2019-2020年高三上学期英语周练试卷(1.20) 含答案.doc

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丰城中学xx学年高三上学期周练试卷英 语(1-45班)徐旻 高三英语备课组(xx.1.20 )2019-2020年高三上学期英语周练试卷(1.20) 含答案一 阅读理解(共两节,每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分ABelow is a passage adapted from the network edition of China Daily.Event Li Yang, one of Chinas most famous English teachers, apologized for beating his American wife more than a week after she posted photos of her injuries on the web and set off a bomb of criticism.Iwholeheartedly apologize to my wife Kim and my girls for mitting domestic violence. This has caused them serious physical and mental damage, Li said on his microblog at Weibo, the countrys mostpopular social media site, on Saturday. Voices Xuemanzi, angel investorAnti-domestic violence laws should be made as soon as possible, giving protection to the rights of women and children lawfully. Police should not stand back from domesticviolence any longer, even if no one reports them. Society, as a whole, should attach greater importance to the crime.ZhangxiaomeiChinese are never taught about marital relations, which mean notmerely living together. A good marriage needs to overe three differences: family background, gender and personalities. In addition to these, there is cultural gap in Li Yangs case. If the effects of thesedifferences are not well understood, after the honeymoon period, they will turn into conflicts and endangerthe marriage. Lis domestic violence is a reminder that China needs such education.Sikaozhe, Sina Weibo userIn the US, the punishments for domestic violence are even more severe than strealing. If the police arrive at thewifes call during a fighting between a couple and find injuries on her, they will immediat-ely arrest thehusband. Even if the wife doesnt call the police, they may also show up as neighbors could well do their part.ykxin Sina Weibo UserDont blindly worship anyone, because in every closet there may hidea skeleton. As a famous Chinese saying goes, Only they who do well in their daily routine tasks can fulfill their dreams on great occasions. Not surprisingly, one who focuses too much on his career and ignores his family, like Li Yang, will fail in both. Dont judge a person by his career success, wealth, or any other material aspect, because what finally decides a person is his character.1. This passage is focused on Li Yangs.A. microblog article B. domestic violence C. English-teaching career D. international marriage2. Zhangxiaomei holds the view that.A. laws should be passed to protect women and childrenB. crazy personality accounts for violence and ill temperC. overing background gap is necessary for marriageD. living together is what marriage is mainly about3. Who thinks that character plays the most important role in ones life?A. ykxin B. Sikaozhe C. Xuemanzi D. ZhangxiaomeiB Its hard to find Alice Munro in the media. Even after she won the xx Nobel Prize in Literature,the Canadian writer just appeared for a quick interview and then dropped out of sight. On Dec. 29,she still didnt seek the spotlight when she was named one of the Five Women of the Year by the Financial Times.In Munros eyes,ordinary lives always hide larger dramas. So she records what we casually think of as the everyday actions of normal people. She often focuses on life in her hometown,a small village in Ontario which she ismostfamiliar with. She writes about the ordinary things in the villagefox forming,trees filled in the Ontario wilderness, poor country alcohol and long last illnesses. Above all,she talks about girls and women who have seemingly ordinary lives but struggle againstdailymisfortune.She has a special talent for uncovering the extraordinary in the ordinary. These are ordinary people,ordinary stories,but shehas the magic. Her precise language,depth of detail and the logic of her storytelling have made her stories inviting.Runaway,one of Munros representative works,is a good example of her writing style. One of the stories centers on the life of an ordinary woman Carla, who lives in a small Canadian town with her husband Clark. The story slowly forms a picture of Carla,trapped in a bad marriage,her unhappiness building into desperation until she decides to flee. The story of Carla is a story of the power and betrayals of love. It is about lost children and lots of chances that we can all find in life,There is pain beneath the surface,like a needle in the heart.Since she published her first collection of short stories in 1968,Munro has won many awards,with the Nobel Prize being her biggest honor. On Oct. 10,xx,the Nobel Prize mittee named Munro the “master of the contemporary short story”.4. We learnfromParagraph 1 that Alice Munro A. didnt get onwellwith the mediaB. was surprised at winning the Nobel PrizeC. didnt value the title of Women of the YearD. remained modest though very successful5. What makes Alice Munros stories fascinating according to the text?A. The plicated plots. B. Her writing techniques.C. The humorous language. D. Her rich imagination.6. In her representative work Runaway,Carla .A. leads a happy life with ClarkB. is a faithful wife to her husbandC. tries to run awayfromher husbandD. loses all hopes for a better life7. What is the text mainly about?A. Alice Munro and her hometown.B.The awards Alice Munro won.C.Alice Munros literary life.D.Alice Munro and her writing style.CIve been really lucky this year. Not only did I have the opportunity to live in France, but I was able to see some other countries with my girlfriend. Now she is studying in Essen, a large city in Western Germany. I recently went to stay with her-it was my first visit to Germany! Essen is a very large city. It has all the conveniences of any large city so I felt immediately at home. I love the variety of shops, restaurants, shopping malls, cocktail bars, nightclubs, parks and even a lake. There is also a city-wide network of trams, which makes getting around a piece of cake!I found the people to be really friendly, and most Germans speak very good English which made life easy for me. I was surprised by the casual attitude to alcohol in Germany, where it seems normal for people to drink beer on the street, or on the tram. My girlfriend and I visited two famous local cities, Dsseldorf and Cologne, which are both on the Rhine River. Dsseldorf is an urban metropolis with a great variety of restaurants. We took a boat tour on the river and went up the Rhine tower, a really tall building which offers great views across the city. Cologne, as you might know, is world famous for its perfumes. The cathedral there is an unmissable landmark. We made the effort to climb to the top of one of the cathedrals tower. The spiral(螺旋的) stairs seemed endless, but it was worthwhile for the impressive sights from the top.We also went in a cable car over the river and tasted a German delicacy called “Spaghettieis” which is ice cream with strawberry sauce! I also got to try the famous German sausage. I must admit, I really enjoyed the food! The only disappointment was the grey and rainy weather, which proves that Britain does not have the worst weather in Europe!8. Why did the writer feel lucky this year?A. He will have a chance to live in Germany. B. He met his girlfriend in France by chance.C. He got an opportunity of learning in Germany. D. He was able to live in France and visit other countries.9. What do Dsseldorf and Cologne have in mon?A. They are both famous for unique perfumes.B. They both serve traditional German sausageC. They both have many towers with a long history.D. they both offer wonderful views from the tower top.10. According to the writer, which country has the worst weather in Europe?A. Britain. B. Germany. C. France. D. Italy.11. What can be the best title of the passage?A. An unforgettable trip. B. A guide to the Germany.C. My first visit to Germany. D. A brief introduction of Germany.DAnyone who is afraid of failure and afraid to face challenges will never taste success, so said our professor in marketing. I laughed it off at that time, but got frightened when it actually happened in my life.I landed in a small city in the Middle East to set up a firm, a world-class car rental firm. Having decided on the project, I earnestly settled in preparation. With a positive mind, I told myself nothing should stop me now, and was more than keen to make it a success.However, the least expected thing happened. Iraq invaded Kuwait. Tension ran high in the region. Eventually the war broke out, and many people fled the country, leaving my firm in deep trouble.As usual, “things bee difficult, and every effort seems to bring disappointment, it can be tempting to lower your expectations or even water down your goals and ambitions.” I was no exception. I thought of running away. I remembered the words of Thomas Edison, “Many of lifes failures are people who did not realize how close they were to succeed when they gave up.”I decided to hang on, telling myself, “I am not afraid of challenges and obstacles.” I stayed on through months of uncertainty and insecurity. Finances ran low, and banks could not wait to get their dues. To add to all this, the banks even threatened to take all my vehicles. I felt I made a wrong decision to move there. I was now ready to face failure.I was living against all hopes, believing that something good would happen. After 2 months the war ended. My persistence paid off: people started flooding back and the car bookings picked up, five times over.Success es to the one who dares, even after failure, to think positively and look forward confidently. After all, it is only the experience that makes a man tough. Failure does not mean you will never make it. It means that it will take a little longer. It provides us with a learning experience.12. The main method the author uses to support his understanding of his professors viewpoint is _.A. offering analyses B. providing explanationsC. giving examples D. making parisons13. How did the author feel when the war between Iraq and Kuwait broke out?A. Indifferent B. Nervous C. Calm D. Unconfident14. What does the underlined phrase “water down” in the 4th paragraph probably mean?A. get rid of B. smooth away C. make less forceful D. improve on15. The authors purpose of writing the passage is most likely to _. A. persuade B. inform C. describe D. entertain第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Learning another language is an exciting trip into a new world, and it can take some timeand effort to get there. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to make your adventure go a lotmore smoothly. Learn a little every day. One of the keys to learning another language is practicing a little bit every day. 16Studying for long periods can wear you out and limit your focus. Starting with small butregular sessions is the best way to keep your grammar and vocabulary fresh in your mind. Practice out loud. 17 Pronunciation is key to learning another language and to making yourself understood bynative speakers. Read sentences aloud from books or magazines in the language you restudying, or just read over your grammar exercises while youre practising. Youll start to getused to the way the new words sound and feel. Close the books. From films to international websites, there are dozens of ways to encounter(遇到)otherlanguages in the real world. 18 Listen to international radio stations-many of them are streaming over the Internet-orlook up the websites of newspapers in the language youre studying. You can keep learninganother language while surfing the web or having a movie night with your friends! 19 Learning another language takes determination and perseverance, so keep practicing!Remember to review the basics as well as new vocabulary and grammar, since everything youlearn will build on the foundation you start with. Luckily, you have a great reason to keep up the hard work. 20 A. Be optimistic. B. Keep it up. C. Eventually, theyll just e naturally. D. Remember to explore some of them when youre learning another language. E. Learning another language can broaden your horizons and introduce you to new people and parts of the world. F. Get a feel for the language by saying words and phrases out loud while you practice. G. Reserve an hour to practice each day and stick to your schedule.二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)One early morning, I went to a coffee shop and waited in a long line. A woman drove alongside the queue in a mobility scooter(踏板车). There was only a 21 space between the line of people and the tables, which she attempted to 22 along. She drove over my foot and didnt look 23 saying nothing at all. I got 24 and expected she would have apologized, but then I just decided to dismiss it and 25 to selecting which pastry(点心) to go with my coffee. The lady and I ended up sitting at adjacent(邻近的) tables. She was on the end of a row so that she could 26 her scooter. After about half an hour, when she had finished her 27 , she got up and back 28 her scooter. It couldnt start. She tried to turn the key several times 29 she telephoned the place she purchased it from.An engineer 30 within 5 minutes. The place must have been local. I couldnt 31 overhearing their conversation, and it 32 she had just collected the scooter that morning. This was her very first outing in it. She felt really 33 about driving it. Certainly, she wasnt 34 to its speed, nor its 35 , and this bination made it quite 36 to drive it through narrow gaps. Suddenly, I felt 37 for the lady. It really didnt 38 me at all that shed driven over my foot. I had made an assumption, 39 , that a person doing that should apologize. Next time youre about to judge someone, pause for a second and 40 yourself that people have judged you without knowing what was going on in your mind or your life.21. A. narrowB. longC. publicD. clean22. A. occupyB. coverC. driveD. run23. A. upB. backC. aroundD. out24. A. annoyedB. worriedC. frightenedD. damaged25. A. broke downB. put downC. bent downD. got down26. A. lead B. parkC. takeD. carry27. A. task B. routineC. coffeeD. process28. A. from B. outsideC. insideD. onto29. A. soB. beforeC. unlessD. until30. A. broke inB. settled downC. ran awayD. turned up31. A. resistB. allowC. keepD. postpone32. A. worked outB. found outC. helped outD. turned out33. A. concernedB. nervousC. confidentD. funny34. A. usedB. devotedC. addictedD. attached35. A. weightB. lengthC. widthD. height36. A. cool B. convenientC. desperateD. stressful37. A. pleasureB. sympathyC. appreciationD. regret38. A. strikeB. satisfyC. botherD. motivate39. A. howeverB. thereforeC. otherwiseD. besides40. A. help B. suggestC. remindD. provide三、语法填空(共10分;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The Spring Festival is one of 41 most important traditional festivals in China. We Chinese call it Nian. But do you know that Nian was once the name of a monster(妖怪) ?A long time ago, there was a monster Nian 42 (live )in the mountains. It mainly killed animals which were 43 (weak) than itself. But in winter, the animals stayed in the holes and seldom went out. 44 was difficult for Nian to find something to eat. So it came to villages and 45 (eat) a lot of people. People were so afraidof Nian that theylocked their doors 46 evening came during winter. One day, anold man told people there that Nian was afraid of threethings ,the color red, fire and noise. He told people to play drums, make big fires and lighted fireworks to make Nian go away.47 a moonless, cold night, Nian went to the village again. As soon as it opened its mouth, people made too much loud noiseand made fire. Nian was really afraid and ran away. Wherever it went, there was noise and fire. When Nian was tired and couldnt run any more, people killed it.After that, every year people beat drums and set 48 fireworks to celebrate the death of the monster Nian. They put up red lanterns and have a big dinner without _49_ (sleep) during the night. In the morning people greet each other 50 (happy). So now we have the Spring Festival.四: 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) What is known to all ,some parents would rather their children rent houses outside the school instead of living in a dorm. There are advantages for both. Living in a dorm must strengthen relationship or cooperation between classmates. A dorm is more like a society, which enables students learn to adapt to each other, thus makes them prepared for the social life later. However, some students find that more convenient for them to live outside the school on their own than living in a dorm. And its better for their studies as they wont be interrupted by other. As a consequence, they can devote a plenty of time to studying. But it is impossible that they will meet some safety problems when living outside the school.丰城中学xx学年高三上学期周练答题卡座位号英 语一、选择题 (70分) 班级 姓名_1234567891011121314151617181920 2122232425262728293031323334353637383940二语法填空(15分)41._42._43._44._45._46._47._48._49._50._三.短文改错(共10题,每题1分,满分10分)只有10处错误。What is known to all ,some parents would rather their children rent houses outside the school instead of living in a dorm. There are advantage for both. Living in a dorm must strengthen relationship or cooperation between classmates. A dorm is more like a society, which enables students learn to adapt to each other, thus makes them prepared for the social life later. However, some students find that more convenient for them to live outside the school on their own than living in a dorm. And its better for their studies as they wont be interrupted by other. As a consequence, they can devote a plenty of time to studying. But it is impossible that they will meet some safety problems when living outside the school.周练英语答案(xx. 1. 20 )阅读理解 BCA DBCD DDBC CDCA GFDBE完形填空 ACBAD BCDBD ADBAC DBCAC语法填空 41. the 42. living 43. weaker 44. It45. ate 46. before 47. on 48. off 49.sleeping 50. happily短文改错51.WhatAs ; 52.rent rented或rent前加should; 53.mustcan/may; 54.or -and; 55. learn前加to 56.makes-making; 57.that-it;58.other -others;59.去掉plenty of前的 a ; 60.impossible -possible阅读理解 BCA DBCD DDBC CDCA GFDBE完形填空 ACBAD BCDBD ADBAC DBCAC语法填空 41. the 42. living 43. weaker 44. It45. ate

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