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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Module 9 Animals in danger全模块教案 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_技能目标听Match pictures with descriptions about animals 说Ask and answer questions about protecting animals读 Read articles about animals 写Write about animals in danger语言目标 功能句式Talk about animals in dangerA: Did you like the zoo?B: Yes, I was so excited to see the pandas at last! It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve.A: But its sad to think about all those animals in danger. It makes me sad.B: The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger. We need to protect them better.A: And it just isnt right to kill whales or elephants for their meat.B: Absolutely, but its hard to stop the killing.Talk about how to protect animalssymbol of all animals in danger.There is still a long way to go to save the panda.词汇1 1. 重点词汇2 danger, protect, orange, cousin, brown, mad, kill, hard, away, dirty, awful, peace,3 example, nature, research, mainly, reason, situation, symbol, cause, feed, provide,4 clean5 2. 认读词汇6 reserve, surprising, absolutely, rare, surprised, southwest, turtle, design, jewellery,7 difficulty, pollute8 3. 短语9 find out, natural reserve, live on, less and less, for example语法Infinitive structures1. And many animals have no place to live in.2. We need to help the animals live in peace.3. But many people decide not to think about it. 4. But its sad to think about all those animals in danger.重点句子1. It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve. 2. But its sad to think about all those animals in danger. 3. And many animals have no place to live in. 4. We need to help the animals live in peace. The WWF works to protect all animals in danger. II. Teaching material analyzing 教材分析 本模块以“Animals in danger”为话题,以学习动词不定式的用法为主线,介绍了当前濒临灭绝,需要人类保护的动物的情况,并重点介绍了大熊猫的保护情况。在此基础上,学生可以根据自己的建议制定更合理的动物保护措施;模块同时通过该话题还复习了一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、一般将来时的用法。 Unit 1 通过听、读、说训练,初步学习动词不定式。其中活动1要求将所给动物词汇与对其特征的描述相匹配。活动2要求根据录音判断所谈论的动物及濒临灭绝的动物。活动35听读包含谈论动物的对话并完成回答问题、填空及造句等任务。活动6学习英语中句子的意群;活动7根据提示进行问答练习。活动8要求学生讨论活动1图片中的动物,自己判断哪种动物最需保护。 Unit 2 通过读、写训练,学会使用动词不定式介绍需要保护的动物及其保护的情况。其中活动15要求学生首先自己谈论大熊猫的情况,然后阅读文章并找出各段主题句, 最后练习运用不定式造句。活动45要求学生根据文章回答问题和填空。活动6要求学生根据一段介绍大熊猫目前生活状况的短文及问题提示,写一篇关于另一种濒临灭绝动物的情况。 Unit 3 对“动词不定式”的功能项目进行综合训练,并在此基础上学写关于濒临灭绝的动物的情况。其中活动1、2 要求学写不定式的句子并根据情况正确使用不定式。活动3 要求根据活动2 进行对话练习。活动4-7利用填空、造句、游戏等形式进一步练习动词不定式的用法。活动8要求学生听录音并回答问题。活动9要求用所给词汇完成短文,以进一步巩固课本内容。Around the world给学生介绍了几种濒临灭绝的动物,同时也提供了写作范文。Module task要求学生写一篇关于濒危动物的短文并做出了写作方法及步骤。 IIIClass types and periods 课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and speaking Period 2 Grammar Period 3 Reading and writing Period 4 Integrating skills Period 5 Vocabulary and task IV. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 Period 1 Listening and speakingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇danger, protect, orange, cousin, brown, reserve, mad, surprising, kill, absolutely, hard, away, dirty, awful, peace, find out, rare, example, nature, nature reserve, surprised, at last, on earth2. Key structures 重点句式 I was so excited to see the pandas at last.It was (not) interesting / sad/ right/ hard to do sth.need/ decide(not) to do sth.The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about animals in danger. Teaching methods 教学方法Listening and speaking. Teaching aids 教具准备Tape recorder.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Warming-up (1: P72)Talk about animals. T: Animals are our friends. We should learn to live together with animals. Many families now havepets at home. That is, human beings are living with animals. They are pet animals. What pet animals do you know?S: Cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. T: Do any family keep tiger, lion, elephant, etc as pet animals?S: No. T: Do you know why?S: Because they are dangerous. S: Because they are too difficult to keep.T: Good. Just think about this: Where do these animals live? What do they eat? Whats their situation like? Do you know? Encourage students to speak out what they have in mind. S: We can only see them in the zoo.S: People kill them to make money. S: We must protect them.T: Quite true. From now on, we are going to talk about animals in danger. (emphasize the phrase “in danger”). Now please look at activity 1 on page 72. Step II Listening and reading (25: P7273)Listening First ask students to read the questions in activity 2 and get them to take notes while listening. Then listen and check the answers. Then ask them to listen to the conversation between Lingling and Sally carefully with their books closed. And then answer the questions in activity 4. Reading Ask students to read after the tape first. Work in pairs and read the conversation repeatedly and then ask some pairs to act out the conversation. Ask students to find out the infinitive structures in the conversation and read them together. Sample sentences: I was so excited to see the pandas at last! It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve. But its sad to think about all those animals in danger. The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger. We need to protect them better. Absolutely, but its hard to stop the killing. And many animals have no place to live in. Also, often their water isnt good to drink because weve made it dirty. We need to help the animals live in peace. Lets find out what we can do to save them Then ask students to finish activity 5 on P73.Step IV Speaking (7: P73) Pronunciation T: In English, a sentence can be divided into several parts or groups. When we read these sentences, we can often pause between these groups. Now listen to and repeat the sentences in activity 6. Speaking Ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in activity 7. T: Whales are large animals in the sea. Some whales can weigh 160 ton. They are really frightening. But are you surprised to find out that whales are in danger? Why do some animals have no place to live in? Now work in pairs and discuss the questions in activity 7. Sample conversation:S: I learned about whales when I was very young. They are very large animals. I thought human beings are afraid of such animals. S: But now whales are in danger too. Its surprising!S: Whales are hunted for meat and skin. They have no place to live in. S: I think its because human beings destroyed or polluted their living places. S: I agree. I think its cruel for human beings to kill animals for their meat. S: I dont think so. If we dont eat animals, what to eat?S: We can eat vegetables and fruits. Most people do so now. S: I cant agree. I think some animals are for eating. S: Me, too. Lets try to do something to protect these animals. Then ask them to work with a partner and talk about the animals in Activity 1 and then report the discussion results. Sample version:The elephant is the most important animal to protect. There are many elephants work for people, but many people kill the elephants for their teeth. There arent many elephants left in the world. Step V Homework Ask students to1. read the conversation in activity 3 repeatedly. 2. finish activities 1-4 on page 112 in Workbook.Period 2 GrammarLanguage goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇interesting, sad, surprising, surprised, need, hard, place, good, decide, right, to do, hear2. Key structures 重点句式 Its (not) + adj. + to do sth.I was surprised to do sth.decide to do sth.need to do sth.a good place to buy thingsThe surprising thing was to hear that bad news.Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to use infinitive correctly. Teaching methods 教学方法Explanation and practising. Teaching aids 教具准备Handout. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-inGrammarT: Good morning, boys and girls! Today were going to learn a new grammar. Now Ill write down 5 sentences on the blackboard, and please write them down on your notebook, too. Then tell me the similarity between them. S: OK.Show the following. 1. Its interesting to watch a movie.2. Its not hard to learn English.3. I am surprised to see you here.4. We need to finish our homework every day.5. HongKong is a good place to buy things.6. The surprising thing was to hear that bad news.Step II ExplanationFirst encourage students to tell the similarity between the sentences.Show the following. 1. to + v. 2. Its + adj. + to do 3. need to do sth. 4. be to do sth.T: We can see that the above sentences all include “to + v”. In fact they are in the same family, and they are called “infinitive”. (Write “infinitive” down and ask students to use a red pen to emphasize the infinitives). Now look at the first sentence. Can you give me more examples?S: Its good to eat vegetables.S: Its sad to hear the accident.S: Its nice to see you here. Its easy to learn math. Its right to tell the truth.T: Excellent! Now I want to change these sentences. Look carefully, please. Show the following. 1. To watch a movie is interesting.2. To eat vegetables is good.3. To hear the accident is sad.T: Maybe you have found something different. Whats the function of “to do”?S: As the subject of the whole sentence.Then ask students to read the following aloud. 1. It is interesting to watch a movie.2. Its good to eat vegetables.3. Its sad to hear the accident.T: OK. Now lets go on with the next sentence “Its not hard to learn English.” Clearly its the negative form of the infinitive. How is it formed?S: To add “not” before the infinitives.T: Yes, so change the sentences above into negative ones.S: 1. Its not interesting to watch a movie.2. Its not good to eat vegetables.3. Its not sad to hear the accident.T: Well, the next type. Look at sentence3 “I was surprised to see you here.” And its just easy for you to give other examples.S: He was afraid to tell his mother the matter. Im glad to hear you.T: This time the infinitive functions as adverbial in the whole sentence. Then give the students some examples.1. She was ready to go.2. Youre right to do it.3. The water is not good to drink.Ask students to read these sentences together. And then go on to the next type. T: “We need to finish our homework every day.” The infinitive is used as the object of the main verb. Many verbs can be followed by infinitives. Such as: learn, tell, forget, remember, decide, ask, try, like, need, etc.Show the following. eg: We learn to speak English every day. Mary forgot to give me my book. Helen decided to have a holiday.Well learn the usage of the verbs and you should pay attention to the usage. OK, next type, as attribute. I think youre familiar with it.S: There is a house to live in. We have something to discuss. Would you like something to drink?T: Well, the last type, infinitives as predicatives. For example:1. My only wish is to be a good teacher.2. The important thing is to finish it on time.3. The first thing was to open the door.T:Well, we have went through five main usages of infinitives, and they are “subject, adverbial, object, attribute and predictive”. Now lets read all the examples again.Step III I单项填空1.Tell him _ the window.A. to close B. not close C. close2. Its important _ the truth.A. know B. to know C. knowing3. I was excited _ from you.A. hearing B. hear C. to hear4. Is there anyone _ to?A. talk to B. to talk to C. talking5. Its wrong _ others.A. to laugh at B. laugh at C. laughing at6. The thing now is _ the right people.A. find out B. to find out C. find II 用动词的适当形式填空1. Do you remember _ (return) the book tomorrow?2. Its impossible _ (live) without water.3. Its hard _ (talk) with him.4. We have a good book _(read).5. Im happy _ (have) a nice present.6. The problem is _ (make) a right chance.III翻译句子1. 她决定周末回家.2. 学习英语是一种乐趣.3. 课前预习很重要吗?4. 这是一个娱乐的好地方.5. 听到妈妈病了,他很伤心.6. 他的目标是当科学家.Step IV Homework Ask students to1. review the grammar carefully, and make up three sentences for each type.2. learn the words on pages 186189. Period 3 Reading and writingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇southwest, mainly, live on, reason, less and less, situation, symbol, turtle, cause, feed 2. Key structures 重点句式 Pandas have less and less land to live in.Then the pandas will have enough food to eat and enough places to live in.Need / work to do sth.Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to read and write about animals in danger. Teaching methods 教学方法Reading and writing. Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Warming-upIn this procedure, get students to do Activity 1 on P74, and say what they know about pandas.T: Hello, everyone. In the first period, we talked about animals in danger. Today, we will learn something about our lovely “panda”. First Id like you to say something about it.S: I know that pandas only live in China. S: There arent many pandas living in the world. And our government has made many reserves to protect them.S: The most important point is that everyone should love pandas and protect them.T: Yes, sure. So now lets look at the situation of pandas now. Step II Reading (2: P74) In this procedure, students will read the passage on P74 and finish Activity 2. Check the answer. Reading strategies T: When we read a passage, we often first find its topic sentence in each paragraph. All of the topic sentences work for the main idea of the passage in a reasonable order to form a nice passage. Usually the topic sentence in a paragraph is the first or the last sentence. Sometimes, it is in the middle. And rarely, we need to summarize it by ourselves. For example: In this passage, the first three paragraphs topic sentences are the first sentences of each paragraph. And in the last paragraph, we can find the topic sentence by reading its main idea and summarize.Find the clues: 1. The panda is one of the animals most in danger. (An animal in danger.) 2. Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. (The pandas home.) 3. Our government is working hard to save pandas. (Help for pandas.)Post-readingAsk students to read the passage and try to answer the questions in Activity 4 on P75.Sample answers:1.2. Bamboo.3. The government has made a new plan to help pandas. The nature reserves will be bigger and the bamboo will grow better.4.Then ask students to read the passage paragraph by paragraph again and explain some of the grammar points in it.1. one of eg: He is one of my good friends. Sally is one of the girls who study hard.2. There be doingeg: There is a boy crying in the corner. There are many people playing on the beach.3. less and lesseg: Students have less and less time for playing. People have less and less time to relax themselves.4. need to do sth.eg: We need to do exercises. Bob needs to walk home.Go through the passage by yourself and try to digest the passage, then do Activity 3 on P75 and then after checking the answer, read the sentences together.Word study Ask students to do activity 5on P75 and then ask them to read the short passage repeatedly.Step III Writing (6: P75) Ask students to read the short passage about panda first and then choose another animal in danger and answer the questions in Activity 6 and write a passage about it. Sample answers: 1. The wild Bactrian camel. There are perhaps 950 left in the wild for different reasons.2. There are perhaps 950 left in the wild. But it still works for people to carry many things. And many people sell its skin for money. So it is in danger now.3. We need to protect it. 4. We should stop using it as a servant, and give it a nice environment to live. We can also have natural reserves for the camel. And we can do something to tell people the importance of protecting it.Sample version: The wild Bactrian camel lives in Northwest China Mongolia. It is a large camel and the only species in the world with two humps. There are perhaps 950 left in the wild. But it still works for people to carry many things. And many people sell its skin for money. So it is in danger now. We need to protect it. We should stop using it as a servant, and give it a nice environment to live. For example: We can also have natural reserves for the camel. And we can do something to tell people the importance of protecting it.Step IV Homework Ask students to1. write a passage about an animal in danger in their exercise-books. 2. finish activities 5-10 on pages 145-146 in Workbook.Period 4 Integrating skillsLanguage goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇design, jewellery, for example, provide, difficulty, clean, pollute 2. Key structures 重点句式 It is + adj. + to do sth.The surprising thing was to Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to use infinitive correctly. Teaching methods 教学方法Cooperative learning. Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Revision (1, 4-9: P76-78)Review the infinitive and the text. And then do some exercises.Get students to finish the exercises about infinitive and check the answers. Ask students to read the sentences together or in groups after checking.Step II Listening and speaking (2: P76; 8: P78) Listening Ask students to choose the correct words and then listen and check and pay attention to the different usages of set phrases. Then read the conversation together.Show the following. 1. want to do sth.2. Its + adj. of sb. to do sth.3. Lets do sth.Then check the answers. SpeakingT: Work in pairs and role-play the conversation between Katy and Samantha in Activity 2. Then try to make a similar one by yourselves.Sample conversation:S1: Hi, Bob speaking.S2: Hi, Bob. Its Jim. Do you want to see a football match tonight?S1: Oh, its very nice of you to invite me. What are the two teams?S2: England and France. The exciting thing is to guess who will be the winner.S1: Oh, that sounds good. What time does it start?S2: At four oclock. Lets meet at half past three.S1: OK. See you then.S2: OK.ListeningThen go on with activity 8. First ask students to guess what will be talked about. Then play the tape and get the students to listen and answer the questions. Check the answers with the class. Step III Reading and writing (Around the world: P76; 10-12: P79) Around the world Ask students to read the passages by themselves, and then finish the following exercises.Show the following. Fill in the blanks. 1. The largest animal in the world is _. It lives in _ and eats _ for food. 2. The wild Bactrian camel lives in _ and _. It is the _ in the world with two humps. 3. Many _ live in India but you can find them in other counties as well. There are many elephants which _ for people. Writing First ask students to discuss in small groups to decide which animal they want to write about. Find out about the animal. Then write one or two short paragraphs about it.Sample version:Gray bats Gray bats only weigh up to half an ounce. Their wings measure about 1.5 inches across. Gray bats live in groups in caves. Most gray bats live in caves in Alabama, northern Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennessee. The caves are usuall


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