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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Unit 12 Whats the best Radio Statio教案 人教新课标版撰写人:_时 间:_.Teaching materials analyzing(教学分析):本单元是八年级上册的最后一单元,通过课本上的内容以听、读的方式向学生展示了如何对娱乐设施的各方面进行比较,进而引导学生在说和写方面,对自己家乡的娱乐设施进行比较。在第六单元形容词的比较级的学习基础上,进一步熟练掌握和运用形容词的最高级的用法,并能应用于实践生活之中,能对电影院、广播电台、才艺表演,城市特点及人的特点进行描述,同时在情感价值观上引导学生热爱自己的家乡,做一个积极上进的人。.Teaching objectives(教学目标)1. Language goals;Learn to 2. Ability goals;Listening: listen to the description about movie、theaters、stores、radio stations and talent shows.Speaking: Describe the movie、theaters、stores、radio stations、talent shows. And can describe person with positive words and negative words.Reading: Read an article about places in town, an article about school talent show.Writing: Write an article about the performers in school talent show by 3. Moral goals(德育目标): 通过对家乡的娱乐设施的描述,对学校才艺表演的描述,引导学生热爱自己的家乡,做一个开朗活泼积极上进的人。.Language structures (语言结构)用-( i ) est. the most 表示最高级,不规则的形容词的比较级和最高级如:good、better best. bad .worse、the worst Teaching periods Period One: Section A. (1a. 1b. 1c)Period Two: Section A. (2a. 2b.2c)Period Three: Section A .(3a. 3b. 4 )Period Four: Section B. ( 1a.1b.2a.2b.2c)Period Five: Section B (3a. 3b.3c. 4)Period Six: Self check.Key and different language;(1). New words and phrases: table seat screen. close (to) easy worse worst loud success without cinema theater trendy quality(2) StructuresSub+ v+ the + -est + in/of(3) Target languagea. Whats the best cinema?b. Showtime cinema. Its the cheapest.c. Jaspers has good quality clothes.d. Its better than Trendy Teense. Jaspers is the best store in town . Teaching strategies Scanning. Deducing Unit 12 What is the best radio station?Section A Period One.Teaching contents: Section A 1a 1b 1c.Teaching goals:1. Knowledge goals:1) Vocabulary: radio station comfortable seat screen close service quality theater cinema 2) Sentence: whats the best ? It is the-(i)est/most-? It has the-(i)est/most-?2. Ability goals.1) Learn different movie theaters have different qualities.2) Learn to describe the movie theaters in our town.3). Moral goods.Help students to understand what qualities are important and what qualities are not important.Teaching key points:1) Vocabulary: radio station seat screen close service quality theater Cinema.2) Target language: whats the best ?It is the-(i)est/most-? It has the-(i)est/most-?. Teaching difficult point:Different forms of the Superlative Degree.Teaching proceduresStep1. Warming-up and lead-in Show the pictures of our citys famous stores 国贸.千百意.商厦.华联.苏果Ask students about the stores they like go to. ese stores using the words good, better and best. T= Teacher S=student T: Where do you buy clothes?S1: I buy clothes at Qianbaiyi?T: Does Qianbaiyi have good clothes?S2: I think Shangsha has better clothes.T: Who/ which store has the best clothes?S3: Guomao has the best clothes.Step2. Presentation new words.Show two pictures to studentsT: Look! Therere two cinemas in our city. One is Big Theater ,the other is Peoples Cinema. Which one do you like better? Why?Student1: I like best. Because it is close to my home.Student2: I like best. Because it is cheap. Student3. I like Student4. I like best . Because it has big screen .Student5. I like best .Because it has better service. (Ask several students to answer. Help them to review and learn these new words.)Write down there new words on the blackboard.板书:seat screen service quality Step3 1a.learn and write Read the instruction of 1a to the class. Ask one student give the meaning of these words and phrases. Ask students to decide which of the things are important and which is not important by themselves. Point to the columns and say .write your answers here. Write these items on the blackboard.Point to each item to the class and say. “If you think this is the most important to you. Please hand up. Make a survey. Which item is the most important to most students in the class?Step4. Listening practice Read the instructions to the class. Then point to the chart. Say. Youll hear three people talking about several movie theaters in their town. Point to the phrases under the word Qualities and ask different students to read the phrases to the class. Explain the meaning of any phrases that students dont understand.Point to the list of the movie theaters in the box. Say: Write the names of the different movie theaters here. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen Play the recording for the second time. This time ask students to write the name of each movie theater on the blank line. Check the answers. Play the third time for students to follow it one sentence by one sentence Step5. Oral practice Read the instructions to the class. Point out the sample conversation in the box. Let students work with a partner. Start by reading the conversation in the box. Then make a similar conversation. Ask a few pair of students to act out their conversation.SA: Whats the best movie theater?SB: Big theater. It is the closest to my homeSA: But I think PeopleStep6. Summary Today weWe should use the superlative Degree to describe the best things.Step7. Homework1. Remember the new words 2. Observe the different forms of the Superlative Degree.Uint12 . whats the best radio stationNew wordscinema theaterclose to cheapcomfortable seatbig screen serviceAnswersbiggest screens=Screen Citymost popular=Sserene Cityclosest to home=Town Cinemacheapest=Town Cinemafriendliest service=Town Cinema教学反思:_Period two.Teaching contents: Section A. 2a 2b 2c and Grammer Focus,.Teaching goals:1. Knowledge goals.1) Vocabulary:Clothing jeans trendy teen funky easy FM AM jazz worse worst2) Target language: Which is the best clothing store? I think Jasons in the best? Why do you think so?2. Ability goads: Learn to describe different radio stations have different characters.Learn to describe clothing stores have different qualities. 3. Moral goal:引导学生善于观察事物的不同特征,不同品质,学会比较,学会鉴别。. Teaching key points:1) Vocabulary:Clothing jeans trendy teen funky easy FM AM jazz worse worst2) Target language:Which is the best clothing store?I think Jasons in the best?Why do you think so?.Teaching difficult. Listening practice. Teaching procedures:Step1 Warming-up and lead-in Bring a radio to the class room turn on the radio Let students listen to the radio. Change different channels. For example “阜阳人民广播电台”“阜阳交通广播电台” “安徽音乐广播电台”“新闻广播电台”Ask students which radio station do you like best ? They will give different answers.Step2. Present the new words Write down the new words and their meanings on the blackboardTeach them for three times then play a memory challenge game. First cover the English words. Let students spell out them according the Chinese meanings .Then cover the Chinese meanings check the Chinese meanings.Step3. 2a . Listening practice Read the instructions and point to the two questions on the survey. Read the names of the stores and the radio stations for students. Say: Listen to the reporter talking with a teenage boy. She is asking him some questions. Listen to the recording and circle the boys answers. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time .Ask students to circle the littlies of the correct answers. Check the answers. Play again. Let students follow it. Check their answers. Answers 1a.1b2b. Listening practiceRead the instructions and point to the chart .Say .You will hear the same recording again. This time listen to what the boy says about the stores and circle what he says about each store. Play the recording again .Ask students to circle the words the boy says. Check the answers. Step4. 2c. Oral practicePoint to the sample conversation in the box. Ask two students to act out it. Read the information to the class. Ask students to replays the conversation between the reporter and the boy .Ask two or three pairs to act out their conversations to the class.Step5. Grammar FocusLets read these sentences. Then let them look for the same and the differences. For example: cheapcheapest friendlyfriendliest Give some explanations about Step6. Summary 通过这两节课的学习,我们学会了比较级和最高级,对不同的服装店和电台进行比较,并总结了形容词最高级的6种变化规则.Step7. Homework:1,Review the new words 2, Discuss “the best in our class”Bladkboard Design:Uint12 . whats the best radio stationNew wordsClothing jeansTrendy teenfunky easyFM AMJazz worse worstRules1.,+est2.辅音+y变y为i +est3.以e结尾的 +st4.重度闭音节双写+est5.多音节前+most6.不规则变化特别记教学反思:_Period Three Teaching contentsSection A .3a.3b.4 teaching goals1) Vocabulary : bargain meal 2) Target language:ITown cinema is the cheapest and it has the friendliest serviceFunky fashions is the worstIt plays the most interesting musicI think Bargain house has the worst quality. Teaching proceduresStep1. Review and lead-in1. 2. Review the new words 3. Ask several students to report “the best in class” I am sure you know some of your classmates well. And you have prepared well for “the best in our class”. Now lets discuss who is the tallest/the thinnest/the funniest/the quietest /the most beautiful/the most handsome/the strongest student in our class. Write down the students opinions. For example :Li Hao is the strongest student in our class.Li Qiang is the quietest student in our class. Ding Xing is the tallest student in out class. Step2. Reading and writing practiceRead the instructions to the class .Point to the chart .Ask students what they will write in the chart .Ask students to read the article by themselves and find out the important language points .Aindividually check their answers.Step3. Oral practiceRead the instructions to the class .Point out the sample conversation in the box .Ask two students to read it to the class .Ask students to say the names of stores in our town and write on the blackboard.Ask students to say the names of the stores and fill in the chart .Ask two students put their charts on the board .Tcharts .Fich store has the best service and the best quality. Step4. Speaking practiceGive each student a piece of paper with the chart .Let them fill in the table according to the three real restaurants they had eat in it. Then divide the class into several groups. Ask them to choose one restaurant to go for lunch. Choose one student of every group to report which restaurant they decided on. And why did they decide on that restaurant?Step5.Homework Write a short about passage “the best in our city” and give the reasons.Blackboard design:Uint12 . whats the best radio stationthink about do a survey what we learned (表语从句) the biggest screens the most the friendliest service Section B Period Four.Teaching contents: Section B.1a.1b.2a.2b.2c:Teaching goals(1)Vocabulary: (2) Target language: My sister is the funniest person I know. Who was the best performer? I couldnt stop laughing.:Teaching key point and difficult (1) Vocabulary: positive negative dull loud talent show performer(2) Listening practice (3) Positive words and negative wordsMake sure the students understand the meanings of these words.:Teaching proceduresStep1: Ask several students to report “the best in our city”Teacher: Fuyang is our hometown. We all know it well. Yesterday we discussed “the best in our class”. Today. Lets discuss “the best in our city”. I believe you can do it well. (通过昨天的班级之最的联系,及提前在Homework上的写作联系,再让同学们通过口头表达出来,培养了同学们的口语表达的自信心。通过这次活动让同学们更深刻的理解并能更好的运用形容词的最高级的用法。把同学们的举出的例子一一记录在黑板上,同时也可以作为订正的例句) Renmin Hospital is the best hospital.Wenfeng Park is the most beautiful park.Shangsha has the friendliest service.Qinghe Road is the cleanest road.Hualian is the biggest supermarket. Step2: Teach the words:positive negative dull loud talent show performer.Read the instructions to the class. Ask studedividually. Cheek the answers. Step3. 1b.Oral practiceRead the instructions to the class .Explain that positive words are words that you can use to say good things about people. Ask students to say only good things about people as they talk with their partners. Point out the sample sentence in the box. Ask one student to read it to the class .As the pairs work together move around .Offer help if necessary.Ask a few students to read their sentences to the class.Step4. Listening practice Explain the phrase “talent show” to students. Let students to look at the pictures in 2a. Ask “what are they doing?” What do you think of these performer?” Ask different students to answers the questions Picture l = playing the guitar standing on her head. Picture 2 = playing in a band. Picture 3=juggling. Picture 4 = singing with his dog. Picture 5 = playing the pianoRead the instructors to the class.Point to the list of five names. Ask a student to read the names to the class. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording for the second time. This time ask students to listen and write the correct name under each picture. Check the answers.Step5. Listening and writing practice Let students read the instructions and know what they need to do. Play the recording for the class .Check the answers.Step6. Oral practice Read the instructions to the class. Ask two students to read the sample conversation to the class. Tell students they can use this information for their conversations. Give several minutes to the class. Ask them to make conversations. Then ask several students act out.Step7. Summary: Today weve learnt different people have different characters. We should be a positive person.Step8. Homework: 1. Write a short passage about a person who the students known .Use the positive words and the negative words. 2. Remember the new words weve learnt today. Period Five.teaching contents:Section B 3a.3b.3c.4.Teaching goals:1. Knowledge goal:(1) Vocabulary: success act without together(2) Target language:Last weeks talent show was a great success.There were fifteen acts.He danced without music.They sang a cut song together.Who do you think is the funniest actor?2. Ability goals:(1) Learncuss preference.(2) Be able to understand the passage.(3) Be able to write an article about talent show. Teaching key points and different point.1. Master the new works:success act without together2. Master the target language.Last weeks talent show was a great success. There were fifteen acts.He danced without music.They sang a cut song together.Who do you think is the funniest actor?.Teaching procedures.Step1. Lead in T. Do you like watching TV? Ss: Yes. I doT. Do you like watching movies? Ss: Yes. I doT. What kinds of actors/ actress do you like best?Please discuss with your classmates.(让学生6人一组展开讨论,每个学生谈谈一个好演员的标准是什么?然后共同讨论出大家公认的5条标准是什么?这种是同学们比较感兴趣的话题。) most beautiful /handsome /strongest /funniest /cleverest / friendliest / talented/ gentlest / strangest/ bravest /coolest/Step2. New words: Teach the new words in word list.Step3. Reading and writing practice. Ask one student read the words in box and tell the meaning of each word. Then ask students fill in the blanks with the words. Check the answers. Let students read the article together. Find out the important language points together. And write on the blackboard: a great success the price for without music sing together Step4. Writing practiceAsk students to write an article about the other people in activity 2b .Write about Vera. Dennis and The Math Teacher .Ask a few students to read what they wrote to the class .Check the mistakes in their article .Step5. Writing practiceExplain the instructions to the class .Then ask a student to read the beginning of the article in the book. Ask students to say the names of famous performers they might write about .Write the names on the board. Discuss these people and ask students what words they could use to describe each performer. Write some of these words on the blackboard. Ask students to write their articles individually.Ask a few students to read their articles to the class.Step6. Group work Read the instructions to the class .Point out the chart where the students can write the answers. Point out the sample conversation in the box. Ask two students to act it out. Ask students interview each other .Offer help if necessary. Ask several students to report their interview to class.Step7. HomeworkMake a survey1. In our class. Which student in the friendliest?2. Which class is bigger in our grade? Class one or two or others?3. Whose writing / drawing /speaking in your class is the best?4. who is more careful your farther or your mother? Who is the most careful in your family.5. Which class is more interesting. English or Math ? Which class is the most interesting ?Period SixStep1. vocabularyTeach the new words: distant near farthest Province southern still 15 lovely northern -10 enoughStep2. Let students do the exercises by themselves. Change the forms if necessary. Check the answers.Step3. Reading and writing practiceAsk three students to read the information about the three cities. Ask which is the warmest in winter?Point to the correct place in the chart. Let student write there. Follow it finish the other charts. Which is the best place to visit for a winter vacation.Step4. Homework1.找出本册书中单词表中所有的形容词,并写出它们的比较级和最高级。2.总结形容词的比较级和最高级用法及变化形式。3.复习。Units7-1a4.复习。The whole book and get ready for a test.教学设计的反思:本单元的教学主要通过图片及单词的音标和读音规则学习单词,通过对词形的观察发现、学习并总结归纳单音节词,多音节词和特殊形容词的比较级和最高级(在unit 6中已初步学习过),如果再参照书后的语法附录,同学们大部分应该都能做的很好,而本单元section A中部分中的2个听力训练对学生来说有一定的难度,尤其是2a.2b部分的听力,其中的专有名词是一个难点,数字也是一个难点,另外听力材料容量也较大,应让同学们尽量在听之前先熟悉2a.2b中所展示的部分信息以提高听力的训练效果。在说的训练环节上,通过让学生对家乡的各种娱乐设施作比较,让学生熟悉并撑握最高级的用法,在素材上有一定的局限,固为阜阳的电影院之类的娱乐设施较少,针对这一点,我加进了“班级之最”和“城市之最”的描述。以达到能有更多的素材来练习最高级的用法,同时启发学生的思维,引导学生热爱自己的集体,热爱自己的家乡。14 / 14

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