2019-2020年高三D部英语限时训练卷32 .doc

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2019-2020年高三D部英语限时训练卷32I.完形填空My sister was graduating just before Christmas, but due to my own scholarly schedule backhome, I couldnt fly to Australia for her graduation. She was understandably 1 , and I feltguilty that I wasnt able to be there for her. While talking to my supervisor the week before my sisters graduation, I mentioned that Iwould be 2my sisters graduation by less than 48 hours. She said, Well, just make sureyou get permission from admin. Oh, the administration at my school was notorious(声名狼藉的)for 3 any sort of time-off requests. But something in me decided to try, just in case.Maybe it was the 4 that the Christmas Spirit would somehow permeate(渗透)theadministrative office. When I saw the Associate Deans reply, I couldnt believe my luck!The only 5Icould possibly e up with was that the Christmas Spirit had 6 the heart of her. With news this 7, I was bursting to tell my sister. But, fingers on the dial, I 8Wouldnt it be so much more fantastic if I could surprise her? Getting delivered in a box to mysisters house!I 9myself just showing up, knocking at her door. If I were successful,shed be excited about my unconventional 10 . I knew if I did so, my 11at hergraduation and my grand arrival would be the best Christmas present. At first the branch manager of CouriersPlease said no, 12 that Christmas was theirbusiest season and he couldnt 13 a courier(快递员)for this unusual request. But hesuddenly and strangely agreed. I couldnt see the look on my sisters face as she opened the door, 14I could tell fromher voice that she was very 15. After she saw her older sister sitting inside smiling up ather, she was pletely lost 16words, and I will never forget the look on her face as sheopened the box. It was such a gift to be able to attend my sisters graduation, and to show her my love bygiving her the most 17Christmas present in the history of our family. It was a 18 both she and I will cherish forever. It was also a19.for me: never, ever underestimate the20 of the Christmas Spirit. It can move hearts, minds, and yes, even people in boxes.1. A. disappointed B. surprised C. satisfied D. interested2. A. avoiding B. catching C. mussing D. neglecting3. A. confirming B. denying C. doubting D. offering4. A. success B. patience C. practice D. hope5. A. conclusion B. solution C. explanation D. description6. A. hurt B. struck C. removed D. deserved7. A. fantastic B. strange C. different D. attractive8. A. practised B. moved C. determined D. paused9. A. witnessed B. pictured C. considered D. recognized10. A. hesitation B. delay C. arrival D. return11. A. presence B. performance C. independence D. significance12. A. putting out B. making out C. finding out D.pointing out13.A.order B. substitute C. spare D. represent14. A. otherwise B. if C. but D. unless15. A. embarrassed B. confused C. annoyed D. bored16A. about B. into C. for D. with17. A. unique B. fortable C. pleasant D. traditional18. A. purpose B. memory C. friendship D. journey19. A. reminder B. secret C. fantasy D. present20. A. power B. meaning C. challenge D. messageII. 阅读理解 A Is this happening in your neighborhood? Children, notebook puters stuck under their arms, await the yellow bus for the trip to middle school. On the surface, the question of puters in schools is a no-brainer. It would be strange to insist that todays technology shouldnt be used to make the classroom experience more individualized, more effective, more immediate, more exciting. puters have been in schools more than 20 yearsand probably even done some good. But the idea of a personal puter as a necessary daily tool for every American grammar school pupil is altogether a different thing. Be aware of the seemingly attractive vision of 10-year-olds doing most of their workand homeworkon a puter. It is another illusory silver bullet that promises to solve all of societys ills through technology. Regardless of whether parents or taxpayers buy the machinery, its bad policy. Determining the proper role of puters in schools is too important to be left to puter suppliers and educators. An educated public with clear and realistic expectations needs to help determine the right track for technology. Educators forever seem to seek the ultimate in teaching tools. They are always preoccupied with innovationjunior high school, new math, whole language, open classrooms, and mastery learning, to name a few. Some ideas turned out well and over time have earned permanent positions in our education systems. Other reflected change for changes sake and wound up in the trash bin, where they belong. Exactly what is to be solved with puters in schools? Are we looking to improve instructional capacity and flexibility? Are we trying to make teachers and aids more productive by letting students take advantage of programmed learning tools? This all sounds good, and much has been acplished with puter-assisted instruction. But thats not the same as making the puter a symbol of well-tempered educational policy. Theres danger in the message that a child is not fully educated if he or she cant surf the World Wide Web skillfully, move around in Windows or the Founder, use a word processing program, or program in Logo or Basic. These skills can be learned outside the classroom. Worse, the time it takes students to acquire them is time stolen from the teaching scheduleand thats a bad trade. And what kind of puters should be purchased? Were not talking brand names. Most school systems dont have the money to replace PCs or Macs on the two-to-three-year cycle that shifting technologies demand. On the other hand, $2500the cost of just one puterinvested in books for the school library produces wealth that has, shall we say, a longer shelf life. And who changes the factory culture of schoolrooms to allow puters to be more effective? And who teaches the teachers? These are the really tough issuesthe ones that more hardware wont solve. Children are best served when schools contribute to shaping the solid foundations on which their future will be built. The student who can read with curiosity and understanding, who has mastered basic mathematical concepts, who can evaluate ideas critically, is the one schools should aim to produce.21. A “no-brainer” in the third sentence of the first paragraph probably means _.A. something that is taken for granted B. an idea that is brainless and foolishC. a proposal that is not worthy of serious considerationD. a machine that can never take the place of human brain22. According to the author, teaching puter in the school classroom is bad practice because _.A. the puter is too expensive a luxury for school pupilsB. the pupils are not intelligently mature enough to master the skillsC. it takes too much time which might have been spent on regular coursesD. the pupils can learn nothing from puter-assisted instruction23. In the last paragraph the author implies that _.A. puter skills contribute nothing to a proper educationB. puter teaching is an essential part of an educationC. the fundamental purpose of an education is being ignoredD. teachers should be taught how to teach puter skillsB Popcorn at the Movies Advertising uses repetition to increase consumers preference for brands. Particularly for novel brands, much exposure and repetition is necessary to establish the brand name in the first place. Do you still remember your feeling when you see or hear the names YAHOO or GOOGLE for the first time? Now they are imprinted in your brain. Basic psychological research has already shown that repeatedly perceived (感知) information is easier to be remembered for the brain process. Recent research has shown that repetition effects actually are originally caused from the mouth. Each time we e across a persons or product name, the lips and the tongue automatically simulate (模仿) the pronunciation of that name. This happens without our awareness and without actual mouth movements. During inner speech, the brain attempts to say the novel name. When names are presented repeatedly, this simulation happens repeatedly. However, if this inner speech is disturbed, for instance during chewing gum or whispering another word, the repetition effect vanishes. An interesting experiment was conducted in movie theaters. 96 participants were invited to a real movie theater and were presented a block of mercials and a movie later on. Half of the participants received popcorn to eat. For them, the mouth was occupied with chewing the popcorn so the mouth muscles could not engage in inner speech when watching the ads for the novel brands. The other half of the participants only received a small sugar cube, which dissolved quickly in their mouth so that the mouth muscles were free to simulate the pronunciation of the brand names. The participants were invited to the lab one week after the cinema session. They were presented with images of products. Half of these products had been advertised in the cinema session; the other half were pletely novel products. Participants were asked to indicate the products that they liked, and their physiological (生理的) responses were measured. Those participants who had only received a sugar cube proved that there was a clear advertising effect. They preferred advertised novel products and also showed positive physiological responses of familiarity for advertised products. However, those participants who had eaten popcorn while watching the mercials one week before showed no such advertising effect.24. Why does the author mention Yahoo and Google in Paragraph One?A. To remind readers of brand names. B. To prove the influence of repetition.C. To pare the effects of two brands. D. To draw readers attention to the research.25. What does the underlined word “vanish” probably mean?A. Disappear. B. Improve. C. Reduce. D. Occur.26. One week after the cinema session, the participants who ate sugar cube _.A. held positive attitude toward movies B. showed preference for advertisementsC. tended to choose the advertised productsD. felt familiar with the mercials and the movies27. Where is the passage likely to have been taken from?A. A psychological report.B. An entertainment website.C. A mercial advertisement.D. A popular science magazine.III.任务型阅读Friends in your life are like pillars on your porch. Sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they lean on you. Sometimes its just enough to know theyre standing by. Friendship doubles your joy and divides your grief. A friendship is priceless and should be cultivated.Remembering the golden ruleWithout a doubt, the greatest human relations principle is to treat other people like you want to be treated. When you show respect for your friends and gratitude for their friendship, youll be blessed in untold ways.You cant know what has gone on in the rude persons life that day, but you can assume that his or her day hasnt gone well. Maybe a loved one lost his job, her boss reprimanded her unjustly, hes ing down with the flu, or she just found out that her teenager is taking drugs.Whatever the cause of the rudeness, you dont have to accentuate(突出) the problem. A kind word or a gentle, understanding smile may help the person more than returned rudeness would. Considering foes as friendsA friend looks after your own good. On the other hand, a foe is someone who isnt interested in your well-being.Yet some students view their teachers as enemies. However, a students success in school partly depends on the teachers effectiveness in the classroom. Instead of being an enemy, a teacher who corrects you and helps you to achieve can be the best friend you ever had.This kind of thinking, along with a little attitude adjustment, helps you to convert foes to friends, and both of you are better off. Making friends by being an optimistDo you enjoy being around a pessimist, someone who is generally described as being able to brighten up a room just by leaving it? The answer is obvious. Most people prefer to be around people who believe that tomorrow is going to be better than today, rather than people who believe that today is even worse than yesterday. Capturing the pleasing personality How do you develop a pleasing personality? Here are some steps you can take:Smile when you see someone. You dont have to give a wide grin just a pleasant, friendly smile.Speak in a pleasant, upbeat tone of voice. Talk to people as if they are good friends, even if they dont really fall into that category yet.Take a course in public speaking. The ability to express yourself attracts favorable attention from many sources. Develop a sense of humor. Pick up a couple of joke books. This makes you a little more outgoing and friendly. Dont criticize unjustlyInstead of being eager to dish out criticism all the time, take the humane and sensible approach. Look for the good in others. Encourage them. Build them up. Most people seldom think through each situation pletely and consider the other persons point of view. If you take the time and effort to do this, youll end up befriending more people. Title: Five ways to cultivate friendshipPassage outline Supporting details Introduction to friendshipFriends in your life are like pillars on your porch. Sometimes friends share each others (2) and sorrow. (1) of cultivating friendship Remembering the gold ruleTreat others like you want to be treated. Dont have to accentuate the problem even though they are (3) to you, because sometimes a gentle understanding (4) is better than a rude behavior. Considering foes as friends(5) on foes as friends makes you and your friends better off. Making friends by being an optimistMost people have the (6) for being around the ones who are optimistic. Capturing the pleasing personalityGive a (7) and friendly smile.Speak in a pleasant, upbeat tone of voice.Take a course about speaking (8) .Develop a sense of humor. Dont criticize unjustly(9) criticizing othersLook for the good in others.ConclusionMake an effort to do this and youll (10) more friends in the end.限时32完型ACBDC BADBC ADCCB CABAA阅读ACC BACD任务型阅读:71. Ways 72. joy(s)/ happiness73. rude 74. smile 75. Looking 76. preference 77. pleasant 78. publicly 79. Avoid 80. make


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