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2019-2020年高三质量检测(英语)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,全卷满分l50分,考试时间l20分钟。 考生注意事项: 1答题前,务必在试题卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的姓名、座位号。2答第卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 3答第卷时,必须使用05毫米的黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写,要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。作图题可先用铅笔在答题卡规定的位置绘出,确认后再用05毫米的黑色墨水签字笔描清楚。必须在题号所指示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。 4考试结束,务必将试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第I卷 (共105分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the man want to do in the evening?AMeet new friends BStay with his uncle CGo out with his friends.2What do we know about Paul?AHe works hard BHe is good at physics CHe has passed an exam.3Why does the man fail to see DrCooper on Monday afternoon?ADrCooper wont be at office.BDrCooper will be fully engagedCDrCooper will have a meeting.4Where will the party be held next week?AIn a caf BIn a school CAt MrMikes house.5What are the speakers mainly talking about?AA job BA letter CA family.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。6What is wrong with the mans shirt?AThe color fades BThe size is wrong CThe style is not popular.7What size does the man want?A40 B41 C42.8What did the woman do in the end?AChanged the mans shirt for another one.BGave the money back to the man.CRefused to change the mans shirt.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9What time is it when the speakers are having the conversation?A8:25 p.m B9:25 p.m C7:25 p.m.10What are the speakers talking about?AA football game on TV.BWhat they are going to do tonight.CThe TV program Nature & Science.11What will the speakers probably do before 8 oclock?AWatch the football game BTake a walk.CWatch the program Nature & Science.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12When were the earliest gardens of Suzhou built?AIn the 6th century BC.BIn the 8th century.CIn the Ming and Qing Dynasties.13How many gardens were there in Suzhou in the 18th century?ALess than 160 B180 COver 200.14What do we know about the Humble Administrators Garden from the dialogue? AIt is the largest garden in Suzhou.BIt is the most famous classical garden in China.CIt is one of the classical gardens of Suzhou.听第9段材料,回答第l5至l7题。15Where does the conversation take place?AOn the phone BIn a hotel CAt the airport.16Why does the man want to change the reservation?AIts impossible for him to catch the flight at 9:30 p.mBMrLee is not able to catch the flight at 9:30 p.mCThe man is not able to catch the flight at 11:30 p.m17Which flight will MrLee take?AFlight Number 288 to Vienna at 9:30 p.mBFlight Number 362 to Vienna at 11:30 p.mCFlight Number 362 to Vienna at 11:30 a.m听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18How many places of interest are mentioned in the monologue?ATwo BThree CFour.19Who is probably the speaker?AA TV host BA historian CA tour guide.20What can we learn from the monologue?AThe Story House is made of wood and brick.BThe Great Church looks like a palace.CThere are over 20,000 dragons around the Ground Hotel第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21To make matters worse, MrGreen lost his job last yearSo the family are struggling to make ends meetA/; the B/; / Cthe; / Dthe; the22Not far from the school there was a garden, owner seated in it playing chess with his little grandson every afternoon.Aits Bwhose Cwhich Dthat23After the long journey, the three of them went back home, .Ahungry and tiredly Bhungrily and tiredChungrily and tiredly Dhungry and tired24-The cake is delicious.-Well, at least it is the one I baked last week.Aas bad as Bno better than Cno worse than Dnot better than25 his bookishness, curiously little is known about the worldview of Gordon Brown, the first British Prime Minister said to be a real intellectual in decades.AThough BAs CIn spite that DDespite26Had she her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.Alived up to Blooked up to Ckept up with De up with27The book didnt children probably because the author employed too many scientific terms in it.Aappeal to Bapply to Cintend to Dlead to28- Why does the lake smell terrible?-Because large quantities of water .Ahave polluted Bis being pollutedChave been polluted Dhas been polluted29He spent at least as much time reading as you online yesterday.Ahad to chat Bdid chatting Cdo chatting Dhad chatted30The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu, _ the students to return to their classroomsAenabling Bhaving enabled Cto enable Dto have enabled31Hesitating what to do, .Aso lets not go outing Bwe had to stay homeCthe tour was cancelled Dbut we should still take the tour32 for the fact that she got hit by a car and broke her leg on her way to school, she might have passed the exam.AHadnt it been BHad it not been C Was it not DWere it not 33 that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percentASuch construction robots are clever BSo clever the construction robots are CSuch clever construction robots are DSo clever are the construction robots34Is some German friends visited last week?Athis school Bthis the school Cthis school one Dthis school where35- How much do I owe you for lunch? - Its nothing.AYoure wele BForget it CWith pleasure DThats right第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并从答题卡上将该选项涂黑。One winter morning I bought a copy of the New York World and turned its pages until I got the “Help Wanted Unskilled” sectionA small advertisement held my 36 .It read, “Easy jobGood wagesNo experience 37 .” It sounded like the job I was 38 Easy jobGood wagesThose four words 39 now and then in my brain as I was traveling to the address indicated in the 40 Easy jobGood wagesEasy jobGood wagesEasy . When I got to the place I saw a series of large 41 half filled with water, out of which I noticed 42 the necks of many bottles of various sizes and shapes 43 these basins there were a number of workers sitting on small wooden benchesAll had their 44 in the water of the basin, the left hand holding a 45 and the thumb nail of the right hand scratching(刮;擦) the labels on 46 . I sat down on a 47 beside one of the basins and started to work on one bottleAs the minutes went by I noticed that the 48 of the water started to 49 from my hand to my bodyBut 50 still, the delicate thumb of my right hand was 51 by the minute into a full blown tomato colored fingerA numb(麻木的)pain began to be felt 52 from my right thumbThen I began to feel as if the pain was ing from a finger bigger than all my body. After three hours of this I told the manager Id 53 .He figured I had 54 69 cents at 23 cents an hourWith the money, I left the working place“Easy jobGood wages.” came to my brain againLooking at my hands, I 55 myself, “Can easy job get good wages?”36Aeyes Battention Cdecision Dbreath37Anecessary Brelevant Cpractical Dprimitive38Arunning after Blooking for Cheading for Dlooking after39Acircled Bmoved Cflashed Dattacked40Aletter Bsign Cadvertisement Dpost41Abaskets Bbowls Cpots Dbasins42Ahiding Bsticking Crising Dbreaking43AIn BAbove CUnder DAround44Aarms Bhands Clegs Dfeet45Aknife Bsnail Cbottle Dbrush46Athat Bthose Cthem Dit47Achair Bbench Cbottle Dsofa48Asmell Bcoldness Ccolor Dsteam49Aspread Btravel Crecycle Daccelerate50Aworse Bbetter Cmore Drather51Agoing Bfinding Cgrowing Dbeing52Anow and then Bhere and there Cone by one Dlittle by little53Aadapt Bequip Cbargain Dquit54Ataken Boffered Cearned Dcreated55Athought Basked Cfound Dhated第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AScott Langteau has this message for kids: Spend less time playing video games.Its a message that many a mom and dad has tried to impress upon many a youngster (and some not-so-youngsters) who spends perhaps a bit too much time with game controllers in hand.But the 40-year-old Langteau isnt a parentHes experienced at video games one who played producer on three “Medal of Honor” games and co-founded his own game development pany.Langteau has just published a childrens book called “Sofa Boy,” which tells the story of a kid who spends too much time sitting on the couch with controller held in hand and the rather terrible consequences that follow.Its a fairy tale plucked straight from Langteaus own experiences as a lad with a fondness for video games and his own bouts with a bit of game addictionBut first, Langteau would like to make one thing clear: “Im not saying that you shouldnt play video gamesI think video games are great, I think they do great things for kids”Instead, Langteau says his book is all about a little something called “moderation.(克制)” “Its about being well rounded,” he says“Just like with anything else, we all need to make sure that theres a variety in what we do.”Video gamers can be rather bad-tempered when it es to accepting criticism about their favorite entertainmentAnd understandably soAfter all, most people who go around talking about the dangers of playing video games tend to be outsiders people who dont play video games and certainly dont understand that they can be a valuable and healthy form of entertainment.But Langteau and “Sofa Boy” seem to be in a unique position to deliver a message of gaming moderation that the young game-savvy(有经验的) masses might actually listen toAfter all, this is a man who understands what it means to be a kid with a passion for gamesHis early experience has taught him a lesson.56Scott Langteau published “Sofa Boy” to Ashare his great skills on games Bwarn kids against game addictionCtell about his fairy tale as a kidDdeliver a message for games57We can learn from the passage that ALangteau advises the young to play games within limits BLangteau advises the young not to play games Cplaying video games ruins the future of kids Dplaying video games is of no benefit to kids58Why are the video gamers not accepted by the outsiders? ABecause they are bad-tempered. BBecause they are dangerous to others. CBecause they do nothing but play video games. DBecause the value of the video games is not understood.59By saying “Its about being well rounded” Langteau thinks xx0506 Agames do great things for kids Bgamers are usually fat and round Cgames should be viewed from all sides Dgamers are to blame for their behaviors60What topic will be discussed in the following paragraph? AHis idea to create “Sofa Boy” BHis great achievement in games as a kid CHis hard times to set up his game pany DHis enthusiasm for games when he was a small boyBAAAGH! The Generation 90s is ing!Wearing earphones, using plex Net language and constantly text messaging friends, the Gen-90s following the Gen-80s begin to make their world debut(初次登台).Each generation or age group has its own symbols and lifestyleRead on and judge for yourselves if you fit the Gen-90s profile Earphones These little devices seem to grow on the heads of the Gen-90sThey might lead to MP3, MP4 or MP101 players, giving these young people a plugged-in,cool and perhaps self-addicted look, of course, life is not always music to the ears Martian languageThey have created their own code-like online languageIts a mixture of English, Japanese and Chinese that perhaps only Martians can understandThis is an imaginative generation, though they need to be careful to keep it out of their term papers Self-PortraitSaying “cheese” to their own digital cameras is routine for this generationA little bit of narcissism (自恋) never hurts anyoneIt helps them reflect a little on their own livesBut be aware of the risks of posting private photos online. Text-messaging They can type their mobile phones as fast as they can speakThis is a generation that respects efficiencyHowever, oral munication is important and will never go out of style.61Who are the intended readers of the passage? ATeens BEducators CSocialists DParents62According to the passage , if you belong to the Gen-90s , you will _ .Ajust appreciate yourself and ignore others strengths.Bmake your presentation and have your own symbols and lifestyle.Chave the same symbols and lifestyle of the Gen-80sDlike music and dance very much.63According to the text, the writer will choose _ as a good example to the Gen-90.ALi Hua likes music and always wearing ipodBZhang Chao is not only an imaginative boy but do everything efficiently.CLily is a shy girl and she doesnt like making friends.DFangfang likes being taken photos and often posting them on line.64According to this passage, which is FALSE?ANot all teens are cautious about posting photos BThey type their mobile phones so fast that it can catch the speed of speaking.CThe Gen-90s have a preference for some music players, and even regard them as a necessary part of life DThey dont use the cool and plex online language in formal writing.65The main idea of the passage is about_.Athe Gen-90s happy life Bthe difference between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90sCthe Gen-90sunique lifestyle and some practical warningsDthe similarities between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90sCIt was a beautiful day at the beachblue sky, gentle wind, calm seaI knew these things because a man sitting five feet from me was shouting them into his mobile phone, like a play-by-play announcer (实况解说员).“ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY,” he shouted“THE SKY IS BLUE, AND THERES A GENTLE WIND, AND THE WATER IS CALM, AND”Behind me, a woman, her mobile phone pressed to her ear was walking back and forth.“She DIDNT,” she was saying“NoShe DIDNTShe DID? Really? Are you SERIOUS? She did NOTShe DID? No she”And so onThis woman had two children, who were playing in the seaI found myself watching them, because the woman surely was notA huge squid could have caught and snatched the children, and this woman would not have noticedOr, if she had noticed, shed have said, “ListenI have to go, because a huge squid justNo! She didnt ! She DID? No! She”And next to me, the play-by-play man would have said: “AND A HUGE SQUID JUST ATE TWO CHILDREN, AND IM GETTING A LITTLE SUNBURNED, AND ”It used to be that the major trouble at the beach was the fellow who brought a boom box (便携式录音机) and turned it up so loud that the bass notes caused seagulls to explodeBut at least you knew where these fellows were; you never know which beachgoers have mobile phonesYoull settle next to what appears to be a sleeping sunbather, or even (you hope) a corpse , and youll lie happily on your towel, and youll get all the way to the second sentence of your 467-page book before you fall asleep to the hypnotic surge of the surf (催人入梦的潮声), and BREEP! BREEP! The corpse sits up, feels urgently for its mobile phone, and shouts “Hello! Im at the beach! Yes! Its nice! Very peaceful! What? She did? No, she didnt! She DID? No, she”Loud mobile-phoners never seem to get urgent callsJust once, Id like to hear one of them say, “Hello? Yes, this is DrJohnsonOh, DrSmithYouve opened the abdominal cavity (腹腔)? Good! Now the appendix should be right under the What? No, thats the liverDont take THAT out, ha ha! Oh, you did? My God! OK, now listen carefully”66From the passage we can know that the writer of the passage _.Ahad a wonderful holiday at the beachBmust have suffered a lot because of the terrible weatherCis only interested in talks by doctors about operationDexperienced an unhappy holiday at the beach67According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?AThe writer often spends his holidays at the beach.BA huge squid ate two children while their mother was not watching.CSome people used to play boom box while spending their holidays at the beach.DSome people often make loud mobile phone calls without caring for others.68The underlined word“ corpse”in this passage has the closest meaning to_.Aa dead body Ba loud mobile phone Ca sound sleeperDa sleep lover69In the past the fellow who brought a boom box_.Aturned it up to make the seagulls happyBturned it up to cause the seagulls to explodeCmight cause less trouble than the beachgoers with mobile phonesDmight cause more trouble than the beachgoers with mobile phones70We can infer from the passage that _. Athe writer is interested in mobile phone. Bthe writer hates people using mobile phone Cthe writer hates to be disturbed while enjoying holidays on the beach. Dthe writer seldom finishes reading a book before going to sleep.DHave you ever noticed what happens to an idea once you express it? Just talking about it or writing it down causes you to make it clear in your own mindHow can you use this to increase your brain power? Start writing By putting thoughts into words, you are telling yourself the logic (逻辑) behind what you think, feel, or only partly understandOften, explaining a thought is the process of understandingIn other words, you increase your brain power by exercising your “explain power.” Try this experimentExplain how youll increase your brain power, even if you have no idea how right nowJust start with anything, and create an explanationFor example, start with “Ill learn chess,” or “Ill read an article on the mind every week.” Explain how that will helpYoull be surprised how often this bees a workable plan, and if you actually do this, youll have a better understanding of your brain twenty minutes from now Another benefit of writing is that it helps you rememberMany, if not most, highly productive people are always taking notesYou can try keeping


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