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第9讲 八年级上Module 10Revision module B,自主学习导航 .必背词汇 1.teahouse _ 2.interest _ 3.almost _ 4.special _ 5.customer _ 6.twentieth _ 7.performance _ 8.freezing _ 9.probably _ 10.northwest _ 11.shine _ 12.passport _ 13.lucky _ 14.throw _ 15.litter _ 16.主要的,最大的 _,茶馆,兴趣,爱好,几乎,特别的,特殊的,顾客,第二十,表演,冰冻的,严寒的,可能,或许,西北,照耀,护照,幸运的,扔,抛,垃圾,main,17.提供_ 18.男服务员 _ 19.观众_ 20.失去,失败 _ 21.让人感到快乐的_ 22.度,度数 _ 23.开玩笑_ 24.阳光充足的 _ 25.依靠_ 26.聊天 _ 27.悬挂,吊_ 28.接受 _ 29.婚礼_ 30.吸烟 _ 31.possible(adj.)_(adj.)(反义词)不可能的_ (adv.)可能地_ 32.true(adj.)_(n.)真理_,offer,waiter,audience,lose,enjoyable,degree,joke,sunny,depend,chat,hang,accept,wedding,smoke,可能的,impossible,possibly,真的,truth,.必会短语 1.agree to do sth. _ 2.take place_ 3.teach sth. to sb. _ 4.from time to time _ 5.traditional life _ 6.depend on _ 7.do some cleaning _ 8.in the end _ 9.be different from _ 10.have a wedding _,同意做某事,发生,教给某人某事,有时,传统生活,依靠,依赖,打扫卫生,最后,与不同,举行婚礼,11.计划做某事 _ 12.给某人讲故事 _ 13.抗日战争 _ 14.给某人热烈欢迎 _ 15.与 相比较 _ 16.整天 _ 17.最好的 _ 18.等待 _,plan to do sth.,tell sb.a story,the AntiJapanese war,give a wonderful welcome to sb.,compared to,all day,best of all,hang on,19.从 收到 _ 20.爱上 _ 21.给 拍照 _ 22.打扫干净,清除 _ 23.洗净 _,receive from,fall in love with,take photos of,clean up,wash up,.金牌句型 1我的父母提议带我们去那儿。 My parents _ _ _ us there. 2他尤其以他的话剧而闻名。 Hes especially _ _ his play. 3他是二十世纪最伟大的中国作家之一。 He was _ _ the _ Chinese _ of the _ _. 4天气可能干燥。 It _ _ dry.,offer,to,take,famous,for,one,of,greatest,writers,20th,century,may,be,5参观英国的最佳时间是在春天。 The _ _ _ _ England is _ spring. 6当你接受礼物时,你必须用双手。 When you _ a present,you must use _ _. 7当你第一次见到他们时,你通常要握手。 You usually _ _ _ people when you meet them _ the first time. 8我注意到如此多不同的传统。 I noticed _ _ different traditions.,best,time,to,visit,in,accept,both,hands,shake,hands,with,for,so,many,要点高效解读 .重点单词短语 1offer vt.提供,给予 (1)offer表示“提供,给予”,后面常接双宾语,即offer sb.sth./offer sth. to sb.。 eg:He offered me a cup of coffee.他端给我一杯咖啡。 (2)offer表示“(主动)提出”,后面常跟动词不定式作宾语,即offer to do sth.。 eg:He offered to lend me some books.他表示要借给我几本书。 (3)offer还有“出价,开价”之意。 eg:They have offered $6,000 for the car.他们已出价六千美元买这辆车。,2agree v同意,答应,赞成 (1)单独使用,表示“同意,答应”等。 eg:I asked him to help me and he agreed. 我请求他帮忙,他答应了。 (2)跟介词with连用,表示“同意,赞成”;“与一致”;“(气候,食物)适合”。 eg:I quite agree with what you said. 我很同意你说的话。 (3)跟介词to连用,表示“同意,赞成(提议、安排、计划等)”。 eg:Do you agree to this arrangement?你赞成这个安排吗?,(4)与介词on连用,表示“对取得一致意见”(主语往往是协商一件事的人们或单位,后面常接表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动等名词)。 eg:They agreed on going there the following day. 他们一致同意第二天到那里去。 (5)跟不定式作宾语,表示“同意做某事”。 eg:He agreed to get someone to help us. 他同意找人来帮我们的忙。 (6)跟从句,表示“一致认为,同意”。 eg:Most scientists agreed that computers cannot completely take the place of human beings. 大多数科学家一致认为,计算机不能完全代替人。,3interest n兴趣,爱好 eg:Sallys main interest is music.萨莉最大的爱好就是音乐。 辨析:interest/interested/interesting 三者都表“兴趣”,具体用法如下: (1)interest用作名词,意为“兴趣;趣味”,其主语为人或物均可。 eg:The boy has much interest in drawing.这孩子对画画很感兴趣。 The subject has no interest for me.这科目对我来说没兴趣。 (2)interested用作形容词,意为“感兴趣的,关心的”,在句中作表语,常构成系表结构“be interested”,其主语只能是人,其后可接“indoing”或“in名词”表示“某人对感兴趣”。,eg:Are you interested in playing the piano?你对弹钢琴感兴趣吗? Im not interested in maths.我对数学不感兴趣。 (3)interesting用作形容词,意为“有趣的;令人感兴趣的”,表示某物本身是有趣的。在句中可以作定语,也可以作表语。作表语时常构成“be interesting”结构,但主语一般是物。 eg:He told us an interesting story.(作定语) 他给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。 His talk was interesting.(作表语)他的谈话很有趣。,4take place发生,举行 辨析:take place/happen (1)take place表示“发生,举行”,一般指有计划地发生。 eg:The Second World War took place in 1939.第二次世界大战发生在1939年 (2)而happen指事件的偶然发生。 eg:An earthquake happened last night.昨天晚上发生了一场大地震。 要点:happenton./pron.发生于身上 happen to do碰巧做某事 eg:I happened to see him on the street.我碰巧在街上看到他。,5accept v接受 eg:When you accept a present,you must use both hands.当你接受礼物时,你一定要用双手接。 辨析:accept/receive receive和accept都可表示“收到,接收”。 (1)accept表示愿意或同意收下,含主观意愿。 (2)receive意为“收到、接到”,不含是否愿意接受的意思。 eg:I receive an invitation from him but I dont want to accept it.我收到了他的邀请,但是我并不想接受邀请(而赴约)。,.重点句型 1.What will the weather be like?天气将会怎么样? 用来询问天气的句型表达: (1)“What will the weather be like表示将来的时间状语?”用于一般将来时。 (2)“What is the weather like表示现在的时间状语?”“How is the weather表示现在的时间状语?”用于一般现在时。 (3)“What was the weather like表示过去的时间状语?”“How was the weather表示过去的时间状语?”用于一般过去时。,2Tradition in England are different from those in China.英国的传统和中国的不同。 be different from “和不同”,反义词组是be the same as “和相同” eg:Life in the countryside is quite different from that in modern cities.农村的生活与现代化的城市生活是相当不同的。 My opinion is the same as yours.我的观点和你的相同。,3Stop chatting,everyone.Here she comes!大家别聊了。她来了! (1)句子中副词here或there放在句首时,句子要倒装。 (2)若句子的主语是名词,则应全部倒装;若句子的主语是人称代词,则应部分倒装。 eg:Be careful.Here comes the bus. 小心,汽车来了。 There lived an old man near the sea. 海边住着一位老人。,要点随堂达标 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1In the USA,when someone gives you a present,you must open it i_. 2He left without s_ goodbye to us. 3The t_ will stay above zero all the day. 4Many people are interested in c_ online. 5Its very difficult to d_ on the weather in Britain because it often changes. 6When you _ (接受) a present,you must use both hands.Its a traditional custom in China.,immediately,saying,temperature,chatting,depend,accept,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1In the end,the captain fell in love with Marica and _ her. 2Alice is the _ of all the girls. 3More and more _ are coming to visit China. 4Her mother is busy _ after the rabbit. 5I dont like ice cream because I always feel _ after having it.,married,prettiest,visitors,looking,uncomfortable,三、单项选择。 1.(2011江西省)The work is too hard for him.He _ finish it on time. Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dneednt 答案:A 解析:can 表示“能力”,“不能”用cant。 2My sister _ help me with my English. Aoffer Boffered Coffered to Doffer to 答案:C 解析:offer to do sth.意为“主动提出做某事”。,3The classroom was so dirty.I decided _. Aclean it up Bto clean it up Cclean up it Dclean it 答案:B 解析:decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。 4I _ visit Shanghai. Ahope to Bhope Cwishing Dwish 答案:A 解析:hope to do sth.意为“希望做某事”。,5Yesterday my mother taught me _ meals. Ato cook Bcooks Ccooked Dwas cooking 答案:A 解析:teach sb.to do sth.意为“教某人做某事”。 6“Do you agree _ me?”he asked. Ato Bwith Con Dfor 答案:B 解析:agree with sb.意为“同意某人的观点”。,7.(2011浙江绍兴)Good morning.Ive got an appointment with Ms King in her office. Morning.you_be Mr Jones.This way,please. Awill Bmust Ccan Dmight 答案:B 解析:表肯定的猜测用must。 8The price of the TV _ what kind of you want to buy. Agoes on Btakes after Cdepends on Dlooks on 答案:C 解析:depend on意为“依靠,依赖”。,9She _ the present,but she didnt _ it. Aaccepted;accept Breceived;receive Caccepted;receive Dreceived;accept 答案:D 解析:receive意为“收到”,accept意为“接受”。 10She _ your Chinese teacher. Amay be Bmaybe Cbe may Dmay is 答案:A 解析:may be意为“可能是”,maybe是一个副词“可能”,作状语,常放在句首。,11He doesnt have much _ in sports. Ainteresting Binterested Cinterest Dinterests 答案:C 解析:have much interest in“对感兴趣”。 12Great changes have _ in my hometown. Ahappen Btake place Chappened Dtaken place 答案:D 解析:“我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。”take place指有计划地发生。,13Playing football is very _ and exciting. Aenjoy Benjoy yourself Cenjoyable Dunenjoyable 答案:C 解析:根据and exciting可知此处也应用形容词,而“令人兴奋的”应与“令人愉快的”并用。 14The teacher asked Ben _ a difficult question in class. Aanswer Banswering Cto answer Danswered 答案:C 解析:考查ask sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事。,15.(2011江西省)How kind you are!You always do what you can_me. Ahelp Bhelping Cto help DHelps 答案:C 解析:动词不定式作目的状语,这句话的意思是“为了帮助我,你总是做你能做的”。 温馨提示:请用活页作业,


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