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14-15学年新课标高三上学期9册Unit1测试(湖北) Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)第一部分 词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. Though we lived in the same neighborhood for many years, I had never made his _, let alone known where he worked. A. acquaintanceB. investigationC. significanceD. recognition2. Driven by a greater demand for green products, the food association has set new _ to ensure the quality. A. outcomesB. categoriesC. symptomsD. criteria3. We _ between each other by the way we behave, by our sensitivities, by our relations with the world, which gives everyone a clear identity.A. associateB. overlookC. compromiseD. distinguish4. The local government has been _ for failing to deal with the problem of the homeless in the natural disaster properly. A. cancelledB. condemnedC. betrayedD. assumed5. One thing that we must learn from this story the very serious financial problem the world is faced with is that you have to _ and think about the consequences of your actions.A. fade outB. look aheadC. pay offD. put away6. Susan, having decided to set a new world record in the Olympic Games to be held next year, at once _ training hard to accomplish her ambition. A. set about B. set out C. set by D. set up 7. Crocodiles have a(n) _ sense of direction, and even if theyre caught and moved far away, they can surely get back to where they were.A. tentativeB. acuteC. validD. ample8. Our market was once damaged with non-green products pouring in; therefore, it is especially important to search for more _ producers. A. compulsoryB. identicalC. authenticD. primitive9. The boss of a garment company in Chinatown _ closed down his factory, leaving about 2,000 workers out of work. A. apparentlyB. occasionallyC. heartilyD. abruptly10. There are a lot of doctors _ in the hospitals of earthquake-hit areas and many of the students who study medicine at the university are called on to work there.A. in chargeB. in demandC. in turnD. in relief第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Almost every woman wants to be a good mother, but there are a lot of unexpected difficulties in the process. You want your children to be 11 in all areas of life so that they know a lot about the world. You never stop worrying if you are doing a good job as a(n) 12.I took my daughter to museums and theaters at a(n) 13 age. I thought she would learn more about the 14 around her. I wanted to teach her all I could. I wanted her to be a smart, 15 and lovely girl.One day I took her to the Natural History Museum. This was her first 16 to a museum. I hoped she would have 17 and learn new things. When we walked into the hall, my daughter 18 at me, “Mom, why does that man over there keep 19? ”I 20 my head and saw a disabled man with problems with his back and legs 21 to walk . I was so 22 that I knew I had to answer her 23 she yelled again. I was hoping the man did not 24 her. I simply replied, “He loves to dance, because it just makes him feel 25. ”He did hear us and headed toward her. I was lost for words. I was going to 26 to him for my daughters words. He approached us and I saw there was an expression of complete 27 on his face. He said happily that that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said about him as people always 28 him because of his problems. He turned to my daughter and said, “Yes, little angel, I love to dance. It makes me happy.” I knew that day I did something 29 as a mum. My daughter taught me a lesson that day that the best thing you can do for your child is teach by 30. If you are good to others, your child learns to be good to others. 11. A. educated B. appreciated C. praised D. criticized 12. A. parent B. adult C. teacher D. guide 13. A. busy B. late C. different D. early 14. A. people B. atmosphere C. nature D. world 15. A. selfishB. ordinary C. kind D. lazy 16. A. attention B. barrier C. visit D. admission 17. A. fun B. freedom C. success D. luck 18. A. greeted B. glared C. complained D. screamed 19. A. running B. climbing C. jumping D. dancing 20. A. turned B. touched C. raised D. lowered 21. A. deciding B. struggling C. devoting D. learning 22. A. frustrated B. proud C. confident D. embarrassed 23. A. as B. before C. after D. so 24. A. hear B. recognize C. blame D. identify 25. A. joyful B. important C. generous D. calm 26. A. listen B. apologize C. introduce D. appeal 27. A. pleasure B. anxiety C. sorrow D. surprise 28. A. looked after B. agreed with C. cared about D. laughed at 29. A. honest B. right C. incorrect D. strange 30. A. explanation B. remark C. word D. example第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AOver the summer I was lucky enough to spend one amazing hour with the Mountain Gorillas (大猩猩) of Rwanda (卢旺达). This was a truly incredible experience that I thought Id share with you all.I visited Volcanoes National Park, which is the Gorillas home in Rwanda. The National Park is situated in Northwest Rwanda and covers more than 125 km. There are eight gorilla groups living in these mountains, and there is a limit of eight human visitors to each gorilla family per day, who are allowed to spend exactly one hour with the family. To limit the spread of disease, you must keep a distance of seven metres and are not allowed to visit the gorillas if you are sick.On the 31st of January this year, I trekked up the volcanic mountains in search of the gorilla group. Local trackers keep tabs on each of the groups daily and follow their movements. After making our way through the beautiful mountain rainforest for almost two hours, our local guide stopped us we were now approaching the Gorillas. We quietly crept through the bushes until we found a giant male silverback gorilla. He was surrounded by his relatively small family of ten other females and youngsters.The silverback and his family seemed quite uninterested in these odd hairless monkeys that stood oo-ing and ahh-ing his family, especially the three-month-old baby in its mothers arms! One of the most amazing things about my hour with the gorillas was the looks they gave us. Theyd occasionally look up at us, almost bored, as if to say, “oh youre still there, are you?” before they continued about their business. The mother with the three-month-old baby was relatively tolerant of our enthusiasm for her lovely child. She allowed our fleeting views, before huddling up with the baby out of sight. The younger gorillas gazed at us curiously, before returning to their play, climbing all over the gigantic silverback.Not only is this an experience I will never forget, but I also hope these programs help to educate people to protect these amazing endangered animals for the future.31.Why are visitors required to keep a distance of seven metres from the gorillas?A. To protect the visitors. B. To leave the gorillas in peace.C. To keep the gorillas safe from diseases. D. To watch the gorillas clearly.32.What does the underlined part “hairless monkeys” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?A. Some strange-looking monkeys. B. Members of the gorilla family.C. The locals. D. The visitors. 33. How did the gorillas react to the visitors?A. Alarmed and frightened. B. Calm and uninterested. C. First interested and then bored. D. Curious and amazed. 34. What does the author think of the programs of visiting the gorillas?A. It will hurt the natural environment.B. It can improve the living standard of the gorillas.C. It can help to educate people to protect wild animals. D. It can help to improve the intelligence of the gorillas.BHave you ever laughed so hard that you couldnt breathe? Smiling is okay, but Im talking here about falling-off-your-chair laughter.Once, in college, I got together with a group of friends for some kind of serious prayer matter. But instead of praying, we all laughed so hard over some silly little things that it actually went on for about ten minutes. We couldnt stop. Maybe it was the pressure of exams, or the relief of Spring break coming, I cant remember. But I do recall falling down hard on the floor from a complete and total loss of muscular control. That was 1982.I hope I havent forgotten how to laugh that hard.Scientists have discovered that laughter releases some kind of endorphin (内啡肽) in the brain, just like a drug. Who couldnt use that?When my daughters were little, there were several occasions when I got into such a fit of laughter while making up little stories for them. It would all start innocently enough, like when I was trying to keep them occupied while waiting in the car for my wife to finish up an errand (差事). Id make up a story using whatever props (道具) happened to be in front of me as the main characters. By the time I got to the part where the noisy cell phone demanded a third fish taco (墨西哥鱼肉卷) from the stubborn hairbrush, I had completely lost it. Tears in my eyes, bursting into laughter, the whole bit. My girls laughed too, even though they werent quite sure why it was so funny except that daddy was laughing so, so hard.Maybe your situation is hard, and you struggle to find anything funny about it. I know some of you are out of work, battling with long-lasting illnesses. Still, I bet you are loved by someone, and maybe together you can both find a reason to laugh.Many of us can get carried away by the little things, or begin to take ourselves far too seriously. We are so concerned about making the right impression, meeting all of our responsibilities and expectations, and well, it all gets quite ridiculous. Were just a bunch of needy people, after all, trying to do our best, looking for a place to fit in where we can be acknowledged, and loved.Maybe thats a good place to start with each other.So, anyway, do me a favor today and go have a good laugh with a friend. 35. The passage was started by _.A. giving an example B. making a comparisonC. asking a question D. explaining certain behavior36. Why did the author and his friends laugh so hard when in college?A. They were not serious about the praying. B. They wanted to relieve stress.C. They were coming home soon. D. They thought of something silly.37. The author made up little stories for his daughters to _.A. make them happy B. keep them from getting unhappyC. keep them busy D. develop their imagination38. What could be the authors purpose in writing the text? A. To explain the benefits of laughing. B. To advise us to laugh.C. To show sympathy to some people. D. To cheer readers up.CBaseball is as American as apple pie and country music. And if youre vacationing in a U.S. city with a professional baseball team there is no better way to spend a summer afternoon or evening than at a baseball game with the kids. Not only does a baseball outing offer families an affordable experience that recalls a simpler time, but it also engages kids in one of Americas favorite pastimes. Whether watching their favorite team or viewing a baseball game for the first time, your kids will quickly be cheering with the crowd.Yet there is more to a family outing at the ballpark than the game on the field. Each year Major League Baseball clubs offer a variety of specials, promotions and giveaways to attract young fans and their families to the ballpark. From player T-shirts, hats, trading cards, lunchboxes and more, teams are eagerly handing out fun and free stuff at the gate (usually to kids aged 14 and under). Many clubs with open-air parks have regularly scheduled fireworks displays and some allow kids to run the bases after select games.While the price of tickets to Major League Baseball games has increased in recent years, baseball is still the most affordable professional sport in America to see live. And thanks to tiered (层级的) pricing you can pay as little as US$5 for seats or as much as US$110 for the best seats in the park. Many ballparks feature family sections, in less expensive areas, which prohibit the consumption of alcohol. And although adults may prefer the perspective available from seats close to the field, the crowd rather than the location is likely to define the experience for the kids.Minor League Baseball, readily available in many small towns and cities across the United States, is another choice for families. In addition to being a less expensive way for a family to enjoy Americas favorite pastime, minor league games typically offer a more intimate fan experience. The parks are smaller and fans often have access to the players.39.Why are you advised to spend time at a baseball game with the kids?A. It costs little to watch a baseball game.B. You can experience one of Americas favorite pastimes.C. Baseball games are mainly played by kids.D. You can taste apple pies at the same time.40. Why do baseball clubs offer specials, promotions and giveaways?A. To attract people to the ballpark. B. To ask fans to cheer for them.C. To entertain the fans. D. To thank for fans support. 41. Baseball is still the most affordable professional sport in America to see live because .A. there are clubs in almost every city B. it has a special pricing systemC. people dont need to pay much to see a game D. many ballparks feature family sections42. What do kids care about the most during a baseball game?A. Location of the field. B. Price of the game.C. Baseball stars. D. The crowd. DFor doctors across the country, the story is becoming all too familiar: After finishing college, young adults begin looking for their first professional job. Some of these recent graduates arrive with more than just a diploma. They also come with an addiction. They are addicted to “study drugs.” They illegally take these powerful prescription medicines to improve their performance on tests and other tasks.DeAnsin Parker has just such a patient. Parker works in New York City as a clinical neuropsychologist (神经心理学家). Her 23-year-old patient recently graduated from a competitive university in Canada. And she is addicted to Adderall. Its one of a handful of drugs commonly prescribed to people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.The symptoms of ADHD, as the disorder is commonly known, include difficulty focusing, controlling impulsive (冲动的) behavior and stopping making small restless movements or annoying other people. Doctors describe this last symptom as over-activity or hyperactivity (多动症). Children aged 6 or 7 are usually diagnosed with ADHD. Its symptoms often continue into adolescence and adulthood. ADHD is common too: The disorder affects 9 percent of American children between the ages of 13 and 18.Parkers patient started taking Adderall in high school, but she doesnt even have ADHD. “She pretended the symptoms,” Parker explains. The young woman wanted the medication because “she thought it would help her with her standardized college entrance exam.Research has shown Adderall and other similar drugs effectively treat ADHD. The medicines help patients avoid distractions and stay focused during important tasks, including schoolwork. Although it may seem surprising, these drugs actually are stimulants. These medicines can have an effect similar to caffeine: They “stimulate” the brain. However, stimulants can have a calming effect on children.Students may see ADHD drugs as a way to improve their mental performance. Misusing the drugs helps them do their best or so they think. Research shows that students who misuse prescription drugs get worse grades over time than those students who dont take study drugs.Abusing ADHD drugs is cheating too. It is just like Lance Armstrong and other athletes using drugs to enhance their physical performance. Unfortunately, students dont always see it that way. And worse, the misuse or abuse of ADHD drugs can be hard to quit.43. The first paragraph mainly serves as a(n)_.A. introductionB. analysisC. commentD. summary44. From the third paragraph, we can learn _.A. how to prevent the spread of ADHDB. some information concerned with ADHDC. how to diagnose ADHDD. the influence of ADHD45. Faced with ADHD, _.A. scientists cared little about itB. patients are encouraged to take certain medicineC. scientists have found solutions to itD. students are anxious about its influence on their brain46. What is the authors attitude towards abusing ADHD drugs?A. Approval.B. Disapproval.C. Pitiful.D. Unclear.EIs there something unforgivably confusing about the unlimited use of adjectives and adverbs? Many famous stylists think so. Crime writer Elmore Leonard, who died last week, commented in his 10 rules of writing that using an adverb was almost always a “mortal sin (大罪)”. William Zinsser, author of On Writing Well, considers most adverbs and adjectives as “clutter (混乱)”, and Mark Twain advised readers to “kill” any adjective they could catch. Zinsser and Twain are quoted by Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn, assistant professor of public policy at Rutgers University Camden, in support of his view that the greater the number of adjectives and adverbs in academic writing, the harder it is to read. He has published a paper in the journal Scientometrics analyzing adjectival and adverbial quantity in about 1,000 papers published between 2000 and 2010 from across the disciplines. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the paper, “Cluttered writing: Adjectives and adverbs in academia”, finds that social science papers contain the highest number of them, followed by humanities and history. Natural science and mathematics contain the lowest frequency, followed by medicine and business and economics. The difference between the social and the natural science is about 15 percent. “Is there a reason that a social scientist cannot write as clearly as a natural scientist?” the paper asks. Dr Okulicz-Kozaryn told Times Higher Education that the analysis had been inspired by his own reading of academic papers, which suggested that political science in particular was “full of meaningless words that only add ornament (修饰) and weaken the meaning”. He said the use of adjectives and adverbs also inflated article lengths, making it even harder for academics to keep up with the literature a serious problem when the content of new papers published doubles every 15 years. He dismissed the suggestion that the complexity of issues addressed by social scientists demand more adjectives and adverbs. But he said he had no good explanation for overusing “fancy, meaningless language” in the discipline and aimed to investigate further.However, he admitted that he had not analysed the frequency of adjectives and adverbs in his own writing. “Maybe I am no better after allBut Id bet I am better than average social scientists,” he said casually. 47. Which papers contain the second lowest quantity of adjectives and adverbs?A. Natural science papers. B. Social science papers. C. Business and economics papers.D. Humanities and history papers. 48. The word “inflated” can be best replaced by “_”. A. increased B. controlled C. decided D. ignored49. Which of the statements about adjectives and adverbs is true?A. They can be properly used except in political science. B. Some thought social science papers need more of them.C. The complexity of social science leads to

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