北京市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第09课时 课件.ppt

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第 9 课时,PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,基础自主梳理,immediate,important,impossible,improve,in,include,increase,India,Indian,工业,基础自主梳理,infer,影响,信息,inside,insist,instead,instruction,乐器,interest,interesting,基础自主梳理,international,Internet,打扰,采访;面试,into,introduce,介绍,invent,invention,invite,基础自主梳理,牵涉;牵连,island,it,its,itself,jacket,Japan,Japanese,job,join,基础自主梳理,joke,journey,judge,juice,jump,just,keep,key,keyboard,kick,基础自主梳理,kid,kill,kilo (kilogram),kilometre (美kilometer),kind,king,kiss,kitchen,kite,knee,基础自主梳理,knife,knock,know,knowledge,lab (laboratory),lady,lake,land,language,large,基础自主梳理,last,late,later,laugh,law,lay,lead,lazy,leader,leaf (pl. leaves),基础自主梳理,grow up,had better (do),hand in,hand out,hang on,hang up,have a cold,have a good/great time/have fun (with),have classes,have to,基础自主梳理,hear from,hear of,help oneself to sth,help sb with/(to) do sth,helpout,核心考点突破, improve v. 改善,增进;提高的价值,【题1】 用improve的适当形式填空 (1)His spoken English has much. (2)There has been an in relations between the two countries.,【题2】 根据汉语意思完成句子 我提不出比他的建议更好的了。 I am unable to his suggestion.,【归纳拓展】 improve的词性拓展及用法小结: (1)improvement n. 改进;改善;增进; 改善的事物;改进的措施 (2)improve on/upon sth 改进;做出比更好的成绩,improved,improvement,improve on/upon,核心考点突破, influence n. 影响,作用;影响力,支配力;有影响的人或事 v. 影响,改变;支配,左右,【题3】 用适当的介词填空 The influence that the car accident has him makes everyone very upset.,【归纳拓展】 influence用法小结: (1)influence作名词时,常用在短语have an influence on sb中,意为“对某人有影响”。 The accident has a great influence on him. 这场事故对他有很大的影响。,on,核心考点突破,【题4】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)这位英雄的事迹对他产生了很大的影响。 The event of the hero_ _ _ . (2)在他们的影响下,他对游记和历险故事很感兴趣。 , he becomes greatly interested in stories of travel and adventure.,【归纳拓展】 (2)under the influence of sb/under sbs influence 在的影响下,has a great,Under their influence,influence on him,核心考点突破, insist v. 坚持,坚决主张,坚持认为;坚决要,一定要,【题5】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)这位母亲坚决要求她儿子自己穿衣服。 The mother her son_ _ himself. (2)她每天早上都坚持吃新鲜水果。 She eating fresh fruit every morning.,【归纳拓展】 insist用法小结: (1)insist 作“坚持;坚持要求”讲时, that 从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气: (should+)动词原形。 (2)insist on/upon sth坚决要求某事 (3)insist on/upon doing sth 坚持做某事,insists that should dress,insists on/upon,核心考点突破, interrupt v. 插嘴;打扰;中断;打断,【题6】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。 Its not polite when someone is talking. (2)一场大雾阻断了高速公路上的交通。 A heavy fog the traffic on the highway.,【归纳拓展】 interrupt 的词性拓展: interruption n. 中断;干扰,to interrupt,interrupted,核心考点突破, involve v. 包含,含有;使卷入,使陷入;参与,【题7】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)我似乎已经将自己卷入了我不了解的事情当中。 I seem to have something I dont know. (2)我们参与了会谈。 We the talks. (3)相声表演包含说学逗唱。 A crosstalk performance talking, imitating, singing and telling jokes.,【归纳拓展】 involve的相关短语: (1)be/become/get involved in (doing)/with sth 使参与(做)某事 (2)involve doing sth 包括/包含做某事,involved myself in,got involved in,involves,核心考点突破, keep v. 保存;保留;保持某一状态;履行;遵守;记录;喂养;经营,【题8】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)I drank so much coffee that I kept all night.(wake) (2)The loud noise kept him from asleep last night.So he looks tired today.(fall) (3)How can you keep me here for such a long time?(wait),【归纳拓展】 1.keep用法小结:,awake,falling,waiting,核心考点突破,【题9】 选择方框中的恰当的短语并把序号写到横线上 A.keep away from B.keep back C.Keep off D.Keep on E.Keepout of F.keep up with G.keep to H.keep up (1) the dog the house. (2)Im sorry but we have to the timetable. (3)You should fried food.,【归纳拓展】 2.keep的相关短语: (1)keep away (from sb/sth) 远离;避开 (2)keep back 阻止;隐瞒;扣下 (3)keep off 让开;不接近 (4)keep on 继续进行;继续下去;坚持下去,E,G,A,B,核心考点突破,【题9】 选择方框中的恰当的短语并把序号写到横线上 A.keep away from B.keep back C.Keep off D.Keep on E.Keepout of F.keep up with G.keep to H.keep up (4)She was struggling to the tears. (5)Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to his courage. (6) until you get to the bank. (7) the grass! (8)He had to hurry to her.,【归纳拓展】 (5)keep out (of) (使)不进入;(使)留在外面 (6)keep to 坚持;保持;固守(习惯等) (7)keep up 维持;保持;继续 (8)keep up with 跟上,B,H,D,C,F,核心考点突破,hear of/hear about/hear from,【题10】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)你听说过南瓜派吗? Have you pumpkin pie? (2)自从那次他来电话后,我一直没有收到他的来信。 I havent since he telephoned last time.,【归纳拓展】 (1)hear of 与hear about 都意为“听说”,表示从别人那里间接得知。 (2)hear from 意为“收到的来信”。,heard of/about,heard from him,核心考点突破,have to/must,【题11】 根据汉语意思完成句子 我父亲说:“你必须写完家庭作业才能去玩。”所以我不得不这样做。 “You finish your homework before you go to play,” said my father.So I do so.,【归纳拓展】 have to 和must 都有“必须” 的意思,但感情色彩有所不同。 have to 表示 “客观上不得不”;must 表示“主观上认为必须”。,must,had to,一词多义积累,(1)She was asked to judge the essay competition. (2)I judged him to be about forty. (3)The judge sentenced(判决) him to five years in prison. (4)The judges decision is final in a soccer game. (5)Judging from what she said, she was very disappointed(失望的).,1.judge A.n.法官 B.n.裁判员 C.v.判断;认为 D.v.估计,猜测(大小、数量等) E.v.担任裁判,评判,根据语境,判断单词在句中的意思(写出该词所属义项的英文大写字母即可)并翻译句子,答案 (1)E 句意:她被邀请担任作文比赛的评委。 (2)D 句意:我估计他四十岁左右。 (3)A 句意:法官判处他五年监禁。 (4)B 句意:在足球比赛中裁判的决定为最终决定。 (5)C 句意:从她说的话判断,她非常失望。,一词多义积累,(1)They put the key in the door and entered. (2)Finally, press the Delete key. (3)The key to success is to be ready from the start. (4)He played a key role in the team. (5)Key your password.,2.key A.n.钥匙 B.n.关键;要诀 C.n.(计算机或打字机的)键 D.v.用键盘输入;键入 E.adj.关键的,答案 (1)A 句意:他们用钥匙打开门进去了。 (2)C 句意:最后,按删除键。 (3)B 句意:成功的关键是从一开始就做好准备。 (4)E 句意:他在团队中起着关键性的作用。 (5)D 句意:用键盘输入你的密码。,


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