北京市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第13课时 课件.ppt

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第 13 课时,PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,基础自主梳理,people,perfect,perform,也许,大概,period,person,personal,pet,phone=telephone,photo=photograph,基础自主梳理,physics,pick,picnic,picture,pie,piece,pig,pilot,pink,先锋,基础自主梳理,pity,place,plan,plane,planet,plant,play,player,playground,pleasant,基础自主梳理,please,pleasure,plenty,pocket,poem,point,police,policeman (pl.policemen),policewoman (pl.policewomen),polite,基础自主梳理,pollute,pollution,pool,poor,popular (pop),population,possible,post,postcard,postman,基础自主梳理,potato,pound,power,practice,practise (美 practice),praise,predict,prefer,prepare,present,基础自主梳理,president,pretty,prevent,price,pride,primary,print,private,prize,probably,基础自主梳理,problem,process,produce,product,programme (美program),progress,project,promise,pronounce,pronunciation,基础自主梳理,live on,look after,look ahead,look down upon,look for,look forward to,look into,look out,look through,look up,基础自主梳理,lots of,make a face,make friends with,make up,make up of,核心考点突破, pick v. 挑选;采摘 n.选择,【题1】 选择正确的选项 (1)Look! Whats on the ground? Oh, its my sweater.Please for me. A.pick up it B.pick it up C.pick it out D.pick out it (2)Our teacher a bookshelf at the back of our classroom to make a small reading corner. A.picked up B.put up C.used up D.dressed up,【归纳拓展】 1.pick up 的不同含义: (1)接电话 (2)捡起;拾起 (3)(偶然)得到;学会 (4)搭载;开车去接(某人) 注意:pick up是动副短语,其后接代词作宾语时,代词应位于pick与up之间。,B,B,核心考点突破,【题2】 根据汉语意思完成句子 那辆公共汽车沿途停了好几次,让乘客上车。 The bus stopped several times passengers.,【归纳拓展】 2.其他常见的与up相关的短语: put up 举起;搭起;张贴 look up 仰视;查阅 give up 放弃 use up 用尽 cut up 切碎 mix up 弄乱 make up 组成;编造 stay up 熬夜 think up 想出 wake up 唤醒 get up 起床 hang up 挂断电话 open up 开阔;拓展;发展 dress up 乔装打扮 eat up 吃光 fix up 修理 clean up 打扫 cheer up 使振奋,to pick up,核心考点突破, plenty n. 丰富,大量 adj.很多的,足够的,【题3】 用plenty of, a lot of, lots of, many或much填空 (答案不唯一) (1)Last Sunday we worked at the food bank.We gave out eggs to the homeless children and they were really happy. (2)You cant get_ knowledge from these books because they are bad for you.,【词义辨析】 plenty of/a lot of/lots of/many/much (1)plenty of/a lot of/lots of 既可以修饰可数名词复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。 (2)many 后接可数名词复数。 (3)much后接不可数名词。,plenty of/lots of/a lot of/many,plenty of/lots of/a lot of/much,核心考点突破, point n.点;分数 v.指,指向,【题4】 选择方框中恰当的词或短语并用其适当形式填空 point out point at point to point (1)The teacher the mistakes in the composition in yesterdays class. (2)He the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me. (3)The teacher the map and told me where Britain was. (4)I failed to catch his of view.,【词义辨析】 point out/point to/point at (1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句。 (2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。 (3)point at 表示指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌。,pointed out,pointed to,pointed at,point,核心考点突破, population n.人口;人数,【题5】 选择正确的选项 (1)The population of China is than that of India nowadays. Yes, but Indias population increasing rapidly. A.larger; is B.larger; are C.more; is D.more; are (2) is the population of this city? Its about one million. A.How B.What C.How many D.How much,【归纳拓展】 population用法小结: (1)population 单独作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。但要注意: population 作主语且有分数或百分数修饰时,其谓语动词用单复数形式均可。 (2)询问人口数量时要用“Whats the population of?”,表示人口“多”可用large或big;表示人口“少”用small。,A,B,核心考点突破,【题6】 同义句转换 The population of the United States is nearly 327 million from the data in 2018. The United States of nearly 327 million from the data in 2018.,【归纳拓展】 (3)表示“某地有多少人口”有两种表达方式: The population of+某地+be+数词. 某地+has a population of+数词.,has a population,核心考点突破, practise v.练习,【题7】 选择正确的选项 Before she went abroad, she spent as much time as she could English. A.to practise to speak B.practising speaking C.to practise speaking D.practising to speak,【归纳拓展】 practise用法小结: (1)practise sth 练习某事 (2)practise doing sth练习做某事 (3)practise的名词是 practice,两词发音相同;practice为不可数名词。,【题8】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)他们正在练习唱那首新歌。 Theyre the new song. (2)把思想付诸实践。 Put the idea into .,B,practising singing,practice,核心考点突破, prefer v. 更喜欢,【题9】 选择正确的选项 Do you prefer basketball with me? No, Id rather at home and watch TV. A.play; stay B.to play; to stay C.play; to stay D.to play; stay,【归纳拓展】,D,核心考点突破,【题10】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)Im sleepy.I prefer at home to going out for a walk.(sleep) (2)He preferred renting a car to one of his own.(have) (3)She preferred clothes rather than buy some in the shops.(make),sleeping,having,to make,核心考点突破, prevent v.阻止,【题11】 选择正确的选项 (1)These trees can prevent the soil from when it rains. A.wash away B.washing away C.washed away D.being washed away (2)My sister said nothing could prevent her hanging out with her friends on weekends. A.From B.of C.to D.against,【归纳拓展】 prevent可以直接带宾语,表示“阻止/禁止做某事”; prevent sb (from) doing sth表示“阻止某人做某事”。同义短语有stop sb (from) doing sth和keep sb from doing sth。 Nothing can prevent us going shopping this Sunday.没有什么可以阻止我们这个星期天去购物。,【题12】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 Please prevent the students bikes on the road.Its very dangerous.(ride),D,A,riding,核心考点突破,look forward to 期待,盼望,【题13】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 Jane is my new pen pal and I often look forward to her e-mail.(receive),【归纳拓展】 1.look forward to (doing) sth意为“盼望/期望/期待(做)某事”,其中to为介词。 2.含有介词to的动词短语: pay attention to doing sth关注做某事 stick to doing sth坚持做某事 be used to doing sth习惯于做某事,【题14】 根据汉语提示写短语 We should (注意,关注) protecting our city from being polluted.,receiving,pay attention to,核心考点突破, make up 构成;编造;补偿;打扮,【题15】 写出句子中make up的含义 (1)This made up 15% of their total income. (2)She soon made up the lessons she had missed. (3)Its not true.She makes it up. (4)She made up as an old lady.,【归纳拓展】 make up的多重意义: (1)构成,组成,占 (2)编造,捏造 (3)赔偿,补偿,弥补 (4)打扮,化妆,占,补上,编造,装扮,一词多义积累,(1)My wife and I discovered some superb places to eat. (2)Come and sit here. Ive saved you a place. (3)Janes goals helped Britain win the third place in the Barcelona Olympics. (4)Brand folded it in his handkerchief and placed it in the inside pocket of his jacket. (5)I placed 2nd and 3rd a few times but never won 1st. (6)I have seen her before but I just cant place her.,1.place A.n.地点,场所 B.n.(尤指占用或空着的)座位;位置 C.n.(比赛或竞赛获得的)名次 D.v.放置,安放 E.v.取得名次 F.v.辨别,根据语境,判断单词在句中的意思(写出该词所属义项的英文大写字母即可)并翻译句子,一词多义积累,答案 (1)A 句意:我和妻子发现了一些就餐的极好去处。 (2)B 句意:来坐这儿吧,我给你留了个座位。 (3)C 句意:简的进球帮助英国队在巴塞罗那奥运会上获得了第三名。 (4)D 句意:布兰德用手绢把它包好,放到自己夹克的内兜里。 (5)E 句意:我好几次名列第二、第三,但从未得过冠军。 (6)F 句意:我之前见过她,但就是认不出来了。,一词多义积累,(1)The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other. (2)I can still picture the house I grew up in. (3)She was pictured as a shy girl. (4)The movie won nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture.,2.picture A.n.照片,图画 B.n.影片 C.v.想象,设想,忆起 D.v.描述,描写,答案 (1)A 句意:游客们无事可做,只能相互拍照。 (2)C 句意:我还能回忆起我童年时住过的那座房子。 (3)D 句意:她被描述成了一个内向的女孩。 (4)B 句意:这部电影荣获九项奥斯卡金像奖,包括最佳影片奖。,一词多义积累,(1)He says he plans to plant fruit trees and vegetables. (2)All plants need light and water. (3)This map shows the layout(布局) of the plant. (4)The company has bought new plant. (5)They planted a flag on the top of the mountain.,3.plant A.n.植物 B.n.工厂;车间 C.n.设备 D.v.栽种,种植 E.v.安放,竖立,答案 (1)D 句意:他说他计划栽种果树和蔬菜。 (2)A 句意:所有植物都需要阳光和水。 (3)B 句意:这张地图展示了工厂的布局。 (4)C 句意:这家公司已经购买了新的设备。 (5)E 句意:他们在山顶上插了一面旗子。,


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