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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Growing up integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_目标1. 能够从听力中获取信息并做好记录。2. 能够在听说读写的活动中综合运用本单元所学的语法和句型。3. 能够通过对战争的了解,热爱和平,珍惜目前的美好生活。重点难点分析1. 掌握新单词和短语:break out, record, symbol, victory, spirit, die of, German, thought, admire, courage, in fear of ones life2. 学习新句型:Although we live in peace, some children in other parts of the world still live in fear of their lives.教学流程安排集体智慧(以知识体系为主)个性设计(二次备课)教学后记Step 1 Revision and lead-in1. Revise the ways of learning about the world in a free talk.2. Learn the new words and make sure they can pronounce them correctly.Step 2 Listening1. Play the tape and let the students fill in the missing words in A1.2. Check their answers.3. Get them to listen to the s4. Check the answers.Step 3 Writing and speaking2. Check the answers together.Step 4 Speaking up1. T: Now Millie and Simon are talking about the war through two other books. Listen and tell me the names of the two books. 2. The teacher introduces the two books to the students.3. Play the tape and get them to repeat it.Step5 SummaryT: Today we have learned something about the war. What do you think of it? Of couse, war is cruel, so we must cherish peace and our happy lives now.Step 6 Homework1. Read the article in A3.2. Act the diologue in Part B.以对话导入先听再仔细完成,多听几遍听力占用时间较多不能急躁We can help them if they need!Encourage them to speak loudly!作业应量小精悍。They are poor in this part so I will give them more erercises.练习安排Finish the exercises板书设计Word phrase sentance备课组长审核签名: 年级主任复核签名: 6 / 6


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