2019-2020年高三模拟考试(二模)英语试题 含解析.doc

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2019-2020年高三模拟考试(二模)英语试题 含解析注意事项: 1答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的市(县)/区、学校、班级、姓名、准考证号、试室号和座位号填写在答卡的密封线内。 2选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试题卷上。 3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在另发的答题卷各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将答题卷和答题卡一并交回。 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In most cases fear is a healthy reaction to a dangerous situation. But sometimes fear can be so _1_, so unbearable, that it influences on normal living. That is what happened to me driving cross-country last summer.Id agreed to help my brother, Mac, move to California. He would drive a rental _2_ and I would follow him in his car. We figured it would be a _3_ trip, with only four or five motel stops along the way. Living and working in Georgia for most of my life, I did not have a great deal of long-distance _4_ experience. Looking back on it today, I can see that Id always felt quite _5_ when driving over small bridges and along hilly highways. And as I was getting ready for the trip I had a vague _6_ about the steep mountain roads that lay ahead. But I thought I would get used to them.At the first night, I mentioned my feelings to Mac, who is the practical sort. Oh, thats nothing, he said _7_ . Lots of people hate driving on mountain roads and high bridges. Just turn up the _8_ on your radio and focus on that. Keep your mind _9_. I gave him a weak smile , but I couldnt drive away the _10_ I had about the high driving ahead. The more I tried not to think about it, the more my mind kept going back to that _11_ feeling of panic I had at the beginning of the journey. If I could just close my eyes and _12_, I thought, a good nights sleep would drive the fear away. I kept closing the gap between my car and my brothers truck, moving _13_ behind him like a frightened sheep following a shepherd(牧羊人). I could see Mac watching me in his rearview mirror , and that night at supper, he said, Leigh, you should keep _14_ distance. Youre much too close for these mountain roads. He _15_ my face for a moment, then added, Tomorrow will be the last day of high driving. You know theres nothing to be afraid of.【文章解读】这是一篇英语故事阅读。作者通过自己在崎岖路上开始的经历告诉我们恐惧也是一种健康的情感。1.AweakBimportantCseriousDsmall【答案】C【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。weak弱的;important重要的;serious严重的,认真的;small小的。根据下文的unbearable判断。故选C。2.AtaxiBtruckCbusDcar【答案】B【命题立意】考查名词的用法。【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。taxi出租车;truck卡车;bus公共汽车;car小汽车。根据前文的move搬家,应是租来的卡车。故选B。3.AsimpleBhappyCpleasantDboring【答案】A【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。simple简单的;happy幸福的;pleasant愉快的;boring烦人的。根据下文with only four or five motel stops along the way判断这样的旅途不会多困难。故选A。4.AwalkingBcyclingCrunningDdriving【答案】D【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。walking步行;cycling骑行;running跑;driving开车。根据前文的Living and working in Georgia for most of my life可知没有太多的驾驶经验。故选D。5.ApleasedBexcitedCscaredDsurprised【答案】C【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。pleased感到满意的;excited激动的;scared害怕的;surprised吃惊的。根据前文的没有太多的驾驶经验和下文的driving over small bridges and along hilly highways.路途艰险,作者感到很害怕。故选C。6.AhopeBconcernCchanceDidea【答案】B【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。hope希望;concern关心,担忧;chance机会;idea主意。根据下文的the steep mountain roads应是作者的担忧。故选B。7.AcheerfullyBsuccessfullyCstrangelyDloudly【答案】A【命题立意】考查副词的用法。【解析】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。cheerfully高高兴兴地;successfully成功地;strangely奇怪地;loudly大声地。根据下文的Its nothing判断Mac感到作者的想法很好笑。故选A。8.AsoundBkeyClightDmusic【答案】D【命题立意】考查名词的用法。【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。sound声音;key答案,关键;light灯;music音乐。根据下文的radio应是放大音乐的声音。故选D。9.AworriedBmovedCoccupiedDinspired【答案】C【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。worried担忧的;moved感动的;occupied繁忙的;inspired激励的。keep your mind occupied集中精神。故选C。10.AannoyanceBanxietyCangerDrelief【答案】B【命题立意】考查名词的用法。【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。annoyance厌烦;anxiety焦急;anger生气;relief释放。尽管他告诉作者的方法,作者还是不能驱赶走自己心中的焦虑。故选B。11.AhelplessBrestlessCcarelessDuseless【答案】A【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。helpless无帮助的;restless不休息的;careless粗心的;useless无用的。根据下文的panic判断应是无助的。故选A。12.AcryBlaughCfeelDrelax【答案】D【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。cry哭泣;laugh嘲笑;feel感觉;relax放松。根据前文的close my eyes判断应是“放松”。故选D。13.AquicklyBhurriedlyCpolitelyDslowly【答案】D【命题立意】考查副词的用法。【解析】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。Quickly快速地;hurriedly匆忙地;politely礼貌地;slowly缓慢地。根据下文的比喻判断是“慢慢地”。故选D。14.AshortBlongCcertainDfar【答案】C【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。short短的;long长的;certain一定的;far遥远的。根据这是两辆车之间应保持一定的距离。故选C。15.ApattedBtouchedCkissedDstudied【答案】D【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。pat轻拍;touch触摸;kiss吻;study研究,细察。根据下文的for a moment判断选D。第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的相应位置上。French and American doctors have done an operation together in which the doctors were outside the operating room. This kind of operation _16_ (know) as a robotic operation. Doctor Marescaux did the operation in _17_ office in New York City last month. However, a sixty-year-old woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France. Two doctors in Strasbourg got the patient ready. _18_ placed medical tools and a small video camera in her stomach. Meanwhile, Doctor Marescaux in New York watched her on a video screen and then sent messages to the robot machine _19_ the puter. The robot moved the tools that cut the womans gallbladder away. _20_ (short) after the operation, the woman made a full recovery and left the hospital two days later.Doctors hold the belief_21_ such a robotic operation will make safer and better operations in the future and will improve doctor training as well. _22_, it will also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in _23_ (danger) places far away. More importantly, people could have operations _24_ (do) by top doctors without having to travel to the city _25_ the doctors work.【文章解读】这是一篇故事。本文主要讲述了两位医生通过电脑和网络远程指挥机器人成功做手术的故事,这解除了医生们远途跋涉做手术的困难。16. 【答案】is known 【命题立意】考查语态用法。【解析】根据该句的主语是know的动作承受者,语境叙述的客观现实。故填is known。17.【答案】an【命题立意】考查冠词。【解析】根据文意是纽约的一间办公室,判断填an。18. 【答案】They【命题立意】考查代词。【解析】根据前文的two doctors判断,故填They。19. 【答案】through【命题立意】考查介词【解析】通过电脑给机器人发送信息,故填through。20. 【答案】Shortly【命题立意】考查副词。【解析】shortly after之后不久。故填Shortly。21. 【答案】that【命题立意】考查同位语从句。【解析】空后是说明空前belief的内容,应用that引导同位语从句。故填that。22. 【答案】Besides【命题立意】考查连词。【解析】根据前后文之间的递进关系,“而且”。故填Besides。23. 【答案】dangerous【命题立意】考查形容词。【解析】根据空后是名词places,应用形容词修饰。故填dangerous。24. 【答案】done【命题立意】考查非谓语动词。【解析】根据空前的operations是do的动作承受者,判断填done。25. 【答案】where【命题立意】考查定语从句。【解析】根据空后是定语从句,从句中缺少地点状语,先行词是表示地点的名词。故填where。 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHalf a year before graduation from college, my son David began to seek a job. Due to the financial crisis, the petition was ever-fierce. My son targeted a pany that was located in a coastal city. It was intended to employ only one person among more than twenty candidates, I said to David, “You should not harbor too much hope for fear that you would feel terribly disappointed when you fail.” He said to me, “I am not afraid of disappointment. As long as I try, there will always be hope!” Three young men could enter the final round, which would later decide one person to be employed. Everything seemed to go quite well and David entered the final round in a week.Unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably simple, during which the interviewer only chatted with them for a while. The interview strategies my son prepared were not useful at all. The interviewer said the pany would inform them of the result in 3 days. On the morning of the third day, David received the text from the pany that he was not employed. David felt disappointed.In nightfall that day, David suddenly told me excitedly on phone that he had been employed. Greatly surprised, I asked him, “Whats the whole matter?” David told me that he received another text saying that he was employed. David felt very confused about it. Later he found out the first text sent to him was also part of the test in the interview. Three men received the same text this morning and only Davids reply was satisfying to the pany. I asked my son, “How did all of you reply?” My son said, “One did not reply. The other said “goodbye” and I said “thank you”.” Only then did I know that my sons “hope” came in that way. That is, when you feel disappointed, do not forget to say “Thank you” to the one who disappoints you. Actually, it is a piece of cake to say “Thank you”. Saying “Thank you” shows respect for others work and demonstrates your grand generosity. Therefore, while under the same condition, you will get the upper hand in terms of opportunities pared with others!【文章解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过作者儿子因为一句“thank you”而应聘成功,从而告诉读者不管别人怎么对待你,你都要真诚地说一句“thank you”,这会让你受益一生的。26. What can we learn about David from the passage?A. Being short of money, David was eager to find a job.B. He wanted to work for a pany in the local city.C. He was not hopeful of getting the job.D. He took a positive attitude towards failure.【答案】D【命题立意】考查判断推理题。【解析】A缺钱,渴望找到一份工作;B他想在当地的城市为一家公司工作;C他对找到工作没有希望;D他采取积极的态度面对失败。根据文章的第一段I am not afraid of disappointment. As long as I try, there will always be hope!可知David是一个采取积极态度面对失败的人。故选D。27. Which of the following is True about Davids final round interview?A. David was nervous because the petition was really fierce.B. Davids preparations for the interview were not used.C. The three young men performed equally well.D. The result was announced on the spot.【答案】B【命题立意】考查细节辨认题。【解析】根据文章的第三段的The interview strategies my son prepared were not useful at all可知David的准备在最后的面试中没有作用。故选B。28. When David got the job offer, he felt _ at first.A. excited B. puzzled C. nervous D. pleased【答案】B【命题立意】考查判断推理题。【解析】A. excited激动的;B. puzzled迷惑的;C. nervous紧张的;D. pleased满意的。根据文章的第三段David received the text from the pany that he was not employed. David felt disappointed和第四段的David felt very confused about it可知David对被雇佣感到迷惑不解。故选B。29. What can be inferred from the passage?A. The author believed its beneficial to say thank you.B. The author was confident that his son would get the job.C. The author was disappointed when his son was not employed.D. The author thought its not easy to say thank you.【答案】A【命题立意】考查判断推理题。【解析】根据文章第一段排除B;根据文章第三段的最后一句话排除C;根据文章的最后一段排除D;根据文章的最后一段可知作者相信说thank you是有益的。故选A。30. What can be the best title of the passage?A. Sunshine Always Appears After StormB. Never Give Up HopeC. The Magic Power of “Thank You”D. A Young Man And His Hope 【答案】C【命题立意】考查主旨大意题。【解析】A阳光总在风雨后;B永远不要放弃希望;C.Thank you的魔力;D一个年轻人和他的希望。通读全文,并根据文章的最后两段介绍的是作者儿子因为thank you而找到工作,由此联想到thank you的魅力。故选C。 B Over the summer, a Chinese pany , Xiaomi, took the No.1 position in Chinas petitive market and became the worlds third largest phone maker. Xiaomi was founded in xx as a pany to sell smartly designed phone at cheap prices over the Internet. A clever social media strategy and a business plan that emphasized selling services helped the pany build enthusiastic support from young and trendy Chinese people. With people in China expected to buy 500 million smart phones in xx, Xiaomi plans to solidify its position as one of the most powerful phone makers in the worlds most important market. The panys founders, including the Chinese entrepreneur Lei Jun and the former Google executive Lin Bin, hope that they will take the brand globally. Although Xiaomi is already sold internationally, next year will be the true test of whether it can continue its rise beyond China. Avoiding markets like the United States and Europe, Mr. Lei and Mr. Lin are looking at huge developing countries like Brazil and India. And they hope to use e-merce networks to sell cheap and high-quality phones, and create their Chinese success. Xiaomi fans have a high level of organization. They love Xiaomi. Han Yu, a 24-year-old boy studying for his masters degree, is one of those lovers. He helps Xiaomi test its user interface by looking for bugs and offering suggestions. Mr. Han moderates several pages on the panys online forum, which averages 200,000 posts a day and is where fans interact with the pany. Much of his personal life revolves around Xiaomi and he said he was honored when his suggestions to create a private photo folders was adopted by Xiaomi. Although Xiaomi makes some money on phone sales, the panys plan is to increase profitability by selling services like entertainment and apps through the phone. The pany has also started to sell other devices, like a smart television, a tablet and a fitness band. 【文章解读】这是一篇新闻报道文。文章主要简述了今年小米公司的快速发展。31. The underlined word “trendy” in Paragraph 2 most probably means_.A. rich B. fashionable C. greedy D. beautiful【答案】B【命题立意】考查词义猜测题。【解析】A. rich富有的;B. fashionable时髦的;C. greedy贪婪的;D. beautiful美丽的。根据文章该段trendy前的关键词enthusiastic support from young推断选B。32. From the passage we know that_.A. When founded, Xiaomi sold cheap smart phones in supermarkets. B. Xiaomi expects to sell 500 million smart phones in xx.C. Xiaomi smart phones are not available beyond China at present.D. Xiaomis strategy and business plan worked.【答案】D【命题立意】考查判断推理题。【解析】根据文章的第二段第一句话排除A;根据文章的第二段最后一句话排除B;根据文章的第三段第二句话排除C;根据文章的三、四、五段可知小米的策略和商业计划起作用了。故选D。33. We can infer from the passage that _.A. Xiaomi set up an organization of its fansB. Han Yu made an amount of money by helping Xiaomi test its user interfaceC. Xiaomi prefers to develop its foreign market in advanced countriesD. Xiaomi pany has benefited from the organization of its fans【答案】D【命题立意】考查判断推理题。【解析】根据文章的第四段第一句话Xiaomi fans have a high level of organization排除A;根据文章的第四段最后一句话Much of his personal life revolves around Xiaomi and he said he was honored when his suggestions to create a private photo folders was adopted by Xiaomi排除B;根据文章的第三段第三句话Avoiding markets like the United States and Europe, Mr. Lei and Mr. Lin are looking at huge developing countries like Brazil and India.排除C;根据文章的第四段推断选D。34. From the last paragraph we know_.A. Xiaomi will focus on producing mobile phonesB. Xiaomi will bee the worlds largest phone maker C. Xiaomi plans to earn more money besides phones.D. Xiaomi is faced with great challenges because of single product.【答案】C【命题立意】考查判断推理题。【解析】根据文章的最后一句话The pany has also started to sell other devices, like a smart television, a tablet and a fitness band可知小米告诉开始挣电话以外的钱。故选C。35. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. The rise of a new smart phone Giant : Chinas XiaomiB. The development of the pany XiaomiC. The future of the pany XiaomiD. The secret of Xiaomis success【答案】A【命题立意】考查主旨大意题。【解析】A中国小米,智能电话的巨人增长;B小米公司的发展;C小米公司的未来;D小米成功德秘密。通读全文可知B、C、D概括文章的一部分,作为题目有点牵强。故选A。 CMost people agree that honesty is a good thing. But does Mother Nature agree? Animals cant talk, but can they lie in other ways? Can they lie with their bodies and behavior? Animal experts may not call it lying, but they do agree that many animals, from birds to chimpanzees, behave dishonestly to fool other animals. Why? Dishonesty often helps them survive. Many kinds of birds are very successful at fooling other animals. For example, a bird called the plover sometimes pretends to be hurt in order to protect its young. When a predator(猎食动物)gets close to its nest, the plover leads the predator away from the nest. How? It pretends to have a broken wing. The predator follows the hurt adult, leaving the baby birds safe in the nest. Another kind of bird, the scrub jay, buries its food so it always has something to eat. Scrub jays are also thieves. They watch where others bury their food and steal it. But clever scrub jays seem to know when a thief is watching them. So they go back later, unbury the food, and bury it again somewhere else. Birds called cuckoos have found a way to have babies without doing much work. How? They dont make nests. Instead, they get into other birds nests secretly. Then they lay their eggs and fly away. When the baby birds e out, their adoptive parents feed them. Chimpanzees, or chimps, can also be sneaky. After a fight, the losing chimp will give its hand to the other. When the winning chimp puts out its hand, too, the chimps are friendly again. But an animal expert once saw a losing chimp take the winners hand and start fighting again. Chimps are sneaky in other ways, too. When chimps find food that they love, such as bananas, it is natural for them to cry out. Then other chimps e running. But some clever chimps learn to cry very softly when they find food. That way, other chimps dont hear them, and they dont need to share their food. As is mentioned above, animals behave dishonestly for survival. Is it OK to lie for us human? 【文章解读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了几种动物的不诚实行为,其实它们都是为了生存。 36. The writer uses the three questions at the beginning of the passage to _.A. ask the readers to answer the questions B. draw the readers attention to the topicC. seek answers to the questions D. show he is at a loss about the question. 【答案】B【命题立意】考查判断推理题。【解析】根据文章的第一段的下文Animal experts may not call it lying, but they do agree that many animals, from birds to chimpanzees, behave dishonestly to fool other animals. Why? Dishonesty often helps them survive可知作者提出这三个问题就是吸引读者关注这个问题。故选B。37. Which of the following is not an example of animals dishonest behaviors?A. A plover pretended to have a broken wing to protect its baby birds.B. A scrub jay dug out its buried food and reburied it somewhere else.C. The adoptive parents feed their baby birds of cuckoos.D. A losing chimp starts fighting again after taking the winners hand.【答案】C【命题立意】考查判断推理题。【解析】根据文章的第二段的第二句话排除A;根据文章的第三段的第四句话排除B;根据文章的第四段的they get into other birds nests secretly. Then they lay their eggs and fly away. When the baby birds e out, their adoptive parents feed them判断这是诚实的行为;根据文章的第五段的最后一句话排除D。故选C。38. The underlined word “sneaky” in paragraph 5 most probably means_.A. selfish B. friendly C. entertaining D. dishonest【答案】D【命题立意】考查词义猜测题。【解析】A. selfish自私的;B. friendly友好的;C. entertaining娱乐的;D. dishonest不诚实的。根据文章的二、三、四段都在叙述的是其他动物的不诚实行为,再根据该单词前的also判断也是“不诚实的”。故选D。39. What is the mon reaction of most chimps when they find their favorite food?A. They let out a loud cry B. They cry in a very low voiceC. They hide their food immediately C. They share their food with other chimps.【答案】A【命题立意】考查细节辨认题。【解析】根据文章的倒数第二段的When chimps find food that they love, such as bananas, it is natural for them to cry out可知当大猩猩发现自己喜欢的食物就会叫出声来。故选A。40. What does the author think of the animals dishonest behaviors?A. unforgettable B. unreasonableC. negativeD. acceptable【答案】D【命题立意】考查细节辨认题。【解析】A. unforgettable难忘的;B. unreasonable不合情合理的;C. negative否定的;D. acceptable可接受的。根据文章的最后一段的最后一句话Is it OK to lie for us human可推断作者认为动物的不诚实行为是可以接受的。故选D。 DSingapore was just a sleepy city in Southeast Asia more than 50 years ago. But the small dot on the world map has since developed into one of the richest nations thanks to its founder and first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, the father of the state, who passed away on March 23, xx at the age of 91. Lee grew up in a Singapore tha


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