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人教新课标必修三Unit 1-Unit 5 巧学活用五套人教新课标必修三Unit 1一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Your introduction_our curiosity and all of us were_with your excellent work.We expressed our_to your manager.(satisfy)2You should not be so_on your parents.Instead,you must learn to be_.(depend)3Dellas eyes were full of_at the_news and she looked_at her husband.(sad)4You are not_to leave here without his_.(permit)5His_English filled us with_.(admire)6Tom was a boy full of_and he did everything well_.(energetic)7Gambling and drugs are serious_problems.(society)8It is reported that too much protein is_,and too much nutrition will also do you great_.(harmless)答案:1.satisfied,satisfied,satisfaction2.dependent,independent3.sadness,sad,sadly4.permitted,permission5.admiring,admiration6.energy,energetically7.social8.harmful,harm二、用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子,然后用五句话将这些句子连成一篇短文。1每个国家都有特别的节日,其中有一些非常的有趣而且历史悠久。(some of which)2中国的春节开始于农历12月底。(take place)3过年前人们做好充分的准备,比如大扫除、买新衣等。(get ready,such as)4除夕夜,人们吃团圆饭。(a family dinner)5无论离家多远,这一天家里成员都会赶回来。(no matter.)6新年第一天,人们打扮一新,访亲探友。(dress up,greet)7人们给孩子们压岁钱,期待美好的未来。(look forward to,lucky money)_答案:句子翻译1.Every country in the world has its special festivals,some of which are interesting and have a long history.2The Spring Festival in China takes place at the end of December of Chinese Lunar Calendar.3Before the Spring Festival,people often get everything ready for it,such as doing family cleaning and buying new clothes for the family.4On the New Years Eve,there is a big family dinner.5All the members of the family try to get back for the dinner no matter how far away they are.6On the first day of the new year,dressed up in new clothes,people visit their friends and relatives.7They give children lucky money and look forward to the wonderful future.连句成篇Every country in the world has its special festivals,some of which are interesting and have a long history.The Spring Festival in China takes place at the end of December of Chinese Lunar Calendar.Before the Spring Festival,people often get everything ready for it,such as doing family cleaning and buying new clothes for the family.On the New Years Eve, there is a big family dinner and all the members of the family try to get back for the dinner no matter how far away they are.On the first day of the new year,dressed up in new clothes,people visit their friends and relatives,giving children lucky money and looking forward to the wonderful future.三、语篇领悟仔细阅读课文Festivals And Celebrations,写出文章的段落大意。_答案:The passage introduces four kinds of important festivals that take place all over the world and explains why and when people celebrate them,holding different kinds of activities.(28 words)四、课文缩写根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整。(一空一词)Festivals of all 1._are held everywhere.Some festivals,2._Obon in Japan and Halloween in Western countries,are held to honour the 3._or to satisfy and please the ancestors,who could return either to help or to do 4._.Other festivals 5._be held in memory of famous people or the gods,such as the Dragon Boat Festival in China and Columbus Day in the USA.Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy 6._.People are 7._because their food is gathered for the winter.People get together to have meals and some win 8._for the crops they have harvested and animals they have raised.The most 9._and important festivals are the ones 10._celebrate the end of winter and the coming of 11._.At the Spring Festival in China,family members will get together to have a dinner of reunion and give children lucky money 12._red paper to celebrate the Lunar New Year.People love to get together to eat,drink and have 13._with each other.Festivals 14._us enjoy life,be proud of our customs and forget our 15._ for a while.答案:1.kinds2.like3.dead4.harm5.can6.events7grateful8.awards9.energetic10.that11.spring12in13.fun14.let15.work人教新课标必修三Unit 2一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1My spoken English is_,which will_my choice.I know the_and so Id like to work as an editor instead of an interpreter.(limit)2Tom is_(energy)and everybody says he is always working_.(efficient)3The little boy was_about everything and his_helped him discover the important chemical element.(curious)4We must learn to_work with pleasure as the_will improve the work efficiency.(combine)5The_man said the_of the rope must be_so that it could be used to pull the car out of the mire.(strong)答案:1.limited,limit,limitation2.energetic,efficiently3.curious,curiosity4.combine,combination5.strong,strength,strong二、用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子,然后再用五句话将这些句子连成一篇短文。1中国变得越来越富裕。(become)2健康饮食成为一个非常流行的话题。(healthy eating,topic)3人们倾向于在贵的餐馆里吃饭。(tend to do sth.)4他们会点不寻常的食物。他们认为有钱了,吃自己想吃的东西是完全合理的。(order,believe that,reasonable)5然而,事实并非如此。(fact)6有些食物并不益于健康,并且过多食用某种食物会引起很多疾病。(be harmful to,cause)7所以,均衡饮食与良好的饮食习惯对我们有很多益处。(balanced diet,benefit)_答案:句子翻译1.China is becoming richer and richer.2Healthy eating is a very popular topic.3People tend to eat in expensive restaurants.4They will order unusual food,believing that with more money in their pockets,it is absolutely reasonable to eat whatever they like.5However,it isnt the fact.6Some food is harmful to human body,and eating some kind of food too much will cause many diseases.7Therefore,keeping a balanced diet and a good eating habit will be of great benefit to us.连句成篇China is becoming richer and richer in the world,so healthy eating is a very popular topic in the country.People tend to eat in expensive restaurants and order unusual food,believing that with more money in their pockets,it is absolutely reasonable to eat whatever they like.However,it isnt the fact.Some food is harmful to human body,and eating some kind of food too much will cause many diseases.Therefore,keeping a balanced diet and a good eating habit will be of great benefit to us.三、语篇领悟仔细阅读课文Come And Eat Here(1),写出文章的段落大意。_答案:Frustrated to find his customers eating in a restaurant which provided food helping lose weight,Wang Peng went to the library for food information and decided to win the competition by providing more energygiving food and making discounts at his restaurant.(41 words)四、课文缩写根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整。(1)1_morning,Wang Peng,owner of a restaurant,felt very 2._and puzzled.His restaurant was usually 3._of customers,but this morning it was empty.Then he 4._one of his regular customers to a 5._restaurant called Yong Huis slimming restaurant.He found the restaurant only 6._raw vegetables,fruits and water in order to make people 7._.He hurried out,full of doubt.He decided to do some research 8._both Yong Huis menu and his 9._.Soon he discovered the problem 10._Yong Huis menu.It wasnt giving its customers 11._food,which,of course,would cause the customers to become 12._ very quickly.Now he knew how to 13._back his customers.He 14._worrying and started advertising the 15._of his food.答案:1.One2.frustrated3.full4.followed5.newlyopened6.served7.thin/slim8.on9.own10.with11.energygiving12.tired13.win14.stopped15benefits(2)The next day,seeing his restaurant was nearly full,Wang Peng was very happy:he was 1._to go on with his business and wouldnt 2._be in debt.Just then,he saw Yong Hui came.3._at him,Yong Hui accused him of 4._on her menu.Wang Peng quickly madean explanation and 5._her to have a meal in his restaurant.6_the meal,they chatted about menus and balanced diets.Wang Peng told Yong Hui 7._of their restaurants offered a balanced diet.He didnt offer enough fibre,and she didnt offer enough bodybuilding and energygiving food.So he suggested they should 8._their menus to provide a balanced menu.So that was what they did.They 9._down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.Their balanced diets and cooperation were very successful.The two even got married and lived together 10._since.答案:1.able2.have to3.Glaring4.spying5.invited6.Over7.neither8.combine9.cut10.ever人教新课标必修三Unit 3一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Why are you so_to your students?You must learn to treat them_because teaching is a job that requires both skills and_.(patient)2Every_in this novel has his own particular _. (character)3The_of the clinic said patients must take the medicine according to the_.(direct)4He felt_at her good luck and he did all this out of_.(envy)5Do you_his_?Do you think it is_?(believe)6His writing style is_and all his novels are full of_.(humour)7Sandys_at the party was a hint that she would leave because whenever she_on such an occasion,she would_for some time.(appear)答案:1.impatient,patiently,patience2.character,characteristics3director,directions4.envy,envy5.believe,belief,believable6humourous,humour7.disappearance,appears,disappear二、用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子,然后用五句话将这些句子连成一篇短文。1我十二岁的时候,非常偶然地读了马克吐温写的一个令人难以置信的故事。(by accident,unbelievable)2正是这个故事让我对马克吐温的作品感兴趣。(It is.that.)3在这个故事中,一对有钱的英国兄弟对身无分文的亨利打了一个赌。(make a bet,penniless)4他们给了衣衫褴褛的亨利一张面值百万的钞票。(in rags,a million pound bank note)5带着这张钞票,亨利经历了许多惊险的奇遇。(adventures)6由于他寒酸的外表,亨利在许多地方被人蔑视。(look down upon)7可是,当他们看到这张钞票后,他们立刻对他恭恭敬敬。(show respect)8发生在亨利身上的故事对那时崇拜金钱的社会作出了生动的解释。(account for)_答案:句子翻译1.When I was twelve years old,I found an unbelievable story written by Mark Twain quite by accident. 2.It was this story that made me interested in Mark Twains works.3In the story,two rich English brothers made a bet on penniless Henry.4They gave Henry,who was in rags,a million pound bank note.5With the bank note,he met many adventures.6Because of his poor appearance,Henry was looked down upon in many places.7After they saw the million pound bank note, they showed great respect to Henry at once. 8.The story happening to Henry accounts vividly for the money society those days. 连句成篇When I was twelve years old,I found an unbelievable story written by Mark Twain quite by accident.It was this story that made me interested in Mark Twains works.In the story,two rich English brothers made a bet on penniless Henry, who was in rags,giving him a million pound banknote which brought him many adventures.Because of his poor appearance,Henry was looked down upon in many places,but after they saw the million pound banknote,they showed great respect to Henry at once.The story happening to Henry accounts vividly for the money society those days.三、语篇领悟仔细阅读课文The Million Pound Bank Note,写出文章的段落大意。_答案:Henry,a penniless American businessman,landed in Britain by accident.Wandering in London,he was given a letter with“The Million Pound Bank Note”His life changed greatly because of this note.People were polite to him and respected him.(40 words)四、课文缩写根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整。(一空一词)It was the summer of 1903.Henry Adams,an American businessman,had a very bad luck.He was sailing in his boat out of the bay 1._a strong wind carried his boat far out to sea 2._ nightfall.A whole night passed 3._he was spotted by a ship,4._took him to London.Lost in this strange city,penniless and hungry,he didnt know what he 5._do.Just then,he heard someone calling him.He was led into a large hall of a splendid building,6._he was given a large envelope 7._money in it by two rich men.They told him he mustnt open it 8._two oclock.9_(carry)the envelope,Henry first came to a restaurant.He was so hungry that he ordered a lot of food and ate it 10._quickly,like a wolf.When he asked for 11._of the same food,the owner hesitated but he decided to 12._a chance and brought him the food.Now it was 13._to pay the bill.But there were still a few minutes 14._(go)before two oclock.Afraid that Henry wouldnt pay for the meal,the owner 15._came over to urge him in a rude manner.At two oclock,Henry opened the envelope and took out a million pound bank note.At the sight of the large note,both the waiter and the owner were shocked and the hostess 16._screamed.How could they 17._(expect)a man in rags would have so much money.In no time everybody became excited and treated Henry kindly and warmly.The owner told Henry he didnt have to pay the bill and he could come whenever he wanted and have 18._he liked.答案:1.when2.towards3.before4.which5.should6.where7.with8.until9.Carrying10.up11.more12.take13.time14.to go15.himself16.even17.have expected18.whatever人教新课标必修三Unit 4一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1He is full of _.(energetic)2I hate_.(violent)3She wants to earn a living by herself and be an _ woman.(depend)4I could feel her _.(disappoint)5.Your _ is required at the meeting.(present)6The treatment they gave him did him more _ than good.(harmful)7The heat will _during the evening.(less)8She is a smiling,_girl.(cheer)9It is known to all that man is _ in space.(weight )10_ though she was,there was no hope of her being able to sleep.(exhaust )11The _ of this industry will take several years.(develop)12China is a _ country,while America is a _ country.(develop)答案:1.energy2.violence3.independent4.disappointment5.presence6.harm7.lessen8.cheerful9.weightless10.Exhausted11.development12.developing,developed二、用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子,然后用五句话将这些句子连成一篇短文。1我们不知道火星上是否有生命。(whether,exist,life)2我们能否登陆火星完全取决于科学技术的发展。(depend on)3人类对火星有了一些了解:火星上没有氧气,火星上中午的温度可能在50度左右,而晚上则在零下100度左右了。(know a little about)4这样我们就不能在那里生活了。 (prevent.from)5既然火星与地球完全不同,如果我们计划有朝一日去火星的话,我们就要带上氧气、食品、衣服和住的地方。(shelter)6登陆火星似乎只是个梦想。7科学家们却认为人类迟早会登陆火星的。(land,certain)_答案:句子翻译1. We dont know whether life exists on Mars.2Whether we can land on Mars depends on the development of science and technology.3Man has known a little about Mars:there is almost no oxygen on Mars and it might be about 50 degrees above zero at noon and 100 degrees below zero at night.4. This prevents us from living there.5Now that Mars are quite different from our earth,if we are to go to Mars one day,we should have to take along our own oxygen,food,clothing and shelter.6. It seems to be only a dream to land on Mars.7. Scientists are certain that man will land on Mars in time.连句成篇We dont know whether life exists on Mars. Whether we can land on Mars depends on the development of science and technology. Man has known a little about Mars: there is almost no oxygen on Mars and it might be about 50 degrees above zero at noon and 100 degrees below zero at night, which prevents us from living there.Now that Mars are quite different from our earth, if we are to go to Mars one day, we should have to take along our own oxygen, food, clothing and shelter. Although it seems to be only a dream to land on Mars, scientists are certain that man will land on Mars in time.三、语篇领悟仔细阅读课文How Life Began On The Earth,写出文章的段落大意。_答案:The passage explains how life began on the earth. After the earth exploded and produced water whose continued presence made it possible for life to develop, plants and animals including human beings appeared on the earth. (36 words)四、课文缩写根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整。(一空一词)The earth began with a cloud of energetic dust,which slowly combined into a ball 1._ around the sun.As the earth exploded with fire and rock,water vapour,carbon,oxygen,nitrogen and other gases 2._ (produce) to make the earths atmosphere.3._ water appearing on the earth,life began to develop first in the water in the form of small plants.These plants multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen,which made 4._possible for early shellfish and all sorts of fish to develop.Over many millions of years green plants began to appear on land.With the oxygen produced by the green plants,land animals,5._insects and amphibians,came into being.When the plan


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