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2019-2020年高三第四次调研考试英语试题(详细解析)第一部分:听力理解(共两节,30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What do we learn about the persons described in the conversation?A. The man did most of the talking.B. The woman was wearing a black sweater.C. The man and the woman robbed the bank.2. What does the doctor mean?A. The patient must receive treatment regularly.B. The patient cant leave the hospital until the bleeding stops.C. The patients husband can attend to the business in her place.3. What does the woman mean?A. She has some aspirins in her bag.B. She doesnt have any aspirins.C. She can find some aspirins.4. How do the Taylors feel about children?A. They have two children already.B. They dont want children for the time being.C. They will start a family as soon as they get married.5. What does the woman want to do?A. She wants to buy her mother a birthday present.B. She likes to look at these beautiful vasesC. She needs the vases to decorate the room.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题6. What is the colour of the womans bag?A. White. B. Yellow. C. Brown.7. Which of the following is not in the womans bag?A. Some money. B. A watch. C. Two pens.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. Which city or cities has the woman been to?A. New Orleans. B. San Francisco. C. Neither of the two cities.9. Why do the cars in San Francisco need good brakes?A. The city has stricter traffic rules.B. There are hills in the city.C. There are many travelers in the city.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10. How many people altogether are there in the whole family?A. 26 B. 36 C. 46.11. What is the woman going to do for Thanksgiving Day?A. To go out for a picnic. B. To have a party at homeC. To cook a big meal.12. Why is it easy to prepare the party for the woman?A. There are not many dishes. B. Every relative will bring a dish.C. Only a few minutes are needed to cook one dish.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13. What is mainly discussed in the conversation?A. The mans pay raise. B. The career ladder of the man. C. The mans education.14. How many years did it take the man to move up to Grade 5 from the beginning?A. Three years. B. Four years. C. Five years.15. Who can get the chance to go to school for more training?A. The people who learn quickly during the two-day training?B. The people who have the strong will.C. The people who can pass the test of arithmetic.16. What can be inferred about the man from the conversation?A. He is eager to attend the training.B. He is not very interested in this chance.C. He has been trained for puter work since last year.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. What does the expression “Where is the beef?” mean?A. The beef is lost. B. Something is not as good as it is said to beC. The beef is not as good as it is said to be.18. Why are hamburgers so popular in America?A. Because they are made from beef.B. Because they are cheaper than any other kind of food.C. Because they are served quickly at a low price.19. Who started the McDonalds? A. Ray Kroc. B. Wendy. C. Mcdonald.20. Why did other people want to open hamburger restaurants?A. Because hamburgers are good to eat.B. Because hamburgers are easy to make.C. Because they could earn money easily.【答案】听力:CBBBA ACCBA BBBAA BBCAC第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.Yue Yue, _ 2-year-old girl who was twice run over by vans and then ignored by 18 passers-by as she lay critically injured on a street, draws _ concern from all over the country.A. the, / B. a, the C. a; / D. the, a C考查冠词的用法。第一空泛指“一个两岁的小女孩”;第二空concern是抽象名词,其前不用冠词,draw concern from。意为:引起。的关注。22. The soldiers have to stand for hours without changing _.A. position B. state C. situation D. locationA考查名词词义辨析。句意:士兵们不得不站几个小时不改变姿势。此处position 姿势; state 状态;situation情景; location位置。23. The government urged that every effort _ to bring down house prices. A. should make B. would be made C. be made D. must be made C考查虚拟语气及情态动词的用法。此处urge后的宾语从句用should+动词原形的形式,should被省略;宾语从句还是make every effort to do sth的被动形式。句意:政府紧急督促要尽一切努力降低房价。24. The two boys are both1.80 meters _height, but they are not _the same age.A. of ;in B. in; of C. of; of D. in; atB考查介词的用法。此处in height意为:在高度上;be of the same age意为:同岁。25. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially _ containing as many different cultures as America is a difficult thing.B考查代词的用法。此处one替代a nation,表示泛指。A. the one B. one C. it D. either单选:CACBB BBCBC ACACC26. The cloth _ easily if _ on a table.A. measures; spreading B. measures; spread C. will be measured; spread D. is measured; spreadedB考查动词的时态和语态。第一空用主动表被动;第二空表示“如果布被铺展在桌子上”。句意:如果布被铺展在桌子上会好量。27. The professor considers _ no good _ without understanding.A. it; to read B. it; reading C. that; to read D. this ; readingB考查代词及非谓语动词的用法。第一空it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动名词短语;第二空动名词作宾语。28. The exercises are extremely difficult, but half of the class _ them ahead of time.A. has already finished B. will finish C. have already finished D. finishesC考查时态及主谓一致。此处half of the class指个体,故用have;根据句意班上一半的学生已经提前完成练习。29. He is ready to help others, seldom, _ refusing them when they turn to him.A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if anyB考查状语从句的省略。句意:他乐于助人,如果当人们向他求助被拒绝的话,那也很少。30. -Dont leave your toys _ about when you finish playing them, Tom-OK, MumAbeing laid Bbeing lain Clying DlayingC考查非谓语动词的用法。此处leave sth doing意为 :使。处于。的状态。 31. East of the mountain _ two towns, _ my hometown.A. lie; one of which is B. lies; where liesC. lies; one of which is D. lie; one of them isA考查倒装句及非限制性定语从句。第一空为倒装句,正常的语序是:Two towns lie east of the mountain;第二空是非限制性定语从句。32. _ with the increasing unemployment, many people went on strike in most of the European countries.A. Facing B. Being faced C. Faced D. Having facedC考查非谓语动词的用法。此处考查be faced with。短语,其意为:面对。33. _ many countries in Latin America have been trying to reduce gaps in ine, America has allowed inequality to grow.A. While B. Since C. If D. WhereA考查状语从句的连接词。此处while意为:尽管。句意:尽管许多拉丁美洲国家都在设法降低收入差别,但美国不平衡收入增长。34. We still havent _ how to predict the earthquake.A. got through B. e up C. figured out D. got overC考查动词短语的含义。此处figure out意为:预测,计算出,理解。句意:我们仍然无法理解如何预测地震。35. - How do you find the new book by J.K.Rowling?- _. I guess she is out of her talent.A. Very interesting B. By accident C. Very boring D. In the libraryC考查情景对话。句意:-你认为J.K.Rowling写得新书怎么样?-很枯燥。我想她已江郎才尽了。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Last weekend, my kids along with few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my carMy 10-year-old daughter came up with the idea of 36 other peoples cars as wellIt was pretty 37 outside and I had no plans to 38 being in the bright sunShe 39 wanted to give lemonade(柠檬汽水)to passers-by for freeI had seen little kids 40 and sell fresh lemonade for a small cost but not freeAlthough I felt 41 , I decided to help her 42 she asked me, “What if we 43 this a smile car wash?” I couldnt hold back my tears and 44 her and the other kids to go outside the house and e up with 45 ideasWhile I kept myself busy in drying the car, the gang walked up to me with a(n) 46 with beautiful images of smilesThey had “Free Car Wash” written on it and the 47 of their exercise was “smile”It was pretty neat to see a team of kids ranging 5-11 years with the 48 to do something for othersAll that seemed 49 and came right from their heartNothing seemed to 50 to them: their playtime, the heat outsidethey just wanted to 51 others and do something nice in the munity!I helped them make some fresh lemonade and brought out some additional 52 to help clean carsPassers-by were 53 and one even shouted back to them saying “God Bless You, my kids” One of them even tried giving them 5 dollars, which they refusedA pretty heartwarming 54 !I feel blessed by being 55 by such wonderful and loving souls36AdryingBrepairingCwashingDdecorating37AquietBhotCdifferentDdirty38AsuggestBavoidCcontinueDpractise39AfurtherBthereforeCalreadyDhardly40AchooseBenjoyCbuyDserve41AworriedBpopular CconfusedDdifficult42AFinallyBSimplyCThenDLuckily43AshowBleaveCmakeDorder44AchallengedBexpectedCinvitedDencouraged45AcreativeBreadyCchangedDfamiliar46AboardBpictureCideaDcar47ApurposeBtroubleCsecretDtheme48AneedBduty CimaginationDsense49AimportantBdisappointingChopefulDnatural50AmatterBmeanCbelongDrefer51ArelaxBtryChelpDsmile52AfoodBragsCmoneyDfruit53AinterestedBamazedCboredDfrightened54AsceneBscenery CstoryDview 55AsupportedBunderstood CrefusedDsurrounded完形填空:36C根据上一句的后半部分以及as well可知,作者的女儿想出了清洗别人车辆的主意。37B根据本句后面的in the bright sun 可知,外面非常炎热。38C由于天气炎热,作者不打算继续在阳光下劳动。39A上文提到作者的女儿想给别人洗车,此处又提到她想免费给路人提供柠檬汽水。40D根据本句后半部分内容可知,作者见到过一些孩子靠卖柠檬汽水赚取少量费用。41C可是自己的女儿却打算免费地帮助别人,所以作者没有想到自己的女儿会有这样的想法,感到困惑不解。42C根据上下文内容可知,then是最佳答案。43C她想让这一切给别人带去微笑。44D依前半句内容可知作者很感动,由此推断答案应选encouraged,鼓励他人参与。45A根据句中“e up with”可知,作者想让孩子们在屋内想出有创造性的主意。46A根据上文提到“他们是想给别人清洗车辆并免费提供柠檬汽水”以及下一句中“They had Free Car Wash written on it”可知答案。47D他们行动的主题是“微笑”。48B这群孩子把帮助别人看作是他们的责任。49D后半句提到这是发自他们内心的想法,由此可知,一切看起来应该是十分自然的。50A由于他们是真心真意地想帮助别人,即使是牺牲了玩耍时间,而且外面非常炎热,对他们来说也没有关系。51C上文提到他们的愿望是给别人带去快乐,因此他们只是想帮帮别人,为社区做贡献。52B根据本句后面的“to help clean cars”可知,作者又拿出一些碎布用来擦车。53B过路人简直不敢相信会有如此善良的孩子,所以惊奇不已。54A作者目睹了所发生的一切,认为这种场面感人肺腑。55D孩子们是在作者的身边劳动,而且是孩子们自发产生的想法。 第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe old shopkeeper led me through to the back of the shop. The room was filled with boxes and photographs of people dressed in old-fashioned clothes, holding packages in their hands. “Who are these people?” I asked. “Satisfied customers,” answered young Mr. Hopkins. “We have a very wide choice of items for sale. Whenever I serve a new customer, I always take their picture.” Mr. Hopkins pointed to an ancient camera standing next to one wall. “Now, how can I serve you?” he added. By this time, I had started to trust Mr. Hopkins and had begun to appreciate the lovely items on sale. I needed to buy Christmas presents for my family and friends, and this seemed to be the perfect place to purchase them. I spent a very pleasant hour being shown the modities in Mr. Hopkinsshop. No matter what I asked for, Mr. Hopkins found it for me. Finally, I bought an antique jewelry box, a pair of riding boots, a leather-bound edition of the plete Works of Mark Twain, and a sewing machine. I was very excited that I had found such a good little shop. I promised Mr. Hopkins that I would e back soon. “I will tell all my friends about your lovely place,” I told the shopkeeper. “Please do not do that, sir”, said Mr. Hopkins. “This is a special place for special people. You must keep this shop a secret.” Then he took my photograph, and handed me the picture straight away. “That was quick!” I exclaimed. I looked at the photograph. In the picture I looked proud and excited holding the presents I had bought in Mr. Hopkins dusty shop. On Christmas Day, my friends and relatives were delighted with the presents I had bought for them. For weeks, my brother begged me to show him where to find this wonderful little shop. I finally agreed to take him to London to show him. When we arrived in London, we walked along Oxford Street, past the department store and found.nothing. The little shop was no longer there. In its place was an empty space being used as a car park. I checked the area again. There was the music shop, and there was the department store. In between should have been Hopkins and Son, but it wasnt there. As I was staring at the place where the shop should have been, an old policeman came along. “Are you looking for something sir?” he asked. I turned and said “I am looking for a little shop called Hopkins and Son. I thought it was here.”“Oh yes,” said the policeman. “There was a shop here once called Hopkins and Son. It sold all sorts of things, but it was knocked down over 30 years ago.”I looked again at the place where the shop had been. Then I reached into my pocket and took out the photograph that Mr. Hopkins had taken of me holding my presents in the little shop. “How strange” I exclaimed. 56. How did the writer like the shop? A. He found it a modern big shop. B. He thought it a wonderful shop for all Christmas presents. C. He found it a dusty, old but friendly and lovely little shop. D. He thought it a good shop with an ancient camera. C考查细节理解。根据I was very excited that I had found such a good little shop. I promised Mr. Hopkins that I would e back soon.可知C正确。57. Which of the following is true about the shop? A. It was knocked down a few weeks ago. B. It was a well-known little shop in London. C. It was a special shop selling special presents.D. It was between a music shop and a department store. D考查细节理解。根据There was the music shop, and there was the department store. In between should have been Hopkins and Son, but it wasnt there. 可知D正确。58. The word “the modities in the 4th paragraph means _. A. the writers worksB. the goods in the shop C. Mr. Hopkins photographs D. Some presents left by other customers B考查猜测词义。根据文意可知店主领我看了店里的所有商品。59. Which of the following is the best title of this passage? A. Christmas Shopping B. Hopkins and His Son C. The Strange Little Shop D. The Strange ExperienceC考查文章的标题。根据全文内容可知:文章都在介绍这个奇怪的小商店。 BBEIJING Nov. 28 (Xinhuanet) - Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday pledged(保证) central and local government funds to provide and improve school bus services in the wake of the traffic accident that killed 19 preschool children and sparked national outrage(愤恨).He urged relevant departments of the State Council to rapidly formulate safety regulations for school coaches, and said China will accelerate the setting up of standards on design and production. Central and local governments will share the costs on providing more school buses that meet safety requirements, the premier said.However, Wen said a lot of local governments have failed to meet the rapidly increased demand for safe school buses or established sound management systems. Officials will face investigations into their responsibility if tragedies such as the one in Gansu occur again, he warned.Yuan Guilin, an education professor at Beijing Normal University who is known for his research into rural education, has proposed that all school buses should be equipped with black boxes, adding that it is achievable and affordable. The government should also improve the wages and benefits for drivers to prevent them from taking extra jobs and often driving while tired, he said. Given that some authorities plain that they are short of money, Yuan suggested they be allowed to sell advertising space on school buses.Gan Yuanchun, who participated in a campaign to promote school bus safety, said the central government should encourage the use of smaller school buses in rural areas, as roads in remote countryside areas are not as wide as in cities. Students parents should also be able to get involved in deciding how school buses are managed, he added.In rural areas, especially in western parts, many children are struggling to receive quality preschool education because public kindergartens are scarce and most private ones often do not have qualified teachers or hardware.60. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?A. Premier Wen promised to guarantee school bus safety.B. School bus safety can not be guaranteed in some rural places.C. Some experts offer some suggestions concerning school bus safety.D. School bus services should be improved in no time.A考查文章的标题。本文是一篇新闻报道,因此文章的标题应在主题句中。61. Which way can not be used to promote school bus safety?A. To set up standards on design and production of school buses.B. To improve the wages and benefits for drivers.C. To equip school buses with black boxes.D. To encourages the use of bigger school buses in rural areas.D考查细节理解。根据文章的内容只有D与文意相悖,因为文章提到the central government should encourage the use of smaller school buses in rural areas,故D错误。62. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. If some tragedies occur again, relevant departments of the State Council should take responsibility pletely.B. Currently, the central government has established sound management systems to guarantee school bus safety.C. The local government can deal with the problem of lacking money by some means.D. Central and local governments will share the costs on building more modern schools in rural areas. C考查判断、推理。根据Given that some authorities plain that they are short of money, Yuan suggested they be allowed to sell advertising space on school buses.可知C正确。 CBELIEVE it or not,the color of the tie Barack Obama wore to the inauguration (就职典礼) is now a hotly debated topic.The level of public interest in Obamas tie might seem strange but many people believe his choice will symbolize the type of government he plans to run,as the color of a politicians tie is thought to convey ideas of power,trustworthiness and more.Polities of tiesIt may be the least practical item of male dress,but it is arguably the most expressive.In the UK and many other countries around the world,conservative (保守的) politicians may wear a blue tie and their liberal opponents a red one.In America,the colors go the other way round.The Republicans have in recent years bee associated with the color red,and the Democrats with blue.But in spite of this,Bush wears blue ties more often than any other color.What they meanAccording to Sharon Haver,editor of focusonstyle,in America the feelings associated with colors overrule(使无效) their political significance.“A guy who wants to be regarded as strong and in charge would wear red,” Haver says.Unsurprisingly,the business tycoon Donald Trump is known for wearing red ties.But what about blue?According to Haver,“Blue is a softer color.Look at the sky.Its peaceful and calm and trustworthy.”Selecting the right tie for the right occasion Perfect job interview tiePerhaps no other tiewearing occasion is as important as the job interview.Gilchrist,the fashion expert,advises playing it safe and choosing a conservative one.Best choices are solids,stripes or small patterns.An excellent color is burgundy (深红色) or another serious color.Avoid pink or yellow,which suggests that the wearer lacks gravity.Pattern ties,Gilchrist suggests,should be limited to a maximum of three colors.A striped tie is a safe choice as this is acceptable


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