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2019-2020年高一人教版英语必修三课时作业:Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld(4)含答案I语法 (60分)1. I regret not telling Alice my new address and telephone number. Thats too bad. You _her when you meet her.A. should have told B. must have toldC. should tell D. must tell2. I will certainly be surprised if he _ to tell them what he knows. A. dare B. dared C. will dare D. dares3. _ he open the door? Yes, please.A. Shall B. WillC. Can D. Would4. He _live in the country than in the city.A. prefers B. likes to C. has better D. would rather5. Yesterday Mary broke two glasses when she was washing them. Im not sure. How _she be so careless?A. may B. should C. could D. must6. In those days, the old woman _sit at the door for hours, waiting for her son to return from abroad.A. could B. should C. might D. would7. Marys score on the test is the highest in her class; she_ have studied very hard. A. may B. should C. must D. ought to8. You _ all those calculations (计算) ! We have a puter to do that sort of thing. A. neednt have done B. shouldnt have doneC. mustnt have done D. cant have done9. With all this work on hand, you _to the cinema last night. A. mustnt B. oughtnt to goC. wouldnt go D. shouldnt have gone10. You must phone us every week. Yes, I_.A. must B. have to C. will D. should11. Dont get near to the tiger. Its too dangerous! _A. Yes, I wont B. No, I dontC. No, I cant D. No, I wont12. Since she is angry, we _ leave her alone.A. had better to B. had ratherC. might as well D. should as well13. Tom, dont worry. You _get the book tomorrow morning.A. will B. shall C. may D. can14. I dont believe him; he_be serious.A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. shouldnt15. Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace? Sorry, Im not sure. But it _be. A. will B. can C. might D. must单词拼写(10分)16. Students can not enter the language laboratory without p_.17. You must a _to your teacher for the rude things you said to her.18. Do you think there is any p _of his success?19. They havent arrived at any_(协议)during the long discussion.20. Be ready to_(提出)your questions and answers to the class.用适当的介词填空(10分)21. They dressed themselves _to look as if they were going _ the carnival.22. No country wants to be ruled _another country. We all want to be able to choose _ourselves.23. You should arrive _the airport two hours _he goes.24. Deng Pufang was given the UN Prize _the Field of Human Rights _his contributions.25. You should not play that game _ Mary again.单句改错(20分)26. A few flowers were still remained on the trees at this time of year.27. What do you think happening to him? I havent seen him for days.28. They all offered me with the information I asked for.29. She lives on 105 Nanjing Road.30. He does a lot of practices in speaking English every day.31. The interest _ be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides, declared the judge.A. may B. should C. must D. shall32. Who is the girl standing over there?Well, if you _know, her name is Mabel.A. may B. can C. must D. shall

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