北京市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第07课时 课件.ppt

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第 7 课时,第一篇 教材梳理篇,基础自主梳理,finish,fire,first,fish,fisherman,fit,fix,flag,flat,floor,基础自主梳理,flower,fly,follow,food,foot (pl.feet),football,force,foreign,forest,forget,基础自主梳理,fork,form,France,French,free,fresh,fridge (refrigerator),friend,friendly,friendship,基础自主梳理,frighten,from,front,fruit,full,fun,funny,future,game,garden,基础自主梳理,gate,general,gentleman,geography,Germany,German,get,gift,giraffe,girl,基础自主梳理,give,glad,glass,glove,glue,go,goal,gold,good,good-bye (bye-bye),基础自主梳理,政府,grade,gradually,grammar,granddaughter,grandmother,grandfather,grandparent,grandson,grape,基础自主梳理,grass,great,green,greet,grey,ground,group,grow,guard,guess,基础自主梳理,from then on,from time to time,fromto,get along with,get away,get back,get close (to),get down,get in,get off,基础自主梳理,get on,get on with sb,get through,get together,get up,give away,核心考点突破, fit adj. 适合的;健康的;合格的 v. 使适合;使适应;使合格;符合,适合,【题1】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)这种植物的叶子不适合吃。 The leaves of this plant . (2)保罗医生明早9点可以安排给你(看病)。 Dr Paul can you at 9:00 am tomorrow. (3)我将改变我的时间表以适应你的日程表。 Ill change my timetable to your schedule. (4)请保持健康。 Please .,【归纳拓展】 fit的相关短语: (1)(be) fit to do sth 适合做某事 (2)fitin/into 安排时间(见某人,做某事);适应 (3)fit in (with) 适合;符合; 配合;适应 (4)fit on 试穿 (5)fit up 装备;配备,arent fit to eat,fit in,fit in with,keep fit,核心考点突破, fix v. 使固定,安装;盯住,凝视;牢记;修理,【题2】 用fix的适当形式填空 (1)The mirror is on the wall. (2)Its necessary a microphone in the hall. (3)Before the trip, Id had my car .,【词义辨析】 fix的相关词性拓展及用法: (1)fixed adj. 固定的,不变的; fixture n. 固定装置 (2)fixon/upon 集中(目光、注意力、思想等)于 (3)fix up 修补,修理好;解决;安顿,【题3】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)眼睛盯着公路,这样我们就更安全些。 your eyes the road and we will be much safer. (2)这些是你们修复旧图书馆所需要的东西。 These are what you need the old library.,fixed,to fix,fixed,Fixed on,fix up,核心考点突破, force n. 力量;陆/海/空部队;(物理)力;效力 v. 强迫;强行,【题4】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)这个法官被迫辞职了。 The judge resign. (2)我们不能强迫他接受他人的观点。 We cant him others views. (3)本条例即日起实施。 The regulations as of today.,【归纳拓展】 force的相关词性拓展及用法: (1)forced adj. 被迫的;勉强的;forceful adj. 强有力的,有说服力的 (2)force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 (3)force sb into doing sth 强迫某人做某事 (4)come into force 开始生效;开始实施,was forced to,force into accepting,come into force,核心考点突破, free adj. 自由的,无拘无束的;空闲的,空余的;无的;免费的 v. 使自由;释放,【题5】 用free的适当形式填空 (1)Are you this afternoon? (2)My parents give me total to do whatever I like. (3)Players can move between clubs.,【归纳拓展】 free的相关词性拓展及用法: (1)freedom n. 自由,自主,自由权; freely adv. 自由地,无拘无束地;坦白地,直率地;无阻碍地 (2)for free 免费 (3)free from 不受的影响;没有的 (4)free of 摆脱了的 (5)set free 使获得自由;释放,【题6】 根据汉语意思完成句子 鸟儿重新获得了自由。 The bird .,free,freedom,freely,was set free,核心考点突破, frighten v. 使惊恐;吓唬,【题7】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)别把鸟儿吓跑了。 Dont the birds. (2)她所看到的事情让她惊恐万分。 She what she saw. (3)她害怕和陌生人跳舞。 She dancing with strangers.,frighten away/off,was frightened at,is frightened of,核心考点突破,【归纳拓展】 frighten的相关词性拓展及用法: (1)frightened adj. 受惊吓的;害怕的; frightening adj. 令人害怕的;可怕的 (2)frighten away/off 把吓跑 (3)be frightened at 受到惊吓,见而大吃一惊 (4)be frightened of sb/sth 害怕某人/某物 (5)be frightened of doing sth 害怕做某事 (6)be frightened to do 害怕做某事 (7)be frightened + that 从句 害怕,核心考点突破, get v.成为;得到;具有;到达,【题8】 选择正确的选项 (1)The air in the morning is so fresh here that I early to exercise. A.get up B.get on C.get off D.get down (2)I took the subway and at the downtown station. A.got through B.got over C.got on D.got off,【归纳拓展】 get的相关短语: (1)get about/around走动;旅行;(消息、谣言等)流传开来 (2)get across (使) 通过;(使)被理解; (把)讲清楚 (3)get along with 过活;生活;相处融洽;进展 (4)get at 到达;够着;了解,A,D,核心考点突破,(6)get back 回来;恢复 (7)get by 通过 (8)get in 收获 (9)get off 下车 (10)get on 上车;穿上 (11)get on with 进步;相处 (12)get out of 出去;离开;逃脱 (13)get over 越过;克服 (14)get through (电话)接通 (15)get to 到达;着手处理 (16)get together 聚集;收集;积累 (17)get up 起床,一词多义积累,(1)There was a fire in the grate(壁炉). (2)87 people died in the fire at the Happy Land Social Club. (3)The officer ordered his men to fire. (4)We had to fire him for his dishonesty. (5)His imagination had been fired by the film.,fire A.n.火,火灾 B.n.灶火;炉火 C.v.射击;开枪 D.v.解雇;开除 E.v.激励;激发,根据语境,判断单词在句中的意思(写出该词所属义项的英文大写字母即可)并翻译句子,答案 (1)B 句意:壁炉内燃着火。 (2)A 句意:87个人在乐土社交俱乐部的火灾中丧生。 (3)C 句意:军官命令他的下属开枪。 (4)D 句意:由于他的不诚实,我们必须开除他。 (5)E 句意:这部电影激发了他的想象力。,


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