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2019-2020年高一英语自主学习能力测验(三)选择题部分(共70分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. -What should I do first?-The instructions _that you should mix flour with water carefully first.Ago Btell Cwrite Dsay2. For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill _my own business some day.Aturn up Bfix up Cset up Dmake up3. To my anger, the dog followed me _I went.Aeverywhere Banywhere Cany place Dwhere there4. Our teacher insisted that the key words worth paying attention _ before class.Abe underlined Bbeing underlined Cto be underlined Dto being underlined5. I really dont know _ I have my money stolen.Awhen was it that Bthat it was whenCwhere it was that Dit was where that6. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _.Atakes off Bis taking off Chas taken off Dtook off7. Remember to _ the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing machine.A. get through B. pass through C. go through D. get along8. - _ was not careful enough in the test.- I agree with you. Bob, for example, is always a careless boy.AAnyone BNone CAll DEveryone9. Id like to offer my hearty _to you on your_.Acongratulate; getting married Bcongratulations; getting marriedCcongratulations; get married Dcongratulations; getting marry10. It was _great shock to the world that two aeroplanes crashed into _World Trade Center in New York on September 11th, xx.Aa; / Ba; the Cthe; the D/; the11. It is surprising that there was _ time _ people enjoyed eating more and werent afraid of getting fat.A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; while12. _ you work more efficiently are you able to catch up with others in the class.AOnly when BLong before CUnless DUntil13. He is addicted to puter games, which _ has a bad effect on his studies.A. regularly B. especially C. openly D. undoubtedly14. Our school has developed a learning system _students can do a lot of team work.Athat Bwhen Cwhich Dwhere15. My family climbed up the hill, _ we had a picnic. A. on the top of which B. on its top C. on the top of that D. on the top of it16. They are just trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together at the table. A. where B. that C. when D. which17. Judging from his face_ there was a confident smile, we knew that he didnt lose heart.A. in which B. from which C. by which D. on which18. Many of the plants in this area would _ if the government didnt take measures to protect them. A. die away B. die by C. die out D. die from19. -Mr. Hu, have you finished correcting the papers? -Not yet, the papers _. You _ get the results from me by tomorrow.A. are corrected; will B. are being correcting; shouldC. are being corrected; shall D. are being corrected; would20. The days we had been looking forward _ at last. A. e B. came C. to ing D. to came第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该标题号涂黑。One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”I thought for a minute, and then I said, “Ill explain, 21 you can just wait until we make a quick 22 at the grocery store. I have something 23 to show you.”At the grocery store, we 24 some apples red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “Its time to 25 your question.” I put one apple of each 26 on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a 27 look on his face.“People are like apples. They e in all 28 colors, shapes and sizes. On the 29 , some of the apples may not 30 look as delicious as the others.” As I was talking, Adam was 31 each one carefully.Then, I took each of the apples and peeled (削皮) them, 32 them back on the table, but 33 a different place.“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”He said, “I 34 tell. They all look the same now.” “Take a bite of 35 . See if that helps you 36 which one is which.”He took 37 , and then a huge smile came across his face. “People are 38 like apples! They are all different, but once you 39 the outside, theyre pretty much the same on the inside.”He totally 40 it. I didnt need to say or do anything else.21. A. although B. so C. because D. if22. A. stop B. startC. turn D. stay23. A. encouraging B. expressive C. informative D. interesting24. A. bought B. countedC. saw D. collected25. A. check B. mentionC. answer D. improve26. A. size B. typeC. shape D. class27. A. worried B. satisfiedC. proud D. curious28. A. ordinary B. normalC. different D. regular 29. A. outside B. wholeC. table D. inside30. A. still B. evenC. only D. ever31. A. examining B. measuring C. drawing D. packing32. A. keeping B. placingC. pulling D. giving33. A. on B. towardC. for D. in34. A. mustnt B. cantC. shouldnt D. neednt35. A. each one B. each otherC. the other D. one other36. A. admit B. considerC. decide D. believe37. A. big bites B. deep breathsC. a firm hold D. a close look38. A. just B. alwaysC. only D. seldom39. A. put away B. get downC. hand out D. take off40. A. made B. tookC. got D. did第三部分 阅读理解( 共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。AImagine this: you e home from school and find that your dog has messed up your bed and eaten the pizza on the table while you were away. You get so angry and start telling it off for what it did.While you are doing this, the little “criminal (罪犯)” just sits there quietly, head down, ears back, eyes droopy (下垂的), looking extremely guilty. This makes you think that it understands you and you are teaching it a lesson.But dont be fooled by this look animal behaviorists say that dogs actually lack the ability to feel shame, reported The Associated Press. Instead, they just put on that look so their owners will calm down.“My guess is that their thinking is: Oh man, my owner is super mad about something, but I dont know what, but he seems to calm down when I give him the sad face, so lets try that again,” said Pascale Lemire, Canadian author of the book Dog Shaming.One of the first scientific studies on the “guilty look” of dogs was conducted in xx by Alexandra Horowitz, a professor at Barnard College in the US. In the study, she videotaped how 14 dogs reacted when their owners left the room. When the owners returned, they were asked to scold (责骂) the dog no matter if they had misbehaved (做错事) or not.Horowitz found that the guilty look would appear as long as the owner was angry, not when the dog had actually done something wrong, which means the look has nothing to do with guilt.Surely, dogs can learn from their behavior for example, when you give your dog a treat after it fetches a ball or punish it after it tears up your mail. But rewards or punishments are most effective right after the behaviors occur. “The farther it gets from that, the less connection is made with the behavior,” said Bonnie Beaver, a professor at A&M University, US. This means that when you e home and scold your dog for the damage he did hours ago, he wont necessarily learn anything.So the best way to deal with a dog that has misbehaved is probably to “just get over it and remind yourself not to put temptation (有诱惑力的东西) in the way next time”, suggested Beaver. In other words, dont leave your bedroom door open or the pizza on the table in the first place.41. The example given at the beginning of the article is meant to _. A. show the disadvantages of keeping pets B. introduce a new book on pet behavior C. prove that pets have strong senses of guilt D. show how owners should teach lessons to their dogs42. The most significant finding in Alexandra Horowitzs research is that _. A. dogs learn quickly from previous punishments B. dogs with the guilty look dont actually feel shame at all C. dogs try hard to calm down their owners when they get mad D. dogs are more likely to misbehave when their owners are absent43. According to Bonnie Beaver, _. A. dogs dont remember what they did hours ago B. rewarding and punishing dogs dont make much difference C. owners quick responses help dogs learn from their behaviors D. it is totally unnecessary for owners to get mad at their dogs misbehavior44. According to the last paragraph, the best way to keep dogs from misbehaving is to _. A. make strict house rules for them B. offer better rewards and more serious punishments C. avoid leaving them possibilities to misbehave D. turn a blind eye to their misbehaviorBWhen US astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to ever set foot on the moon, he was treated as a hero. However, when he got back to Earth, he wasnt allowed to return home to his family immediately. He and his crewmates were quarantined (隔离) for 21 days out of concern that they might have brought harmful germs (细菌) back with them from the moon, according to NBC News.This may sound a bit strange today because going to space now is more mon than it was in 1969. However, no matter how familiar we get with space, we still cant deny that it is a pletely alien environment pared to Earth.In fact, previous studies have shown that trips to space can mess with many aspects of astronauts health, causing bone mineral loss, muscle pain and eyesight damage. And now, new research from Johns Hopkins University, US, has found that space missions can also affect astronauts brain functions, reported The Atlantic.Unlike people who live on the ground, where they are protected by the Earths magnetic field (磁场), astronauts in space are exposed to both solar and cosmic (宇宙的) radiation.To study how radiation influences astronauts brains, researchers put lab mice into a similar radiation environment and measured their cognitive (认知的) abilities through a series of tests. They found that radiation can change the proteins in mices brains and cause cognitive problems like shorter attention spans (时长) and slower reactions.However, this is not an easy problem to solve. According to Forbes, space radiation is so powerful that even the walls of a spaceship cant keep it away pletely. “To effectively defend against the radiation,” said Michael OBanion at the University of Rochester Medical Center, US, “one would have to essentially wrap a spacecraft in a six-foot (1.8-meter) block of lead or concrete.”But the good news is that the radiation doesnt affect everyone the same way. In the study, researchers found that about half of the mice tested in the experiment remained unaffected.This means that scientists could soon be able to identify those who are more at risk from radiation exposure and help them to better protect themselves in space. For example, they could wear additional radiation protection or limit the lengths of their space walks.45. The author mentioned Neil Armstrongs story at the beginning to _.A. pay respect to his achievements in space explorationB. remind us that we still have a lot to discover about spaceC. introduce the idea of space travel affecting astronauts healthD. explain why astronauts have to go through quarantine procedures46. The new study from Johns Hopkins University suggests that _.A. bone mineral loss and muscle pain are major threats to astronauts in spaceB. space radiation can lead to cognitive problemsC. astronauts in space might one day be pletely protected from radiationD. astronauts cognitive abilities drop once they get to space and they never fully recover47. Theunderlinedword“this”refersto_.A.changingthefunctionsofproteinsinourbrainB.radiationexposureaffectingbrainfunctionsC.improvingtheattentionspansofastronautsinspaceD.buildingalivingenvironmentsimilartothatonEarth48. We can infer from the last two paragraphs that _.A. space radiation is not deadly for everyoneB. space walks are not suitable for every astronautC. future astronauts might take more measures to protect against radiationD. future spaceships might be built with thick walls of lead or concreteCAT the beginning of every school year, I was afraid of ing home with that first night of homework after a summer of fun. And I feared getting a teacher who had a long list of rules and a stare that could kill a cat.But there was always one part of beginning a new school year that I enjoyed. I always liked going to the store to arm myself with new school supplies even if I didnt need them.Sure, my pencils, erasers and notebooks from my last school year could have been used for a while longer. But this didnt matter. Every year, Dad would take us to Wal-Mart and let us buy the newest and coolest pencils, erasers and notebooks.Besides school supplies, many parents also took their kids to buy new clothes and book bags.I guess many of my classmates and I must have shown up to school on the first day of school smelling something like a new car. Wed keep our new pencil bags and notebooks on top of our desk, just to make sure our classmates saw them.All of this buying sounds a little environmentally unfriendly. But our parents seemed to think that buying these school supplies was worth it. Doing this meant wed work a little harder in school. Who knows? Perhaps wed even start loving to do our math homework.Supplies from past years were always stored away in the living room desk. Used clothes that had lost their appeal (吸引力) were sent to thrift shops (旧货店), where they would be sold for 50 cents a piece.On the other hand, all of this new stuff did make us excited about going to school at least for a week.49. When every school year had just started, the author would _. A. feel joyful B. not do homework C. expect it to be bad D. have mixed feelings50. What made the author excited at the beginning of every school year? A. Getting a new car. B. Getting new school supplies. C. Taking his old clothes to thrift stores. D. Seeing his teachers and classmates again.51. Why did parents buy new school supplies for their kids, according to the author? A. To make them proud.B. To encourage them to study harder. C. Because the old ones had been used up.D. Because their kids kept begging them to do so.DThe Museum of Science, BostonSummer HoursJuly 5 September 1Saturday Thursday, 9:00 am 7:00 pmFriday, 9:00 am 9:00 pmRegular HoursJanuary 1 July 4 and September 2 December 31Saturday Thursday, 9:00 am 5:00 pmFriday, 9:00 am 9:00 pmIndividual Ticket PricesVenuesAdult (12+)Senior (60+)Child (311)Exhibit Halls$23.00$21.00$20.00Exhibits (展览)A Birds WorldThis exhibit includes a sample (标本) of every bird found in New England. It provides a lot of information about bird behavior, and New England birdwatchers will also find a useful bird “dictionary”. With this, you can learn how to understand the bird language you hear being chirped (吱喳叫) just outside your window at home.Butterfly GardenThis garden offers a wonderful chance to get close to all kinds of living butterflies from New England and across the world. You can also look inside The “Emergence Box” to see hanging chrysalids (蝶蛹) change into adult butterflies. If youre lucky, you might see a new butterfly crawl (爬) out of its casing (外壳).Discovery CenterDesigned for children under eight and their parents, the Discovery Center offers lots of fun, hands-on activities that are designed to help them discover through play. A perfect area for early learners, this educational environment emphasizes (着重) the use of real objects for exploring natural history, physical science, and technology topics.Take a Closer LookExplore the world around you using sight, hearing, touch, and smell. Test yourself to see what you can discover when you pay attention to your senses , and learn how technology extends (延伸) them.52. If you visit the museum on a Wednesday in August, you can stay there until _.A. 3 pm B. 5 pmC. 7 pm D. 9 pm53. The best choice for those who are interested in the human body is _.A. A Birds WorldB. Butterfly GardenC. Discovery CenterD. Take a Closer Look54. What can children do in the Discovery Center?A. See different kinds of animal samples.B. Discover the changes in butterflies.C. Play with real objects and discover through fun.D. Explore the world with all their senses.55. The “Emergence Box” shows _.A. all kinds of butterflies B. birds ing out of their eggsC. butterflies changing their casings D. how new butterflies are born 非选择题部分(共30分,题目见答卷) 密封线班 级学 号姓 名(密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题)嘉兴市第一中学xx学年第一学期自主学习能力测试 高一英语 答题卷 满分100 分 ,时间90 分钟 xx年12月非选择题部分(共30分)第一节 短语填空(每小题1分,共10分)请选择方框中的单词,用其正确形式完成下列句子,使语句意思完整。提供的单词多于可使用的单词,每个单词最多可使用一次。express disaster guidance mean quality rescue frighten generous educate relative principle escape suffer quantity sincerely 56. She _ death by inches when the wall fell down.57. He wrote the report under the _ of the manager.58. It may be said that the teacher has done his very best to _ and help him.59. Firefighters _ nearly 20 people from the burning building this morning.60. He _ from cancer which had already reached an advanced stage at this time last year.61. Miriam was too _ to tell her family what had happened.62. She was organizing and running a large household, a position of trust which was _ paid.63. The product is of high _ and is not expensive either.64. It was important for children to learn to _ themselves clearly.65. All that time my wife and children had to beg for help from _ or friends. 第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分20分;写作中概括部分5分,其余部分15分)阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150个词左右的英语短文。阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Right after the Second World War, Germany was in ruins. Almost all the houses, factories and schools were destroyed. Plenty of people were homeless as well as jobless. Worse still, the supply of water and electricity was often cut off in the city. Two American journalists interviewed a German family living in the basement. The husband was disabled from the war and the wife was just dismissed from a clothing pany. Worse still, there were bills for them to payfour children to care for and food to buy. Life was hard for them at that time.After the interview, the journalists chatted with each other on the way back to the pany.“Do you think the Germans could rebuild their homeland?”“Absolutely.”“But I cant see any hope for the country at all. How can you be so certain about that?”“Have you noticed what they put on the table in the basement? There was a vase of flowers. A nation, suffering at such moment, hasnt forgotten about flowers. It shows that hopes are not lost.


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