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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Module 11 Population Unit 1 Its the biggest city in China练习 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_s the biggest city in China练习 外研版. 请选出适当的单词或短语填空,有的需要变换形式。thanks to, too many, too much, look up, along with, increase 1. He is pleased with the _ number of the visitors to Beijing.2. _ our hard work, the concert is a great success.3. She went to the cinema _ her boyfriend.4. He had _ things to do, so he left home early. 5. You can this word in the dictionary. 6. This table takes up _ room. .请根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 这个城市超过百分之六十的人有自己的汽车。Over _ the people in the city _ their own cars. 2. 他觉得戒烟是件难事。He found it difficult to _. 3. 这个镇子有一万人口。The town has _ ten thousand. 4. 我们不知道如何应对噪音污染。We dont know _ deal with _. 5. 你认识那个正在给获胜者颁奖的人吗?Do you know the person who is _ to the winner? .请选择适当的句子补全对话。A: Hello! (1) _B: Hello!I have been to the Great Wall. (2) _ A: Did you buy anything?B: (3) _ There were too many people there, and we couldnt even move.A: (4) _B: So it is. I will never go to travel during public holidays.A: (5) _A. Neither will I.B. It is always like that during such a holiday.C. Ive never been there before.D. No, I bought nothing.E. Where have you been?参考答案.1. increasing 2. Thanks to 3. along with 4. too many 5. look up 6. too much . 1. sixty / 60 percent of; have 2. give up smoking3. a population of 4. how to; noise pollution5. presenting the prize . 15 ECDBA3 / 3


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