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20022003学年度上学期高中学生学科素质训练 高三英语测试题Unitsl4Senior ( 13)第卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话仅读一遍。1How much earlier does the man want to leave?A50 minutes.B15 minutes.C5 minutes.2What happened last night?AThere was a storm.BThere was a heavy snow.CThere was an earthquake.3How often does the mans wife go to the cinema?AOnce a month.BOnce every two weeks.CFour times a month.4How is the man going there?ABy train.BBy plane.CBy ship.5What does the man prefer to do?ATake care of the kids.BCut the lawn.CDo things alone.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或读白读两遍。听第六段材料,回答6、7题。6Whats the problem with the man?AHe could get to the match on time.BHe will not be able to play the match.CHis father will not let him use his car.7What will the woman do?ATry to make her son change his mind.BTry to persuade her husband.CGo to the match with her son.听第七段材料,回答8、9、10题。8Why does the woman refuse to speak to John?AJohn didnt keep his promise.BJohn doesnt want to tell his story.CJohn is trying to make her upset.9Why didnt John call her?AHe couldnt get a phone.BHe didnt get the phone number.CHe couldnt get through.10When does the woman agree to meet the man?AIn the mid-noon.BAt 6 oclock.CAt 7 oclock.听第八段材料,回答11、12、13题11What does Mr. Smith like to do?ATo talk with his friend.BTo play cards.CTo go out with his dog.12Where did his dog go when Mr. Smith jumped into a car?AIt jumped into the same car.BIt jumped into the friends car.CIt jumped into another car.13Who was in the wrong car?AMr. Smith. BBoth of them.CThe dog.听第九段材料,回答14、15、16、17题。14About what percentage of people are black in Los Angeles?A16 percent.B36 percent.C60 percent.15What is true about Thomas Bradley?AHe wrote articles for newspapers.BHe used to be a poor farmer.CHe was looked down upon in his youth.16How many terms had the precious citys mayor served?ATwo terms.BThree terms.CFour terms.17Why did Los Angles voters elect Thomas Bradley mayor of Los Angeles?ABecause he earned a law degree in a night school.BBecause they had formed a good opinion of him.CBecause there was a large population of black people.听第十段材料,回答18、19、20题18Which was typical of a family during the first half of this century?AThe mother as well as the father worked outside the home.BParents, children and grandparents live in a large family.CThe father took care of the house as well as the children.19Why had the typical family begun to change by World War ?AThe population had increased rapidly in rural areas.BMore and more parents worked full time.CA large number of farm families had moved to the cities.20What is the main idea of the passage?AThe change of the American family.BTypical American family today.CAmerican women and family.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题,满分15分)21Besides the others, there was still third one who said he was second to reach the end.Aa, aBa, theCthe, theDthe, a22Do you enjoy listening to records? I think records are often actual performance.Aas good any otherBas good or better than anCas good as or better than anDgood and better than an23Jim, did you have a good time at the party?Yes, but I really have because I had a lot of work to do.AshouldntBmustntCneedntDcouldnt24 outside in the street, the man was sent to hospital at once.AFound lying and dying fastBFound lying and almost diedCTo be found dyingDFinding dead25The mother felt very weak, she carried the baby in her arms all the way to the hospital.AhoweverBstillCsoDyet26It that he could his illness.Alooked, pull onBso happened, pull awayCseemed, pull overDappeared, pull through27With the door on, the thiefs heart faster. He the window open and jumped out of it in a hurry.Abeing knocked, hit, beatBbeing knocked, beat, hitCknocked, beat, struckDbeat, hit, struck28John, may I ask you a favor? AIm sorry, but why?BYes, you could.CSure, what is it?DId love to, and Im busy.29Dont you want ?Please show me .Ait, the otherBone, the otherCit, anotherDone, another30The telephone four times in the last hour, and each time it for my classmate.Ahas been ringing, isBhad rung, wasChas rung, wasDrang, is 31Well have to finish the job .Ahowever long it takesBhowever it takes longChow long it takesDit takes however long32The meeting was put off, was exactly we wanted.Ait, that Bwhich, whatCit, whatDas,/33Leaving soon? AEnough soonBSoonerCNo soonerDSoon enough34Dont talk about international at this moment. Lets get down to .Abusiness, affairsBaffairs, businessCthings, affairsDaffairs, matters35Have you got your test result?Not yet. The papers .Aare not correctingBhave not correctedChave already been correctedDare still being corrected 第二节 完形填空(共20小题,满分30分)I met him first on a summer morning in 1936. I had rushed into his ugly little shop 36 the heels(后跟)of my shoes repaired. It wasnt much of a 37 , so I waited while he did it. He greeted(打招呼)me 38 a cheerful smile. “Youre new in this neighborhood, arent you?”I said I was. I had 39 into a house at the end of the street only a week before.“This is a fine 40 ,”he said. “Youll be happy here.”I sat there with my shoes 41 watching as he 42 ready to do the repairs. 43 he looked at the leather(皮革)covering on the 44 . It was worn through. I grew impatient 45 I was rushing to meet a friend. “Please hurry.” I 46 .He looked at me over his glasses. “Now, lady, wont be 47 . I want to do a good job.” He was silent a moment. “You see, I have a tradition(惯例)to 48 up to.”A 49 ? In this ugly little shop that was no difference 50 so many others on the side streets of New York?He 51 have felt my surprise, for he smiled as he went on. “Yes, lady, my father and grandfather were shoemakers in Italy, and they were the best. My father always told me,” Son, do the 52 job on every shoe that 53 into the shop, and be 54 of your fine work, Do that always, and youll have 55 happiness and money to live on.36AputBmakeChaveDorder37AworkBjobCthingDmatter38AbyBinCforDwith39AlivedBgotCstayedDmoved40AneighborhoodBcountryCshopDhouse41AonBoutCdownDoff42AmadeBtookCgotDhad43AHappilyBSadlyCProudlyDAngrily44AheelBshoeCbackDtop45AthatBwhileCwhenDbecause46AorderedBbeggedCsaidDexpected47AlateBoverClongDdone48AlookBkeepCliveDset49AjobBtraditionCmomentDshop50AfromBofCwithDby51AcouldntBshouldCwouldntDmust52AmostBfirstCbestDlast53AbringsBcomesCsendsDhurries54AproudBkindCfondDable55AbothBallCmuchDmost第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,满分40分)AThe prisoner had waited many months for help, but none had come. Now he felt he would do something to gain his freedom, to be free again to go about the world as he wished. But he could think of no way to run away.He spent many hours thinking of his life before he was captured, regretting the mistakes he had made and dreaming of the joys he had known. And over and over he said to himself that he was being punished for no reason. He was guilty(有罪的)of no crime, but he had not been given a chance to explain the events which made him guilty.Then one night the guard who sat outside the prisoners door fell asleep. When he noticed this, the prisoner was struck by a feeling of hope. Perhaps he could steal the keys while the guard was sleeping.Silently the prisoner moved toward the guard. Very gently he lifted the ring of keys from the guards belt. Then he turned and crawled toward the door. Could he work the lock from the inside? The key turned and the door was opened. Within two minutes he had crossed the yard and climbed the wall. Then he ran across the field, free at last, a smile of joy beginning to spread across his face.56The prisoner had a wish .Ato be excusedBto go away freely with his familyCto be a free man in the prisonDto be helped out of the prison57He thought he .Awas not a killerBwas being treated wellChad done nothing wrongDwould be guilty58In the third paragraph, “the prisoner was struck by a feeling of hope” means that Ahe felt hopelessBhe was unable to moveChe kept on hopingDhe was very excitedBAn Englishman was talking with the desk clerk at the New York Hilton.“Here is a riddle.” said the clerk. “My mother gave birth to a child. It was neither my brother nor my sister. Who was it?” “I cant guess.” said the Englishman. “It was me.” Laughed the clerk. “Haw! Haw! Very clever. I must remember that.” said the Englishman with a smile.Later, the Englishman tried the riddle on his friend. “Here is a riddle, my dear. My mother gave birth to a child was neither my brother nor my sister. Who was it? Do you give up?” “Yes. It was the desk clerk at the New York Hilton.”59The answer to the riddle .Aremained unchangedBwas always the sameCwas changeable according to the situationDwould never be changed no matter who made the riddle60When the Englishman tried the riddle on his friend, the correct answer should be .Athe deskBhis brotherCthe Englishman himselfDhis friend61From the passage, we can see that the Englishman thought .Aall the riddles would have the same answerBhis friend could guess the riddleChe was clever enough to remember the riddleDthe riddle would be very interesting62Which one can explain the sentence “Do you give up?”ACan you guess it?BDo you stop it?CDo you think it easy?DCan I give you the answer?63What does the writer want to tell us in this passage?AOnly an interesting and humorous story.BNot all the riddles remain unchanged.CMen should think everything carefully.DRiddles have different answers.CThe custom of playing tricks on friends on April l st is believed to have originated(起源)in France in the middle of the 16th century. Before that time, one calendar was(历法)used throughout Europe. Under this calendar, each new year began on April l st. On that day, people celebrated by exchanging gifts and visiting each other. Then in 1564, King Charles LX of France adopted(采用)a new calendar and ordered that each new year was to begin on January l st. However, while most people followed their kings order, there were some who did not like the idea of the change and refused to accept the New Years Day. These people soon became the butt(目标) of jokes and tricks by their friends and neighbors because they continued to observe April l st as New Years Day. These friends and neighbors sent mock(假的)gifts, invited these people to fake(伪装的)parties, and played tricks on them because they were “April Fools”, people who insisted on their April new Years Day.64In 1564, King Charles IX of France .Adidnt like to celebrate the New Years Day on April l stBdid away with the old calendar and adopted a new oneCrefused to accept the New Years DayDcalled some people “April Fools”65Some people were called “April Fools” because .Athey still wanted to celebrate their New Years Day on April l stBthey liked “April Fools”Cthey played tricks on their friends and neighborsDthey were “April Fools”66From the story we know .A“April Fools” insisted on their New Years Day on JanuaryBpeople were very happy in April Fools DayC“April Fools” hated their French kingDApril Fools Day is a custom of making run of friends67Before the mid 16th century, in April l st, people .Aplayed tricks on others as they likedBcelebrated it as their New Years DayCsent presents to their kingDinvited these people to take partiesDThomas Jefferson was the first president to take office in the new city, it was already familia to President Jefferson. In fact, Jefferson had helped plan the capitals streets and public buildings. Besides being a city planner, the new President was a writer, a scientist, and the inventor of several tools.Jefferson moved into the Presidential Palace after he took office. The Palace was more than a home, it had offices for the President and some other men of the government. It also had dining and reception rooms, where the President could receive his guests. However, president Jefferson did not give many formal(正式的)parties. This was partly because there was no First Lady; his wife died in 1782. It was also because Jefferson liked to live in a simple way. He once showed up for an important meeting wearing old clothes and worn slippers! Neither Washing nor Adams would ever have dressed like that.Jefferson was different from the first two Presidents in other ways, too. He didnt agree with them about how the country should be run, and about what part a President should play in running it.68President Jefferson didnt give many formal parties mainly because .Ahe liked to live in a simple wayBhe didnt like to dress up for partiesChe had no wife thenDboth A and B69First lady is what one calls the of the U. S.Awife of PresidentBwoman PresidentCfirst wife of PresidentDfirst President70From the passage we know that was the second president of the United States.AWashingtonBAdamsCJeffersonDLincoln.71Jefferson was different from Washington .Ain one or two waysBin every wayCin many waysDin preparing partiesEIn order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must be able to understand the language when we hear it spoken. Suddenly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, correctly, with confidence and without hesitation. Thirdly, we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to compose sentences that are grammatically correct. We must know how to arrange sentences in paragraphs, so as to write good letter or composition.There is no easy way to success in language learning. A good memory is a great help, but it is not enough simply to memorize rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and their meanings.We must learn words not by themselves, but in sentences.We must learn by using the language. “learn through use” is a good piece of advice for those who are studying a new language. Practice is very important. We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.72The passage tells us .Ato learn a foreign languageBthat four things are necessary in learning a foreign languageCto practise more in learning foreign languagesDThe importance of foreign languages.73The word “confidence” here probably means: .AuseBeyesCneedDno questions74The writer advises us to .Aread moreBspeak moreCspeak more and write moreDuse a dictionary75Words should be learned Ain a dictionaryBin a textbookCin a sentenceDin a good grammar book第卷(共35分)第一节 短文改错(每小题1分,共10分)There was a lady who proud of her house, because76. It was always clean and tidy. But some day when she77. was sweeping the floor, she suddenly found a mouse.78. This made her quite upset, and she decided not let79. anyone knew about it, for she always told others that80. mouse could be found only in dirty houses. Immediately81. she told her seven years old son to buy a mouse trap82. in the shop. When he went to home, a neighbor asked83. why bought a mouse trap. Her son answered, “My mother84. told me not to tell anyone what she was used for!”85. 第二节 书面表达(共25分)美国教育代表团前来你校参观,问及有关“希望工程”,请你简单介绍一下。11989年10月“希望工程”在全国启动,目的是救助贫困地区儿童上学。2从政府官员、企业家到普通百姓都积极捐款。从1989年到1997年底的八年间,共筹款12.57亿元;资助184.7万失学儿童;兴建5256所希望小学;对数千名希望小学的教师进行了培训。3希望工程还将继续改善贫困地区的办学条件,促进(promote)中国教育的发展。Test 13 (Units14senior ) 听力材料听第一段对话,回答第1题M: Do you mind if I leave 15 minutes early this afternoon?W: No, I dont mind. Go ahead.M: Thanks.听第二段对话,回答第2题M: There was a lot of rain last night. Did you hear the wind?W: Thats why I couldnt sleep. The wind was so strong.听第三段对话,回答第3题W: What does your wife do in her spare time?M: Well, she goes to the cinema every two weeks and to the theatre once a week.听第四段对话,回答第4题M: Hi, Susan. I ve come to say good bye.W: When are you off?M: Im flying home on Sunday afternoon.W: Well, good bye. See you soon.听第五段对话,回答第5题W: Would you prefer to cut the lawn or take care of the kids while I cut it?M: Ill do the lawn.W: So you dont like taking care of the kids?M: Not at all. You know I love OK, so I do enjoy cutting the lawn.听第六段材料,回答第11、12、13三个小题M: Mum, will you talk to Dad for me?W: Whats the problem?M: Last week he said I could use his car at the weekend but now he wont let me after all. I need it to get to the match I m playing on Sunday.W: OK. Ill try to make him change his mind. I expect hell agree when I explain.听第七段材料,回答第11、12、13三个小题M: Julie, Johns asked me to talk to you.W: I dont want to speak to him.M: Look, Julie, Johns really upset.W: Im upset, too.M: Will you just let me tell you his side of the story?W: Im not interested. He promised to meet me at the restaurant, but he didnt turn up. I dont want to see him again.M: But, Julie, his car had broken down.W: So? There is a telephone in the restaurant.M: But thats the point. He tried to phone, but he couldnt get through.W: I dont believe he tried.M: Yes, he did. He came to my flat. Do you believe me?W: OK. Ill talk to him. Listen, Im going to be late for work. Ill meet him at six oclock in the square.M: Thanks, Julie. Hell be really happy. And I promise hell be there.听第八段材料,回答第11、12、13三个小题Mr. Smith is an old man. He lives on his own. He has a dog and a small car. He likes playing cards. Yesterday afternoon be played cards for three hours in his friends house. It was getting dark, so he left there in a hurry and jumped into a car. His dog followed him, but it didnt jump into the same car. It jumped into another one. “Come here! What a fool!” Mr. Smith shouted at it. But the dog still stayed there. Mr. Smith wanted to start the car, but the key didnt turn. Then he looked at the car again. It was not his. He was in the wrong car! And the dog was in the right one. Mr. Smith laughed.听第九段材料,回答第14、15、16、17四个小题On May 29,1973, Thomas Bradley, a black man, was elected mayor of Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the third largest city in the United States, with a population of three million. About sixteen percent of the citys population are black.News of this election appeared on the front pages of newspapers everywhere in the United States. Bradley called his victory “the fulfillment of a dream”. During his youth and childhood people had kept telling him, “You cant do this; you cant go there, because youre a Negro.” Nevertheless he had won a decisive victory over a man who had been the citys mayor for three terms. Bradley had won 56.3 percent of the votes.Los Angeles voters have had many opportu

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