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Part One Introduction,Personal information: -Oliver -Graduated in Huazhong University Science&Technology, Economics Bachelor Degree University of Hull, UK, MBA in Marketing -Work experiences: Bank, International Trade, Teaching,Part Two 商务英语写作 Business English Writing,基本要求 掌握基本的商务英语的写作要素和格式 掌握商务信涵的基本结构 掌握商务信涵写作的基本规则 掌握一般商务信涵写作的基本技巧 了解主要的商务信涵类型的写作特点 学习和掌握商业英语的基本用语和专业词汇 能独立完成基本的商业类型的信涵,内容介绍 第一章 商务信涵的概述 第二章 商务信涵的要素 第三章 商务信涵的基本格式 第四章 商务信涵的基本规则和写作技巧 商务英语的常用的基本语句 经典范例,第一章 商务信涵的概述 Introduction to Business Letters,写好商务书信的基本要点 书信的结构要符合规定 内容要清楚具体 措辞要简明扼要,明确:开门见山提出你的建议和要求,避免模陵两可或兜圈子 简洁 意义相近的词要用拼写短的 尽量使用单词来代替句子 尽量使用简单句代替复杂句 使用正规通俗的书写语言 不要在同一个句子里重复使用词形相同意义不同的词 使用文明礼貌的语言,第二章 商务信涵的要素 Elements of Business Letters,信头 Letterhead 案号 Reference 日期 Date 信封内地址 Inside address 注意项 Attention line 称呼 Salutation 事由 Subject line 书信正文 Body of a letter,信尾敬语 Complimentary close 签名 Signature 缩写名,附件,分送标志 ICE block 附言 Postscript,第三章 商务信涵的格式 Business Letter Format,全齐头试 Full-block Format,Letterhead Date: Inside Address: - - Salutation: Body - - - Complimentary close Signature,半齐头式 Semi-block Format,Letterhead Inside Address: Date: - - Salutation: Body - - - Complimentary close Signature,传统格式 Conventional Format,Letterhead Inside Address: Date: - - Salutation: Body - - - Complimentary close Signature,商务信涵的结构 Business Letter structure and outline,开始段 Opening Paragraph 中间段 Middle Paragraph (s) 落尾段 Last Paragraph,第四章 商务信涵的写作规则和技巧 Basic Principles for Business Letters, 清晰 Clarity 模糊 Ambiguity 删漏 Omission 不相关 Irrelevancy 行话 Jargon,Examples Comparison,Dear Mr. Rutt: Mr. Liver yesterday called our agent David saying that the mistake was his. As a result, his insure has acquiesced. Therefore, we shall be repaid the full amount of our subrogation interest in his matter. If this is satisfactory to you, please sign the attached release and forward it along with the copy of our accident report. Yours sincerely, F. Middleman,Dear Mr. Rutt: Mr. Liver yesterday called admitted his blame for your accident on January 12. As a result, his insurance company and agreed to repay us the full amount ($2,000) for your collision damage. We are quite pleased at their willingness to settle out of court. If their offer sounds acceptable to you, please sign the enclosed release and return it to us, along with the copy of our accident report. Yours sincerely, F. Middleman,简洁 Conciseness,避免拖泥带水 Avoid Wordiness 避免重复 Avoid Redundancies,Samples Comparison,Wordy A long period of time At the present time Due to the fact that With regard to In spite of the fact that In accordance with your request In the near future Afford an opportunity Attention is called Other things being equal,Concise A long time Now Because About Even though As you requested Soon Allow, enable Please note Normally, equally,避免重复 Avoid Redundancies adequate enough grateful thanks and moreover combined together past history filled to the top true facts final completion usual customs,为对方着想 You Attitude,We attitude how much we should like to have your order I would like to have you consider me as an applicant for the position you advertised I todays newspaper.,Your attitude When you order our products, you will surely benefit by increased profit. My four years education in chemical engineering at the University of Chicago and two year work experience should prove t be valuable I the position you advertised.,We attitude As the fiscal year is coming to an end, would you please pay your overdue bill right away? Will you please fill in the questionnaire as soon as possible? Our savings accounts pay 6% interest. We did not received the check on time,Your attitude In order to maintain you excellent credit reputation, please remit. Your prompt return of the questionnaire will certainly help us to serve your needs better. You will earn 6% interest from your savings account. You did not send your check on time,肯定的态度 Positive-ness,No smoking No parking,Thank you for not smoking Thanks for not parking,Negative We are with holding your shipment until we receive the payment. This kind of unfortunate incident will not occur in the future. We close at 7 pm on Friday There can be no exceptions to this policy,positive Will you deliver your order to you as soon as the payment is received Future transactions will be handed with the utmost care Your order will be filled immediately This policy must apply equally and fairly to everyone,礼貌 Courtesy 避免指责 Avoid Accusation,Poor You obviously ignored our request that you return the report by registered mail You did not read the operating instruction for the new machine carefully,Better We did request that you return the report by registered mail To enjoy the full benefits of the new machine, you should follow the operation instruction carefully,避免不信任 Avoid Suspicion,Poor We received the letter in which you claimed the timer was defective at the time of purchase If the goods were damaged in shipment, as you allege, we ,Better We have noticed in your letter that the timer was defective at the time of purchase As you mentioned to goods were damaged in shipment, we,避免居高临下 Avoid Talking Down,Poor In an establishment as large as ours, our seldom We shall allow you to You may call at,Better Please noticed that it is not our common practice to We shall be glad to have you Please call me at , 典型商务信函写作练习 Types of business letters exercise, 销售信 sale letters,尊敬的先生女士: 谢谢你在公司为你的产品投保你的投保期快要到了因此我随信将续保单寄给你,供你参考 请你参阅保单的主要条款如果你对此有任何疑问,请马上与我联系如果要续保,请在支票上注明续保的金额 当你购买了我们的保险,你就也购买了我们的优质服务请你留意我们的其他保险险种 再次感谢你将你的保险交给我们打理感谢你的信任,Dear Mr.XX: Thank you for insuring your item with XX company. The end of your policy year is nearing and I am enclosing renewal paper for your review. Please look over the declarations of the policy. If you have any questions, please contact me right away. To renew, please send me the check with the amount. When you purchase the insurance, you also purchase our excellent service. Keep in your mind that we also offer Other types of insurances. Thanks again for allowing me to handle your insurance. I appreciate your trust. Sincerely yours, XXX,尊敬先生女士: 几个星期前,你们写信对我们独家生产的眼镜架很感兴趣我们很乐意将我们的产品目录寄给你 可能你们对我们生产的高脚眼镜架还有其他的疑问为了帮助你做出正确的决定,我们就该产品常见的确问题作了回答,随附给你 我们希望这些问题和回答能够对你们有所帮助如果你有其他疑问,请随时与我们联系 姓名 职务,Dear XX: You wrote to us several weeks ago that you are very interested in the exclusive eyeglass frames provided by our company. Perhaps you have additional questions about eyeglass frame we offer. To help you make the right decision, we are enclosing a sheet that answers the most commonly asked questions about our line. We hope these questions and answers will be helpful. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, XXX Manager of customer Dept Attachment,尊敬的先生女士: 我们极为高兴能把我们的产品放在地处英国的贵店出售,我们的确合作有可能为双方解决很多的存货问题 由于时差的关系,打电话交谈十分困难,所以我发这份传真,请你为我们提供所需的信息在你方便的时候,请尽快传真给我: 我们近一年中一直在为该产品在英国寻找销售渠道,我们非常高兴联系到你我们相信英国市场对于产品的反应将是热烈的 姓名 职位,Dear Mr. /Ms XX: We are extremely enthusiastic about our products in your shores in UK. It seems like this partnership could move a lot of inventory for both of us. Time zone makes talking difficult, so I am faxing you this request For the information we need to go forward. At your earliest convenience, would you fax me as soon as you can. We have been looking for an outlet for this product in UK for almost a year and are so pleased to have connected with you. We Are confident that the UK markets will be most enthusiastic about Buying these products. Yours sincerely, XXX Manager of XXX,第五章 商务写作的其他基本类型示例 Basic types of Business English writing,备忘便签 Memo 便签的基本类型 Styles of the memo 1。呈报 Sent to upper management,Sample:,To: Mr. J. Zhao From: Sami Sub: Booking Done Date:13 May, 2004 A single room with bath and shower has been reserved for Mr. Tom Bacon at the White Lily Hotel from 20 to 25 May as You have instructed .,2.下达指令 Sent to divisions affiliated,Sample: To: all departments managers From: J. Harrison (personnel director) Date: 5 May, 2005 An advanced part-time Deutsch course is starting on the 2nd April, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm every Friday evening, and finishing on the 20th April. Text books are free but only those who can pass the test held on the 28th March are eligible to attend the course. Please collect the names of the staff in your division who want to take the course and send the list to Mr. Hope, the assistant of Personnel manager, by 4 pm Thursday as the test can be arranged properly.,3.通知 Sent to all the staff,Sample: To : all staff From : K Geoff from system Control Date: June 8,2005 The Computing center to be close from next Monday to Thursday as a new system is being installed and tested then. We apologize for any trouble that may occur during the installation.,4。相互转告 Sent to colleagues in or outside ones own department,Sample: To: Larry From: Sue Sub: mix-up in the order No.372 Date: 6 April, 2004 The arrived order No. 372 for the spare parts are in wrong size and cant be used. We need the one sized 3 cm but these are of 3.3 cm. I guess there was any mix-up. Please get these wrong ones replaced before this Thursday otherwise well have to stop the assembly.,便签的基本格式 the ordinary layout of memo 写给谁 to whom 谁写的 from who / where 主题 the subject 日期 the date 正文 body text,书写便签需要注意的要点 tips for memo writing 非正式 informal 清晰 clear 简洁 brief 尽量使用正面语气 positive 尽量表达意见具体的事情 only 尽量用简短语句,避免使用复杂语句 short 通俗易懂 easy, 商贸信函 Business Correspondence Writing 商贸信函的书面格式 layout for business letter 封内地址 inside address (本公司地址 & 对方地址) 日期 date (回复)事由 subject 称呼 salutation 正文 body sentence 信尾敬语 complimentary 签名 signature 附件/附言 enclosures / postscript,回复商贸信函的结构要点 tips for business letter reply 在第一段里要确认对方某月,某日的来函,并且要表达谢意 第二段要明确表达你的意图,如愉快地接受或礼貌地拒绝对方的建议 说明具体的事由,并且提出具体的意见或建议 征求对方的谅解或解决方案。 一定要有手写签名,并且要注明你的职位,Sample Humamu Furniture 112 sifang R, Dalian, China Tel: Fax: Golden Ring Furnish 56 Pionyuag Str, Busan South Korea April 4, 2003 Re; the letter on March 24. Dear Mr. Kim, Thank you for your letter of March 24 regarding our products. But we regret to say that we can not join your partnership at present. We currently have another company as our sole agency in Asia. Under the term of contract, we are barred from distributing our.,products by any other company The sole agency distribution terms come under review in three months. Contract use then and we may be able to consider the cooperation with you. yours sincerely, 邵仁杰 Shao Renjie Assistant of the Marketing Manager,Sample Diamond Dcor Ltd 32 rua, Palaz, Santigo, 1013 Chile Mme Sophie De Goures Les Gourmets du poitou S.A. 12 rue Mirabeau 4400 Poiters, France 12 May, 2003 Re: on your require on the autumn products Dear Madame Gourse, As requested we enclose our latest catalogue and price list. I am certain that our autumn products will be interesting to your customers as they are of newly design and space age material. With the global warming trend, such light decoration stuffs are getting more and more popular.,We also still offer our regular clients favorable discount depending on the size of order. We are looking forward to your order. Sincerely Paul Simon Manager of marketing department,第六章 简历 Career,常见个人简历的类型 Types of resume 学生简历 basic resume 按年代顺序的经历简历 chronological resume 功能简历 functional resume,学生简历所包含的基本要素 requirements of basic resume 姓名,年龄,性别 学位及专业 大学以及所在系部 时期 主修课程 获奖学金及荣誉证书,资格证书 主要的技能 兴趣爱好,Sample: Resume Zhang Yang Room 430, No.536, Xudong Avenue, Wuhan 430000 Tel: 027-68963332 Email: zy3387 Education: BA dgree Hubei University, 1999-2003 Wuhan 15th High School, 1996-1999 Major: Marketing Main Courses: Marketing Theory and Practice, Marketing- Management, Marketing Statistics, Business- Communications Honors and Awards: First-class college scholarship (2001-2002) Third- prize in college English Special Contents (June, 2002),First prize in colleges Brush Painting (May, 2001) Certifications: CET 6 (Excellent) National Computing Rank Examination Grade 2 SKILL: Excellent written and spoken English Skillful in operating Words and Excel Proficient in Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, Knowledge of and experience with Photoshop WORK EXPERICENCE: Summer 2001: sales Representative in Kuanta Company Duties: Sold food to retail customers. Conducted customers survey to obtain feedback and identify potential customers needs. CHARACTER PROFILE: Outgoing, hardworking and team-oriented PERSONNEL DATA: Age / 21 Gender / Male Health / Excellent,

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