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教学资料参考范本八年级英上册 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Meet Ms撰写人:_时 间:_1.New words and phrases: A: Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. , special, husband, piano, singer, nervous. ( used freely) B: finish, introduce, English (for oral English)2.Introduction of a teacher.Teaching goals1.Master the new words: Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. , special, husband, piano, singer, nervous. 2. Learn how to introduce a teacher.3. Some useful expressions: using Mr./Mrs./Ms. in the correct way.Key points:Now he is ready to introduce someone to the classI talked to someone very special.Walking to school in January.Dont be nervous.Difficult points: How to present a good introduction of a teacher.Preparation: 1. Write down the key new words on cards.2.Prepare something in our daily life or draw some pictures3.Find some photos of famous hosts or hostesses in magazines, like Wang Xiaoya, Li Yong and so on.Teaching resources: photo, word cards, some pictures, recorder and slide projector .Type of the lesson: speaking and practising.Teaching procedure1.Warming up1)Greetings T: Hi, class! Good morning. How are you doing today? Its September now, not hot and cold. I like autumn in the four seasons of year. And remember we need to wear different clothes in different seasons. 2)A brief review of yesterdays lesson3)Duty reportT: Whos on duty today? Introduce the weather to us today. And describe what clothes your classmates are wearing.2.New lessonStep 1: Lead in(Show the photo of Wang Xiaoya)T: You like her very much, yes? Me, too! Would you like to talk to her? Weve learned how to interview someone. Imagine youve interviewed Wang Xiaoya. And then you are asked to introduce her to your class. Do you know what we want to know about her?Guide the Ss to know the way of introducing someone with some questions:1)Where does she live? (She works in CCTV, so she lives in Beijing.)2)What does she do? (She a good hostess of “Quiz Show” on TV.)3)What is she good at? (She is good at hosting.)4)How is she doing her work? (She works very well. Others even learn from her and her program)5)How do you like her? (She always smiles and I like her very much.)Step 2: key point: introduce how to use Mr./Mrs./Ms correctly(Show a photo of a family)T: Look at this photo, please. Its a photo of the famous host of Li Yong. Who is the lady besides him? Yes, his wife. And this little girl is their daughter. I can call Li Yong “Mr. Li”. Do you know what we can call his wife? Right! “Mrs. Li”. So what about his daughter?(Let the Ss try to guess. Maybe some of them know the answer. Then guide them to be aware of the differences of the three words.)T: Good, so lets summarize the usage of the three words: We use “Mr.” before his family name. No matter he is married or not. But we only call a married woman “Mrs.” Right? Then what about a girl, an unmarried one? Yes. Very good. We call a girl “Miss”. We can call a lady “Ms.x” if we dont know whether she is married or not.Step 3: Discussion of questions in “Think About It!”T: There are some questions for us to discuss on top of Page 8. Read them and think about it. You can discuss with you partners. Then take turns to speak for a introduction.Step 4: Listen and useful informationT: Li Ming will talk on the tape. He also introduced a teacher, Ms. Liu. Listen for the first time and get the answer to this question: How long has Ms. Liu lived in Shijiazhuang? (For two years)Step 5: Further study of the textT: Read the text by yourselves, please, and try to get the information about Ms. Liu as much as possible. Ask me what you cant understand.Step 6: Discussion and understandingGuide the Ss to discuss the text about Ms. Liu. Check them whether they can understand the text well. The following detailed questions are available:1)How does Ms Lius students like her? ( Her students like her very much.)2)How long has she been an English teacher? ( For seven years.)3)Does she always live in China? (No. She once went to school in London to learn English.)4)What food does Ms. Liu like? (Dumplings)5)Whats her favourite animal? (Monkeys)6)Does she have many interests? Give us some examples. (Yes. Ms. Liu has many interests. She likes swim , the piano and she sings well.)7)What does Ms. Liu hate to do? (She hates walking to school in January, because its cold.)Step 7: card-makingT: After the discussion, we have know Ms. Liu very well. Now take out a piece of paper. Lets make a personal card for Ms. Liu.(Present the card by using the slide projector)NameTeaching EnglishLiving in ShijiazhuangFor EnglishLikesDislikesMs. LiuSeven yearsTwo yearsStudied in LondonSummer/monkeys/students/swim/playing the piano/singingLoud peopleWalking in Jan.Step 8: “Lets Do It!” sectionGive the Ss these expressions for introducing their teacher: My favourite teacher is . He/She likes and hates . His/Her favourite is . 3.Homework1)Read the text 2)Make a card like the one of Ms. Liu after classFinish off the exercises in activity book.4 / 4


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