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2019-2020年高三上学期第一次检测英语试题含答案第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman want to do? A. Solve the problem by herself B. Work together with some classmates. C. Turn the solution in tomorrow. 2. Why does the woman want the man to eat less? A. She thinks hes too fat. Bthe chips cost a lot. CShes also hungry. 3. What is the man doing? A. Trying to sleep. BReading to the girl. CWatching TV 4.Where is the woman now? AIn New York. BIn Los Angeles. CIn San Francisco. 5. Why did the man choose a different place? A. He didnt like the woman. B. The apartment on Dixon Street was too small. C. The woman didnt call him back. 笫二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What does the bird remind the man of? A. A moive B. Another bird he saw before. CA song on the radio. 7.What do we know about the two guys in Dumb and Dumber?A. They knew the guy they picked up was bad. B. They didnt have a radio. C. They sang a song.8. How do the speakers feel about the ads? A. Frustrated. B. Confused. C. Excited.9. Why does the man say Im as cheap as you? A. He also likes buying low-priced items. B. He can bargain as well as the woman. C. He doesnt like spending money, either.听第 8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。10. What did the man spill on the carpet? A. Wine. B. Beer. C. Vegetable juice.11. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Clean up the mess he made. B. Clean the house with her. C. Learn how to order food.12. What is true about the man? A. Hes a high school student. B. Hes been in college for one year. C: He spent the weekend with his parents.笫 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Classmates. C. Doctor and patient.14. According to the researchers, what can make people sleep poorly? A. Bedroom lights. B. Sunlight. C. puter light.15. How does the man feel about his health? A. He doesnt care about it at all. B. Hes a little concerned. C. He thinks there is nothing he can do.16. What will the speakers probably do right before bed? A. Finish their homework. B. Read books and talk. C. Watch TV.听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。17. How far is the speakers hometown from San Francisco? A. About 60 minutes by car. B. About 30 minutes on foot. C. About 20 minutes by bus.18. What is Westley best known for? A. Its restaurants. B. Its clean environment, C. Its farms.19. What can we learn about the speaker? A. He went to China on a one-way ticket. B. He taught English in a high school C. He never learned any Chinese.20, What was the speakers favorite part of Beijing? A. The food. B. The sounds of the city. C :The public transportation system.第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。AWhen I told my father that I was moving to Des Moines, Iowa, he told me about the only time he had been there. It was in the 1930s, when he was an editor of the literary magazine of Southern Methodist University(SMU)in Dallas, Texas. He also worked as a professor at SMU, and there was a girl student in his class who suffered from a serious back disease. She couldnt afford the operation because her family was poor. Her mother ran a boarding house in Galveston, a seaside town near Houston, Texas. She was cleaning out the attic(阁楼)one day when she came across an old dusty manuscript(手稿). On its top page were the words, “By O. Henry. ”It was a nice story, and she sent it to her daughter at SMU, who showed it to my father. My father had never read the story before, but it sounded like O. Henry, and he knew that O. Henry had once lived in Houston. So it was possible that the famous author had gone to the beach and stayed in the Galveston boarding house, and had written the story there and left the manuscript behind by accident. My father visited an O. Henry expert at Columbia University in New York, who authenticated the story as O. Henrys. My father then set out to sell it. Eventually, he found himself in Des Moines, meeting with Gardner Cowles, a top editor at the Des Moines Register. Cowles loved the story and bought it on the spot. My father took the money to the girl. It was just enough for her to have the operation she so desperately needed. My father never told me what the O. Henrys story was about. But I doubt that it could have been better than his own story. 21. Who found the O. Henrys manuscript? A. The girls mother. B. The authors father. C. The girl. D. The author. 22. Which of the following might explain the fact that the manuscript was found in the attic(阁楼)? A. O. Henry once worked in Houston. B. O. Henry once stayed in Galveston. C. O. Henry once moved to Des Moines. D. O. Henry once taught at SMU. 23. The underlined word “authenticated” in Paragraph 2 probably means. A. namedB. treated C. provedD. described24. How could the girl afford the operation in the end? A. Using the money the writers father raised. B. Using the money her mother sold books. C. Using the money she got by selling the O. Henrys manuscript. D. With the help of the doctors. BWhen I was about twelve, I headed to a restaurant for dinner with my family. It was winter, and on that particular night, the wind was really blowing. As my mom and I headed towards the restaurant from our car, a girl about my age and her mother came up to us. They asked if we had any spare change. My mom immediately asked where they kept their things. They pointed to an old car in a parking across the street. The girl said there were six of them living in that car, which was the same size as my own family. My mom said she had something to do after handing the people a few dollars. She sent me inside the restaurant with my dad and my three siblings. But she didnt e. Later, I found out she had gone home and practically emptied our cupboards into a few bags. Then, she brought that food over to the car and handed the bags to the family. I wasnt there when that part happened, but I can only imagine the joy it brought to their faces. A few days later, when I actually found out about what she had done, I asked her why she helped those people. She told me that they were not lucky. I remember the face of that girl who had asked us for change; she was the same age as me, yet we looked so different. Here I stood, dressed in almost new clothes, headed to dine in a restaurant and then back home to the bedroom I shared with my younger sister. I remember thinking that the girl didnt have any food to eat and that she was heading back to a cold car shared with five other people. After painting this picture in my mind, I understood why my mom had done what she did. I will never forget what she did that night, and how she taught me one of the best lessons I ever learned. 25. What can be inferred from the first paragraph? A. The girls family lived a hard life. B. The author was happy to go to a restaurant. C. The girls family lived in an old house. D. The authors family was the same size as the girl. 26. Which of the following best describes the authors mother? A. Reliable and determined. B. Cautious and friendly. C. Considerate and enthusiastic. D. Unusual and optimistic. 27. How did the author feel when she knew what her mother had done? A. She should value what she had. B. Her mother shouldnt help the strangers. C. She must work hard to reward her mother. D. She was unlucky to have such living conditions. 28. What is the best title of the passage? A. How to support the poor familyB. A friend in need is a friend indeedC. The hard life of a little girls familyD. A lesson in kindness from my mumCThe adolescent girl from Tennessee was standing on the stage of a drama summer camp in New York. But the girl didnt feel joyful. She was not the leggy, attractive Hollywood type. In fact, she described herself as stupid. This girl was Reese Witherspoon, who had wanted to be a country singer and admired and respected Dolly Parton very much. That day at the end of the camp her coaches told her to forget about singing. They suggested she think about another career. She took their words to heart. After all, why shouldnt she believe the professionals? But back at home in Nashville, her mothera funny, happy, optimistic womanwouldnt let her feel depressed. Her father, a physician, encouraged her to achieve in school. So she worked hard at everything and was accepted at Stanford University. And at 19, she got a part in a low-budget movie called Freeway, which prepared for her role in the movie Pleasantville. But her big break came with Legally Blonde. “If you cant sing and you arent charming, play to your strengths. If youre going to make it in this business, better focus on what youre good at, ”she told the interviewer later. And then came the offer that took her back to her Nashvilleplaying the wife of a country star Johnny Cash, a singing role. All of a sudden the old fears learned on that summer stage were back. She was so nervous on the stage. But she didnt give up on the movie or herself. She spent 6 months taking singing lessons again. She learned to play the Autoharp. And the hard work built up her confidence. Last March, Reese Witherspoon walked up on another stage, the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, and accepted the Oscar as Best Actress for her heartbreaking, heartwarming singing role as June Carter Cash in Walk the Line. 29. Why was Reese Witherspoon sad that day? A. The experts advised her to give up singing. B. Dolly Parton told her to leave the stage. C. The coaches described her as foolish. D. The professionals considered her ignorant. 30. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4? A. Reese was an optimistic girl. B. Her parents supported her a lot. C. Her parents were disappointed with her. D. Reese blamed herself all day long. 31. How did Reese succeed in playing the singing role? A. She did her best to make herself leggy and attractive. B. She tried hard to forget about that summer stage. C. She practiced Autoharp lessons for more than 6 months. D. She regained her confidence through hard workDAt 4: 53 p. m. on January 12, United Nations aid worker Jens Kristensen was at his desk reading documents on the third floor of the Christopher Hotel, which served as UN headquarters in Port-au-Prince, when he felt a tremor. Four seconds later, the earthquake hit. “In a split second, I considered whether to run for the door or hide under my desk, ” says Kristensen, 48. “The door was closed, and I thought that maybe it was too far and I would be caught under falling debris(碎片,残骸), so I hid under the table. ”A bookshelf topped onto his desk, protecting him from being crushed by rubble and trapping him in a tiny pocket. “I was confined as if in a small coffin, ”he says. It was so dark, and it didnt matter if his eyes were open or closed. He used the light from his mobile phone to see around him. He found, among other items, a jar of instant coffee. “I had no food or water, only the coffee to suck on if I needed it. ”At about 6: 30 a. m. on January 17, an oil leak silenced the buildings generators, and Kristensen was able to hear muffled voices above where he was buried. “I thought, I was too tired to bang and shout. But then I realized, I had to take every chance. This could be one. ”So he called out. Six hours later, Kristensen saw his rescuers faces. “It was so amazing. I felt I had received a second birthday, ”he recalls. Dehydration and pains but with only a bruise and a scratch, Kristensen took three days to recover. The UN lost more than 90 people in Haiti. But Kristensen says that the outpouring of love helps heal the pain: “The genuine happiness of people toward me here has been wonderful. You feel part of a larger family. ”32. When the earthquake struck, Jens Kristensen decided to. A. read documents in the officeB. stay under the deskC. run out of the room quicklyD. catch the falling debris33. What protected Jens Kristensen from being injured by falling bricks? A. The bookshelf. B. The desk. C. The door. D. The pocket. 34. When Jens Kristensen heard the voices, he came to know that. A. he couldnt have the chance to survive the earthquakeB. his parents arrived here to save him at onceC. he was able to ask for help from rescuersD. he was so tired and he couldnt say anything at all35. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A. The rescuers dayB. An aid workers lifeC. A dangerous adventureD. Kristensens experience in an earthquake第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When you begin to accept yourself, these amazing things will happen. Ill admit it. Im good enough now, but36I prefer to be in quiet places. I used to hate this. I wanted to be paid attention to. Instead of trying to be someone I wasnt, I now accept the person I already am. You can too. When you begin to do the same, these amazing things will happen. 1. You will see new opportunities. When you are aware of what you are really good at, doors will open for you. 37Thats because we are so caught up in who we think we should be. 2. 38Your mind bees clearer and focused when you stop worrying about who you should be. You help others and see their problems as their problems. You will understand the root of problems without judging from your own position. You will see the world just the way it is. 3. You will no longer see yourself as a failure. I used to believe I was the only definition of failure. 39And when people do get it right, theyve often failed many times to get to that point. 4. You will be grateful for what you do have. You will stop plaining about what you dont have and will cherish the little things in hand. 40Its hard to be grateful when you arent happy, but try and be grateful for just one thing that you do have. Many of us get stuck in fear, doubt, and shame that hold us back from realizing our true potential. When we can accept we are simply human, it bees easier to accept who we are as individuals. All of us have something to offer the world. Yes, even you. A. Nobody gets everything right. B. I like to stay in a quiet place. C. I was never able to say this about myself before. D. There are many people glad to trade places with you. E. Often, we cant see those opportunities. F. You will have nothing useful for you behind the door. G. You will bee more aware of the world around you. 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I worked in a large city, passing by someone experiencing homelessness wasnt an unmon sight. The difficult situation of those I saw touched me41, and I often felt, “I would be one of them42the kindness of God. ”I felt forced to do something, and as a single mom and newer to my field, I decided to43a plan that fit my limited budget. I began by44five to ten dollar bills each payday, and during the week, passing45out to those I met on the street. Though a dollar felt like a small46, I realized how47it was to give the gift of being seen: for me to recognize that those I passed by were people just like me. 48we would joke a bit and smile together. On some occasions, I was able to49more. Ill never know how and if the dollars50, but I know that the connections we made did. One day after I had started this weekly practice, I had51enough to buy myself a new winter coat. With my recent purchase wrapped around my shoulders, I52that my old coat could still be put to use by someone who had little or nothing to53them from the cold. However, at that moment, I felt inspired to pass on this opportunity for54. I turned to the salesman who had helped me, and asked if he would feel55taking my old coat, walking to the corner, and offering it to someone56. Slightly taken aback, he smiled. “I will as soon as I get a break, ”he said. “Thanks for your57. ”I cant help but feel that my58with kindness have moved me to pass it on, and in this way, I feel Ive helped more than just those I59by on the street. Kindness touches many hearts, and I am grateful for the way it has60me. 41. A. surprisingly B. happily C. seriously D. deeply42. A. but for B. together with C. apart from D. because of43. A. put up with B. keep up with C. e up withD. link up with44. A. setting off B. setting aside C. setting outD. setting about45. A. itB. him C. themD. that46. A. amount B. tip C. qualityD. guard47. A. careful B. successful C . thankfulD. powerful48. A. SometimesB. Never C. HardlyD. Seldom49. A. accept B. receive C. refuseD. give50. A. attended B. helped C. madeD. afforded51. A. put up B. saved up C. picked up D. held up52. A. realizedB. explained C. admitted D. agreed53. A. prevent B. stop C. pull D. protect54. A. connectionB. munication C. kindness D. relationship55. A. disappointedB. fortable C. depressed D. wise56. A. in needB. in doubt C. in detail D. in anger57. A. promise B. prehension C. consideration D. ambition58. A. hobbies B. experiences C. habits D. favorites59. A. judge B. go C. stand D. pass60. A. interested B. excited C. touched D. entertained第卷第三部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分50分)第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Someone telephoned me today asking if I would be 61_(will)to bring food to a family in need. The mother was having a major 62 . (operate)and would be lying down 63. several weeks. Of course, I responded with an immediate “ Yes! ”. 64._ I planned the meal in my head, I reflected on how many times over the years I 65. (ask)to prepare food. I have done so 66. (count)times with a very open heart. But the amazing thing is that I have received double over the course of my life. When I was ill, women of the church again stepped in 67_ (help). They arranged babysitting for my two-year-old daughter, and brought love dinners to our house. How we relied on these dinners to feed my husband and young daughter. Food is all about fort. 68. feeds our bodies, but it can also feed our souls. When you hear people talking about their favorite holidays, it usually includes their feelings connected with sharing food. I know Ill have many more 69. (chance)in my lifetime to prepare food for others. It is 70. (true) a gift I want to prepare and deliver to someone in need. 第四部分写作(共两节, 满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()画掉。修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Tom, How are you getting along? I dont think this is a good idea to travel a lot and visit as many place as possible. Last July Bell paid a visit on Europe. Europe was very beautiful, but his holiday wasnt very nicely. He visited several countries, and was in each of

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