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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends task教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_一、1. To get students to organize the writing material according to the outline.2. To help students to use the vocabulary, phrases and useful expressions to organize language.3. To write an article to introduce their best friend to others.教学重难点1. To organize their language according to the outline.2. To write an article to introduce their best friend using the sample as a model.二、 词汇、短语1.unhappy 不快乐的,悲伤的 adj. ( syn.同义 sad)_ (ant.反义 happy)2.smiling 微笑的 adj. smile 微笑 n./v.3.patient 耐心的 adj./ n. 病人 (ant. impatient 没有耐心的)4.hard-working 勤奋的 adj. (ant. Lazy)5.square 方形的 adj./ n. 方形,广场6.bothand 两者都,既是.也是7.have a round face 长着一张圆脸8.bright smiling eyes 明亮的带着笑意的眼睛9.make her look really pretty and kind 使她看起来真的可爱善良10.make an excellent teacher 成为一名优秀的老师11.feel bored or unhappy 感觉无聊或者不开心12.have a smile on ones face 脸上带有微笑13.talk to/ with me 和我聊天14.tell me interesting things 给我讲有趣的事情15.work with children 和孩子共事,相处16.would like to be a teacher 想要成为一名教师17.grow up 长大三、 句型(语法)1. She always has/ wears a smile on her face.2. help sb. with sth./ help sb. (to) do sth.She helps me with my homework.= She helps me (to) do my homework.3. I think she will make (成为) an excellent teacher.make sb. + adj. I like reading. It makes me happy.make sb. do sth. They make her look really pretty and kind.4. hard-working (adj.) She is a hard-working girl.hard work 努力的学习/工作 (名词短语) You wont be successful without hard work.work hard 努力学习/工作 (动词短语) He works hard at school.【课前导学】一、 根据实际情况回答问题1. Who is your best friend?2. What does she/he look like?3. What is she/he like?4. What does she/he like doing?5. What would she/he like to be in the future?二、 用尽可能多的形容词完成表格内容Faceround,Eyesbright,Nose long,HairShort,lookscute,personalityhelpful,三、 自学生词并圈出自己不理解的短语【课堂学习】1. Duty report/3-minute speech2. Oral practise: ask and answer the five questions about your best friend.3. 教材处理Step1. RevisionRevise something about Betty, and finish the information Name: Betty Looks:_ _ Personality: _ Future plan: _Step2. Discussion How to write about your best friend? Step3. Read Daniels article and finish the table below Daniels best friendName Looks PersonalityFuture planStep4. Read and learn Read the article paragraph by paragraph and learn how to write about their best friend.Step5. Conclusion4. 写作环节(1) 审:What to write and how to write your best friend, use the outline to organize your ideas.(2) 写:学生写,教师巡回指导(3) 改:修改(4) 评:教师根据评分标准,讲评习作 5 / 5

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