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2019-2020年高一人教版英语必修三课时作业:Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld(7)含答案一、单项选择( )1.You _ give the ticket to Mary,f10r she has already got one. Shall I give the ticket to her boyfriend? No,you _ give it to him. Because I dont want to see him any more. A. cant:cant B. mustnt;mustnt C. mustnt:neednt D. neednt;mustnt( )2.Did Jim take the job in the pany? NO,but I think he_. A. will have B. may have C. should have D. must have( )3._ I speak to Diana,please? Im sorry she _ e to the phone because shes washing her hair. A. Might;wont B. Can;mustnt C. May;cant D. Could;Wouldnt( )4.Look,someone is ing. Guess who it _ be. I think it _ be Tom. I dont think ”_ be _ “. A. can;must;can;he B. may;can;must;him C. must;can;might;he D. must;can;can;him( )5.I hear you have written a book. Yes,the book _ be out in a month or so. A. can B. dare C. should D. need( )6.Watch your step! If you are late f10r work again,you _ lose your job. A. may B. must C. will D. should( )7.I regretted _ the days when I _ hard at school. A. wasting;must have worked B. having wasted;should have worked C. to waste:could work D. to have wasted;would work( )8.he clean the classroom now? No,he _.He may do it tomorrow. A. Must:neednt B. Need;wouldnt C. Shall:mustnt D. May;dont have to( )9.The hotel caught fire last night. Fortunately,most of the people _escape. A. were able to B. could C. tried to D. had meant to( )10.I promised to get there before 5 oclock,but now the rain is pouring down. Theywaiting _ for me impatiently. A. may wait B. ought to wait C. could wait D. must be waiting( )11.Our house is on the top of the hill,and in Winter the winds _ be pretty cold. A. must B. ought to C. can D. need( )12.Aunt Margret _ the train,otherwise she would have arrived here by now. A. should have missed B. must have missed C. had missed D. might miss( )13.If you listen to me,you _ have some candies,dear. A. shall B. may C. will D. must( )14.Need I e again tomorrow morning? Yes,you _. A. need B. should C. may D. must( )15.Would I use your pen for a while? Of course,you _ A. would B. could C. can D. must二、单句改错1. After lunch they set off to town together. _2. If you break your words he will never trust you again. _3. They have prepared themselves to accepting defeat. _4. The book is really difficult to be understood. _5. John, I feel, has many in-mon with Tom. _6. I suggest that you will e another day. _7. She married to a man she didnt love at all. _8.1 went to the shopping center,buying some vegetables and dropped in On my Old friend. _9. I need go there at once and tell them about it. _10.Six men paddled in each canoe across the river,which was partly freezing. _Key:


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