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中考英语总复习提分特训精练第二编题型解法指导专题七完成句子试题根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1.一个人梦想成真决不容易。It is never easy for a person to make his dream .答案:2.他再这样下去会有丢掉工作的危险。He is of losing his job if he goes on like this.答案:in danger3.她对孩子们非常严格,并要求他们遵守规则。She is very strict with the children,and asks them to .答案:follow the rules4.我感冒时吃东西没有味道。When I ,I lose my sense of taste.答案:have a cold5.为了赶上他们,他跑得很快。 catch up with them,he ran very fast.答案:In order to6.他不回答我的问题,反而开始讲起故事。 answering my question,he began to tell a story.答案:Instead of7.他垂下头,眼里充满了泪水。He hung down his head with his eyes tears.答案:full of8.听说你要结婚了。恭喜你!I heard youre going to .Congratulations!答案:get married9.他参加歌唱比赛并得了奖。He the singing contest and won a prize.答案:took part in10.我们已经付了旅游费用,所以只需要带些零用钱。Weve our travel,so we only need to take some pocket money with us.答案:paid for11.当你遇到生活中的难题时,你应该把它们视为挑战。When you meet problems in your life,you should them challenges.答案:regard;as12.幸运的是,他母亲很有耐心,没有放弃帮助他。Luckily,his mother was very and didnt up helping him.答案:patient;give13.吉姆今天早上上学迟到了,是因为他乘坐的公交车半路上出故障了。Jim was late for school this morning because the bus he took halfway.答案:broke down14.图书管理员告诉我,这本书我能借一周。The librarian told me that I could this book for days.答案:keep;seven/715.公交车上的火很快被熄灭了。The fire on the bus was soon.答案:put out16.你多久回来?一个月以后。 In a month.答案:How soon17.我们最好在游泳池里游泳。那样更安全。 swim in the swimming pool.Its safer.答案:Wed better18.大卫戴上眼镜看起来很酷。David looks very cool .答案:with glasses19.在公共场合大声说话是不礼貌的。Its impolite to speak too loudly .答案:in public20.(20xx天津)我们昨天四点半回家的。We at half past four yesterday.答案:went home21.(20xx天津)别为我担心,我会没事的。Dont me.Ill be all right.答案:worry about22.(20xx天津)努力学习,你的梦想就会实现。Work hard,and your dream will .答案:23.(20xx天津)这种玩具汽车正在这个商店中出售。This kind of toy car is in the shop.答案:on sale24.(20xx天津)这本书讲述了坏人如何为自己的行为付出代价的。The book tells us how bad people their actions.答案:pay for2 / 2

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