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2019-2020年高三上学期英语10月第四周周测试卷含答案 姓名: 授课教师: 注意事项:1、本试卷满分75分。 2、选择题答案填写在相应方框内,考试时间为60分钟。一、单项选择(1*15=15)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 21.Though some bodies and the wreck of the missing plane QZ8501 have been confirmed, the Indonesian authorities are _ to make public the detailed information of the passengers aboard.A. relativeB. remarkable C. relevantD. reluctant 22.The question of _ English will keep on changing in the future, though most people doubt, is actually easy_. A. if; to be answered B. whether; to answer C. how; answered D. what; to answer23. However, the Norman Conquest didnt affect the English language_ the Angles and the Saxons victory about 600 years earlier, which led to Old English _ Celtic. A. so much as; was replaced B. so good as; being replaced C. as much as; replacing D. as well as; replaced by24. _ that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city, their bodies nearly pletely_ and disappeared, _ empty spaces in the ash. A. It turned out; broke down; leaving B. As turned out; broke up; which left C. It turned out; broke off; leaving D. What was turned out was; broke down; left25. _the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have small openings _ smells to match the environment.A. Adding to; give out B. Added to; give offC. To be added to; giving off D. To add to; giving out26. The small boat was almost sunk by the dinosaurs which suddenly _ to the surface, fighting each other, but fortunately the three men _ get away.A. rose; could B. rose; were able to C. arose; could have been able to D. raised; could have27. - Why do you think _ the Eagles went home, angry and bitter? -_ they didnt win the tournament and because what mattered to them was victory.A. was it that; That B. that; For C. it was that; Because D. that; Because28. At the ancient Olympics, all men, _ had to pete wearing no clothes, while single women took part in their own separate petition, a festival _Hera, the wife of Zeus.A. in tradition; in favor of B. by principle; in celebration of C. by tradition; in honor of D. in order; in memory of29. Public service ads, also PSAs, often _ for free, _ to educate people about health, safety or any other problem that affects public welfare. A. run; meant B. are run; are meant C. are run; mean D. run; are meant30.- Most people say that all ads dont play tricks on them. -_. Some are beneficial and encouraging. A. You can say it again. B. You have me there.C. You dont say. D. You got it.31. When _how a statue from distant Greece, in China, researchers explained thatit was no doubt a result of Alexander the Greats influence. A. they were asked; should appear; B. being asked; can have appeared;C. asked; must have appeared; D asked; could have appeared; 32. _ much media attention is paid to the topic of raising children or caring for elderly parents in their final years, it seems _ not much is explained on being a parent. A. While; that B. As; like C. Because; that D. Since; /33. The USA shows great concern _ human rights of all other countries, which is a laughing stock, _ the many cases of blacks being maltreated in their own country.A. about ; of B. to; relating to C. for; concerning D. with; including34.The “new” Japanese prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants the USA to promise _ Japan declares war against China, the USA will give military aid, _ promises to be impossible. A. if; which B. whether; it C. if; that D. when; it35. -I heard your husband had left for Vienna by air. Why didnt you go there with him? -I_. But I_ a fashion design petition two days away. A. was scheduled to; will have attended B. had been scheduled to; will be attendingC. was scheduled to have; am attending D.had scheduled to; am attending 第二节:完形填空(1*20=20)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Its been so long that I cant remember the crime, but Ill never forget the punishment: Dig up the fig tree (无花果) in the backyard and plant it at Mumsys place in the country. As I often did when 36 to hard labor in the garden, I suspected this was my parents way of 37 me to do their dirty work. It was a Sunday morning. With some tools, I went at the tree, dismantling (拆卸) it branch by branch and limb by limb, 38 all that remained of the once-proud specimen was a sorry-looking stump of a thing. “What did that 39 ever do to you?”, my father said, “You left some taproot (主根), at least. Go and load up the truck.” On any other day before, during the 40 to mumsys, we would have pleasantly 41 school as usual, but I fenced myself off that time. Then, at Mumsys, instead of sitting back to watch me work, he 42 me. As my father and I took turns to work, I could feel my anger 43 , making room for the simple satisfaction of working at my fathers side 44 a mon goal. “ Well,” my father said when we 45 , “ weve done what we can do.” “Do you think theres any 46 that it can grow up?” I asked. “Its rich dirt. They say you can 47 toenails in it and grow little kids.” My father answered. I never tried the toenail trick, but I did 48 as it settled in, took root, and began to prosper. I was amazed and 49 when bowls of figs began to fill the fridge. In a 50 fair world, I dont deserve the reward. I had 51 the tree for my own plaints. What right did I have to the fruit? Years later, I put this 52 to my father. Watching him slide a bowl of figs from the fridge one morning, I felt a sudden stab of shame for my boyhood 53 . My father took a fig from the 54 and let me think of the fruit as forgiveness. “You,” he said, “ 55 some of that.”36. A. sentenced B. punished C. allowed D. encouraged 37. A. inviting B. having C. getting D. helping 38. A. until B. when C. that D. after 39. A. truck B. toolC. treeD. taproot 40. A. restB. flightC. walkD. ride 41. A. thought overB. talked about C. broke intoD. gave up 42. A. forgaveB. trickedC. entertainedD. joined 43. A. disappearedB. concentratedC. approachedD. exposed 44. A. throughB. againstC. towardD. off 45. A. arguedB. continuedC. startedD. finished46. A. relationshipB. valueC. advantageD. chance 47. A. digB. plantC. removeD. observe 48. A. understandB. determineC. watchD. feel 49. A. confusedB. relievedC. regretfulD. disappointed 50. A. perfectlyB. partlyC. mostlyD. probably51. A. forgottenB. hurtC. helpedD. guarded52. A. taskB. answerC. questionD. strategy53. A. miseryB. misfortune C. sorrowD. rudeness 54. A. fridgeB. bowlC. kitchenD. desk55. A. deserveB. receiveC. protectD. suspect 第三部分 阅读理解(2*15=30)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADISCOVER THE EXCITING WORLD OF HOSPITALITY* Hospitality * Hotel Design* Event* Culinary Arts* Resorts & Spa * Business* Tourism* Hotel ManagementContact us for further information or organize a visit of the campus.Your career begins now!Swiss Education GroupMontreux / Switzerland / T +41 21 965 40 11infoswisseducation / swisseducation 56. SEG has a group of schools for people who are interested in _.A. hotel and tourism B. food and health C. sports and arts D. science and technology57. To know more about SEG, one can choose all the following but _.A. calling the group B. emailing the group C. visiting a campus D. faxing the groupB (REUTERS/Jason Lee) Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of Chinas central bank, a high-level Chinese official on Sunday made the governments first admission that the countrys economic slowdown was not going as planned. He told a meeting of regional leaders that his countrys growth rate had tumbled a bit too much. Chinas inflation is also declining, so we need to be very careful to see if the disinflation trend will continue, and if deflation will happen or not, said Zhou, His remarks were made at the Boao Forum for Asia, an annual conference on the island of Hainan in southern China. Zhou added that China could have room to act by taking quantitative measures and setting interest rates.For many, the way he described Chinas health was no surprise. The countrys economy has not been growing this slowly since the 1990s. panies in debt are seeing sickly profit margins. Banks are carrying loads of debt, too, and the housing market is slowing. Chinas official xx GDP growth target is 7%, but that seems shaky.Acknowledging that significant intervention has to be on the table is a big deal for China. Everyone has known for years that this slowdown was ing because the government is purposely transitioning its economy from one based on foreign investment to one based on domestic consumption. It is a brutal process, but the government knows it is the only way the country will bee the self-sustaining superpower it wants to be.(Barlcays)Until now, while the Chinese government had acknowledged the slowdown was rough, it had assured the world that the situation was under control. Just a few weeks ago, Chinese officials were saying they would be monitoring deflation but still were not that keen on intervening with policy measures. Now it seems they are warming to the idea. In January, Chinas headline consumer price inflation hit 0.8%, then it bounced back up to 1.4% in February. March probably isnt looking that great either from the Peoples Bank of Chinas point.Widening PPI deflation and soft CPI inflation, especially after adjusting for seasonal effects, point to persistent deflation risks, Barclays wrote after Februarys number came out. In our view, the monetary policy needs to be more proactive in order to deal with the cyclical challenges in the near term. 58. Which of the following illustrates “growth rate had tumbled” in Paragraph 1? A. setting interest rates B. economic transition C. bounce of CPI D. FIGURE 159. We can infer from the passage that one of the solutions to the slowdown could be _ if needed.A. monitoring deflation B. expanding foreign investmentC. making new policy measures D. reducing domestic consumption60. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?A. Zhous admission is a big deal and a little bit irresponsible.B. The Chinese government has admitted that things arent going so well.C. China should be more active in its struggle against inflation.D. Chinas economy has been growing fast since the 1990s. CAlan, 17, was randomly shot and killed by a gang member. His father, Keith, and his mother, Donna, were filled with anger as they followed the all-consuming ongoing investigation into the killing. A close couple, friends of Keith and Donnas, dropped in one evening and said to them, You have to accept this loss. Your son is gone and none of this is going to bring him back. All you need now is acceptance. Keith got angry with his friend and asked, What part of Alans death dont you think I accept? Believe me, I hate to be in so much pain.Acceptance is not about liking a situation. It is about acknowledging all that has been lost and learning to live with that loss. It would be too soon for Keith to be able to accept the situation. He can acknowledge the reality of the loss, but it would be unrealistic to think he should have found some peace with it by then.The gang member who killed Alan was sentenced to life in prison, and Keith and Donna went back to their own lives. But Keith actually had a new loss to deal with, an emptiness, which made the absence of his sons loss even louder.It is important for people to understand that gradually, in your own time, you can begin to find some peace with what has happened. In situations such as murder, it is vital to understand we have a legal system, not necessarily a justice system. Acceptance is a process that we experience, not a final stage with an end point.No one else could know how much acceptance Keith was capable of or how time would affect his process. After five years, Keith felt he had found as much acceptance as was possible. Then he was notified that the shooter was up for his parole ( 假释 ) hearing. Keith was once again filled with anger. The proceedings were brief and parole was denied. Keith was struck by how quickly it happened and by the tears of the shooters father. For the first time, Keith realized that there were victims on both ends of the gun.Keith walked over and shook his hand. At that moment, something happened: Keiths anger was replaced by a curiosity. He wanted to know what this other fathers life was like and what led him to the same place. Over the next few years, the two men worked together helping gang members stop the violence and find their place in the world. Keiths acceptance was a journey deeper than ever expected. And it happened over many years, not many months or days. Not everyone will or can fully embrace those who have hurt us, as Keith did, but there is always a struggle that leads us to our own personal and unique acceptance.61. Alans parents were very angry at their sons death because _.A. he was innocently killed B. he was a member of a gangC. their friends brought the truth back to them D. the murders were soon released62. Which of the following gives the true meaning of “acceptance” according to this passage?A. Acknowledging the reality. B. Seeking justice for what has been lost.C. Embracing the pain that has made you hurt.D. Finding some peace with what has happened.63. What personality can we infer from the passage about Keith?A. Tolerant. B. Timid. C. Irresponsible. D. Just.64. The journey of acceptance is _.A. necessary but unrealistic B. uniquely characterizedC. full of curiosity and violence D. not long but unexpectedDUnlike other men of his time, Irish writer Oscar Wilde was showy, outspoken and unconventional. At the height of his fame, he was betrayed by his lover Lord Alfred Douglas and had to serve two years hard labor for being himself. He died three years after he came out of prison.The work Wilde is remembered for was written over a period of less than 10 years. TheHappy Prince and Other Tales was published in 1888. That volume marks the beginning of Wildes true creativity. However, academic criticism of Wildes work has too often dismissed his fairy stories as lesser works, a minor bit of sentimentalism(多愁善感). Today, sinceJK Rowlings Harry Potter and Philip PullmansHis Dark Materials, childrens literature has been repositioned as central, not secondary, shifting what children read, what we write about what children read, and what weread as adults. At last we seem to understand that imagination is ageless. Wildes childrens stories are splendid. In addition, it seems to me that they should be revisited as a defining part ofhis creative process.“The Happy Prince” starts a new note in Wildes writing: loss. Fairytales always involve reversals of fortune. This works in both directions: beggars bee kings, palaces collapse into shelters, the spoilt son swallows bitterness. Wildes own reversal of fortune from fame and money to poverty and imprisonment shares the same rapid drama.Fairytalesare also and always about transformation of various kinds frogs into princes, coal into gold and if they are not overly moralistic, there is usually a happy ending. Wildes fairytale transformations turn on loss. “The Happy Prince” is the story of a gilded(鎏金的) and jeweled statue on a column high above the town. One day, a Swallow rests at the feet of the Happy Prince, who tells him of all the suffering he can see. He asks the Swallow to take the ruby(红宝石) from his sword and give it to a poor family. The Swallow does so. The Prince begs him to stay and to strip him bit by bit of all his gold and jewels to distribute to others. The weather is getting colder and the Swallow knows he should fly to the sun. But as he takes the Princes jeweled eyes, he realizes that he must stay, for now the Prince isblind. Winter es. The Swallow dies at the feet of the Happy Prince, no longer sparkling with jewels and gold. The Mayor has the statue pulled down. As the workmen melt down the Prince they find they cannot melt his heart. They throw it on the rubbish pile next to the body of a swallow.I dont think anything could be closer in description than this to the criticism of Wilde and his talent by a society fascinated with appearances and indifferent to imagination. Wilde believed in the soul. The soul is often described as a bird and if Wilde is the Happy Prince, then the Swallow is his soul, that returns to him and will not leave him._ gift and sacrifice is anothertheme of Wildes fairy stories. In “The Nightingale and the Rose”, aNightingale colors a white rose red with her own hearts blood so that apoor student will have the most beautiful flower in the world to give tohis beloved. His beloved rejects him and his rose, and the rose is thrown in the gutter(排水沟), where it is broken by a cart-wheel. As Wilde says in his letter to Douglas: “Having got hold of my life you didnt know what to do with it and so you broke it.” Reason and logic are tools for understanding the world. We need a means of understanding ourselves, too. That is what imagination allows. When a child reads of a Nightingale who bleeds her song into a rose for loves sake, or of a statue who feels the suffering of the world more keenly than the Mathematics Master who scoffs (嘲笑) at his pupils for dreaming about Angels, the child knows at once both the mystery and truth of such stories. We have all at some point in our lives been the overlooked idiot who finds a way to kill the dragon, win the treasure, marry the princess.65. What has caused people to reevaluate Wildes fairytales? A. Wildes fairytales are well written. B. TheHappy Prince and Other Tale marks the beginning of his true creativity. C. Childrens stories are regarded as important as other literary works. D. Unlike other fairytales, Wildes stories have sad ends.66. Which is closest in meaning of the underlined word “note”(paragraph 4)? A. Message.B. Theme.C. Tone.D. Attention.67. Wildes focus on loss because of _. A. Douglas betrayalB. avoidance of being moralistic C. the rise and fall of his lifeD. his belief in the soul68. The missing words in paragraph 8 should be “_”. A. Indifference to B. Applause for C. Reflection onD. Condemnation of69. What does the author think is the most valuable feature of Wildes fairytales? A. Sentimentalism B. Imagination C. LossD. Sacrifice70. What does the author mean in the last paragraph? A. It is necessary for children to read some fairytales. B. Fairytales should be read differently from serious works. C. Everybody goes through a period of fantasy in his life. D. Fairytales constitute an important part of ones growth.第四部分 任务型阅读 (1*10=10)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

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