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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 unit9 SectionA 2教案 人教新目标版撰写人:_时 间:_Teaching Aims and Objects:1.Teaching Goals:Most students would be able to ask when a person was born and when a person started to do something.2.Learning &teaching contenta)New words: record, hiccup, sneeze, golf, Brazilian, national, achievementb)Phrases: tooto, world recordb)PatternsWhen did he/she start? He/She startedI startedwhen I wasyears old.How long did he/she? 本课时的主要任务是学习when引导的状语从句和how long特殊疑问句。2. Key points and DifficultiesWhen was he/she born? He/She was bornStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesMethodologyStep 1 Greetings and Revision (5 minutes)1. Greetings and RevisionReview the key points learnt last class. Students make conversations freely.A: When were you born?B: I was bornA: When was your mother born?B: She was bornT: You did a good job! Students answer the teachers questions.学生利用上节课知识点进行自由对话。利用目标语言进行交流和表达。Step 2 New Words. (10 minutes)New WordsT: Lets see the new words.Present the new words of page 54 and page 55.Students learn the new words.学习54页和55页生词。不能孤立地学习生词,将生词放在句子中学,学生在造句子的同时关注生词和句子结构,对培养语言能力有所帮助。句子难度不宜太大。Step 3 Activities(10 minutes)1. Activity 2aT: Last period we talked about some sports stars, and today we will talk about some unusual people! Look at picture in section A 2a and the chart. Who are they?S: The man is Charles Smith and the woman is Donna Green.T: What are they doing?S: Charles Smith is hiccupping. Donna Green is sneezing. (Help them answer)T: What kinds of world record did they have?S1: Charles Smith had a world record for hiccupping.S2: Donna Green had a world record for sneezing.T: Excellent! Now listen to the tape and finish the chart please. (Play the tape two times)Check the answers.2. Activity 2c:Fill in the blanks and check the answers.Talk about the people in the picture.Listen to the tape and finish the chart.Fill in the blanks.本步骤完成教材SectionA2a-2c的内容。从听、说两方面巩固目标语言。Step 4 Presentation and Practice (15 minutes)1. Introduce the patternsT: Could you tell me which three sentences are used again and again in the conversations?Help them answer and write the sentences on the blackboard When did he/she start? He/She started I startedwhen I wasyears old.How long did he/she? T: Can you make sentences using them?2. Activity 3a.T: The passage introduces six great people. Read it and fill in the chart please.Then check the answers.Students answer the teachers questions.Students make sentences with the target language.Students read the passage and fill in the chart. 由听力和结对练习导入目标语言。通过使用目标语言造句对其进行巩固加深。本页3a部分的小短文为本课目标语言的重现,由学生互相询问来完成表格。从口语和阅读两个方面深化加强本课知识点。Step 4 Summary (4 minutes)T: Can you tell me what we learnt today?Sum up the key points learnt today指导学生总结该节课所学的知识,有助于学生加深理解,巩固知识,并且将知识系统化。Step 5 Homework (1 minutes)1. Write a passage about your own childhood.2. Make a survey about some of your classmates the past life. 3.4a How old were you when you started doing the things below? Interview your classmates and fill in the chart.作业是课堂的巩固与延伸,课堂所涉及的东西是有限的,学生课后可以做适当的拓展。学生通过查阅资料对优秀人物有所了解,同时增长他们的课后知识,使所学知识不断地延伸Blackboard Designing Unit 9 When was he born? Period 2New Words Patternsrecord, hiccup, sneeze, golf, Brazilian, When did he/she start? national, achievement He/She started tooto, world record How long did he/she?I startedwhen I wasyears old. 5 / 5

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