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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Module 4 Great inventions撰写人:_时 间:_Unit 1 Paper and printing have been used for ages教 学 目 标德育目标:To know something about the history of paper inventing知识目标:To get information about the history of paper inventing from the conversation能力目标:To talk about the advantages of some inventions To practise the passive voice of the future tense, perfect tense, and modal verbs. 重点Vocabularyadvantage, battery , borrow , camera, charge lend look after, online, photo, promise, same, turn off, turn on难点the passive voice of the future tense, perfect tense, and modal verbs. 课型Listening and speaking教法PWP approachTeaching Procedures:Step one: Revision Recall what we have learned in the last Module.Step two: Listening and vocabulary 1.Talking : Whats the advantage of an online magazine? 2. Listen and check the words as you advantage, battery , borrow , camera, charge lend look after, online, photo, promise, same, turn off, turn on3. Listen and readEveryday English Can I ask a favour? 帮忙,赏光Anyway谈点别的,另外Here it is. 给你,在这儿It doesnt matter. 没关系 Ill see to that. 我会处理的。Is that clear? 清楚吗?懂了吗?Promise! 我一定!language Points 1)Paper and printing have been used for ages. for ages - for (many) years好多年了.eg. I havent seen her for ages/years .类似短语: for hours/ days/months 等.2)The battery hasnt been charged for a couple of months.a couple of - several 几个 eg. I made a couple of mistakes in the test paper.3) Ill see to it. 我来处理. see to sb. / sth.= look after, deal with “处理, 照顾, 关照”eg. Mother is ill. I have to see to the baby.4.)You must promise that it wont be.promise to do/ that.= make a promise to do/that 答应, 许诺作某事Promise!= I promise to do that.我答应!5) turn on -打开 turn off -关闭 turn up -开大 turn down -关小eg. Dont forget to _the light when you leave the room. Please _the TV, the football is beginning. Would you please _it _ a little? I cant hear it clearly. The baby is sleeping. Please _ the radio a little. 4. Read the summary of the conversation. Underline the wrong informationTony wants to borrow his fathers digital camera because the school magazine is now going to be on paper. Tony wants to take some photos of the school dance and the basketball match. Tonys dad is happy to borrow the camera and tells Tony to turn it off. He promises Tony to look after it.5. Answer the questions1. Why does Tony want to borrow his fathers digital camera?Because he would like to take some photos on the school visit to the museum next week.2. Why does Tonys dad ask “ Whats wrong with an ordinary magazine?”Because he thinks that it is an ordinary paper magazine.Hes not sure. He thinks that maybe they can4. How will Tony look after the camera?He wont lend it to others and he wont leave it at school.(He will make sure that it wont be lent it to anyone, and it wont be left at school.)6. Find the sentences in the conversation which mean1. I will do what you tell me to.2. Why dont you continue to publish the magazine on paper?3. Could you do something for me? 4. Do you understand me?5. Its not a problem. Ill charge the battery.6. Changing the subject, will you lend me your camera?Grammar Points Will (wont_) + be +动词的过去分词为一般将来时的被动语态have/has (not) been + 动词的过去分词为现在完成时的被动语态情态动词+ be + 动词的过去分词为情态动词的被动语态Summary: 各种时态的被动语态构成一般现在时:S+ am/is /are + done一般过去时:S+ was/were + done一般将来时:S+ will + be + done 情态动词:S+can/may/must/should+be+done现在进行时: S+ am/ is/ are + being+ done过去进行时: S+ was/were + being+ done现在完成时:S+ have/has + been+ donePronunciation and Speaking7. Listen to the sentences8. Work in pairs. Talk about the advantage of the inventions.Our life has been changed by cell phones/ bikes/ TVs because. Homework:1.Finish work book 1-32.Write a passage about one of the inventions we talked about 课题Module 4 Great Inventions Unit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.教 学 目 标德育目标:To research science and love science知识目标: To understand passages involving present perfect perfect tense能力目标:To learn a reading skill - Scanning To know the history about paper inventing重点Vocabulary Create, produce, ink, against, knowledge, spread, introduction, receive,难点Phrasemade of, at a time, by hand, at the beginning of, in a way, rather than, one day课型Reading and writing教法PWP approachTeaching Procedures:Step I: RevisionHave/has been + doneThis book/ discuss/ on telephoneIt/ buy/by thousands of peopleChildren/tell to read this bookThe book/ print/ again and againOther books /write /about this book Must/can/may be read1.a) All students must read this book. b) This book _by all students.2.a)Everyone can understand his ideas. b) His ideas _by everyone.3.a)I could not fine her books anywhere. b) Her books _anywhere.4.a) For a long time, many people could not use 5.a) We can do the work now if you want. b) The work _now if you want.6.a) You must not take these magazines from the library. b) These magazines _from the library .Reading and vocabulary1. Talk in pairsWhats the advantages of both book and 2. Read and get the main ideas of the paragraphsP1 c. Life on paper and in printP2 a. The world before booksP3. b. The invention of printingP4. d. Technology and books Language Points1. looks through 浏览,温习Eg. He looked through many books in order to find the correct answer. 为了找到正确答案,他查阅了许多书籍.2. with without 带有 / 没有eg. He found a house with many trees around. 他找到了一所周围有许多树的房子. He went to school without breakfast today. 他今天没有吃早饭就去上学了.3. be made of - be made from- be made up of - be made in- be made by be made into -Ex. 1. Look at the camera, Where is it _? Japan. 2. The table is _wood, while paper is _wood. 3. Our class is _twenty boys and twenty three girls. 4. The metal can be _ a knife. 5. This kind of car is _ many workers in the factory.4. write words on- make a book - in those days - at a time - by hand - as a result -Ex. 1. He could even eat three hamburgers _, _ he became very fat. 2. This picture is produced _, so its very expensive. 4. They tried to _ paper in order to _ 5. put against 将放进/刻进 hold against 将贴到 6. at the beginning of 在初/ 开始时 after that 然后,之后 in a way 以方式. with. 与.相比 , 与.相媲美You can 与比较He9. rather than 胜过,而不愿Eg. He would choose Sunday rather than Saturday. I would like to go with you rather than stay at home. prefer to do rather than do 情愿而不. 10. be replaced by 被.所替代 be read online 在网上阅读 4. Answer the questions1.Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing?2.Why did ideas spread more quickly when books became cheaper?3.What can we use instead of books to get information?Answer the questionsUse the words in the box : create, develop, hold keep, produce, receive, spread1.When was paper first created? When do you think books were first created?2.Were books produced by hand or by machine at first?3. What was the paper held against?When was printing developed?5. What can be kept on CD-ROMs?6. What can be received online?7. How did ideas spread in the past? How do ideas spread today?Writing1.Its hard to imagine life without paper or print because2. Books could only be produced one at a time because3. Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply after the 11th century because4. We may not need books in the future because 7. How to give reasons / results as a result, because, so, so that2.Why must printing be thought of as one of the most inventions?3.More people learned to read in the 11th century. What happened then?4.What development will mean that books wont be needed in the future?8. Rewrite the notes in full sentencesHomework Finish the workbook exercisesWrite a passage according to the text课题Module 4 Great Inventions Unit 3 Language practice教 学 目 标德育目标:To know about some great inventions 知识目标: To practice the use of passive voice能力目标:To a task about “How to improve inventions”重点被动语态:情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词现在完成时 havehas +been+动词的过去分词难点情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词现在完成时 havehas +been+动词的过去分词课型Revision and application教法Formal and interactive practicesPart I: RevisionLanguage practice现在完成时的被动语态: have/has(not) been +过去分词Paper and printing have been used for ages.The battery hasnt been changed for a couple of months.Has it been published yet?情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词Information can be kept on CD-ROMs.Books could only be produced one at a time.Conclusion(I)当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时,或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态。被动语态:主语是动作的承受者 。被动语态的构成:be +动词的过去分词一般现在时 amis are +动词的过去分词一般过去时 waswere +动词的过去分词情态动词 aux.v. (mustcancouldmay)+ be +动词的过去分词现在进行时 be(am、is、are)+being +动词的过去分词一般将来时 will bebe going to be +动词的过去分词现在完成时 havehas +been+动词的过去分词时态被动语态结构一般现在时am/is/are done一般过去时was/were done现在进行时am/is/are being done过去进行时was/were being done一般将来时Will be done过去将来时Would be done现在完成时Have/ has been done过去完成时Had been done主动语态如何改成被动语态?1. 主动语态的宾语改成被动语态的主语。2. 主动语态的谓语动词改成被动语态的谓语动词。do-be done3. 注意保持时态和人称的一致。 4. 带双宾的谓语动词有两种改法。当把直接宾语改成主语时,谓语动词后必须加适当的介词: to / for.如:give- be given to 此类动词还有:pass show send 再如:buy- be bought for此类动词还有:make draw cook mend5. 一些动词不定式在主动语态中省略to作宾语补足语,改成被动语态时,to必须还原。注:1. 不及物动词(vi.)不用被动语态。如:happen、take place 、appeardisappear没有被动形式。*几种特殊结构1.My uncle gave me a gift on my birthday- I was given a gift on my birthday A gift was given to me on my birthday.2.We often hear him play the guitar He is often heard to play the guitar 注意:see, watch, hear, notice, feel, make, listen to, look at等动词/短语后作宾语补语的不定式都不带to;但改成被动语态后必须带to。Exercises2. My bike _(leave) at school, so I have to take the bus to school today.3. The battery _(charge) yet. How can I use my recorder.4. Paper should not _(throw) away.5. Books and other material can _(borrow) from the library.6. Ive bought a second-hand MP3 playerand about 1,000 songs have _ (download) onto it!8. What have _(turn on)?The radio.1. Who/ pyramids/ build?- Who were the pyramids built by?a) The Egyptians b) The Ancient Greeks c) The Romans 2. What/ use/ to make paper since the 19th century? a) Wood b) Silk c) Cotton3.Where/ the story of Romeo and Juliet / set? a) In New York b) In Athens c) In London4.where/ the worlds oldest book printed on paper/ discover? a) In India b) In Chinac) In Egypta) For less than 50 years. b) For 50 years c) For more than 503. Make questions and write answers.What/ shouldnt /do/with paper? (waste)-What shouldnt be done with paper?-It shouldnt be wasted.1. what/can/use/to make paper? (many things)2.3. how/must/printers/keep? (in good conditions)4. Where/can/music/keep? (on MP3 players)4. Look at the pictures and describe how the place has changed. Use these words:add, change, open, paint, put, turn on, take away,call, clean, develop, introduce, invent, produce, spread, use, writeFrom about 500 BC, pens _ for writing. The feathers of large birds _ and dried. The point of each feather was sharpened. Then people used them to write with ink. Many famous works, such as Shakespeare6-7 Listening Practiceby hand, for ages , from now on, I wonder, rather than 1. Could you imagine a digital image of Yao Ming on the wall _ a poster? 2. Things made _ are usually more expensive than those produced in factories. 4. I havent seen my best friend_! 5. Were using too much paper. _, Im going to read all my magazines online.Around the world E-bookModule taskDiscuss how to improve inventionsHomework:Finish off the workbook exercises17 / 17

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