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,Unit 4 Preparing for College,UCLA Global USC Studying at Oxford University,What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books. Thomas Carlyle Discussion What do you think a college student can learn best from school? Why?,Pre-class Work 1. “Preparing for college“ is undoubtedly a very familiar topic for you. Can you recall how you prepared yourself for getting into college about three years ago? 2. Now you have been studying for more than two years in college. Do you think yourself well-prepared or ill-prepared for college?,Narration Definition To narrate is to give an account of an event or a series of events. So narration can be simply understood as storytelling, which includes factual or imaginative stories, biographies, histories, news items, etc. Examples from the Text The passage is basically a piece of narration because the author intends to tell his readers what happened in the years 1884 - 1885, which he thought was a period of great adventure for him.,The narration begins with his failure in a number of examinations required for entering the University of California and it ends with the authors discovery of the right way to prepare himself for college. Narrative Structure of the Text The narration can be roughly broken into three parts. Part 1: Paras. 1 - 4 Part 2: Paras. 5 - 12 Part 3: Paras. 13 - 15,Part 1: Paras. 1 - 4 Main idea: The first few paragraphs tell us about his failure and, more importantly, the cause of it. Part 2: Paras. 5 - 12 Main idea: His private tutor, Mr. Nixon, exerted great influence on him; he encouraged his pupil to think and to discover all by himself. Part 3: Paras. 13 - 15 Main idea: He found the best preparations for college in the stimulating Saturday night conversations among all those Oxford and Cambridge men.,the University of California a leading U.S. university offering programmes in the arts and sciences, agriculture, engineering, architecture, business administration, education, etc. Berkeley is a city in western California. put sth. off: delay doing sth. e.g. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Because of the sudden downpour, the open-air concert had to be put off.,They are the boys (and they become the men) that the schools, colleges, and the world are made for. They are the boys (and also the men when they grow up and step into society) that are appreciated and accepted by the schools, colleges, and later by the world. I was not of them I was not like them; I was not of their kind,the elect those selected from what they thought the most distinguished candidates, or considered to be the best make out understand, see, or hear e.g. That problem is just beyond me; I cant make it out. He muttered a complaint that nobody could make out.,they looked dazed or indifferent they looked confused/bewildered or uninterested/unconcerned Daze is often used in the passive. To be dazed is to be made unable to think or feel clearly. e.g. His answer to the question left us all dazed. indifferent adj. not interested, not caring e.g. We should not be indifferent to the low achievers in school.,foreign adj. unfamiliar and strange e.g. His concept of education is entirely foreign to us.,My parents did not bring me up. “Bring up“ means “care for and educate (a child) in the family until he is fully grown.“ What the author means here is that his parents did not bother about their education of him; rather, they sent him to school, etc. as the following sentences indicate.,they offered me every opportunity in their reach they gave me every favourable chance they can possibly afford to give in ones reach may also be expressed as within ones reach, meaning “within ones capacity, as much as one can afford.“ reach n. the limit within which you can achieve something The opposite of in ones reach is beyond/out of ones reach, meaning “one cannot afford to do something.“,bear on have some connection with; relate to e.g. Did what he said bear on your problem? His proposal does not seem to bear on the project we are discussing.,for keeps This phrase is used informally, meaning, “forever, permanently“. e.g. “Can I have one of those cute mementos?“ “Sure. This one is yours, for keeps.“,appeal to attract, interest e.g. His plan of spending our winter vacation in an orphanage to coach the children there in English appealed to all of us. Sea food does not appeal to me. by dent of This is a variant of “by dint of“, meaning “by means of“.,not in the least not at all e.g. Lots of people love to read science fiction, but Im not in the least interested.,be crammed for Berkeley be stuffed with as much book knowledge as possible for me to pass the entrance examination of the University of California at Berkeley cram v. learn as much as possible in a short time just before the examination e.g. Learning is a long-range process. Cramming for an examination in the last minute does one no good.,on the side in addition to my regular school work I lived over the lives of the Greek heroes and the Roman generals I read classics such as Iliad and Odyssey, which deal with the Greek heroes Achilles and Odysseus, and Julius Caesar, which deals with the Roman generals Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus.,the world of conscious culture the study of culture that we are aware of/familiar with romance and language sang songs to me I enjoyed romance and language so much that they were like songs sung to me.,inspire v. encourage in sb. the desire and ability to take effective action by filling him with eagerness, confidence, etc. e.g. The senior professors words inspired us to work still harder/to greater efforts.,It was too great and too various for me to personify with my boyish imitations and heroism. Life was so good and so different in kind that I was not able to express what it was like with my youthful mind and boldness.,double first first-class honours in two subjects at university sedentary occupations jobs that require a lot of sitting but no physical exercise exiled them compelled them to quit their regular day-to-day academic work from their respective institutions,I worked for him; I worked more, much more, for myself. I studied hard under his instructions; but I studied even harder driven by my own interests.,We can only underline your questions, make you mad yourself to answer them, and add ours to whip, to lash you on to find out yourself one or two; and tell us! We can only call your attention to your own questions and encourage you to find your own answers to them; we will give you one or two more questions of ours to make you think hard and answer.,Go to (archaic) exclamation of impatience, encouragement, remonstrance, etc.,There were Tories among them and liberals and one red A Tory is a member of the British conservative party and a “red“ (usually capitalized) is informally used to refer to a politically radical or leftist person, a supporter or a member of the socialist or the communist party. This sentence tells us that the participants of the conversations differed in their political orientations.,Robert Owen (17711858) Born in Newtown, Montgomeryshire, Wales, Robert Owen was an industrialist and social reformer and one of the founders of socialism. He formed a model industrial community at New Lanark, Scotland, and pioneered co-operative societies.,when a debate came to a clinch when a debate became so heated that an agreement/a settlement seemed unlikely,with a sureness which withstood reference to the books with such certainty that they did not have to refer to the source of the quotation withstand v. hold out against, stand up to, not be changed by e.g. Buildings in this area should be able to withstand earthquakes. Great works of art/literary works can always withstand the test of time.,papal bull an official document issued by the Pope, the head of the Roman Catholic Church,It was conversation I was hearing, the free, passionate Note the use of the word conversation, which is a count noun, but here it is used in the singular form without either the definite or the indefinite article. What the author means to say is that the verbal exchanges among those scholars was conversation in the true sense of the word, i.e. “the free, passionate, witty exchanges of studied minds as polished as fine tools.“ Note that this understanding of conversation is echoed towards the end of the same paragraph.,studied minds as polished as fine tools great intellectual faculties; great mental capacities as flawless as first-class tools,When the differences rose the urbanity persisted. Although they didnt always agree with each other on certain issues, their elegant and courteous manner of speech remained.,The worthiness of Chinas National College Entrance Examination has been challenged in recent years. Questions have arisen such as “Is it a fair examination that provides equal opportunities to all high school graduates who want to get into college?“ “In what way or ways does it program secondary schooling?“ “How does it influence the way in which parents educate their children?“ The fundamental question is “Does the National College Entrance Examination, as it is now, promote the sound development of Chinas education, or is it exercising some adverse influence on Chinas education?“ Form two groups and have a debate on some key questions related to the issue.,Exposition Background If the principal purpose of writing is simply to tell a story, to tell only what happened, then the writing is a narration. If the writer intends to show how something looks, to re-create an object or a scene in words, then he is writing a description. In a narration, all the events are generally arranged in time order, while in a description, the details are most often organized in space. Definition Unlike a narrative or a description, exposition aims at the clear presentation or explanation of ideas. In general, it answers the questions how and why. The writer of an exposition is always a man thinking, interpreting, informing and persuading by the use of evidence and reasoning. Exposition, therefore, discusses its subject not in time or space, but by logic.,Structure Expository paragraphs contain two different classes of statements. The first a general, rather abstract statement is called the topic sentence. In the topic sentence, the writer says, “This is what I assert or believe in a general way; this is my opinion, my evaluation or conclusion about the subject of this paragraph.“ The second type of statements in a paragraph consists of particular facts, examples, illustrations, and supporting details that say, in effect, “This is why I believe or how I come to believe what I say. You may not agree with me, but at least I have let you know now why I believe so. Here is my evidence.“,Example Read the following expository paragraph: Though on the surface there seem to be some slight differences between the Russian workman and the American labourer, basically they are much alike. To be sure, the one speaks Russian and the other speaks English; the one most likely lives in a government housing unit while the other may own his own home; the one likes borscht and the other prefers meat and potatoes and gravy. But their similarities far outweigh any differences you may notice. Both fall in love with the girl of their dreams; both celebrate a wedding as hilariously as they can afford; both rejoice at the birth of a son or daughter; both worry about their little ones when they are sick; both grieve when death enters the family. In these fundamental issues of life they are essentially the same. And so it is that, regardless of the official policies of their governments, when you come right down to it, both sincerely and dearly want peace to prevail.,The topic sentence of this paragraph is the italicized statement, in which the controlling idea is “basically they are much alike.“ The paragraph begins with a few differences and finishes with a statement of similarities. Throughout the paragraph, the writer is explaining why he believes both the Russian workman and the American labourer are basically much alike.,Principles The principles of effective expository writing are the same as those for narrative or descriptive writing, but the patterns of organization are different simply because the goals of writing are different. An exposition writer may employ common methods of logic and thinking and develop his material by offering examples as evidence, by comparing and contrasting, by showing cause and effect, by defining, by arguing, etc., and each of these methods describes a particular form of development or arrangement of ideas. In the model paragraph, a most popular form of development is used: comparison and contrast. In many cases, there will be one method that dominates in an exposition, but it is not uncommon that these methods are often employed in combinations suited to the subject matter.,P26 1. I went to Berkeley to take my entrance examinations at the University of California, in which I was not able to pass Greek and Latin exams. This constituted reason enough for the college to refuse to enroll me, and I had to wait for another year before taking another chance. 2. They are the kind of kids (and they are now grown-up students) the schools, colleges and the world would be glad to accept, all prepared to be taught as they are told to. 3. Nobody attempted to make interested in the subjects and topics under discussion, which were exactly what I needed to learn at college. 4. “ Come on, boy. The world belongs to you! Its just like a blank sheet of paper with everything waiting to be explored and discovered. The most beautiful picture is yet to be painted and the most melodious song to be composed. There is so much remaining to be accomplished. The world needs to be perfected.”,Translation 1. Can you make out the meaning of his long-winded harangue? 2. Being worried about his exam results, he was not in the least attentive to the visiting professors lecture. 3. Is it easier for a child or a grown-up to acquire the rudiments of a foreign language in a short period of time? This is a controversial question. 4. Did what he said about the short-term training course appeal to you? 5. The biography of Steve Jobs inspired him to greater creative efforts in doing research. 6. Should we be indifferent to the children who are denied the opportunity of a normal education in the impoverished regions in the west? 7. The decision made recently by the school board had little to bear on our curriculum. 8. The ship was so strongly built that it can withstand any storm.,这些科目有点意思,原本可以使我感到有趣,只是没人设法引起我对它们的兴趣,在我看来它们不过就是为了踏进大学的门我不得不修的一些科目而已。教这些课的老师无法满足我好奇、活跃的头脑。结果我并没有用心去学这些课程,只是通过死记硬背学到了一些东西,也就是通过学校教育能学到的最起码的一点基础知识。我叩响大学的校门,期待的是在某些领域受到大学的教育;我有强烈的求知欲望,极想探求一些深奥问题的答案,特别是我现在才知道没有现成的答案、而只有提出越来越多的问题的那些领域,比如科学、玄学等,正式这种欲望使得我努力学习,提高自己。对于希腊语、拉丁语、数学,以及其他按照当时的标准认为是具备的其他“知识”我一点都不感兴趣。,Language work Grammar 1 1-5 CBCAD 2 1-5 ADCAB 3. 1. notorious noted/ famous/ well-known/ known 2. conspicuous well-known 3. prominent conspicuous 4. dry monotonous/ unvaried 5. crisp fragile 6. uninterested unbiased/ disinterested 7. upheld had 8. respectable respected 9. cunning and guile ingenuity and skill 10. relentless strict,Vocabulary A 1. balked 2. relish 3. underline 4. fanatic 5. rudiments B unskillful 2. drawbacks 3. developing 4. trivial 5. emotional 1-10 ABCBD BBBAD Cloze 1-10 BADDC DBABB,Proofreading and Error Correction 1. generations generation 2. encountering encountered 3. twentieth the 4. difficulties same 5. ago before 6. farther far 7. parts part 8. value values 9. judge for 10. decision decisions,THANK YOU!,

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