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学 海 大 联 考2006届高三第四次联考 英语本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题,三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。1What does the woman imply that the man should do? AKnock at the doorBPhone to MrBill CLook at the sign2. How does the woman keep in touch with her friends abroad? A. By e-mail.B. Over the phone.C. Through letters.3What can we learn from the conversation? AThe man is anxious to begin his studies BThe man thinks study is not importantCThe man regrets that he was not a good student4What are the speakers talking about?APower failure.BLight.CAir-conditioning.5For how long will the girl stay with her parents?AOne month.BTwo weeks.CThree weeks.第二节(共15小题,计22.5分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. What are the speakers talking about?A. Buying a car.B. Choosing a gift.C. Using a computer.7. Whats the relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Professor and student.C. Salesman and customer.8. What do we know about the person mentioned by the speakers?A. Maybe he likes something expensive.B. He is surely over sixty years old.C. He must be fond of learning computer.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9Why was the man angry?AThe woman didnt tell him Mr. Powell came.BThe woman didnt phone him.CMr. Powell didnt phone him.10What did the man think he had done before he left?AHe had put the card in his wallet.BHe had written the name and phone number on the card.CHe had given the card to the woman.11Why does the man apologize?AHe forgot to give the card to the woman.BHe didnt tell everything clearly.CHe was late for the phone.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. How does the man get information about the apartment?A. From TV advertisements. B. From advertisements in the newspapers.C. From radio advertisements.13. How many rooms has the apartment got?A. Four B. Five C. Six14. How much will the man pay for the rent per month if he wants to include management and parking as well?A. $500. B. $450. C. $550.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15Where is the conversation taking place? A. In the dorm(宿舍). B. In the classroom. C. In a snack bar.16Why does Bill sometimes get angry at the man? A. He doesnt tell truth. B. Hes too noisy. C. Hes messy.17. What did Bill do during the vacation? A. He visited the mans family.B. He took a long trip. C. He stayed in the dorm.第三节 填空(共3小题,每小题1.5分,满分4.5分)听下面一段材料,将第18至20三个小题的信息补充完整,每个小题不超过三个单词听材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出15秒钟的作答时间。本段材料读两遍.PERSONAL INFORMATIONSurname: ClarkGiven Name: AlexAge: 18. _Sex: MaleNationality: !9. _Present Job: studentThe subject to teach: 20. _Accommodation Preference: Home-stay第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A B C D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. Im sure we will win. _!A. Good luckB. CheersC. Best wishesD. Congratulations22. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _ to eat more fruit and vegetables.A. persuadeB. will persuadeC. be persuadedD. are persuaded23. _ you please write a 3000-word report about this subject for me? Perhaps I _ only write a 1000-word one, but I even doubt it.A. Could; mightB. Would; mightC. Might; couldD. Would; could24. Alice used to smoke _ but she has given it up.A. seriouslyB. heavilyC. badlyD. hardly25. Not only _ give us relaxation and pleasure, but also _ increase our knowledge.A. can travel; it can B. travel can; can it C. can travel; can it D. travel can; it can26. Youd better take something to read when you go to see the doctor _ you have to wait.A. even if B. in caseC. as ifD. in order that27. It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.A. stick to B. refer to C. keep to D. point to28. _recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S. would be higher than the number of English speakers by_year 2090.A. A; the B. A; 不填 C. The; 不填 D. The; a29. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not _ a native speaker.A. as fluent as B. more fluent thanC. so fluently asD. much fluently than30. The most common thing to do on the earth can be a big threat if _ properly, according to Chen Shanguang, designer of the spaceship.A. doesnt handleB. not handledC. not handlingD. having not handled31. Itll take at least 2 hours to do this! Oh, _! I could do it in 30 minutes.A. come onB. pardon meC. you are rightD. is that true32. It is not so difficult to learn programme well. _ you need is patience and persistence.A. Something B. AllC. BothD. Everything33. “Premier Wens report,” a smile on his face, he continued, “_ to several hot topics, discusses how to increase peasants income, in a comparative part.”A. referring B. refersC. having referredD. referred34. Could you type these papers for me, please? _ papers? I have been busy for a whole day. A. What B. Some C. More D. Different35. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _ a look at the sports stars.A. hadB. havingC. to haveD. have第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的A B C D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Birthdays often bring surprises. But this years surprise on the birthday of the great British playwright William Shakespeare is 36 one of the most surprising.On April 22, one day before his 441st birthday anniversary, experts 37 that one of the most recognizable 38 of William Shakespeare is a fake(赝品).This 39 that we no longer have a good 40 of what Shakespeare looked like. “Its very possible that many pictures of Shakespeare are unreliable because many of them are 41 of this one,” said an expert from Britains National Portrait Gallery.The 42 comes after four months of testing. Experts from the gallery say the image commonly known as the “Flower portrait” was actually 43 in the 1800s, two centuries 44 Shakespeares death.The art experts who work at the gallery say they used modern chemistry technology to 45 the paint on the picture. These checks found traces(痕迹) of paint deep in the picture 46 about 1814.Shakespeare 47 in 1616, and the date that appears on the portrait is 1609.“We now think the portrait dates back to around 1818 to 1840. This was 48 there was a new interest in Shakespeares 49 ,” Tanya Cooper, the gallerys 16th century curator(馆长) said.The 50 picture has often been used as a cover for 51 of his plays. It is called the “Flower portrait” because one of its 52, Desmond Flower, gave it to the Royal Shakespeare Company.“There have always been 53 about the authenticity(真实性) of the painting,” said David Howells, curator for the Royal Shakespeare Company.“Now we know the truth, we can put the image in its proper place in the history of Shakespearean portraiture(画像技法),” he said.Two other images of Shakespeare are also being studied as part of the investigation and the results will 54 later in May. But for now what Shakespeare really looked like will remain a 55.36. A. surelyB. neverC. hardlyD. only37. A. wonderedB. doubtedC. foundD. considered38. A. playsB. masterpiecesC. portraitsD. photos39. A. recommendsB. advisesC. decidesD. means40. A. newsB. ideaC. designD. expression41. A. bargainsB. productionsC. copiesD. prints42. A. justiceB. discoveryC. inventionD. deed43. A. clonedB. developedC. paintedD. copied44. A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. until45. A. tryB. removeC. washD. check46. A. looking backB. dating fromC. getting alongD. starting with47. A. diedB. was bornC. succeededD. was buried48. A. whyB. whenC. howD. what49. A. storiesB. picturesC. playsD. photos50. A. realB. originalC. valuableD. fake51. A. requirementsB. collectionsC. consequencesD. playwrights52. A. ownersB. paintersC. writersD. readers53. A. causesB. problemsC. questionsD. orders54. A. go aboutB. come outC. turn upD. break out55. A. surpriseB. problemC. secretD. mystery第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A B C D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AABC News anchor (节目主持人) Peter Jennings died on Aug.7, 2005 at home in New York after a brief battle with lung cancer. ABC News anchors said they hope if anything good can be taken from Jennings death, it is a great awareness of the dangers of smoking.“I want to give a message,” Barbara Walters said. “If you have kids who are smoking, tell them that we lost Peter.”Lung cancer is the worst killer in America, taking more lives each year than any other cancer, according to the America Cancer Society. About 160,440 Americans die each year of cancer, making up 28 percent of all cancer deaths. More than 87 percent of lung cancers are smoking related.Dr. Derek Raghavan, director of the Cleveland Clinics Taussing Cancer Center, said that once a person stops smoking, he starts getting better. Three to five years after quitting, the possibility of getting lung cancer is reduced by half.Warning signs of lung cancer can also be mixed with symptoms connected with long-term smoking. The three main warning signs are an increase of coughing that doesnt clear up, coughing up blood and sharp chest pains.People with those symptoms should see a doctor. Raghavan said there have been promising developments in the treatment of lung cancer, including uses of radiation and surgery and drugs. “But the fact is that stopping smoking is the most important thing we can do,” Raghavan said. “There is no treatment that even comes close.”56. Anchor Peter Jennings died of lung cancer which was possibly caused by _.A. his bad eating habitB. overmuch workC. long-term smokingD. the old age57. The first paragraph mentioned Peter Jennings death in order to _.A. make him the main character of the passage.B. warn the smokers of the danger of smokingC. introduce the topic to be talked aboutD. make him better-known than before58. The underlined word “quitting” in the fourth paragraph probably refers to _.A. doing more exerciseB. giving up smokingC. getting over lung cancerD. staying in hospital59. To fight against lung cancer, what matters much to smokers is _.A. to receive the treatment of lung cancerB. to do exercise regularlyC. to see a doctor in timeD. to stop smokingBComets(彗星)orbiting a distant star have been found to contain water, the first time the ingredient(成份) considered key to life has been discovered in objects circling a star other than our sun.The discovery, announced by scientists, adds weight to the theory that other planetary(行星的)systems may be necessary to the formation of life as we know it.Scientists have no way of knowing whether life ever existed on any comets or planets orbiting this particular star, known as CW Leonis and located some 3,000 trillion miles (4,800 trillion kilometers) from Earth in the constellation Leo(狮子座).But they are certain that no life could exist there now. That is because as it burns out the last of its nuclear fuel, the star has swelled(膨胀) and increased in luminosity(发光度), engulfing(吞没) nearby objects and melting comets in orbits as distant as Neptune is from the sunreleasing the water that astronomers spotted using a radio telescope in out space.“ The existence of these bodies is measured through their destruction(毁灭)” said Gary Melnick, chief scientist on the project and an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts.Mr. Melnick said the discovery was of particular importance because if there was a reservoir of water farther from the star, there could have been water closer to the star, bolstering the ideas that life may have existed outside our solar system. Comets are believed to have helped build life on Earth, Mr. Melnick and other scientists said. Besides bringing water to the oceans, they are also thought to have transported important chemicals as they went through Earths atmosphere in past eons(远古时代).“Comets are some of the smaller bodies in the solar system and form the seeds of planets themselves,” said Saavik Ford, a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University who first suggested that the water may have come from evaporating(蒸发的) comets. “The fact that we found water is interesting because it is necessary for the formation of life.60. According to the passage which of the following statements is NOT true?A. No life ever existed on any comets or planets orbiting CW Leonis.B. Neptune is a planet which orbits the sun.C. Water has been found beyond our solar system.D. CW Leonis belongs to constellation Leo.61. The underlined word “bolstering” in paragraph 6 means _.A. objecting B. inferring C. denying D. supporting 62. What would be the best title for the text?A. Water is necessary for life.B. Water found in comets.C. New discovery in spaceD. Comets and stars.63. We can infer from the passage _.A. All the chemicals on Earth were from comets.B. There couldnt be life on Earth without comets orbiting a distant star.C. The earth probably came into being from a comet.D. Scientists are trying to find water on CW Leonis.CFor those who have lonely nights and have trouble falling asleep, he is proving the ideal partner. This is a man who does not snore (打鼾) in bed. And he is happy to wrap a comforting arm around his dearest until morning arrives.He does exist. He is the body-shaped pillow, the latest sleeping aid from Japan.This pillow comes without a head and is filled with foam. Its made by Kameo and has a “body” and a flexible arm that can be curled around its owner.About 1,000 of the pillows have been sold since they went on sale in Japan last year and many buyers say they are pleased with their sleeping companion.“This pillow makes me feel relaxed because I can hold the arm and feel something warm at my side,” said 34-year-old radio DJ Junko Suzuki.But according to Kameo, the pillow is more than just an emotional help for those tired of spending the night alone. And it is shaped, the firm says, to support its partner on both sides to ensure a night of good sleep.The idea is to curl up in between the body and the flexible arm. The head just rests on the pillows “arm muscles”.“My grandmother used to say that there is no more comfortable pillow than another person,” said the firm president, Tomoki Kakehashi. “So I thought that maybe people would want to sleep on a pillow shaped like an arm.”The pillows, on sale only in Japan for the moment, cost 8,500 yen(around US$80) each and come with shirt-or shirt-shaped pillow covers in blue, pink or green.64. Which of the following statements isnt mentioned in the text? A. Many buyers are satisfied with the body-shaped pillow. B. The pillows are sold only in Japan at present. C. The inventor decided to develop new market in the US. D. The idea of body-shaped pillow is from what an old lady said.65. The underlined word in paragraph 6 “Kameo” may be the name of _.A. a managerB. the firmC. a buyerD. another radio DJ66. The purpose of the passage seems_.A. to introduce the latest sleeping aid, the body-shaped pillow B. to advise people to use the body-shaped pillowC. to tell how the body-shaped pillow is inventedD. to tell how the body-shaped pillow works67. The body-shaped pillow is popular with users because _. a. users can fall asleep easily using the pillow b. buyers can afford the pillow c. the pillow ensure a night of good sleep d. the pillow can provide an emotional helpA. a; b; c B. b; c; d C. a; c; d D. a; b; d DFor many years, I was convinced(使相信) that my suffering was due to my size. I believed that when the weight disappeared, it would take old wounds, hurts, and rejections with it.Many weight-conscious people also mistakenly believe that changing our bodies will fix everything. Perhaps our worst mistake is believing that being thin equals being loved, being special, and being cherished. We fantasize about what it will be like when we reach the long-awaited goal. We work very hard to realize this dream. Then, at last, we find ourselves there.But we often gain back what we have lost. Even so, we continue to believe that next time it will be different. Next time, we will keep it off. Next time, being thin will finally fulfill its promise of everlasting happiness, self-worth, and, of course, love.It took me a long while to realize that there was something more for me to learn about beauty. Beauty standards vary with culture. In Samoa a woman is not considered attractive unless she weighs more than 200 pounds. More importantly, if its happiness that we want, why not put our energy there rather than on the size of our body? Why not look inside? Many of us strive hard to change our body, but in vain(徒劳地). We have to find a way to live comfortably inside our body and make friends with and cherish ourselves. When we change our attitudes toward ourselves, the whole world changes.68. The passage tries to highlight(强调) the importance of _.A. body sizeB. attitudes toward lifeC. culture differenceD. different beauty standards69. The word “everything” in paragraph 2 means _.A. all the problemsB. all the possessionsC. the whole worldD. the absolute truth70. What can be inferred about the author?A. The author is a Samoan.B. The author succeeded in losing weight.C. The author has been troubled by her /his weight.D. The author probably got wounded in wars or accidents.71. According to the author, what is the common view of those who have lost some weight first and gained it back later?A. They feel angry about the regained weight.B. They pay little attention to the regained weight.C. They feel optimistic about future plans on weight control.D. They think they should give up their future plans on weight control.EDaily Telegraph bestseller for last weekA Special RelationshipThis novel is about a woman whose entire life is turned upside down in a very foreign place despite the fact that people there speak her language. Sally Goodchild is a 37-year-old American who, after nearly two decades as a highly independent journalist, finds herself pregnant (怀孕的) and in London. She married an English foreign correspondent, Tony Thompson, whom she met while they were both on assignment in Cairo. From the outset, Sallys relationship with both Tony and London is an uneasy one: She finds her husband and his city to be far more foreign than imagined. But her adjustment problems soon turn into a nightmare(噩梦). She discovers that everything can be taken down and used against you, especially by a spouse (配偶) who now considers you an unfit mother and wants to prevent you from ever seeing your child again.Born in 1955, Douglas Kennedy is the bestselling author of romances such as “The Big Picture”. He is also the author of several praised travel books.New York Times bestseller for last weekWhite Hot Sayre Lynch decided never to return to her hometown Destiny, after she changed her last name and finally escaped from the inf

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