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,Constitution of traditional chinese medicine and diet aftercare 中医体质和饮食调养,尤元梅 王婷 张璐瑶 乔莎,九种体质 Nine kinds of Physical rehabilitation,What is your constitution ?,deficiency of yang,deficiency of qi,Phlegm wet,damp-hot,Blood stasis,deficiency of yin,allergies,depression of qi,Mild constitution,09年 中华中医药学会标准,Mild constitution 平和质,Mild constitution,Morphological characteristics(形态特征):Body symmetry robust形体匀称健壮; Common performance (常见表现):Complexion、 skin moist ,Dense hair luster ,Not easy fatigue and energetic ,good sleep, good appetite .面色、肤色润泽,头发稠密有光泽,不易疲劳,精力充沛,睡眠良好,食欲良好。 Psychological characteristics(心理特征):Easy-going personality optimistic性格随和开朗; The possibility of sick(患病可能性): Illness is less .,Diet aftercare Rich food, eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, eat less greasy, spicy and so on.丰富饮食的种类,多吃五谷杂粮、蔬菜瓜果,少食过于油腻及辛辣之物。,We can choose the food which can tonifying spleen, nourish kidney .Such as jujube, wheat, soybean, yams, bean curd, agaric , apple, etc.选择具有健脾、滋肾作用的饮食,如大枣、小麦、黄豆、山药、豆腐、木耳、苹果等,Deficiency of qi 气虚质,Morphological characteristics :Muscle is not strong肌肉不健壮; Common performance :They like quiet and dont like to talk with each other. Voice is weak, easy feel cold, often sweating, and often feel fatigue;喜欢安静,不喜欢说话,说话声音低弱,容易感冒,常出虚汗,经常感到疲乏无力;,Deficiency of qi,Psychological characteristics : Introverted, emotional instability, timid, dont like adventure;性格内向,情绪不稳定,胆小,不喜欢冒险; The possibility of sick : At ordinary times the constitution is weak, susceptible to cold; after the disease-resistant ability weak and hard to heal;平时体质虚弱,易患感冒;或发病后因抗病能力弱而难以痊愈;,Diet aftercare Regular meals, balanced diet三餐规律,饮食有节 Replenishing qi to invigorate the spleen,suan as:Ripe jujube, Soy beans , white hyacinth bean, chicken, mushroom, longan and honey.多食用具有益气健脾作用的食物,如熟大枣、黄豆、白扁豆、鸡肉、香菇、桂圆、蜂蜜等。,1. Millet yam congee小米山药粥: tonifying heart and spleen; strengthening the spleen and stomach补益心肾,健脾和胃 2. Astragalus mongholicuand and Chicken nuggets黄芪鸡块 :Invigorating spleen and supplementing qi, nourishing the blood and tranquilization健脾益气,养血安神,Deficiency of yang 阳虚质,Morphological characteristics : Muscle is not strong肌肉不健壮; Common performance : Hands and feet are cold, Wear more clothes than others,They cant stand the cold in the winter, like quiet , gastral cavity is afraid of cold, they always feel uncomfortable when eating cold food手脚发凉,衣服比别人穿得多,耐受不了冬天的寒冷,喜欢安静,胃脘部怕冷,吃凉的食物感到不舒服.,Psychological characteristics: More calm and introverted disposition性格多沉静、内向 The possibility of sick: Symptoms caused by cold factors , more easy to suffer from diarrhea and impotence发病多为寒症,易患泄泻、阳痿等,Diet aftercare Eating the food which can warming qi of yang such as Cattle, sheep and dog meat, shrimp, leek, Chili, pumpkin, carrots, ginger, etc 多吃温补阳气的食物,比如牛羊狗肉、虾、韭菜、辣椒、南瓜、胡萝卜、姜、韭菜、荔枝等。 Angelica root ginger mutton soup (warming and enrich the blood, dispelling cold and relieve pain ) 当归生姜羊肉汤(温中补血,祛寒止痛),Deficiency of yin阴虚质,阴虚体质,Morphological characteristics : Body slender形体瘦长; Common performance : Feeling face hot, cant stand the heat in the summer, dry skin, hands and heart often feel fever, cheeks flushed or partial red, often feel the eyes are dry, easy to suffer from insomnia, often stool stem node感觉身体、脸上发热耐受不了夏天的暑热,皮肤干燥,经常感到手脚心发热,面颊潮红或偏红,经常感到眼睛干涩,容易失眠,经常大便干结;,Psychological characteristics :Quick temper, outgoing actively and lively性情急躁,外向好动活泼; The possibility of sick :Susceptible to cough and diabetes, Easy to fever易患咳嗽、糖尿病、容易发热;,Diet aftercare: Eating more cool and refreshing food ,such as:Black sesame seed, rabbit meat, duck, Pig pulp, lily, bean curd, soya-bean milk, white fungus, black fungus, tomato Grape, water chestnut, lotus root多吃甘凉滋润的食物,比如黑芝麻、兔肉、鸭肉、猪髓、百合、豆腐、豆浆、银耳、木耳、番茄、葡萄、荸荠、莲藕等。,Blood stasis 血瘀质,Morphological characteristics : The majority of people is thin 瘦人居多; Common performance: The skin appears often in imperceptible in purple blood stasis,skin is dry and rough, Complexion dull or pigmentation, Eyes often have capillaries, easy bleeding when brushing your teeth gums.皮肤常在不知不觉中出现紫瘀(皮下出血),皮肤干燥、粗糙,色晦暗或有色素沉着、眼睛经常有血丝,刷牙时牙龈易出血;,Psychological characteristics :Easily distracted, forgetfulness, quick temper容易烦躁,健忘,性情急躁; The possibility of sick :Susceptible to bleeding, stroke, coronary heart disease易患出血、中风、冠心病;,Diet aftercare Eating stasis-dispelling food,such as:Peach kernel. Rape, Arrowhead. Lotus root. Hawthorn. They can drink a small amount of wine and eat more vinegar.桃仁、油菜、慈菇、藕、山楂具有活血祛瘀作用的食物,酒可少量常饮,醋可多吃。,1、Lotus lily Cook lean pork(莲子百合煲瘦肉),2、Medlar chrysanthemum tea(枸杞菊花茶),1. Hawthorn brown sugar soup 2. Ginger lotus root 山楂红糖汤 姜汁藕片 Activating blood stasis, Remove blood stasis,cold and avoid menstruation pain blood detoxification 活血散瘀,通经止痛。 散寒祛瘀,凉血解毒,Phlegm wet 痰湿质,Morphological characteristics :Bodily form is fat, Abdominal obesity (体形肥胖,腹部肥满); Common performance : Sweat sticky be bored with, Heavy body acid,Face often has a greasy feeling, excessive phlegm出汗多黏腻, 肢体酸重、面部经常有油腻感,痰多;,痰湿质,Psychological characteristics :Gentle, doing things stable, courtesy, good patience; 性格温和,处事稳重,为人恭谦,多善忍耐; The possibility of sick :Dizziness, cough and gasp, gout, hypertension, coronary heart disease易患眩晕、 咳喘、痛风、高血压、冠心病等;,Diet aftercare Tonifying spleen , eliminating phlegm, dispelling dampness ,such as:Bamboo shoots, white gourd, turnip, kumquat, green onion 健脾、化痰、祛湿冬瓜、萝卜、金橘、葱等,Damp-hot 湿热质,Morphological characteristics : Body fat or thin pale;体形偏胖或苍瘦; Common performance :As the face and nose always have glossy easy acne, scabies, often feel bitter mouth, bad breath, or the mouth have peculiar smell, often defecate, gooey, have fever feeling of urine, yellow urine 面部和鼻尖总油光发亮,易生粉刺、疥疮,常感口苦、口臭或嘴里有异味,经常大便黏腻不爽,小便有发热感,尿黄。,湿热质,Psychological characteristics :Irritable character性格急躁易怒; The possibility of sick:Susceptible to boil and jaundice易患疮疖、黄疸.,Diet aftercare Eating lightly , eating more food which can eliminating dampness and heat. Such as: Mung beans, wax gourd, towel gourd, balsam pear, cucumber, watermelon, cabbage , celery饮食清淡,多吃清利湿热的食物,绿豆、冬瓜、丝瓜、苦瓜、黄瓜、西瓜、白菜、芹菜等.,Depression of qi 气郁质,气郁质,气郁质,Morphological characteristics :the thin physique is in the majority 形体瘦者居多; Common performance :Often feel glum and gloomy mood, easy to tension, anxiety, sentimental, breast tenderness and easy to insomnia 常感到闷闷不乐、情绪低沉,易紧张、焦虑不安,多愁善感,常感到乳房胀痛. 容易失眠;,Psychological characteristics :An introvert is not stable, melancholy fragile, sensitive suspicious性格内向不稳定,忧郁脆弱,敏感多疑; The possibility of sick :Insomnia, depression 失眠、 抑郁症,Diet aftercare Eating more food such as:Parsley, garlic, carrot, onion, balsam pear, kelp香菜、蒜、萝卜、洋葱、苦瓜、海带。,Allergies特禀质,Allergies特禀质,特禀质,Morphological characteristics :No feature ,have deformity, or congenital birth defects无特征,或有畸形,或有先天生理缺陷; Common performance :Allergic constitution过敏体质 The possibility of sick: Susceptible to drug allergies, hay fever, asthma and other allergic diseases. 易出现药物过敏、花粉症、 哮喘等过敏性疾病。,Diet aftercare Eating more nuts which can tonifying kidney,such as: Walnuts, peanuts, happy fruit, chestnuts.多吃 补肾的坚果,如核桃、 花生、开心果、板栗.,Embrace the health 拥抱健康,

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