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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 3 Language in use教案(新版)外研版撰写人:_时 间:_Revision and application第3课时课时2个目标要求To check and practise vocabularyTo practise the function of asking for and giving advice内容分析Main point : give sb. some adviceDifficult point : How to give sb. some adviceKey structure : You should / shouldnt . Why dont you / Why not ? Try ( not ) to . Its a good idea . How about .Words : borrow ;group ;mark ;club ;start ;together ;hear ( heard , heard )Phrases : in groups ;bad marks ;look for ;say hello to ;all the time ;best wishes ;practise doing ;look up ;be good at ;be good for 教法与学法 情景法 交际法 口语训练 对话表演教具与学具 录音机 多媒体辅助教学教学过程任课教师修改意见一、 Warming up 1. Greeting 2. Revision : a) the new wordsfrom Module 1 unit 2 b) some advice for learning English二、Presentation 1. Language practice . First , show the key structure to Ss , and then ask Ss to use the advice for learning English to make a new sentences with You should / shouldnt . Why dont you / Why not ? Try ( not ) to . Its a good idea . How about .in oral .At last , ask Ss to write down one or two sentences with the key structure .3. Do Activity 3 . First , show the pictures to Ss , and then ask them to talk about the pictures .After checking the answers , do Activity 4 , ask Ss to talk about them .At last , check some of Ss answers .4. Do Activity 1 .5. Do Activity 2 .教学过程任课教师修改意见6. Do Activity 5 .In this part , fist , T should let the Ss know what is talking about , its fit for the Ss to find out their problems and find the way to solve them . And then T can ask Ss to talk with their partner both in English and in Chinese ,because its a little difficult for Ss to say their problem in learning English in English . 三、Practice1. Do Activity 6 , 7,8,92. Point out the key words and sentences in unit 3 , and then do the exercises .四、Culture Around the world : tell something about the English newspapers ,magazines , channels ,tell them to get more information about English .五、Review1.Do Activity 10 .六、 Homework Textbook : P9 ,do Activity 11, make a study plan .Workbook : P112 , do Activity 1,2,4七、PreparationTextbook : P181-182 , experience - dream P10 , Activity 2 3 / 3

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