八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise period 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise period 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise period 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit 2 How often do you exercise?,Section A 2d3c,2d Role-play the conversation.,Jack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week? Claire: Hmmnext week is quite full for me, Jack. Jack: Really? How come? Claire: I have dance and piano lessons. Jack: what kind of dance are you learning? Claire: Oh, swing dance(摇摆舞). Its fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. Jack: How often do you have piano lessons? Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. Jack: Well, how about Tuesday? Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? Jack: Sure!,摇摆舞是欧美各国普遍流行的一种快节奏交谊舞,又叫两步摇滚,在国内也有很多的爱好者。摇摆舞是一种自娱性很强的即兴舞蹈,用不着循规蹈矩,没有严格的动作规范,只需掌握其常用组合动作,即可自由发挥。 摇摆舞蹈其实是爵士舞蹈中的一种,也可称为摇摆爵士舞蹈。爵士舞蹈最早出现在二十世纪早期的美国,从上世纪的二十年代到五十年代是摇摆舞蹈乐队最得意的三十年,他们不仅在美国本土拥有大批忠实的追随者,而且受到了世界范围的普遍喜爱。摇摆舞动作欢快洒脱,变化多样,与其它交谊舞相比,摇摆舞更活泼、欢快!,1. exercise exercise v. 锻炼; exercise n. U运动; C练习 如: Lets do our exercises. 让我们做练习吧。 Walking is a good exercise. 散步是很好的运动。,Language points,2. three times a week,time 次数 time and time again 千万次的 three or four times a week 一周三四次 表示一周/月/年多少次, 可以用 . times a week / month / year, 注意有两个词有单独的表示法, “一次”用“once”, “两次”用“twice”。,sometimes与几个形似的词的区别 a. sometime是副词, “在某个时候”, “某时” Will you come again sometime next week? She was there sometime last year. b. some time是名词词组, 意为“一段时间”, 做时间状语用。 I will stay here for some time. He worked on the trouble for some time.,c. some times是名词词组, 意为“几次, 几倍”。 I met him some times in the street last month. The factory is some times larger than that one.,.How come ? 为什么呢? 这是英语中的一个口语,相当于汉语的“为什么”、“怎么会”等,既可以独立使用,也可在后接句子,来询问事情的缘由或状况。 例如: How come the sky is blue today? 今天天怎么会这么蓝? A: I didnt even eat lunch today. 我今天甚至没吃午饭。 B: Really? How come? 是吗?怎么会呢?,Words review,maybe least at least,adv. 大概;或许;可能 adv. 最小;最少 adj.&pron.最小的;最少的 至少;不少于;起码,What do you do on weekends?,1. do homework,2. exercise,3. go to the movies,4. play football,5. watch TV,6. reading,Have a talk,Grammar focus频度副词,-What do you usually do on weekends? - I always exercise. - What do they do on weekends? - They often help with housework. - What does she do on weekends? - She sometimes goes shopping.,- How often do you go to the movies? - I go to the movies maybe once a month. - How often does he watch TV? - He hardly ever watches TV. - Does he go shopping? - No, he never goes shopping.,【辨析】 maybe与may be maybe是副词,在句子做状语。may be 是情态动词may与动词原形be一起构成句子的谓语动词意为“可能是”,它们有时也可互换。,e.g. 或许它们在你的书包里。 _ they are in your schoolbag. They _ _ in your schoolbag.,Maybe,may be,1. 你通常在周未做什么? _ _ you _ do on weekends? 2. 我总是去运动。 I _ _. 3. 他们在周未做什么? _ _ they _ on weekends?,usually,What do,always exercise,What do,do,根据课本内容,完成下列句子。,4. 他们经常帮助做家务。 They _ _ with housework. 5. 她在周未做什么? What _ she _ on weekends? 6. 她有时候去购物。 She _ _ _.,often help,does,do,sometimes goes shopping,7. 你多久去看电影一次? _ _ do you go to the _? 8. 我可能一个月去看一次。 I go to movies _ _ a _. 9. 他多久看一次电视? _ _ does he watch TV? 10. 他几乎不看电视。 He _ _ watches TV.,How often,maybe once month,movies,hardly ever,How often,11. 你去购物吗? _ _ go shopping? 12. 不,我从不去购物。 No, I _ _ shopping.,Do you,never go,do homework,Work in pairs.,brush your teeth (刷牙) cut your hair (理发) wash your clothes take a shower clean your room visit your uncle/grandmother surf the Internet play computer games go shopping /do some shopping eat breakfast arrive late for class eat in the classroom practice your English watch TV,A: How often do you ? B: Once a week/ Every day / Twice a month /Hardly ever / Never / Sometimes/,1. How often _ he play soccer? 2. _ you drink milk? 3. How often _ they stay up late? 4. _ Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often _ you eat apples? 6. _ your parents play sports?,3a Complete the questions with do or does.,do,does,Do,Does,do,Do,Then match the questions and answers.,1. How often dose he play soccer? 2. Do you drink milk? 3. How often do they stay up late? 4. Dose Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often do you eat apples? 6. Do your parents play sports?,a. Yes, she usually does. b. Hardly ever. I dont like them. c. He plays at least twice a week. d. No, they dont. Theyre too busy. e. Never. They always go to bed early. f. Yes, I do. Every day.,2. at least意为“至少,不少于;起码”,是副词词组,一般指在数量或程度上。 e.g. 你必须至少一周打扫你的房间一 次。 You have to clean your house _ _ once a week.,at least,3b use the words given to write questions.,Questions: ? (how often/ help with housework) ? (what / usually/ do/ weekends) ? (how often / best friend / exercise) ? (what / usually / do / after school),How often do you help with housework,What do you usually do on weekends,How often does your best friend exercise,what do you usually do after school,Then ask and answer them with a partner.,My partners answers:,1. I always help with housework.,2. I usually surf the Internet.,3. He does exercise everyday.,4. I usually do my homework after school.,3) sometimes: adv. 有时 Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night. 4) hardly ever: 几乎很少, 几乎不 I hardly ever watch soap operas. 5) never: adv. 从不, 决不 She never stops talking.,read English books,sing English songs,3c What can you do to improve your English?,speak English with foreigners,join the summer camp,watch English movies,read English newspapers,do some English exercise,Read English every day. Listen to English tapes every day. Sing English songs. Watch English programs. Try to talk in English. Read English newspapers/magazines. Write letters/diaries in English Make an English pen pal.,The good habits of English study,总结:how often“多久一次”询问动作的频率。 答语:(1)every+名词单数 every morning/afternoon/evening/day/Sunday/weekend/ week/ month/term/year/ (2)次数+一段时间 once a day / twice a week / once or twice a year / two or three times (3)频度副词 always(100%)-usually(90%)-often =all the time =at times (60%)-sometimes(30%)-hardly ever(10-20%) -never(0%),其他表示频度的词,every day once a week/month/year twice a week/month/year three times a week/month/year four times a week/month/year,Add more things to the chart. Then ask your classmates the questions and find the best English student.,A: How often do you read English books? B: I read English books about twice a week.,the best English student,I think is the best English student. s English is pretty good. .is very active in class. After class, His/her good habits help him/her get good grades. As for me, I read English ,句型转换,1. She goes to the movies three times a month.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ she go to the movies? 2.,How often does,Exercises,Maybe your mother is in the kitchen. (改为同义句) Your mother _ _ in the kitchen.,may be,3. We eat meat twice a week. (同义句) We _ meat two _ a week. 4. I always exercise after school. (变成完全否定句) I _ exercise after school. 5. I practice the piano every day. (对划线部分提问) _ _ do you practice the piano?,have,times,never,How often,Translate and write them down.,1. 至于作业,大多数学生每天都做。 2. 没有学生一周做一次或两次作业。,As for homework, most students do homework every day.,No students do homework once or twice a week.,3. 他几乎从未逛过商店。 He hardly ever goes shopping. 4. 你多久玩一次滑板? How often do you exercise? 5. 她通常9点钟上床睡觉。 She usually goes to bed at 9 oclock.,Thank You!,

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