2019-2020年高三英语单元综合测试示范卷13 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语单元综合测试示范卷13 新人教版第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What time is it now? A.9:05.B.9:15.C.9:25.2.What will the woman do next? A.Order the meal. B.Cook the meal. C.Have a taste.3.Where should the man change the bus?A.At Art Avenue. B.At Tree Avenue. C.At Friend Avenue.4.How will the man pay? A.In cash. B.By credit card. C.By check.5.What does the man want the young fellow to design? A.A book museum. B.A car museum. C.An art museum.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Why is the woman making the phone call? A.To ask the man for some money. B.To ask Johnson for his post number. C.To make an apology to the man.7.How much will the man get back? A.$530. B.$300. C.$30.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Whats the relationship between the speakers?A.Brother and sister. B.Old friends. C.Colleagues.9.How old probably are they?A.In their teens. B.In their twenties. C.In their thirties.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What did the man do last night?A.He waited to get some tickets.B.He waited to listen to the concert. C.He waited for the woman.11.What does the woman think of the concert?A.Its hard to understand. B.It has good singing.C.Its noisy and boring.12.What will the speakers do after the dialogue?A.Have dinner.B.Go to the concert.C.Go to an opera. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A.Vacation. B.Transportation. C.Sports.14.What will the man do in Italy?A.Enjoy sunbathing on the beach. B.Visit some museums and art galleries.C.Taste a bit of Chinese food and drink.15.How will the man go to the airport?A.By bus. B.By coach. C.By car.16.What do we know about the woman?A.She has worked too hard this year.B.She decides to spend her vacation in Italy, too. C.She may go to the beach and experience the lifestyle of Italy. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What do American education officials consider doing?A.Reducing students homework. B.Providing more school buses. C.Having high schools started later.18.What time did high school in Edina change school start time in xx? A.7:30. B.8:30. C.9:30. 19.How much sleep do teenagers need a night? A.About 7 hours. B.No less than 8 hours. C.More than 9 hours.20.Who opposes changing school start time? A.Some young children. B.Some researchers. C.Some adults.试题答案15ACBBC610BCBCA1115CBABC1620ACBBC附:听力部分录音材料(Text 1)M:Hi, Susan. I left my watch at home. Can you tell me what time it is now?W:Yes. Its a quarter past nine. But my watch gains ten minutes.(Text 2)M:We have got a choice of steak and fresh fish, why not try some?W:All right. Ill take your word for it and try some.(Text 3)M:Excuse me, is this the place where I can catch a bus to the Art Gallery?W:Yes, youre at the right stop, but Im afraid it doesnt go directly to the Art Gallery. You have to change at Tree Avenue rather than at Friend Avenue for the No. 9 bus. (Text 4)M:Can I pay by credit card?W:Check, credit card and cash, any way you like.M:Great. I forgot to bring some cash.(Text 5)W:Do you want the young fellow to design the new art museum for us?M:Why not let him have a try? He is a graduate from Cambridge University.(Text 6)W:Mr Johnson, whats your post number?M:Its 578891. Why do you ask this, Miss Brown?W:We have to post 30 dollars to you. When you checked out, you paid another 300 dollars for your stay. But you had given us 530 dollars when you checked in. And 30 dollars was for the key to your room.M:I should have got the 30 dollars back when I returned the key to you.W:Yes. Your address is No. 190, Yellow Stone Street. Right?M:Yes.W:I hope you will stay on our hotel again when you e next time.M:Certainly. Goodbye.(Text 7)W:Can you recognize me, David?M:Why, are you Margaret?W:Of course I am. We havent seen each other for nearly twenty years.M:You havent changed much.W:You havent, either.M:Remember the days when we were together? We were in different high schools but used to go out for a walk every late afternoon.W:And my mother used to say that we were more like brother and sister than friends.(Text 8)M:I sat up all night in the line yesterday, but I made it. I got two good tickets for the Zero Point Rock concert.W:I wouldnt do such a stupid thing. I dont like their music. Its too noisy and boring. Now, if you have tickets for an opera, I would like to join you.M:Ive never seen an opera. Ive always thought they were too difficult to understand. W:Opera isnt hard to follow. The stories are usually simple, so you dont need to know the lines. Besides, you can read the story of the play beforehand. And its the singing that I like. Rock concerts are full of noise and flashing lights.M:But rock concerts are exciting. Opera seems slow.W:Sure. Maybe you should see one sometime.M:OK. Ill make you a deal. e to see Zero Point Rock concert with me and then Ill go to an opera with you.W:OK. Deal!(Text 9)M:Hello, Sue! Im leaving tomorrow on vacation.W:How nice! When are you going?M:Well, Im leaving at 8:00 tomorrow morning.W:Are you driving to the airport, or are you taking a coach?M:Driving. Thats about an hour. Er, Im arriving at the airport at 9 oclock and taking off at 10 oclock.W:What are you going to do in Italy? Lie on the beach and enjoy the bright sunshine?M:I enjoy sunbathing on the beach. But this holiday is going to be a bit different. Its more of cultural holiday. I hope to visit some museums, art galleries, taste a bit of the local food and drink, and experience the lifestyle of Italy.W:Sounds pretty interesting.M:Yeah, Ive got a whole list of museums and art galleries. In fact, Im hiring a car in Milan so I can drive around.W:Thats a good idea. Hiring a car makes it easier to see the city. Well, actually Im going to have a holiday which is rather different from yours.M:Where are you going then?W:Havent decided yet. I may go to the beach and stay in a small hotel where I can watch the sea. I just want to take it easy, you know.M:I understand. Youve worked too hard this year. A bit of rest will do you good.W:Thats true. Oh, Gosh! Ive got to go now. Have a nice holiday!M:Thanks. Bye!(Text 10)Medical research is leading American education officials to consider having high school classes started later in the morning. The research says teenagers are more awake later at night than adults are. When teenagers stay up late at night they have problems learning early in the morning.In xx, school officials in Edina, Minnesota changed high school opening from about 7:30 until 8:30. Teachers there reported that students were no longer sleepy in class and were happier. Health experts say teenagers need between eight and nine hours of sleep a night. Students who do not get enough sleep are likely to be late for school, fail to do their homework, fall asleep in class and have trouble taking part in class discussions.Yet some adults are against changing school start times. They say it would bring young children many other problems.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.Mum, hurry up! The film is beginning soon.Just . We have at least one hour to spare. A.stay awayB.take your timeC.dont mention itD.forget it【答案与解析】B考查情景交际。句意:妈妈,快点,电影就要开始了。慢慢来,不要急我们至少还有1个小时的时间。stay away“外出;不在家”; take your time“慢慢来”;dont mention it“不用谢”;forget it“忘了吧”!22.It was a strange that my old brother was born on my fathers birthday. A.coincidenceB.performance C.tendency D.acquaintance 【答案与解析】A考查名词。句意:我哥哥的生日和我爸爸的生日是同一天,这真是巧事。coincidence“巧合的事情”;performance“表演;执行”;tendency “倾向;趋势”;acquaintance “熟人;相识”。23.Tom is a person of words but no needs.No surprising. It was of him to do so. A.particularB.typicalC.normal D.special【答案与解析】B考查形容词。句意:汤姆是一个只说不做的人。不足为奇,他一向如此。Its typical of sb to do sth固定句式,意为“某人一向如此”。24.The new teaching method in our school improves the students enthusiasm for learning. A.adoredB.adapted C.adopted D.adjusted【答案与解析】C考查动词。句意:我们学校新采取的教学方法极大提高了学生学习的热情。adore“崇拜;敬慕;爱慕”;adapt“使适应;改编;修改”;adopt“采纳;收养”;adjust“调整”。25.12/12/12 is a very popular date for weddings, believed to bring all important qualities for a good marriage. A.that B.what C.whichD.one【答案与解析】D考查代词。句意:2012年12月12日掀起了结婚潮,这一天也被认为是可以为一段美好的婚姻生活带来所有重要特性的日子。此处用one表示泛指,指代上面的a very popular date; believed to bring all important qualities for a good marriage为过去分词作定语修饰one。26.The good working condition and the high pay offered by the pany many graduates, which is why so many people appear here today. A.cater toB.attach to C.appeal to D.attend to【答案与解析】C考查动词。句意:这个公司提供的好的工作条件及高的工资报酬吸引了很多大学毕业生,这就是为什么今天这里这么多人的原因。appeal to“吸引;呼吁”;cater to“迎合;满足某种需要”;attach to“附属于;隶属于”;attend to“照顾;护理;专心于”。27.As we all know, colors like red a sense of energy and strength. A.conveyB.transformC.insert D.predict【答案与解析】A考查动词。句意:众所周知,红色之类的颜色可以给人以充满活力与力量的感觉。convey“表达;传递(思想、感情等)”。28.I got a scholarship about $1000, otherwise I the trip to Malaysia. A.wouldnt affordB.cant affordC.wouldnt have affordD.wont have afforded【答案与解析】C考查虚拟语气。句意:我得了1000美元的奖学金,否则我根本支付不起去马来西亚的旅游。本句的前一句陈述的是事实,而后一句则是对过去的虚拟和假设,因此答案为C项。29.A new stadium in our city , which will be finished next month as planned.A.will be buildB.is being builtC.was builtD.is building【答案与解析】B考查时态和语态。句意:在我们城市,一个新的体育馆正在被建,按计划它有望在下月竣工。根据后半句可知这个体育馆正在建,同时表被动,因此用现在进行时的被动语态。30.Canada is considered to be the best quality of living in xx with five cities in the top 35 cities in the world.A.ranking B.ranked C.to rank D.being ranked【答案与解析】A考查非谓语动词。句意:在xx年,加拿大有5个城市跻身最适宜人居住榜单前35名,被认为是世界上最宜居的国家。此处为with的复合结构,即with+宾语+宾补,此处宾语与宾补的关系为主动,因此用ranking。31.Every year many foreign tourists are attracted to pay a visit to we Chinese call Heaven Lake. A.where B.which C.what D.that【答案与解析】C考查名词性从句。句意:每年许多外国游客被吸引到我们中国人称作“天池”的地方旅游。call后跟双宾语,what充当call的宾语,因此答案为C项。32.With the fund, we need to emergency procedures to deal with this sort of problem. A.set offB.set about C.set aside D.set up【答案与解析】D考查动词短语。句意:有了这些资金,我们需要建立应急程序来处理这类问题。set up“设立;建立”符合语境。set off“出发;引起;爆炸”;set about“开始着手”;set aside“把放置一旁;留出”。33.The big explosion awoke me last night, but I didnt know the direction the sound came then.A.in whichB.of whichC.from whichD.to which 【答案与解析】C考查定语从句。句意:昨晚一个巨大的爆炸声把我惊醒,但是当时我不知道那个声音来自于哪里。此处介词的选择取决于后面动词的搭配。34.To recover from the operation soon, I always follow the instructions of my doctor when taking medicine.A.generously B.purposefullyC.faithfullyD.permanently【答案与解析】C考查副词。句意:为了尽快从手术中恢复过来,每次吃药我都严格遵循医生的嘱咐。faithfully“准确地;如实地;严格地”。generously“慷慨地;不吝啬地”;purposefully“有目的地”;permanently“永久地;持久地”。35.We would make a big snowman now if it heavily last night. A.snowed B.has snowed C.would snow D.had snowed【答案与解析】D考查虚拟语气。句意:如果昨晚雪下得足够大的话,我们今天就可以堆一个大雪人了。从句是对过去的虚拟和假设,而主句是对现在的虚拟和假设,此题是一个错综条件句。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My kids and I were heading into the superstore over the weekend. On the way, through the windows of our car we 36 a man holding a sign, 37, “Lost my job. Family to Feed.”A sight like this in this munity is not a 38 occurrence. It was obvious the man was in a39 situation. While we were in the store, I asked each of the kids to pick something they thought our “friend” outside would 40. My 17-year-old child didnt follow my attitude so he 41 to ask, “Can we get him a gift card?” I thought about it. We were low on cash ourselves, but. well, sometimes giving from our “need” instead of our “42” is just what we need to do!We talked about the fact that we might have to 43 some of the things we were going to buy if we bought a gift card. “Thats OK! Wed like to eat oatmeal all this week!” all the kids 44. “Hurry mom! Lets get out there to give him what we bought 45 he gets too cold and leaves.”We quickly 46, with the items he could eat at the moment, and a gift card for the store.47 the suggestion of my 16-year-old child, we also 48 a hot cup of coffee, and then 49 to the end of the parking lot, where our “friend” was holding his sign.We handed him the coffee and the bag of food. He 50 and thanked us with watery eyes. When I handed him the gift card and said he could use it for whatever his family might need, he burst into tears, obviously overwhelmed and 51.The 52 the experience has had on their lives can be seen through them allthey cannot stop talking about it! Things would have played out so 53 if I had simply said, “No, we really dont have money to give more,” or something to that effect. Stepping out definitely not only helped those 54, it also gave my kids the sweet 55 of helping others.36.A.realizedB.watched C.observedD.spotted37.A.writing B.printing C.saying D.marking38.A.casual B.normal Cmon D.simple39.A.rough B.hopeful C.peaceful D.calm40.A.appreciate B.admire C.admit D.approve41.A.pretended B.hesitated C.intended D.meant42.A.devotion B.passion C.abundance D.insufficiency43.A.put up with B.keep up with C.catch up with D.do away with44.A.opposed B.promised C.agreed D.responded45.A.before B.until C.after D.while46.A.took away B.checked out C.pulled up D.showed up47.A.With B.Under C.At D.Towards48.A.carried B.held C.raised D.grabbed49.A.walked B.drove C.ran D.flew50.A.stood up B.lit up C.picked up D.gave up51.A.grateful B.happy C.ashamed D.fearful52.A.result B.impact C.opportunity D.advice53.A.regularly B.typically C.differently D.similarly54.A.in peace B.in danger C.in hope D.in need55.A.sense B.taste C.smell D.feeling【答案与解析】本文通过我们一家人为一位失业,但有一大家人需要抚养的乞讨者提供帮助的事情,告诉我们帮助别人也就是帮助自己。36.D语境为:当我们一家人去超市的时候,看到了一位失业但还有一大家人需要抚养的乞讨者。spot“发现;认出”,符合语境。37.C此处指那位乞讨者举着一个牌子,上面写着:“失业,一大家人需要抚养”,广告牌、纸牌上写着用read或say。38.C根据后文可知这类现象在我们这个区域是不常见的。39.A根据上文我看到了“Lost my job. Family to Feed.”可知那位乞讨者处于困难时期。40.A此处指我要求每位孩子都为那位乞讨者买他可能喜欢的东西。appreciate“欣赏;喜欢”。41.B根据上文孩子不知道我的态度,所以问的问题不肯定,应该是犹豫地问父母。42.C结合语境可知我们也并不富裕,因此作者认为有时从我们所需要的而不是我们所富有的给予别人是我们需要做的事情,这里的选项abundance与上文的need对应。43.D孩子建议给他买一个礼品卡,而我们经济也并不富裕,因此如果给他买礼品卡,我们就要放弃一些东西。do away with“去掉;放弃”,符合语境。44.C根据下文“Thats OK! Wed like to eat oatmeal all this week!”可知孩子同意了我的提议。45.A孩子建议我快点,尽可能在这个乞讨者离开前把我们给他买的东西送给他。46.B根据上文孩子让我快点,此处是指我们结账,check out“结账”,符合语境。47.C此处是指在孩子的提议下,我也买了咖啡。48.D此处承接上文,孩子提议给乞讨者买咖啡,于是我给他买了热咖啡。此处用grab指“我匆忙地拿了咖啡”。49.B根据文章开头我们通过车窗看到了乞讨者,因此这里是指我们开车过去。50.B我把给他买的吃的东西以及咖啡递给他,结合下文“.and thanked us with watery eyes”可知他看到这些东西,精神振奋起来。light up意为“变得喜悦”。51.A根据上文“he burst into tears”可知他很感动,显然是由于感激、激动而流出泪水。52.B根据下文“.can be seen through them allthey cannot stop talking about it!”此处是指此次经历对孩子的影响很大。53.C此处是虚拟语气,如果当初我告诉孩子没钱,事情可能就会是另外一个样子。54.D此处是指帮助需要帮助的人有很大意义。55.B此处是指通过帮助别人让孩子体会、品尝到帮助他人的滋味。第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AHer last catwalk appearance may have been over 60 years ago, but Marion Finlayson, who is in great shape for her age, looked as though shed never been away as she made a successful return to the runway at the age of 80.The charming grandmother went down a storm at the launch of the 50 Plus Festival in Aberdeen. People gave her a warm applause. Marion said she was enjoying the experience because she has grown more confident over the years. She said, “Even though I first modeled as a teenager in the late 1940s. Luckily I dont have nerves anymore so I just got up there and had lots of fun. I couldnt believe the crowd. There were about 300 or 400 people watching and they were great.”In the past, Marion worked as a teacher in Aberdeen for years, and went on to work with children with special needs. She decided to return to modeling after the death of her husband in xx.Having something else to focus on is helping her to deal with her grief. “My husband died a year and a half ago after 54 years of marriage, a very good marriage, and I found it very difficult to overe it,” she explained. “But doing this catwalk has really helped. Ive got to meet lots of new, younger people, which I think is good for me.” Her family and friends have also played a huge part in helping her to move on.The grandmother likes to keep active and regularly attends yoga and pilates (参加塑身运动) classes. She says, “The modeling was something different and I would definitely do it again. Ive been interested in fashion all my life and Id be the first to admit that Im a bit of a shopaholic.”56.Why did Marion return to modeling again at the age of 80? A.To make some extra money. B.To live a fashionable life. C.To overe her sadness. D.To bee a famous star.57.Which words can best describe the character of Marion Finlayson? A.Stubborn and foolish. B.Passive but caring. C.Confident but sensitive.D.Active and optimistic.58.What is the passage mainly about? A.The old grandmother returned to the catwalk at 80. B.The 50 Plus Festival was launched in Aberdeen. C.Modeling can keep the old in a great figure. D.Old people should prove themselves on the stage.59.What can we learn from Marion Finlayson according to the passage? A.Misfortune may be an actual blessing. B.Think twice before you do something. C.Its never too old to do something meaningful. D.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.【答案与解析】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一位老人为摆脱丧夫之痛,重返舞台,彰显了做有意义的事情永远没有晚的时候的理念。56.C根据原文第3段,可知她重返舞台的原因在于想摆脱失去丈夫的痛苦。57.D通过原文的描述可知:在丈夫去世后,她重返舞台,可见她很乐观;根据最后一段可知她很活跃,因此答案为D项。58.A本文主要讲述了一名80岁的老人 Marion Finlayson在丈夫去世后,为了克服丧夫之痛,重返舞台的故事,因此答案为A项。59.C老人在80岁时又回到了舞台,文章言外之意是做有意义的事情永远没有晚的时候。B Fifteen new “studio schools” are to be set up in England for pupils aged 14 and over, bining academic studies and work-based training. The studio schools will be generally smaller than other schoolstypically having 300 pupils, aged from 14 to 19.The schools are backed by employers including Hilton Hotels, Michelin tyres, Ikea and Aston Villa Football Club. All will offer courses in English, math and science, but will offer a “more practical way of learning”.The idea behind them is to involve businesses so that pupils leave school with the skills needed by local and national employers. Supporters say the schools will improve employability, critics say that they could push pupils down a path too young. Pupils do weekly work experience and follow “nine-to-five” hours with the aim of getting them ready for work. They will be expected to do at least four hours of work a week. Those who are over 16 do at least two days work per week, for which they are paid.A total of 11 studio schools are due to open this September, including one in West London, supported by the BBC, Fulham Football Club and Disney. One in Liverpool which is specializing in “gaming and digital futures” is supported by Sony and Liverpool University. The 15 schools are expected to open in xx or xx and will admit 4,640 pupils, bringing the total to 10,000, officials say. They include the Southampton Studio School, which will specialize in the “marine industries”, which employ a lot of people in the area. In Devon, a studio school is being set up at Torbay Hospital with the aim of preparing students for careers in health and social care, an important industry for the area. Education Secretary Michael Gove said, “Studio schools are


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