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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Know yourself教案 (新版)牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_ 教学目标1. To learn to describe peoples personalities2. To learn to talk about your own personalities and the kind of job you like or dislike3. To learn the new words and expressions教学重点难点1. To learn the new words and expressions2. To learn to describe peoples personalities an jobs.教学过程Step 1 lead-in Step 2 Presentation 1. Show and learn the following eat up 吃光,吃完creative adj. 有创造力的; 创造性的 curious adj. 好奇的energetic adj. 精力充沛的modest adj. 谦虚的organized adj. 有条理的; 有效率的order n. 顺序 keep . in order 使.保持井然有序2. Listen and answerListen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and answer the following questions. 1) Whats the article about? Personality. 2) What did Hobo do? Hobo has eaten up Eddies breakfast.3. Read and act out.Step 3 Practice1. 1) Suzy is well organized . She keeps all her things in good order. 2) Daniel is very clever, but he is _modest_ and never shows off. 3) Mr Wu is patient enough to repeat grammar rules for us. 4) Samuel is _creative_ 5) Billy is curious about everything. He likes asking questions. 6) Simon is very energetic . He always plays football for hours.2. Read the sentences and explain the language points. keep . in (good) order show off3. Millie and her classmates are talking about their own personalities and the kind of job they like or dislike. Listen to their conversation and fill in the blanks. 1) Millie is _ and she doesnt get angry easily. She thinks she can be a good _ or a good _. 2) Paul is _ sometimes. His parents dont think he can be a good _. 3) Sandy often has _ ideas. She like _ jobs. 4) David is _ and he loves talking with people. 4. Read and try to recite the conversationsStep 4 Exercises根据提示,完成句子。1. Be a good boy and _ (吃完) your vegetables. 2. She only bought that sports car to _ _ (炫耀) and prove she could afford one. 3. Shes _ (想出) some amazing ideas.4. It was her job to _(保持房间井然有序). 5. I _ (既不知道也不关心) whats happened to him. Step 5 Homework 1. Describe your personality and your ideal job.2. To preview the Reading.二次备课9A Unit 1 Know yourself Reading 1 教学目标1. To infer (推断) general meaning from the title and the pictures2. To describe the first two peoples jobs in your own words3. To learn the useful words and expressions教学重点难点1. To infer (推断) general meaning from the title and the pictures2. To learn the useful words and expressions教学过程Step 1 Revision1. 使.保持井然有序 2. 想出主意3. 炫耀 4. 吃光5. 有条理的 6. 谦虚的Step 2 lead-inFree talk 1.) What are you like? 2.) What do you want to be in your future? 3.) Can you make a good.? Why?Step 3 presentation1. Show and learn the followingborn adj. 天生的impress vt. 给.留下印象sculpture n. 雕塑, 雕像praise n. 赞扬, 表扬sales department n. 销售部general adj. 总的;普遍的;首席的race n. 竞赛;赛跑either . or .不是.就是.,或者.或者.lead n. 领先地位; 榜样take the lead 处于领先地位fall behind 落后challenge n. 挑战2. Read and remember.3. Listen and answer 1.)Does Wu wei likes to talk much ? 3.)Why is Wu Wei always searching something better or different ? 4.)Why did Su Ning give up her job as an accountant ? 5.) Is Sn Ning happy with her work now?4. Read Paragraph 1and fill in the blanks Wu Wei is a _. He is _ and doesnt like _, but his work _. So he _ the whole country. His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square have _from _. He is always searching for_, because he wants to _.5. Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the tableSu NingIn the pastAt presentJobWorking status(工作状态).Her beliefStep 3 Explain the following 1. Wu Wei, the young artist, has impressed the whole country with his creative work. impress sb. with sth. 用.给某人留下印象 2. You either take the lead or fall behind. either . or . 不是.就是.,或者.或者.; 表示两种可能性中任选一种,其后面连接两个相同的句子成份。 连接的两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与最靠近它的主语一致。take the lead(领先) 和fall behind(落后)是一组反义词。Step 4 Homework 1. Recite the Paragraph 1,2;2. Remember the words and language points二次备课9A Unit 1 Know yourself Reading 2 教学目标1. To infer (推断) general meaning from the title and the pictures2. To describe Liu Haos and Fang Yuans jobs in your own words3. To learn the useful words and expressions教学重点难点1. To infer (推断) general meaning from the title and the pictures2. To learn the useful words and expressions教学过程Step 1 Revision1. 用.给.留下印象 2. 赢得很高赞扬3. 放弃 4. 领先5. 落后 6. 接受新挑战Step 2 Presentation1. Show and learn the followingchief adj.主要的, 首要的high-speed adj. 高速的connect vt. 连接 connect to/with 与.相连, 连接miss n. 错误, 过失as good as 和.几乎一样, 简直是attention n. 注意, 专心 pay attention to 注意standard n. 标准pioneer n. 先锋, 开拓者surgeon n. 外科大夫carelessness n. 粗心extra adj. 额外的; 附加的devote vt. 把.贡献, 把.专用于respect vt. 尊敬, 尊重suitable adj. 合适的; 适宜的partner n. 搭档, 合作伙伴2. Read and remember3. Listen and answer 1) What does Liu Hao do? 2) What does Liu Haos team member think of him? Does Fang Yuan have a relaxed job? Do all the people in the town respect Fang Yuan?4. Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanksLiu Tao is _ of the high-speed railway. He is _ and well _. He thinks a miss is _ a mile. We_any mistakes . Its necessary for us _ every detail . He always works to _, but he is very _ and easy _.5. Read Paragraph 4 and answer questions 1) How long does Fan Yuan often do operations a day? 2) Why do people in the town respect her?Step 3 Explain the following1. All of us know that its necessary to pay attention to every detail.此句用的是it is + adjective + to-infinitive结构,意思是“做某事是的”,其中it是形式主语,无实际意义,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。 pay attention to 注意2. As a doctor, you cant be too careful.句中的cannot(cant) . too . 是常用表达,意思是“无论怎样也不过分”,“越(愈)越(愈)好”。One cannot be too modest.一个人越谦虚越好。3. Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients. not only . but (also) . 意思是“不但.而且;不仅.还有.”。 care n. 小心,谨慎;careful adj. 小心,注意,谨慎;careless adj. 不小心的,粗心的;carelessly adv. 粗心地;carelessness n. 粗心大意Step 4 Homework 3. Recite the Paragraph 1,2;4. Remember the words and language points二次备课9A Unit 1 Know yourself Reading 3 教学目标1. Recite and review the reading;2. Describe your or your classmates personalities with your own words教学重点难点1. Recite and review the reading;2. Describe your or your classmates personalities with your own words教学过程Step 1 Revision1. 他安静,话不多,但他的作品却极具说服力。2. 人生就像一场赛跑,你要么领先,要么落后。 3. 失之毫厘,谬以千里。4. 再怎么仔细也不为过。Step 2 practice 1.1. A creative person _ a. has lots of energy.2. An active person _ b. does not talk much about his/her abilities.3. An energetic person _ c. can produce something new or a work of art.4. A modest person _ d. can plan his/her work well.5.An organized person _ e. enjoys taking part in different activities.6. A patient person _ f. can wait without getting angry2. Read the whole article and do T/F1.Wu Weis friend does not think that his work is very good.2.Wu Weis sculptures are famous all over the country.3.Su Ning was once happy with her job as an accountant.4.Su Ning changed her job five years ago.5.Liu Tao is the chief engineer of the new bridge6.Liu Taos team members find it difficult to work with him.7.Fang Yuan thinks doctors should be very careful.8.Fang Yuan spends most of her time on her work.JobPersonalitiesWu WeiQuiet, does not like to _Creative his work shoutsEnjoys searching for something better or _Su NingActive and _Loves working with _Ready to take on _Liu HaoPays attention to every _Serious and well _Always works to high_Fang YuanKind and _Very _ at workWilling to work _ Step 3 exercises1. 根据提示用单词的正确形式填空。1. He is a _ (天生的) athlete.2. They deserve _ (表扬) for all their hard work.3. There is _ (普遍的) concern about rising crime rates.4. For the first time in the _ (赛跑) Harrison is in the _ (领先). 5. He is the driver of this _ (高速的) train. 7. Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your _ (注意), please?8. This piece of work is below _ (标准).9. He is one of the _ (先锋) of modern science.10. Themistakegrewout ofher_(careless). 2. 根据提示翻译句子1. 我们可以现在吃饭,也可以在演出后吃,由你定。 We can _, its up to you. 2. 有一匹马跑在最前面,把其他的马抛在后面。 One horse _, leaving the others behind.3. 世界各大强国均惟恐在军备竞赛落后。 The major world powers are afraid of _ in the arms race. 4. 一个人在选择朋友的时候无论再谨慎都不为过。Aman_inthechoiceofhis friends. 5. 牛津(Oxford)与雷丁(Reading)之间有铁路相连。A railway _.6. 别理睬尼娜她都不知道自己在说什么。 Dont _ Nina , she doesnt know what shes talking about. Step 4 Homework1. Recite the Reading 2. Preview the Grammar.二次备课9A Unit 1 Know yourself Grammar 教学目标1. To learn to use conjunctions: and, but, or and so2. To learn to use conjunctions: both . and ., not only . but (also) ., either . or . and neither . nor .教学重点难点1. To use conjunctions: and, but, or and so2. To use conjunctions: both . and ., not only . but (also) ., either . or . and neither . nor .教学过程Step 1 Revision1. Read the following sentencesNanjing, but now I live with my family in Beijing. (七上U1)2) The classrooms are clean and bright. (七上U3)3) Sometimes I feel hungry between meals, so I eat an apple or a pear. (七上U6)4) Both Amy and Daniel wear blue jeans. 5) My cousin Annies bicycle is broken, so shes going to ask someone to fix it. (七下U2)6) Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor. (八上U4) and international banks here. (八下U3)8) About 285 million people around the world are blind or have eye problems, mostly in poor areas. (八下U7)Step 2 Presentation1. 连词是一种连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接作用。 A) Using and, but, or and so 并列连词and意思是“和,又”,表达并列关系。并列连词but意思是“但是”,表达转折关系,所连接的成分意思往往相反或相对。并列连词or意思是“或者”,表达选择关系。注意:在否定句中并列成分通常用or连接,而不用and。并列连词so意思是“因此,所以”,表达因果关系,常用来连接两个简单句。注意:并列连词so和从属连词because不能一起使用。B) Using both . and ., not only . but (also) ., either . or . and neither . nor .both . and .、not only . but (also) .、 either . or . 和neither . nor .都是常见的并列连词,它们可以连接两个并列的主语、谓语、宾语、表语、状语等。both . and .意思是“.和.两者都;既.又.”。not only . but (also) .意思是“不但.而且.;不仅.还有.”,其中also可以省略。注意:当not only . but (also) .连接两个名词作主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就是我们通常说的“就近原则”。either . or .意思是“要么.要么.;或者.或者.;不是.就是.”,用于连接两个表示选择关系的词。注意:当either . or .连接两个主语时,应遵循“就近原则”。neither . nor .意思是“既不.也不.”,具有否定含义。注意:当neither . nor .连接两个主语时,也应遵循“就近原则”。Step 3 Practice1. Help Millie join her ideas with and, but, or or so. (P12)2.3. Exercises1. The man was so tired, _ he still went on working.2. Tell us something about Canada, OK? Im sorry. _ Jack _ I have ever been there. 3. Stop smoking, _ you will get better soon. 4. China for 5 years. _ you can talk with him _ in English _ in Chinese.5. What do you like doing after class? I like not only reading _ painting. Step 4 Homework1. Review the Grammar.2. Finish Part B2 on Page 14.3. To preview Integrated skills on Pages 15 and 16.二次备课9A Unit 1 Know yourself Integrated skills 教学目标1. To learn the 12 animal signs2. To listen to a radio programme about animal signs, star signs and personalities and grasp its main idea and detailed information 3. To talk about animal signs and personalities4. To learn the new words and expressions 教学重点难点1. To learn the new words and expressions2. To get information from listening.教学过程Step 1 revision1. 三思而行 2. 接受别人的建议3. 洗碗 Step 2 Lead inFree talk 1.Do you know how many animal signs are there in the Chinese lunar calendar? 2.Do you believe that animal signs are related to our personalities?Step 3 Presentation 1. Learn new words and phrases1.lunar calendar 农历 2.animal signs 生肖3.represent 代表 4.fixed order 固定顺序5.cycle 循环 6.in all 总共7.star signs 星座 8. divided into 分成9.shape 塑造 10.it is said that 据说11.for example 比如 12. be interested in 对.感兴趣13.depend on 依靠2. Read and remember the above.3. Millie has found an article about the Chinese animal signs and personalities. Read the information. 5.Step 4 Language points1. It is you who shape your life and your future.句中“It is + 被强调的部分 + who/that + 原句其他部分”是一种强调句型,用于加强语气。 Its my father who gives me my pocket money.2. It is said that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave.It is said that . 是一种固定句式,意思是“据说.”。Step 5 ExercisesI. 根据提示用单词的正确形式填空。1. He suddenly_ (出现) in the room.2. Is the date of the wedding _ (固定的) yet?3. Its hard work teaching a class of _(活泼的) children.4. At the end of the lecture, Id like all the students to _ (分) into small discussion groups.5. When youve made the dough (生面团), _ (使成形) it into two loaves (条).II. 根据中文意思完成句子。1. 账单一共是25英镑。 The bill came to 25 _. 2. 这位大作家已经给孩子们写了好多的故事。据说一本新书将于本月底出版。 The great writer has written many stories for children. _will publish at the end of this month.3. 是我早上在街上看到他的。 _ him in the street this morning. Step 6 Homework1. To preview Study skills on Page 172. To preview Task on Pages 18 and 19二次备课9A Unit 1 Know yourself Speak up & study skills 教学目标1. To make the students talk about their star signs with patterns.2. To teach the students how to use skimming while reading.教学重点难点1. To make the students talk about their star signs with patterns.2. To teach the students how to use skimming while reading.教学过程Step 1 Revision1. 生肖 2. 星座3. 固定的顺序 4. 每12年5. 总计 6.属相相同的人们 7. 相似的个性Step 2 Presentation1. Listen and answer 1) Whats Joes animal sign? 2) Whats Julies animal sign? 3) Is Julie a gentle girl?2. Listen and read.3. Act out.4. Work in pairs. Talk about animal signs and personalities. Use Millie and Joes conversation as a model.Step 3 Study skills1.Tell the students what skimming is.2. How to skim an article. 3. Explain the language points1) Personality includes your thoughts, feelings and behaviors which make you different from other people. 个性包含使你区别于他人的你的想法、情感和行为。 which make you different from other people为定语从句,修饰前面的名词thoughts, feelings和behaviors。2) Most people believe that it is formed by both nature and the environment. 大部分人相信它是由本质和环境塑造的。 that 引导的句子是宾语从句。用了一般现在时被动语态。被动语态结构为be + 动词过去分词 + by + 施动者。3) That is why people say “like father, like son”. 那就是人们为什么说“虎父无犬子”。 like father, like son 虎父无犬子 why people say “like father, like son”为be动词is的表语从句。在从句中要使用陈述语序。4) Personality includes your thoughts The environment, including your education include和including的区别 include: 包括,包含,及物动词,在句中用作谓语动词。 including: 介词,放在名词前面,用作补充说明。Step 4 Exercises单词拼写1He says he always doesnt have _ (足够的) time for his hobby.2. David is a _ (活泼的) and outgoing.3. I think Suzy is the _ (suitable) person for the post.4. She _ (bring) me some CDs yesterday.5. Its important for everyone to stay _ (健康)6. What _ (其他的) do you need?7. He _ (推荐) me as the monitor of our class last week.8. Who will be the new chairperson of the _ (student) Union?Step 5 Homework: 1.Finish some exercises. 2.Pracitse using skimming skill.二次备课9A Unit 1 Know yourself Task 教学目标2. To learn some key words and useful expressions教学重点难点2. To learn some key words and useful expressions教学过程Step 1 RevisionTranslation1. 这块面包被分成了三块。2. 他不但擅长唱歌还擅长跳舞。3. 我的父母都不喜欢看足球赛。4. 你认识那个穿红衣服的女孩子吗?5. 我不知道他们什么时候动身去巴黎。.Step 2 Lead-inFree talk. 1. What should a monitor be like?Step 3 Practice1. Ask some more questions to check the answers:(1) Is David hard-working?(2) Can you give us an example?(3) David is very clever, isn t he?(4) What does David do to help himself get more organized?(5) Can David make good use of his time?(6) Does David often help other students?(7) Can you give an example?(8) What do you think of David?2. Finish their letter: Part B on Page 22.3. Check the answers.4. Discuss 5. Pay attention to what each paragraph is talking about in this letter. (Main Body)6. Show the students some useful sentences and structures.Step 4 Language points1. He never forgets the things he needs to do.他从不会忘记自己该做的事情。he needs to do 是定语从句,修饰前面的the things,意思是“他该做的事情”。2. We think he has many strong qualities for this position.我们认为他有很多突出的品质适合这个职位。strong 擅长的,突出的3. He will help us with our lessons if we are absent from school.如果我们缺课,他会帮我们补课。be absent from 缺席Step 5 WritingUseful expressions:He / She has many strong qualities for this position.He / She always / often / never . is very confident / clever / helpful / hard-working.We think . is the most suitable / right person to be.We hope that you agree with us.Step 6 Homework1. Recite the key words and phrases in this unit.2. Finish self-assessment on page 19.二次备课18 / 18


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