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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Unit4 How do you get to school 教案(2) 人教新目标版撰写人:_时 间:_词组 1、have to14、of all 2、get home15、likebetter 3、on the farm16、likebest 4、notany more17、get up 5、use sth. to do sth.18、like doing sth. 6、in the fields19、until late at night 7、in the country20、helpwith 8、hear sb. doing sth. 21、leave school 9、agree with22、go to college 10、listen to23、like to do sth. 11、likebetter than24、learn more about doing sth. 12、go fishing25、how to do sth. 13、go skating26、in town. 二、【学习难点】 1. why are you walking so fast? 为什么你走得那么快? so + adj. or adv. 例如:so quickly, so big, so slowly. so+ many / much/ few/ little + n.例如:so many students, so much water. 2. i have to get home to do my work.我必须到家干活。 (1) have to,不得不,必须。该词组有人称和数的变化。 例如:i have to do my homework.我得做作业。 she has to wash clothes.她必须洗衣服。 i dont have to do my homework.我不必做作业。she doesnt have to wash clothes.她不必洗衣服。 do you have to do your homework?你得做家庭作业吗?does she have to wash clothes?她得洗衣服吗? (2)u like better, this one or that one ? 这个和那个,你更喜欢哪个? which do you like best, the red one, the black one or the white one ?红的,黑的和白的,你最喜欢哪个? 6. they dont use animals to do farm work any more.他们不再用牲畜干农活了。 (1) use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事。 例如:we use brooms to clean the room.我们用苕子打扫房间。 they use pens to do their homework. 他们用钢笔做作业。 (2) notany more,不再 例如:they dont go to work any more.他们不再上班了。 7. in the country, he can hear birds singing and sheep bleating在乡下,他能听到鸟在歌唱,羊在叫。 hear sb. / sth. doing sth. 听到某人( 某物 )在做某事。 例如:i hear them laughing.我听到他们在大声地笑。 can you hear tom talking? 你能听到tom 在讲话吗? 还可以有see / watch / find sb. doing sth. 看到/观看到/发现某人在做某事。 8. john also likes the country better than the city. john对农村比对城市更喜欢。 like better than对比对更喜欢。 例如:i like tomatoes better than pumpkins. 我对西红柿比对南瓜更喜欢。 she likes fish better than meat. 她对鱼比对肉更喜欢。 9. he thinks the country is more beautiful than the city.他认为农村比城市更美丽。 the country is more beautiful than the city是一个宾语从句,作thinks的宾语。 例如:he thinks their corn is the most delicious. 他以为他们的谷物味道最鲜美。 their corn is the most delicious是宾语从句 john thinks cody is the best dog of all.约翰认为cody 是所有狗中最好的狗。 cody is the best dog of all是宾语从句。 10. john agrees with ji wei. jone 同意 ji wei 的看法。 agree with sb.同意某人的看法. i dont agree with you.我不同意你的看法。 agree to ones plan,同意某人的计划。 11. go fishing 去钓鱼,go skating 去溜冰,go shopping 去买东西,go hunting 去打猎 12. john thinks cody is the best dog of all.约翰认为cody是所有狗中最好的狗。 of all 在所有的中间,常用于含最高级的句子中。 例如:he is the tallest of all.他是所有的中间最高的。 she runs (the) fastest of all.她是所有的人中跑的最快的。副词的最高级 the 可以省略。 13. which do you like better, the city or the country? 城市和农村,你比较喜欢哪个? 前面是特殊疑问句,后面是选择疑问句。 再如:which do you like best, dogs, cats or chickens?狗、猫和鸡,你最喜欢哪些? 14. she also thinks running in the country is the most interesting thing to do. 她也认为,在乡下跑步是干的最有趣的事。 (1).running是动名词,在宾语从句中作主语。 例如:sheom each field. 我想学会如何从每块地获得最多的玉米和小麦。 a) want to do sth. , to do sth.是不定式 he wants to buy a pen.他想买支钢笔。i want to go home.我想回家。 b) how to do sth.是带有疑问词的不定式。 i dont know how to drive a car. 我不知道如何开汽车。 he doesnt how to speak english.他不知道如何讲英语。 we dont know where to have lunch.我们不知道在哪儿吃午饭? unit 4 lesson 14 教案 teaching aims教学目标 knowledge aims知识目标: 1.学习单词: grow, wheat, country, hear, bleat, agree with, corn, most, summer, winter, stop 2.学习词组:notany more, use sth. to do sth. ,in the fields, in the country, hear sb./sth. doing sth. agree with, listen to, likebetter than, go skating, go fishing, of all, likebetter, likebest, 3.学习句型:which do you like better, the city or the country? i like the country better. which do you like best, dogs, cats or chickens? i like dogs best. ability aims能力目标: 1 了解美国的农场。 2 培养学生阅读和理解课文的能力。 3 学会用英语来比较事物。 feeling aims情感目标: 1 培养学生热爱大自然的情感。 2 培养学生学习英语的情感。 emphasis & difficulties of teaching教学重点和难点: 1.use sth. to do sth. 不定式的用法 2.notany more 3.hear sb./ sth. doing sth. 4.agree with 5. 比较级和最高级的运用 teaching steps教学步骤: step 1 talk about the following questions. 1. can you say something about a chinese farm? 2. do you think a chinese farm and an american farm are the same? why or why not? 3. what grows on the farm? 先让学生充分讨论,后由学生回答这些问题。 step 2 learn some new words: grow, wheat, country, hear, bleat, agree with, corn, most, summer, winter, stop 先让学生拼读单词,然后领读,再让学生自由朗读,通过这一过程,培养学生学习单词的能力。 提醒学生注意:here,副词,这儿, hear, 动词 听见,听到。 step 3 listen to the tape and read the passage in part 2 and tell if the sentences are right or wrong. (workbook p.90) 让学生积极主动地学习过程,培养学生地阅读能力、理解能力,使学习过程成为学生学会学习的过程,并及时用鼓励性语言评价学生的回答,把这一过程变为培养学生学习英语的情感过程。 step 4 对“two farms”进行分析,巩固重点,解决难点。以学生提问、学生回答为主,培养学生发现问题、解决问题的能力。 1. they dont use animals to do farm work any more.他们不再用牲畜干农活了。 (1) use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事。 例如:we use brooms to clean the room.我们用苕子打扫房间。 they use pens to do their homework. 他们用钢笔做作业。 (2) notany more,不再 例如:they dont go to work any more.他们不再上班了。 2.in the fields在田里,on the farm在农场 3. he thinks the country is more beautiful than the city.他认为农村比城市更美丽。 the country is more beautiful than the city是一个宾语从句,作thinks的宾语。 例如:he thinks their corn is the most delicious. 他以为他们的谷物味道最鲜美。 heir corn is the most delicious是宾语从句6 / 6

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