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高三英语同步检测(一)Unit 1 That must be a record!(A卷).单词拼写根据下列句子及所给汉语注释写出空缺的各单词的正确形式,每空写一词。1This drawer is so (紧的) that I cant open it.答案tight2The meeting will probably (结束) without any solution to this problem.答案conclude3Sports will help you to have a powerful and (健壮的) mind.答案athletic4When the last echo had (变弱),there was a dreadful stillness.答案faded5A simple dress is (适合的) for school wear.答案suitable6Its impossible to (证实) every rumour.答案confirm7He is (热情的) about the plans he has made.答案enthusiastic8In order to study abroad,many students are (痴迷于) with English.答案fascinated9We have (专心致志于) on recording the changes taking place in contemporary English.答案concentrated10Cool autumn days make us feel (精神饱满的).答案energetic.单句理解从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出与所给句子意义相同或相近的选项。1The Guinness Book of World Records contains records of all kinds.A.The Guinness Book of World Records is a container as well as a recorder of all kinds.B.The Guinness Book of World Records records all kinds of strange containers.C.Records of all kinds are collected in the Guinness Book of World Records.D.The Guinness Book of World Records is willing to accept all kinds of records.答案C2The editors of the book set down the records and keep track of them in other ways.A.The editors of the book put some records down and throw away some others.B.The editors of the book set down the records and keep most of them in a way others like.C.The editors of the book collect all the records and put them into different groups.D.The editors of the book sat down to read the records and tried to keep them in other ways.答案C3Among the brilliant athletic achievements,a few records stand out because of the moving life stories behind them.A.Among the brilliant athletic achievements,few records stand out in spite of the moving life stories behind them.B.For a few athletes,their brilliant achievements are as important as their moving stories behind them.C.Athletic achievements are brilliant,but a few records are outstanding because the moving life stories are following them.D.Even though the records themselves are amazing,the life stories of the athletes who set the records are often even more interesting.答案D4We want to know what is possible and find out how far we can push ourselves.A.We wonder what might happen and what our ability limits are.B.We know its impossible to find out how far we can push ourselves.C.Its impossible to know what is possible and what our ability limits are.D.Is it possible to find out the nature possibility and human limits?答案A5People are proud of all the world record holders.A.Poeple look down upon the persons who dont set a world record.B.If a person sets a world record,people are usually proud of him or her.C.Some world record holders are not accepted by people.D.Its unnecessary to honor all the record holders.答案B.用所给词的适当形式填空。centralconcentrateattemptsettleconfirmconcludesuitablepermissioninspectburst1Can you what happened?答案confirm2This was one of the first areas to be by Europeans.答案settled3He made another with relative coolness and at last succeeded.答案attempt4There is a of industry in the east of the country.答案concentration5All his concerns were on himself rather than others.答案centred6He felt he would with anger and shame.答案burst7On closer ,the fuel pump was found to be leaking.答案inspection8May I have to leave early?答案permission9Unfortunately Im not dressed for gardening.答案suitably10He by wishing everyone a safe trip home.答案concluded.句型转换在B句空缺处填入适当的单词,使完成后的句子与A句意思相同或相近,每空一词。1A:The first edition was published in 1955 and has been a bestseller ever since.B:They published the first edition in 1955 and have of the ever since.答案sold many;books2A:The records are put into different categories.B:The records are .答案sorted differently3A:Part of the reason for our interest in world records is probably the curiosity.B:Part of the reason why we are in world records is that we are probably them.答案interested;curious about4A:No records that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others are allowed.B:The Guinness Book does not any dangerous record .答案accept;attempt5A:One thing is clear:the enthusiastic teenage skateboarders are enjoying every minute.B:It is clear that the enthusiastic teenage skateboarders are .答案happy all the time.单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1The Sunday of the local newspaper is very popular.A.editB.editionC.editorD.editorial解析edition“版本”;edit动词,“编辑”;editor“主编”;editorial“评论”。答案B2Yao Ming,the Chinese basketball star,is many American people.A.familiar toB.familiar withC.family ofD.famous as解析be familiar to“为所熟悉”;be familiar with “熟悉”。答案A3All their hopes the next generation now.A.concentrate onB.attract onC.fascinate onD.centre on解析A项主语应为人;B、C两项搭配不当;D项意为“将集中于”。答案D4When they got the news that Beijing won the bid for the 29th Olympic Games,all the audiences dance.A.burst intoB.burst outC.break outD.break in解析burst into sth.表示“突然而猛烈地产生”。答案A5To the teachers great ,all the students have made great progress in English this year.A. LightB.delightC.delightedD.delightingB. 解析delight此处为名词,有“高兴、愉快”的意思。答案B6 Liu Xiang got the 110 m hurdle race gold medal in Athens delighted all the Chinese people.A.IfB.WhenC.ThatD.What解析that引导主语从句,在从句中不作句子成分,且不能省略。答案C7To win the Nobel Prize a great honour for a scientist.A.areB.isC.hasD.be解析动词不定式作主语,谓语动词用单数。答案B8 seems very popular among kids admiring Yang Liwei,the first Chinese spaceman.A.ItB.HeC.Be an astronautD.To be an astronaut解析其余几项搭配不当,此处为不定式短语作主语。答案D9 the world records highly thought of throughout the world.A.Break;isB.Breaking;isC.To break;areD.Breaking;are解析动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。答案B10The weak and poor paid more attention to in a harmonious society.A.isB.areC.beD.has解析“the+形容词”表示“一类人”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。答案B11When the thieves saw the big dog them they ran away.A.making atB.making forC.making onD.making up解析本题主要是区别几个由动词make构成的词组。make for意为“袭击,攻击”;make up意为“组成,补偿等”,题意是“当贼看到那只高大的狗向他们扑过来时,就逃走了”。据此意,应选make for。答案B12Her talents in comparison with the others.A.stand upB.stand onC.stand outD.stand off解析根据题意“与其他人比起来,她的才智非常突出”,表示“突出,鲜明”,用stand out;stand off意为“距离”;stand on是“坚持”之意,都与题意相去甚远。答案C13Because of her illness,Helen has been absent from school for three days .A.in a rowB.in the rowC.for a rowD.over a row解析题中要表达的意思是“由于生病,海伦已连续三天没上学了”,表示“连续”用in a row,其余三项均无此意。答案A14New technology is being almost every industrial process.A.applied forB.applied inC.applied ofD.applied to解析apply for意为“申请”;apply to作“应用”解,根据题意,现在新技术被运用到工业生产的每个过程,选D。答案D15You should apply the publisher permission to reprint the extract.A.to;forB.for;toC.to;toD.for;for解析本题是将apply for与to联系起来用,需要申请的是许可证,故在permission前应该用介词for,至于publisher前用to,并非表示“应用”,而是表示“向某人申请”,故A为正确答案。答案A16Recently measles has been among children in the mountain village.A.aboutB.aroundC.all overD.above解析本题要表示的意思是“最近在儿童中流行麻疹”,这是一种口语中常见的用法,用副词around来表示,容易混淆的是all over,但all over是“遍及”的意思,与“流行”不是一回事,故应排除;about与around作“大约,左右”解释时同义,但此处意思不同。答案B17The sound of his footsteps gradually .A.disappearedB.out of sightC.fadedD.fainted解析本题的意思是“脚步声渐渐消失了”,disappear虽有“消失”之意,但通常是指从视觉中消失,不见了,而脚步声是听觉,故A、B两项都不合适,D项是faint是“晕倒”之意,故只有C项符合题意。答案C18The French pianist who had been praised very highly to be a great disappointment.A.turned onB.turned inC.turned downD.turned out解析本题主要是区别几个由动词turn构成的短语:turn on意为“打开(电器等)”;turn in意为“上交”;turn down是“拒绝”之意;turn out为“结果是”的意思,根据题意“受到高度赞扬的那个法国钢琴家很令人失望”。故选D。答案D19Helen said she would like to go to Atlanta by air,but I wonder is she has enough money to pay for the.A.travelB.tourismC.journeyD.course解析本题主要是区别travel和journey,tourism意为“旅游业”,明显不合题意。travel为不可数名词,作名词时,通常用于表示抽象意义的旅行,不可以表示“从一地到另一地的具体的旅程”;而journey则常指有目的的旅行。故选C。答案C20Mr and Mrs Scott prefer a restaurant in a small town to in so large a city New York.A.thisB.oneC.itD.that解析一般说来,that所替代的名词是被定冠词所限制的,如要替代有不定冠词a修饰的名词,则应用不定代词one,故在本题中用one代替a restaurant。答案B.单句改错下面每句中有一处错误,请改正。1What are the advantages and disadvantages of different size?答案sizesizes2What Guinness Records was set in Urumqi and Hong Kong?答案waswere3After talking to his friends,he concluded that a book answered such questions might be popular.答案answered前加which或that4The Guinness Book of World Records have chapters on varieties of themes.答案havehas5You can learn that the oldest person is a woman who lived to be 122 year and 164 days.答案yearyears6The Englishman balanced a small car weighs 159.6 kilograms on his head for thirtythree seconds.答案weighsweighing7We all hope that the 2008 Olympic Games will the best ever and that the athletes and visitors will enjoy China and Beijing.答案the best前加be8“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” are my favourite proverb.答案areis9Whether you will pass the interview depend on your confidence in yourself.答案dependdepends10All the riders wears helmets and other equipment to protect themselves.答案wearswear.汉译英1尽管中国发展很快,但要赶上其他发达国家还有很长的路要走。(as)答案Fast as China is developing,there is still a long way to go to catch up with the developed countries.2平衡的饮食有利于健康。(make for)答案A balanced diet makes for good health.3我们正向小康社会迈进。(head for)答案Were heading for a welloff society.4我们不知道月球最初是怎样形成的。(in the first place)答案We dont know how the moon was formed in the first place.5老师要求学生们高度集中注意力学习。(concentrate on)答案The teacher asked the students to concentrate hard on their lessons.

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