2019届中考英语专题复习 专题一 名词课件.ppt

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专题一 名词,专题一 名词,分析甘肃近3年中考真题可以看出,对名词词义辨析的考查主要为语境辨析。其中主要涉及同类名词语境辨析的考查, 包括地点类、称呼类、身体部位类、物品类、颜色类、国家及地区类、饮食类等名词的辨析。对于此类试题,考生应该按照类别来记忆。此外,有些题可以通过分析语境和逻辑关系确定正确答案。考生做这类题时,首先要掌握足够的词汇量,其次结合生活经验和常识,理解句意,推测语境,最后得出正确答案。 甘肃中考常考的同类名词列举如下:,1,名词词义辨析,考点小练,1.Im a littlze hungry now. I only drank some this morning. A. bread B. milk C. banana D. noodle,B,2.The passengers safety mostly depends on the when the plane is flying. A. engineer B. pilot C. programmer D. teacher,B,3.Kate will arrive in Beijing. We are all at the to pick her up. A. station B. library C. restaurant D. hotel,A,4.I didnt send an e-mail to Mary because my is broken down. A. clock B. computer C. pen D. bike,B,5.The Chinese saying“A tree cant make a forest”tells us that is very important in a football match. A. ability B. decision C. teamwork D.experience,C,6.We all want to try something new, but finding the_ to start is always the hardest part. A. idea B. pride C. courage D. progress,C,7.The charity show was a big _. We have raised much money for Project Hope. A. success B. surprise C. suggestion D. stress,A,8.The two countries have reached a(n) _to share the latest information about science and technology so that they can develop together. A. achievement B. agreement C. suggestion D. conversation,B,9.Smoking is not allowed in this meeting . It is a bad behavior. A. room B. home C. house D. family,A,2,名词的数,分析甘肃近3年中考真题可以看出,对名词的数主要考查可数名词单数变复数的规则变化和不规则变化。,1.可数名词的复数形式,规则变化表,不规则变化表,巧记口诀,名词复数有规律, 一般词尾加-s;,辅音字母+y型, 变y为i加-es;,ch, sh, s, x真有趣, 全部都加-es;,f, fe特殊记,一般字母v来替,-es在后别忘记;,字母o来真神奇, 有生命加-es, 没有生命加-s。,2.常见不可数名词的归纳与用法,常见的不可数名词,不可数名词的量的表示,不可数名词的多少可用以下词组来表示: a block of一块;a bottle of 一瓶;a group of 一群;a pair of 一组/双/对;a piece of一片(张/块);a pile of 一堆。 短语a pair (piece) of+复数名词作主语时,中心词是a pair(piece), 故谓语动词用单数;若是短语two pairs (pieces) of+复数名词作主语,则中心词是two pairs, 故谓语动词用复数。,常见的不可数名词,考点小练,10.My grandma often tells me some interesting (story) before I go to bed.,stories,11.There used to be many (wolf), but only a few of them remain now.,wolves,12.Dont eat too much sugar. Its bad for your (tooth).,teeth,13.My little sister learned to make two (cake) yesterday.,cakes,14.I will go to the US for further study in three (month).,months,3,名词所有格,分析甘肃近3年中考真题可以看出,对名词所有格在语法与情景对话、任务型完形填空、词汇中考查。 如何判断名词所有格: 1.当空格后为名词,且空前为形容词性物主代词时; 2.当有两个主语时,注意判断某物是共有还是各自所有。,考点小练,15. mothers are waiting for them at the school gate. Tell them to go there at once after class. A. Lucy and Lilys B. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucy and Lily D. Lucys and Lily,B,16.Uncle Wang is an excellent engineer. He is a friend of . A. my father B. my fathers C. my fathers D. my fathers,B,17. music teacher is Miss Zhang and she is a very beautiful woman. A. Ann and her brother B. Ann and her brothers C. Anns and her brother D. Anns and her brothers,B,18.There is an MP5 on the desk. Whose is this? It can be my , for she bought one yesterday. A. sister B. sisters C. sisters D. sisters,B,19.How far is your home from school? Its about two walk. A. hours B. hours C. hours D. hour,B,4,名词作定语,针对名词作定语,考生须掌握以下两种形式结构:,1.名词修饰名词,(1)作定语的名词一般用单数形式,变复数只需将中心词变为复数形式。 如:country music乡村音乐; girl student girl students女学生。 (2)当man和woman作定语时,变复数形式时将中心词及man或woman 都变成复数形式。 如:man driver men drivers男司机; woman teacher women teachers女教师。,2.“数词-名词”修饰名词(2015省卷45题,2015兰州45题),(1)“数词-名词单数”形式,可将作定语的名词变为相应的所有格形式。 如:a two-day holiday=two daysholiday两天的假期;a ten-minute walk=ten minutes walk 步行十分钟的路程。 (2)“数词-名词单数-形容词”形式。 如:a 15-year-old girl一个十五岁大的女孩; a 10-meter-long bridge一座十米长的桥。,考点小练,20.Kate is girl. Shes very happy at school. A. a eighteen year old B. an eighteen-year-old C. an eighteen-years old D. a eighteen years old,B,21.What kind of noodles would you like? . A. Mutton and tomatoes noodles B. Mutton and tomato noodles C. Muttons and tomatoes noodles D. Muttons and tomato noodles,B,22.We should wear when we play ball games. A. sport shoes B. sport shoe C. sports shoes D. sports shoe,C,23.This chair is not stable, so it has to be repaired. A. three-leg B. three leg C. three-legs D. third legs,A,24.There are so many in front of my house. I often pick up apples from them in autumn. A. apple tree B. apples tree C. apples trees D. apple trees,D,5,用所给名词的适当形式填空,名词变形容词规则表,考点小练,25.Each of us should read an (education) book during the winter vacation.,educational,26.After the earthquake, hundreds of people became _ (home).,homeless,27.All of us hope the life in high school will be _ (meaning).,meaningful,28.For getting a better job, we should develop our interests and always learn more _(skill).,skills,29.Linda is very_ (friend). She never tells a bad word about others.,friendly,30.I am _ (luck) to have the chance to attend such an important meeting.,lucky,6,合成词词义辨析,此类词汇是英语中常见构词法中的合成词,由两个或者两个以上的单词合成一个新词。此处罗列常见的合成词。如:,合成名词:,(1)room类: classroom教室;bedroom卧室;bathroom洗手间;workroom工作室; reading room阅览室;living room起居室;sitting room客厅;washing room盥洗室; waiting room等侯室。 (2)work类: housework家务;homework家庭作业;schoolwork学校作业。 (3)man类: policeman警察;fisherman渔夫;chairman主席;postman邮递员; salesman(男)销售员;businessman商人;workman工人。,拓展:其他词性的合成词,合成形容词:downhill下坡的;worldwide全世界的;goodlooking好看的。,合成副词:downstairs在楼下;hotfoot匆忙地;beforehand事先;forever永远。,合成动词:overthrow推翻;overcome克服。,考点小练,31.In the future, I want to be a _to make the society much safer. A. policeman B. postman C. workman D. milkman,A,32. I want to buy a book. Can you tell me where the nearest _ is? A. bookshop B. workshop C. teashop D. bakeshop,A,


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