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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Unit 4 TV programmesCheckout教学案(无答案) 牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_9A Unit 4 TV programmes总课时10第10课时课题Checkout课型新授教学目标知识目标 1. To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit; 2. To give students the opportunity to practise the grammar and vocabulary items, and to gain confidence through doing so; 3. To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have能力目标 情感目标 To improve the ss learning confidence by practicing.教学重难点To revise vocabulary and Grammar of this unit.教 (学) 活 动自主个案预习导学读一读:下列词汇 etition, website, surprising, ending, perfect.译一译:1. 如此令人激动的一天2. 赢得写作竞赛3. 在网站4. 喜欢与你一起工作5. 整整一个月6. 讨论故事7. 做这个计划8. 想起那个令人惊讶的结局9. 干得比我努力得多10. 使我们的故事如此完美思一思:Whats your favourite TV programme? Why do you like it?教学过程Step 1 Tell students that this is revision and that they have already learnt these words and grammar items. Remind students that this is an opportunity to ask questions about anything they still do not understand.Step 2 Step 3 Ask students to read through Daniels letter for overall meaning before they begin filling in the blanks.Step 4 Step 5 Tell students that there are five words from the unit hidden in the puzzle in Part B. Ask them to circle the words as they find them. Step 6 Ask students who have finished the word puzzle first to read out the five words found in the guide. Step 7 Homework Rev课内研讨根据所给首字母写出正确的单词。1. Nick is the winner in the reading c .w .p e of the story.4. In the film, he is both an a and a d . He does excellently.5. The detective(侦探)is good at finding out m .6. I like watching d on TV. I can know many real things from them.7. C and cartoons are my favourite programmes. They always make me laugh.8. It was Mike _ broke the window.训练巩固完成下列句子。1. 乌龟跑得比兔子慢得多。 The tortoise runs _ _ _ than the hare _.2. 在所有的孩子当中,Sandy钢琴弹得最好。 Sandy plays _ piano _ _ all the children.3. Millie采访董先生时,Lily和Daniel在谈论大屿山的变化。 Lily was _ to Daniel about the _ to Lantau Island _ Millie _ _ Mr Dong.4. 你必须等暴风雨停了以后才能出去。 You _ go out _ the rainstorm _.5. -星期日下午你干什么了? - 从2点到3点我在做作业,3点和4点之间我在帮妈妈做家务。正当我拖地板时,Millie打电话请我参观野生公园。妈妈同意了,但叫我必须在天黑之前到家。 - What did you _ _ Sunday afternoon? - I was _ my homework _ 2 p.m _ 3 p.m, _ 3 p.m. _ 4 p.m, I _ _ Mum with the housework. _ I was _ the floor, Millie called to ask me to visit the wildlife park. Mum agreed, but she told me to get back _ it got dark.6. 是Timmy被困在了瓦砾下面。 _ was Timmy _ _ _ below the bricks and stones.拓展延伸词性转换:你能发现其中的变化规律吗?n adjsleep _ week _horror _mystery _Asia _success_sport _surprise_nature_form_music_v adjboredie_danger_close_v nAct_love_direct_murder_play_sing_disappear_announce_prepare_argue_n ndocument_habit_photo_space_end_art_view_教(学)后记(我的问题,体悟,收获)6 / 6

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