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12/4/2019,武汉大学,Communicating in Science - Writing and Publishing,Sixuan Zhong 钟似璇 s.zhongei.org,12/4/2019,武汉大学,The Process of Building a Database of Scientific Knowledge,We have been doing this for more than 120 years. How do we do it? Collect, categorize, and disseminate engineering information.,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Ei收录情况及Ei在中国的收录情况,Ei收录5,100多个刊 2,600核心刊 2,500非核心刊 17%会议论文 175学科 中国期刊260 140核心刊 120非核心刊 for more information,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Ei in China 在中国的发展,1998年在清华大学建立中国镜像点 Ei是第一家在中国建立本地镜像的数据出版社 1998年11月中国大学集团成立 至今已有近200多用户, 包括130多所高校,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Communicating in Science Publish is the goal of scientific research,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Importance of Scientific Writing,The Space Shuttle Challenger Accident Katrina Damages to the New Orleans Area,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Scholarly Communication,By publication Reports Articles Proposals Web pages By Speech Conferences Lectures Meetings Optimally do so in English,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Scientific writing differs from other kinds of writing,To inform To persuade,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Publication Writing a Scientific Paper,“The goal of scientific research is publication.” - Robert A. Day Structure and protocol Language Clarity Precision Objectivity,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Structure: the Strategy of Style,Beginning,Ending,Middle,If a man can group his ideas, then he is a writer. Robert Louis Stevenson,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Beginning,Ending,Middle,The organization of a scientific document can be viewed as a beginning, middle, and ending,Title Summary Introduction,Middle Sections,Conclusions Back Matter,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Beginnings prepare readers for understanding the work,12/4/2019,武汉大学,A strong title orients readers to your area of work,Effects of Humidity on the Growth of Avalanches,12/4/2019,武汉大学,A strong title also separates your work from everyone elses work,Studies on the Electrodeposition of Lead on Copper,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Several names for summaries exist,Summary,Abstract,Technical Abstract,Executive Summary,Descriptive Abstract,Informative Abstract,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Although several names exist for summaries, there are essentially two approaches,This paper describes a new inertial navigation system for mapping oil and gas wells. In this paper, we will compare the mapping accuracy and speed for this new system against the accuracy and speed for conventional systems.,Descriptive,12/4/2019,武汉大学,A documents introduction prepares readers for the discussion,Topic?,Importance?,Introduction,Arrangement?,Background?,12/4/2019,武汉大学,The introduction defines the scope and limitations of the work,Proposed Study on Effects of Alcohol on Life Expectancy,Three classes of drinkers: non-drinkers moderate drinkers heavy drinkers,Ten-year study,Men surveyed,scope,limitations,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Many journal articles follow a set organization named IMRaD,Introduction,12/4/2019,武汉大学,In a strong ending, you analyze results and give a future perspective,Analyze results from overall perspective,Conclusions,Analysis of Results,Several options: Make recommendations Discuss future work Repeat limitations,Future Perspective,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Language: the Way We Use Words,Short words are the best, and short words when old are best of all. Winston Churchill,12/4/2019,武汉大学,For precise language, you should avoid over-specifying details,The number of particular hydrocarbon combinations in our study is enormous. For example, the number of possible C20H42 is 366,319 and the number for C40H82 is 62,491,178,805,831.,12/4/2019,武汉大学,For precision, you must choose the appropriate level of detail,Operations at the plant stopped momentarily because the thermal storage charging system desuperheater attemperator valve was replaced.,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Stacking adjectives before nouns swallows the ideas,Solar One is a 10 megawatt solar thermal electric central receiver Barstow power pilot plant.,12/4/2019,武汉大学,One measure for the complexity of the writing is the Gunning Fog Index,In the index, the complexity of the writing depends on (1) the lengths of sentences (2) the lengths of words,Desired index values for scientific writing are 10-12: New York Times (11) Scientific American (12),Fi = 0.4 (Nw / Ns )+ Plw ) Nw = number of words in a typical paragraph Ns = number of sentences in the paragraph Plw = percentage of long words in the paragraph,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Ambiguities occur for many reasons,?,The proposed schedule is discussed below for the next four years.,12/4/2019,武汉大学,about cause; bring about carry out individual can operate use,Pretentious diction often causes problems with tone,approximately facilitate implement individualized operationability utilization,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Conclusion,Communication skill is essential for scientists and engineers Publication is the goal of research Learn to inform and to persuade effectively Learn to convey your idea clearly Scientific research is not complete until the results have been published The education of a scientist is not complete until the ability to publish has been established,12/4/2019,武汉大学,Thank you! Sixuan Zhong 钟似璇 Ei中国全权代表 s.zhongei.org ,


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