Unit 4We love animalsPart B Let27s talkppt课件

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,Unit 4 Part B Lets talk,1,Tips for you:,Help each other. (组长与组员,组员与组员之间互相帮助) 2.Read aloud, please. (请大声读) 3. Please tick out the difficult words. (请勾出难的单词。),2,a bear,a duck,a cat,a pig,a dog,Whats this?,Its a/an,an ant,an elephant,3,Its a pig.,Whats this?,Its a bear.,Whats that?,this (这,这个),that (那,那个),4,Whats that?,Its a .,an,h,t,d,p,a,熊猫,5,Whats that?,A bear? (一只熊吗?),No! Its a panda. (不是,是一只熊猫。),6,Animal show 动物表演秀,7,Whats that?,A _ ?,No! Its an _.,panda,elephant,8,Whats that?,A_?,No! Its a _.,dog,bear,9,Whats that?,A_?,No! Its a _.,bear,dog,10,Whats that?,A_?,No! Its a _.,cat,pig,11,funny,滑稽的,好笑的,12,Look! A funny dog. 看!一只有趣的狗,13,Look! A funny ,14,Cool ! I like it.,表达赞美或欣赏,15,Cool ! I like it. 酷,我喜欢它。,16,Look! A funny panda.,Cool!I like it. (酷!我喜欢它。),17,Look! A funny dog.,Cool!I like it. (酷!我喜欢它。),18,Look! A funny _!,bear,Cool!I like it. (酷!我喜欢它。),19,Look! A funny _!,dog,Cool!I like it. (酷!我喜欢它。),20,那是什么?,一只熊?,不是,是一只熊猫。,看!一只有趣的狗!,酷,我喜欢它。,21,I like . Its funny(cool).!,22,Read and act. (读课文,并表演)(2分) Fill and act. (填空,并表演) (3分) The performance of innovation. (表演有创新)(4分) (注意:三项只选择一项完成!),Group work:(小组合作),23,Lets act.(演一演),B:A _?,A:No,its a _.,A:Whats that?,A: Look! A funny_.,B: Cool,I like it.,24,25,The animals are our good friends, so we must protect them. 动物是我们人类的好朋友,我们应该保护它们哦!,26,Homework,完成一起网络作业 。 用whats that? Its a/an 介绍动物。 完成练习册本课时作业。,27,Goodbye!,28,


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