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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册Unit1Topic1ImgoingtoplaybasketballPeriod1教学案例设计(新版)仁爱版(I)撰写人:_时 间:_教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Playing Sports 为主题。第一话题Michael和Kangkang的对话,引出本话题的重点语法项目“be going to do”结构所表达的一般将来时,呈现重点短语cheer on, win (the game), prefer doing,play for, grow up,spend time (in) doing sth., be good at doing sth., take part in等及句型“There is going to be ”,“Its good for ”等。让学生会运用所学到的结构来谈论意向、计划及自己所偏爱的事物。Section A以Michael和Kangkang谈论篮球运动为开端,引导学生结合自己的实际生活,正确地使用be going to do谈论自己的运动计划和偏好,Section B通过Michael和Maria谈论自己最喜欢的运动及运动员,由此激发学生谈论自己的理想, Section C要求学生能模仿Ann的运动习惯,写出自己的一周运动安排并付诸行动,而Section D是一节复习课,在综合复习Sections A-C的词汇、语法和功能句的基础上,巩固学生本周的学习内容。通过综合的阅读和写作的练习,拓展延伸学生的学习内容,检测学生综合运用语言的能力。本话题建议用5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2第二课时:Section A-3a, 3b, Section B-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d第三课时:Section B-2, 3a, 3b, Section C- 2a, 2b第四课时:Section C-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, Section D -2第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, Project第一课时(Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section A 的1a和2。通过1a 中Michael和Kangkang的对话,呈现了本课所要学的语法重点:be going to do结构表示一般将来时。首先通过教师与学生互动谈论各自运动计划,导入对1a的泛听,并完成1b,接着学生通过精听对话,判断1c 四种说法是否正确。然后在充分听和读1a 对话内容之后完成1d的填空并尝试复述1a。Section A-2 则是在了解了Kangkang和Michael的运动喜好后看图仿例子做对话来谈论自己的运动喜好和运动计划。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇:team, win, cheer, row, quite, during, against, practice(2)能正确运用be going to do 表达运动计划。(3)能正确地运用prefer doing结构表达喜好,如:prefer swimming, prefer rowing等。2. Skill aims: (1)能听懂有关运动计划和运动爱好的简单对话和陈述。(2)能正确地口头表达有关运动计划和运动爱好的话题。(3)学生模仿例子编写对话,提高他们的改写能力。(4)通过对Section A的学习,学生能够写出自己的运动计划,并讨论各自喜好的运动。3. Emotional aims:帮助学生养成运动的好习惯,学会强身健体,唤醒学生的运动意识。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:能正确、熟练地运用be going to do句型。2. Difficult points: (1) be going to do句型中的be动词和主语的一致性。(2)see sb. do和see sb. doing的区别。. Learning strategies学生通过看图猜测单词,锻炼他们的预测能力。. Teaching aidsV. Teaching proceduresStage 1(7mins):Greeting and leading inStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Class activity)Greet the Ss and warm up.Have a contest. Show some pictures about sports on the screen quickly.T: Before the new lesson, lets have a contest. Ill show you some sports goods or sports requisites on the screen quickly. You should write down the nouns about sports as quickly as possible. The student who writes the most will be the winner. Are you ready? Go!T:How many nouns have you written down? Lets count. Oh, S1 got the most. Congratulations! Can you write them on the Bb?Write down the names about sports as many as possible.Ss:S1: Sure.用竞赛的方式复习巩固表示运动的名词。2(Class activity)Get students ready for learning.T: I often play table tennis in the morning. I am going to play table tennis tomorrow morning,T: What are you going to do ?T: We all like sports, as the saying goes, Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. right?T: Michael is talking about sports with Kangkang. Do you want to know Which sport they are talking about? Focus their attention on the teacher.The whole class listen carefully and try to repeat what the teacher says. Guess the words meanings with the help of the pictures.Ss: Im going to row / cycle / skate. (It can be everyday saying for the students.)Ss: yes.Ss Yes,we do.这一环节的目的是要让学生在与教师谈论自己即将要从事的运动时理解新单词并初步感知be going to do结构。Remark:Stage 2(5mins):Pre-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose( Individual work )Predict the answers to 1b and the main idea of 1a. Lead in 1a.T: Michael is talking about sports with Kangkang. Do you want to know Which sport they are talking about? T:Before listening, lets read the sentences in 1b. Maybe you can predict the answers. At least, you can tell me whats the main idea of the conversation.T:Givemeyourreasonforchoosing it.T:We need to listen to confirm your guessT: Yes, you are right. And there are four statements about their conversation, Please read them and try to tell whether they are true or false after the second listening, ok? Predict the answers to 1b and the main idea of 1a.Ss Yes,we do.S1: I think D is right.S1: I got it according to the picture. Ss: Students get ready to listen to 1a again carefully, paying more attention when pause appears 听之前预测是为了帮助学生了解文意。教师的问题导入可激发学生求知欲Remark:通过听之前对听力题的阅读和对答案的推测,提醒学生注重对话的关键词和细节信息。Stage 3(8mins):While-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Play the tape recording for thefirst time, finish 1bT: You really did a good job. Lets listen to the conversation. You can mark T or F for the sentences of 1c.Finish 1c. Teacher plays the recording twice. The first time: stop when necessary.The second time: check the answers.T: Who would like to tell me the answers? T: How can you correct?T: Well done!Students listen to 1a carefully, focusing on the information of nouns about sports, and then answer together.Ss:.Students check the answers in their groups first, and then exchange their answers with other groups.S1: The first one is false. Michael is going to play basketball instead of playing football.S2: The second one is false.S3: The third one is false.S4:The fourth one is true.完成1b,整体感知对话内容。独立完成1c,先组内核对答案,然后同其他组交换意见。2(Class work)Listen and followTeacher plays the recording in 1a sentence by sentence.T:I will play the recording in 1a sentence by sentence.Please listen carefully,pay attention to your pronunciation and the intonation.Students repeat each sentence after the recording, imitating the pronunciation and the intonation. Ss:.Remark:Stage 4(15mins):Post-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(class activity)Ask the students to read 1a in roles in groups.T: Now 2 minutes for you to read the dialog in roles. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. And after a while well have a . It is like this :Students in each group do pair work first to read 1a in pairs, and then each group choose out one pair to perform the dialogueStudents read 1a in roles, trying to read correctly and fluently.2(Group work) 1d.Teacher shows 1d on the screen, checking if the students are able to write the new words correctly while the students are writing.Students only write down the answers to see if they have understood the dialogue.3(Class activity)Deal with the key points in laTeacher presents new words “against” and “practice” in different ways.Against: Teacher puts his/ her two fists against each other.Practice: I am going to play table tennis. We can also say “I am going to practice table tennis”. Here “practice” means “play”Students try to understand what the symbol “”mean. They should guess what the teacher does with the help of the teachers actions.to 1a again and answer the questions.G1:教师以英译英,或以肢体语言释义,使学生形成一种英语环境下的思维,能更快地掌握英语。4(Individual work)Finish 2.Teacher shows the following words on the screen:play-playing, skate-skating,swim-swimming,row-rowing, cycle-cycling.T:I told you that I prefer playing table tennis. and I want to know your favorite sport. Which sport do you prefer,skating or cycling? T:Who would like to show your passage to us?T: Do you skare much?T: What about you,S2?T:Are you going to join the school skating team?Students read the words correctly, paying attention to the changing form.S1:I prefer skatingS1: Yes,quite a lot.S2:.S2:.5(Group work)Teacher asks each group to read their conversations one by one at the same time, walking around the class to check or to help.T:Each group can make up your own conversation and write them down, and then exchange it with another group.Every student in the class makes his/her own conversation similar to 2.Students read the new conversation one by one in their own groups, correcting each others mistakes at any time.Ss:在真实交际中运用所学语言,实现学以致用。Remark:在对话阅读比赛中,为避免只有优等生参与,每个小组都要给予均等机会。Stage 5(5mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Ask the Ss to summarize and consolidate what we have learnt in this lesson.T: OK. Class will be over soon, Now lets summarize what we have learnt in this lesson. What do we learned and what can you do after this lesson? T:Can you make a sentence with it?T:A good example. Anything else?Teacher shows summary on the screen.Ss Summarize this lesson.S1: We learned how to use the structure of “be going to do” after teaching. S1: Yes. For example, he is going to skate tomorrow.S2:We can talk about our favorite sport using“prefer doing”S3:We have known the difference between “see sb. do” and “see sb. doing” correctly.Students summarize Section A together with the teacher.1.总结本课所学,帮助学生使知识条理化。2.了解学生的掌握情况。3.帮助学生再一次巩固本课的知识点。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: Good. For todays homework, Id like you to remember the new words and phrases. Please practice 1a with your partner. And then you should preview Section B-2a, 2b, 3, 4a ,4b.Finish the HMK after class.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:VI . Blackboard design第一课时 (SectionA-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2) What are you going to do? against Im going to play table tennis. a ball game against I prefer rowing. practice: play basketball Are you going to join the school rowing club? team / groupYes, I am. win the gameNo, I am not. cheer on15 / 15


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