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五年级英语期末质量检测试卷听力部分(共四大题,40分).听音圈单词。(10分)1. looked wanted 2 drawing shopping 3. right left 4. easy hard 5. loudly loud 6. letter postcard7. h 8. sleep point 9. see saw 10. head hurt.看图听录音,相符的打“”不相符的打“”。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . 听音排序。(10分)( ) How old is the Palace Museum, Li Ming?( ) Thats old!( ) Its about five hundred years old.( ) I want to take a picture. May I have your camera?( ) Sure!.听音,完成对话。(10分)A: Hello, Li Ming! I you!B: I missed you , A: Did you a nice trip?B: Yes! I a great trip.A: What you do?B: We to Wangfujing Street. We there. I to buy a gift you. for have too missed went had walked wanted did笔试部分(共六大题,60分).组合单词。(10分) iftg pot kool mna acmera .英汉互译。(10分)1.fly a kite 2. 在邮局 3. take a picture 4.send an e-mail 5.买礼物 .写出下列单词的相应形式。(10分)1.talk (现在分词) 2.buy(过去式) 3.woman(复数) 4.children(单数) 5. quiet (反义词) 6.played(原形) 7. quick (副词) 8. too (同音词) 9. I am (缩写形式) 10.yes(对应词) .单项选择,把序号填入题前的括号内。(10分)1. This is a picture our trip.A to B for C of 2. Yesterday I to the park by bus, now I am to the park.A go, walk B went, walked C went, walking3. The children are .A loud B laughs C loudly4. You like some water? Yes, please.A Do B Would C can5. You sleeping on the train yesterday.A were B was C are6. I want this postcard to my friends.A sending B sends C sends7. Gifts do you want to buy? Three.A How many B How much C How old 8. May I take picture?A a B an C 不填9. is thirsty?A What B Who C How 10. Did you a nice trip?A has B have C are . 连词成句(10分)1. kite This is you for .2. Are for ready you a song ?3. want to I buy some stamps . 4. Lets a letter write .5. am happy I .阅读理解,判断正误(10分)Hello, Im Zhao Tao. Im a boy. Im eleven years old. I was busy last weekend. On Saturday, I stayed at home. I did my homework. I cleaned my room. On Saturday, I visited my friend. Jenny. We went to the zoo. We had a good time.1. Zhao Tao is eleven years old. ( )2. My friends name is Jenny. ( )3. They went to the zoo. ( )4. On Sunday, Zhao Tao stayed at home. ( )5. On Saturday, he went to the zoo. ( )小学五年级英语下册期末质量检测试题听力材料及答案十二厂小学 王小莉听力部分(共四大题,40分).听音圈单词。(10分)1. wanted 2 shopping 3. right 4. hard 5. loudly 6. letter7. home 8. point 9. see 10. hurt.看图听录音,相符的打“”不相符的打“”。(10分)1. )2. Tian an men Square is big . ( )3. These children are playing checkers. ( )4. I eat ice cream. ( )5. This is the top of the postcard. ( ). 听音排序。(10分)( 1) How old is the Palace Museum, Li Ming?( 3 ) Thats old!( 2 ) Its about five hundred years old.( 4) I want to take a picture. May I have your camera?( 5) Sure!.听音,完成对话。(10分)A: Hello, Li Ming! I missed you!B: I missed you, too A: Did you have a nice trip ?B: Yes! I had a great trip.A: What did you do?B: We went to Wangfujing Street . We walked there . I wanted to buy a gift for you .笔试部分(共六大题,60分).组合单词。(10分) gift top look man camera .英汉互译。(10分)1. 放风筝 2. at the post office 3. 照相 4.发送电子邮件 5.buy gifts.写出下列单词的相应形式。(10分)1.talk (现在分词) talking 2.buy(过去式) bought 3.woman(复数) women 4.children(单数) child 5. quiet (反义词) loud 6.played(原形) play 7. quick (副词) quickly 8. too (同音词) two to 9. I am (缩写形式) Im 10.yes(对应词) no .单项选择,把序号填入题前的括号内。(10分)12345678910CCABABAABB. 连词成句(10分)1. This kite is for you.2. Are you ready for a song?3. I want to buy some stamps.4. Lets write a letter.5. I am happy.阅读理解,判断正误(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5 命题意图本试卷共分为两部分,第一部分是听力题,第二部分是笔试题。 试题的特点:(一)、注重了基础知识的考查试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,但又避免教材中机械的知识,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容,因为这些知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。(二)、突出语言的交际功能英语作为语言,是一种交际的工具。而小学英语教学根据小学生的年龄特点和语言学习的规律,确立以听说能力的培养为主要目标,读写跟上的原则进行。(三)、渗透了能力考查的要求学习语言是为了交际。小学英语教学不仅要教给学生一些最基本的语言知识,而且要教给学生运用语言的方法和能力。在试卷的问题设计上,增加了对学生阅读理解能力和活用语言能力的考查。区20xx年小学教师命题双向细目表学校:十二厂小学20xx年 五年级 英语 学科期中命题双向细目表题号所属题型考察内容知识分布分值能力要求情感态度价值观所属题型编号难度预测(得分率)试题来源识记了解理解运用一听力单词34单 元10一7自编二听力句型34单 元10二8自编三听力句型34单 元10三9自编四听力句型34单 元10四8自编一笔试单词34单 元10一7自编二笔试词组34单 元10二8自编三笔试词组34单 元10三9自编四笔试句型34单 元10四9自编五笔试句型34单 元10五8自编六笔试阅读34单 元10六8自编检测人意见:检测人:11 / 11

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