practiceTask : To summarize and consolidate use of “a, an, the ”.Teaching procedures:教师活动学生活动Step one Summarize the use of the correct form of words to make sure that the students are familiar with them.Revision.Step two Give the Ss. some minutes to do exercises 1&3 on page 100, exercise 5 on page 101 and exercise 6 on page 102. walk around the class to make sure that every one do the exercises alone.Let them first check answers with partners. Then check answers with the class.Pick students to read out their answers and correct errors if needed.Do exercises and check answers.Share answers.Step threeArrange pairs to Q&A exercise 3 on page, changing roles each time.Then let them work together to make questions from the words given and practice after that. Give examples to guide what and how to do this.Work in pairs.Step fourPlay the tape to do exercises 7&8 on page 102 and exercises 8&9 on page 158.Play the tape again to check answers with the whole class.Listen and do exercises.Part VI: Class discussion.1. Read the passage “summer camp” on page 103 to get a bird eye view on the usual activities included in summer camps.2. Put the class into several groups to talk about summer courses. They should firstly Q&A according to the questions shown in exercise 9 on page 103, then summarize their attitude on paper. Finally, each group sendsheir thoughts on the blackboard for sharing.Part VII: Homework: 1. Remember the new words and phrases.2. Read through the passage “ why do we learn English” and finish the questions on page 158.3. Write a passage concerning “summer course”, including how you think of it, good things and bad things.4. Do self-assessment on page 159. 11 / 11

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